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Please read the post: [New Victims: Please read first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/n4yorq/new_victims_please_read_first/) WARNING...Beware of recovery scammers: It is likely that you will be contacted by a "recovery scammer". These parasites will try to convince you that they can "hack" the scammer and remove your files from their devices. It's a scam. Please report any of their comments by using the report button (it's hidden under the "..." option). If you receive a DM, please take a screenshot and forward it to the mod team. Stay safe *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sextortion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey block them delete all socials never pay them they will ask more talk to someone and you are a minor you are protected by the law


I already sent them money stupidly enough, but the bank have said they might be able to sort it out aswell I’ve blocked them and phoned the police already I’m just really scared they actually leak the photos


they said all they want is the money they said in some cases they don't because they said it is time consuming to post your nudes


He’s now saying he doesn’t want money just wants me to reply, but I’m too scared to


Don't reply block remove all contacts they want victims who respond in fear the mental battle is the hardest but you are stronger ask help from people you trust


Ok I’ve blocked them now my mum has been helping me out with it, but the fact they are able to get ahold of me now without Instagram is terrifying


May I ask how did they got your information did you have followers of your IG account or how did they get your phone number ?


I’m not sure how he got my number it shouldn’t of been on my socials maybe he seen my email in a screenshot


Did the scammer have lots of followers ?


200 + following and followers


y you're not alone I'm pretty sure the scammer has scam some other people and those other people are reporting them to


I hope so. At the end of the day it could be worse my face isn’t even in the pic lol thanks a lot dude you’ve helped me out big time


This is the beauty of humanity helping each other report the scammer in scamssurvivor.com write all the useful information of the scammer


Ok I will do thank you


Report it to scamsurvivors.com I recently saw there Website report the scammer


They’ve just managed to text me this is getting worse I don’t know what to do


Block them and do NOT text and email them. They can't post your pics because they will be banned and blocked on the site. They then prove to the authorities they are sextortionists. IGNORE them!


Ok thanks I blocked them before and haven’t heard anything since hopefully that’s the last of it


Stay on guard and stay alert!


If they are texting via iMessage, just disable it for a while (settings -> messages -> slide iMessage off). That will limit them to SMS only, which costs them money and allows you to block all the numbers that they use until they run out. Also think of all other communication channels that they know about and shut them all down. Deactivate or delete all social media accounts, uninstall all texting apps. Don't allow them to communicate with you at all. They are going to be persistent since you paid, but they will eventually stop wasting their time.


Ok thank you! I’ve figured it out since I sent them a screenshot of the Apple gift card code they wanted it had my email in the back ground which I was too nervous to even notice, but they shouldn’t have access to anything else


It always surprises me that people are asking questions here AFTER they paid the scammer money. Ignore everything and block all their numbers, when you pay them, you are an easy target for them and they’ll demand more money. They won’t post the pictures as there is no point for them, it’s all about the threats for them.


The main I asked was to see how probable it is they actually post the pictures I just needed that reassurance


Many times they won’t do it, they can also fake posting the pictures. Just block everything they try and they will go find other victims unfortunately.




How did you send them the money?


They wanted gift card codes


Ahh then its pretty impossible to get it back, just curios what kind?


Apple gift cards


I wonder what they would even do with those


I was thinking the same. Surely there isn’t much they can do with them unless they sell them cheap to gain actual money 🤷‍♂️


Clash of clans addicts🤣


Haha wouldn’t surprise me 🤣


How it wasnt alot of money