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A bunch of number crunchers seem to think a Q playstyle is better than using his CA.


If you walk cancel IIRC


Depends on the team comp and playstyle. Burst seems better for main dps Sethos. I prefer CA quickswap with teams like Tighnari.


How does Quickswap with Tighnari work? When do you swap out from Tighnari to Sethos?


I use Yae-Baizhu-Tighnari-Sethos Start with off field support (Yae E, Baizhu EQ) Tighnari Q, E, CAx3, swap to Sethos CA E CAx3 At this point you can either swap back to Tighnari and skill into more charged attacks or refresh off field support abilities. Fischl is great in this team too and Kirara or Zhongli are great alternatives to Baizhu. I much prefer some interruption resistance and comfort over units like Nahida.


bruh you need to E -> CA -> Q -> CAx2 on Tighnari you are wasting his A2.


Thanks! Sorry I had just built him recently too ^^’


Shouldn't you Q after shooting all three?


as far as I'm aware CA and Burst NA are both possible playstyles but neither is inherently better than the other


All calcs show that even at C6, where his constellations mostly buff his CA play style, his ult play style is still about 20% more damage per rotation in his best teams than the CA one. The CA one is certainly viable with decent investment, but his ult play style is pretty objectively more damage


I believe the calcs I saw said that, at C0, burst was about 60% better. May be updates thoughts


I prefer his burst because I'm not a fan of aiming


I never use his burst


I heard that his ult does alot more damage compared to the CA playstyle. Especially when you walk cancel. (2NAs, walk forward) In my opinion both playstyles are great. It just depends on the situation.


unless you have his C6, you can't really use too many CA


No clue why buddy is being downvoted lol CA playstyle is suboptimal depending on the situation. Q playstyle is far more comfortable with most comps and you need a specific team for constantly refilling your energy. My hot take however, is weaving in CA and using Q when the wave calls for it. Using CA to execute a few enemies is the best way to play him. If you're playing him with Fischl Aggravate, you might as well use his Q from time to time because the CA playstyle has the same build as Q playstyle anyway.


I always use his Q. Unless the enemy has a shield then I use some charged attacks. Do note that both playstyles are focused on ‘charged attack damage’ so whatever buffer that comes in that buffs charged attacks will work for both his playstyles. I could see a support coming in that can use her ult to fill a characters ult bar. Kinda like tingyun but for genshin.


I prefer his burst because I'm not a fan of aiming


I tried CA playstlye and it’s fun hitting bigger numbers, but I just like his burst play style more and doing a little less dmg but a lot more times.


If you're talking about DPS, his Burst playstyle is always better than CA.