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I've never had one but I'm so proud of you! Congratulations 🎊


Thank you 🙂 I forgot to mention that this was just today.


Congrats, OP! 🥰 I don't even remember how my first few kisses felt physically. I was just so overcome with "oh my god it's happening!!!!!" and then it was over. :''') It took some time and experience for me to start to relax and enjoy kissing


Mine was real awkward. I didn’t really know what to do or how to do it. So it ended up being an awkward peck. Took me way longer than I’d like to admit to start using tongue. 😅 the thought of someone else’s tongue in my mouth really freaked me tf out.


Really special. We really liked each other and had been friends for a long time. He had a heart condition and passed out after we kissed. I had his head on my lap for a couple of seconds til he came to, then we made out some more. We also confessed our feelings to each other haha. It was super cute.


Awww, that's wonderful


This is such a cute post. Happy for you OP, I'm glad it went well and you have another date!


Massively awkward and sloppy. I was in a word. Horrifically bad. And highly emotional at the time didn’t make it better. I’d rather bury the memory entirely. Edit: It got better as I got older tho! Just… the first was… really REALLY bad lol…


Sooooo awkward. Teeth.


Pretty anticlimactic. She took me from the cafeteria, we went to the arts wing of the school and it happened. It was like the first week of the relationship and even I nearly expressed that it was anticlimactic I was like 15


Congrats! Thats awesome! Mine was awkward. I technically lost my virginity before I had my first kiss. Because they said they weren’t sure if they wanted to kiss (hadn’t had sex with anyone in 4 years so they were nervous but initiated and wanted to try again) and as things went on they pulled my face to theirs and I sloppily kissed back and basically swallowed their mouth 😂


I'm 23 and still haven't had it.


Not sure. It was many years ago and we were both little kids at the time


Don't remember :)


Had a PTSD attack and unrepressed some childhood trauma 😵‍💫 Fortunately my boyfriend was incredible and there for me through the whole thing, and now I love kissing him


Very awkward but sweet. I missed his lips the first time and he asked if I wanted to try that again


I was 16 and we were sitting in a recycling dumpster outside a Walmart for privacy, it’s one of my weirdest memories and I’m ashamed of it.


I remember my 1st kiss fondly. I was ready for it, but I believe she was way ahead of me. We were both in the 8th grade. She lived close to school, unlike me, that had to bus it home. I gathered up the courage to finally ask if I could join her as she walked home. I could not start to describe how I felt when she agreed to meet me that same day after school. As I carried her backpack, walking right next to her, I'm not going to lie, I was nervous trying to keep my clamy hands dry.We got close to a Y.M.C.A. that was a few blocks away from her home. For a moment, I thought it was not going to happen, but then I felt her grab my hand and pull me to a spot behind the building and away from moving traffic. She pressed against me as I gently turned her against the wall. We stared at one another for a few seconds and silently agreed on the real reason we were both there at that moment. I gently planted a slow, off centered, moist peck, making sure I bit her upper lip, pulling on it just enough to set her off. She immediately turned me around and proceeded to tongue wrestle me for a full 10 minutes. We both were out of breath, so we took a few minutes to regain ourselves and reposition our clothing. I clearly remembered her giving me another kiss, wiping her strawberry flavored lipstick off my lips and telling me that I was a great kisser. I missed the bus and had to walk around 5 miles back home, but I didn't care. I could feel the grin on my face and the soreness of my jaw. I could've walked 20 o r5 more with that newly aquired chip I had on my shoulder. I considered myself lucky I was able to conquer that feat before my freshman year in high school. That took place back in Texas in 1988. We moved to California the year after that. Those days were obviously different, those slick moves I had picked up staying up and sneaking in some late night Cinemax, A.K.A."Skin-emax." If someone offered me the opportunity of a re-do, I would not change onw thing. This happened 36 years ago, and I can still remember it, like if it was yesterday.👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨