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You have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sure you're a nice person. That's already so much better than a lot of people I know who seem like they have everything going for them but are small-minded assholes who treat people like shit if they think they're beneath them. Please give yourself more credit. I'm also chronically depressed and have frequent non-suicidal thoughts about how I'd be ok with not existing. But some things in life make me want to stick around (mostly cats, the kind/genuine/inspiring people I meet, and hobbies I'm passionate about like music). Hit up volunteering events? Lots of cool people meet up that way and it's a good way to make your problems seem smaller. It's really hard, and sometimes feels impossible, to find the energy and inertia to even try to improve life when you're depressed, but if you can manage to get the ball rolling, I found it gets easier.


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What brings you so much unhappiness? My guess (just because it is true for most) is being alone. Folks usually think they are depressed because they don't have money or this object or this fab. life like this famous person. That is always wrong. The reason most folks who feel sad/ depressed is because at the root is they are alone (really or just feel it). The feel displaced from society. So if that is you what do you do about it? Easy to say go find someone. If that was the case no one would ever be alone. So not so easy. First... Go seek medical care. Talking to a professional mental health expert will help you. Second... Do things to help yourself. Try volunteering. Giving back to society to those less fortunate then you makes many (not all) feel better about their own life. Try getting a pet, i.e. dog. It is great because dogs are ALWAYS affectionate. They will give you company. They will force you to go outside and interact with the outside world. Just having one puts you in a whole new world of dog owners and dog park folks where you can meet others. Try picking up a new physical hobby. Think indoor rock climbing. That will force you to push your emotions and thoughts into something more constructive. Just some thoughts. p.s. Nothing above is professional advice.


If you kill yourself now, you might miss something good. If you wait till you're naturally die, atleast you can die without regret, being sure you haven't missed anything good. That's what's keeping me alive.


Life is just like listening to the radio, if you don't like the channel then make a change. You have the power to seek professional help and get better. Stop feeling helpless and do something to better your situation. Start with therapy and go from there. I did it and so can you. I used to be a lot like you, but I got help and it made all the difference.


Most people don't realize just how much courage it actually takes to make that last step. There are MANY things to consider before you do. I can't talk you out of anything, all I can do is ask you to think. No... Not about others, but about yourself. That's the only person that really matters in your life.


Not sure of your problems. It's difficult to change them but as long as you're alive you can always change your situation one at a time. If you're getting paid little you can take out loans and go to school for trade school or nursing. If you feel alone, there's tons of people who also feel alone and need companionship. I definitely suffer on a daily basis. Slowly, I just need to take a few minutes to regroup and center myself. I miss friends who have died, I hate the mistakes I've made that I can't just go back in time and take back. I hate that I can't just go back in time and keep the people I've lost whether through dumb mistakes or just they died. Life continues. I can't say life will be better or worse. I can say though with some certainty that many times you get what you work hard for.