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I feel like it's simply a part of who you are if you don't feel any attraction and don't have a desire to date, and of course that's valid. I can still understand how you might feel more nervous talking to boys than to girls. I'm sure your old school gave you a lasting impression of boys that probably made you less than comfortable talking to them. Also, I think separating boys from girls like that has a way of amplifying gender stereotypes within each group, stifling a greater variety of human expression. I wouldn't be surprised if you might have gotten along better with some of the boys if they weren't so restricted by their peers in their individual expression.


Wait, so just so I understand. You think identifying people as a woman or man is *checks notes* "amplifying gender stereotypes"?


Heres an article called "Psychologists find that gender-segregation linked to gender bias." "According to Bigler, separation by gender perpetuates the stereotypes that women are warm and gentle while men are strong, stoic leaders. In reality, traits and behaviors exhibit highly overlapping distributions between men and women." https://thedailytexan.com/2016/09/20/psychologists-find-that-gender-segregation-linked-to-gender-bias/


No. Your environment can't change your sexuality. It's okay to be attracted to whatever gender, or none of them. It's okay. 


no, it's you. yes, outside sources can make it harder or easier to be a certain way, it will not change you unless you let it. such as if I went to a all boy school and they spent everyday telling me they love me trying be my boyfriend and kiss me? it will not make me like boy's or allow it. it may make it harder for me to meet girls or go on dates but I won't love men and wish they where around more when I'm out school nor would it make it harder for me to talk to girls beyond the normal fear of meeting new people and rejection. the nervousness you feel is social awkwardness it why it good we interact as kids as it helps us grow and it hurts sheltered kids live in the world when they have to face the world. it why some people can push past anything with indifference, where others go please help me or do nothing lost to how to move forward. also keep in mind we all sexually matured differently, yes thier is people who don't want sex, don't care about love and die happy, just as thier others that can't go a day without someone with them or they feel broken. find yourself and embrace who you are, then if you want someone else in your life, set goals to achieve that while also setting goals to live and one day retire. we often lose are self to everyday life forgetting thier still tomorrow, so always plan for a new day even if today not the best.


Yes, early experiences have a huge impact. Being segregated from any demographic will effect the way you interact with them.


Is there any evidence that this affects sexual orientation?


No, given that sexuality is usually an innate-type of thing. Something that you’re just born with (like Lady Gaga said). It’s also unlikely that this is an issue with OPS sexuality, other than asexuality but that also has no environmental evidence (besides personal choice/trauma). More so a social-cultural issue.


Yeah. I looked and I agree with you.