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> “yeah i’m a munch LOL i’ll keep my plate if you bring me a box so i can keep MUNCHING.” my head was in my hands at this point...... Sorry, it went over my head.  Could you please explain why it's funny.  Thanks.




Support for munchers! Haha I use this phrase EVERY DAY and never been called out for it. Most of our food comes with a side of fries. People will finish the entree and then slowly “munch” on the fries. As I’m clearing tables I’ll ask if they’re all done or still munching. Dear lord do I need to brace myself for an embarrassing moment now??


Only if you are addressing Zoomers


Omg! I use this word on the daily. I will never use this word the same. I do work in two upscale restaurants, so it’s few and far between that I would get kids or anyone to make a deal of it, but ima start giggling 🤭, hopefully in my head, when I use this word.


As a younger Gen X, I had to have my Gen Z broworker/mentee explain this to me. I love the work relationship we have. I mentor him on work stuff and he teaches this "boomer" the Gen Z stuff.


Ah.  Thanks.  


I’ve never heard it either


Probably got it from their dads who likely watched Beavis and Butthead in the 90’s


It's because of Ice Spice


No, this has nothing to do with Beavis and Butthead.


Well, if you use urban dictionary as your go to source for word meanings, then everything has a fun meaning


dawg it was a group of teenage boys giggling because THEY were referencing pop culture. i just so happen to not live under a rock. live a little


I know! The best part of urban dictionary? Searching for your name preceded by “dirty”. I was just trying to be cheesy.


Well that's a new one.


I didn’t know this. I feel ancient.


"box" is also a euphemism.... (Or at least it was)




I don’t know why teenage boys are pretty much 60% soda by the time they leave a restaurant, but I’m glad they tipped well! From my experience, and I can’t be the only one that has this happen, but almost every time I greet a group of teenage boys (whether it’s at my restaurant job or retail job) they all look at each other wide-eyed like “who’s gonna say something first?” And they all break out into that laughter that sounds like “huhuhuheuheuheuhuhuh”


Cotton mouth from smoking weed.


Or just parents not letting them drink a ton of soda around the house so they fill up at the restaurant.


Well. Sodas have gotten stupid expensive at home, 12 pack for $10. Most people that chug sodas when going out to eat, want those sodas to curb the sweet craving and cotton mouth; before they stuff their face.




Welcome to vape pens. You can't smell shit.


I remember when I was a 12yo boy or so and went with a big group to this family style restaurant that specialized in fried chicken. I asked the waitress “how are your breasts?” and that was pretty much the end of any attempt at a nice meal I was legit asking about the chicken


Ok Michael Scott


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Teens/early 20s and metal heads are almost always the best tippers imo. Can't judge a book by its cover. Idk when things changed bc 10years ago I dreaded teens but they must've come to some kind of agreement about servers bc they're the bomb 😆


Yes sometimes it's shocking 😲! You expect nothing and then they hook you up. In this industry I have learned to Never judge a book by its cover. I have had people that look homeless tip better then judges and lawyers in thousand dollar suits.


i try not to lean into customer stereotypes when it comes to tips, but in all fairness a lot of them are true for where i work because it’s both a tourist town but also the downtown area of a large residential area, also in the south. i’ve had similar tables like them so the nice tip definitely caught me off guard and was a nice surprise ending to it all


hah yes. i was at the front getting my table some boxes and stuff yesterday for my table (mom dad kid) and the dad got a good laugh when i referred to the to-go drinks as "road sodas". he looked like an old metalhead type of dude. 40% tip. he was like " road sodas. haven't heard that one in a while" the 19 year old girl i was working with asked what that meant. is that an old person saying? made me feel old lol


I don’t think it’s an old person saying. Like road beers? “One for the road?” Lol. I am 29 though, so unless you count that as old (it’s not >_>), then I think she probably just hasn’t heard it before because 19 is so *young*


After a punk/hardcore show, my friends I are usually pretty goofy from a mix of dehydration, adrenaline, and penjamin hits. But rest assured, they're going to get a 25% from me. Cause nothing's more special than post-show IHOP or Denny's.


My thoughts as a metal head server is that we're often times the underdog, looked down on, judged unfairly and the people who go through the same stuff tip well as an act of solidarity.


You hit the nail on the head here. As a punk server, here's to making sure our fellow servers see us and know that we see them as people :)


Literally the only time I go to IHOP is because there's one right behind my favorite venue in Seattle 🖤🖤🤣😂


Yup I agree 100% Had a table of teen girls tonight who were so wonderful and tipped hella generously


They are always crazy appreciative and they say "appreciate you" instead of I appreciate THAT. They often times try to help...you can see the wheels turning of four 19yr old engineer students trying to find the most convenient way to stack them for you. That's what keeps me coming back 😀


That’s not been my experience, especially with the prom/homecoming/school dance crowds. Occasionally there’ll be a good group of teens, often ones that are servers who tip well.


That was definitely the case for me as well like 7 years ago. I managed a restaurant VERY close to a high-school and every employee dreaded prom/homecoming night bc u were going to get more refills than you thought possible by kids that left u chump change and a mess but for me it's gotten better and better over time. This homecoming I had a young couple come in and they were asking the price of different desserts (I think customers should be able to see the price of everything without having to ask) and I thought "well I'm not getting tipped but hopefully they have enough to cover the meal" when I took the check over I'd saw they'd ALREADY set aside a $20 for me before even thinking about dessert. Like they wouldn't have gotten the cake if it cut into my $20. Their check was only like $62 Not giving me a great tip was never in their mind. Before they could set the check and money down I told them that another customer appriached me and said they looked amazing and took care of the bill. I was the customer 😉 such sweet kids




I get the extreme ends of tipping from teens. Some teens (usually couples) don’t tip AT ALL. Then the groups of teenage boys are pretty good tippers so far as I’ve seen. My metalhead boyfriend always tips at least 20% whenever we go out, so can confirm the metalhead thing, at least one anecdotal example lol 😆


That's a real boner of an exchange that they fingered you on. Don't be too hard-on yourself, no need to take more of a pounding over it than necessary.


good lord




That's what she said


That’s some funny stuff.. Box could have meant anything other than a to go container as well.. At least you made them laugh and they made you laugh as awkward as it might have been and, I bet they’ll tell that story well into their 50’s


Stoned as fuck and you made them laugh.


Today I accidentally basically called a woman a GILF and the couple and I were cracking up hahaha these things happen! (They’re a regular couple & I loooove them but still I typically try to keep somewhat of an air of professionalism lol)


Gen X here. I thought "munch" was short for assmunch. Wrong door, I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️. Teenage boys were always the best to wait on. Back in the day, the D&D kids were the best on late night. One full coffee pot on a towel, in the middle of the table, next to a full pitcher of Mountain Dew, or Coke, keep an eye on those, and the tip would always be good! I miss those days!


I know why you used the word munch. Pedo much?


teenagers tend to tip rlly well or rlly badly for the same reasons - they dont fully understand money yet and/or are spending their parents money and dont wanna give change back - they know servers do a lot (but sometimes think we get paid well for it)


I’ll take a table of only teenage boys or only teenage girls. Whenever I have a table that’s mixed or a table of just a couple… That’s what disaster rig. I really like having tables of boys, we really funny and usually too afraid to act up.