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I’m a college graphic design teacher. I don’t draw a lot of illustrations, but I tell my students that they need to use reference imagery. You absolutely can get to the point you don’t need it, but it takes a lot of practice drawing anatomy in dynamic poses to get the skill to do that. Shad’s old example drawings are all very static poses, so he never really has practiced much fore-shortening and atypical poses. The one in this illustration is so screwy it’s laughable. This is the kind of drawing I see from sophomore high school students. If he could drop the absurd amount of hubris and actually practice his poses, he could improve, but his trashy attitude towards actual artists is not going to win anyone over.


He admited that hates drawing. Like images but hates "the work" to get there.


And yes, those are my hands. I'm putting it up on my fridge because it's a delight to look at.


It looks lovely. Look at that overly cartoonish expression on her face. Look at how her spine is snapped in two. Truly a pinnacle of atomical expression.


Her anatomy is absurdly bad. Her fingers don't make sense when you zoom on them. Her skirt is disjointed at parts and is stuck on top of her crotch crudely by the AI to keep the image from becoming nsfw. And I don't even have an "artistic eye" for details!


You can use it as a motivator to no draw something that looks like that and think is good. Maybe Rob Lifield would think it good but, is a big maybe.


I just noticed this girl’s left hand has six fingers. lol. lmao.


Btw this is the same garbage artwork being discussed in Shadiversity for hours. Most of them were against it as you'd expect.


3 diferent posts about it, and this seems to be the breaking point for alot of usual shad watchers. Even they admit that shad is just ranting at this point and calling him discount jazza, which must hurt alot.


Jazza at home


a good one i saw was "Dollar store Jazza"


He doesn't get it that continuing to push these stuff will only lead more people to compare him with his brother. If he'd just stick to writing or swords no one would be calling him these things!


He is a moderator now, his mind must be taking a beatting.


These acts are embarrassing. This is why he's become a lolcow. It's not ShadWatch trying to turn him into one as superlawyer thinks!


This is the most aggressively 90's character design I've ever seen. Needs more pouches though


very Rob Leifield.


I hadn't seen the whole thing. Thanks! I hate it more. I ranted on it in another thread but can now add to it. Seeing the swing more in full the effects don't feel like they line up with the blade. Neither looks like it lines up with the actual cut. And the style its going for looks like it should have the blood arcing more to convey the momentum. The dragons style also doesn't seem the same as the girl, and neither of them seem the same as the background. The expression of the dragon also feels really flat to me. It looks already dead as opposed to stopped mid speaking or snarl. If I had to guess. Dragonius here just wanted to wave at Ai-chan. That's what it's pose looks like. And this psycho murdered him for no reason. Probably is from another country or dimension given the artstyle difference too. So Ai-chan here is racist as well.


Yeah focus choices and art style don't match imo. Her skirt is just embarrassing, so is her anatomy!


And Shad said anatomy is one of his strengths...


Yeah, he shouldn't have publicly posted it. Imagine putting a few hours into this!


I feel like he always puts "hyper realism" in his prompt. But that doesn't work with the fabric he wants. It's a slapped on texture that ends up looking incredibly flat instead


I wouldn't call this "hyper realism" or "realism" at all. One look at it shows it is clearly the AI trying to go for a very stylistic approach, or if it is the AI trying to depict realism then it is an utter fail.


I don't think it is either to be fair lol. I just feel like that's what was put into the prompt. It seems to be the "style" he favors.


Spines don't work like that, last time I checked. Also her thigh and head are both larger than her waist lol. How does he actually think this looks good? It's veering into delusion with this.


There's actually a [good discussion] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Shadiversity/comments/17tyefm/art_community_vs_shad/) going on in the r/shadiversity sub. There's the usual 'devout followers', most are having reasonable discussion. At the end of the day, I guarantee everyone wouldn't needle him so hard about it if he didn't have an awful attitude about it, showing disdain for artists who don't use AI and those who criticise his work without simultaneously fellating him. As well as the general baiting for negative responses.


Shame half of us probably can't engage in the discussion. Thread will probably get hidden within a day. And a few choice users will get banned or posts removed. It's frustrating cause even if the sub does get traction, it's usually something the sub will shut down.


**Technically:** Absolutely shoddy anatomy work. Embarrassing. Her legs do not come together at the base of her pelvis. Her left hand has six fingers. My drawings admittedly probably look worse than that but fuck it, *I at least drew them with my own hands and don’t get high off the fumes of my own flatulence just so I can pretend it’s better than it is.* **Conceptually:** Trite and uninspired. I’m honestly trying to think of any plot to this that isn’t trite and uninspired and…honestly I’m coming up blank. **Compositionally:** I *think* this is a museum? I don’t know! It looks like a generic building with no character, no imagination, and no effort. Where are the citizens fleeing in terror? Where are the other ruined exhibits? **Overall:** I like to think I’ve gotten very good at spotting AI art. Most of it looks..*fineish* until you take time to really *look* at it. Shad’s art doesn’t even offer that. **Conclusion:** He did not cook. He didn’t even do the equivalent of a microwave TV dinner.