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Honestly, I think this is the best move on his part, I know it sounds weird, but let me explain: Episode 5 of The Acolyte was the most well received so far, even people hating on it and grifters toned down the hate a little to say a couple of positive things about it. One of the few who didn't was Shad, so, what other choice did he have if not doubling down on the hate and hope to get some views with it while at it?


I mean he himself has admitted his channel is dying so sensationalist content is basically his only chance at salvaging his crumbling career


Well an option would have been toning down the hate and/or saying he exaggerated, but well, Shad is Shad.


For worse , shad is shad.


I know we have a post about his Fight Scene Autopsy but his reason expressed in this tweet comes across extremely petty and childish. His recent twitter feed is a totally whine fest of people liking episode 5. He hasn't whined about the other episodes on twitter before this.


Tbh, if you wanted a good breakdown, there was a Stuntmen Reacts which probably would do a better job.


[it doesn’t feature episode 5, but sellsword arts (shad’s ultimate enemy lmao) has a good breakdown of the fight scenes](https://youtu.be/BwLpW0QF2DU?si=m8T1ARTI-l8gIiza)


I'm out of the loop, why is sellsword arts shad's ultimate enemy?


Basically Shad tried to make sellsword look bad by using out of context footage and threw a tantrum when David showed how it was out of context. Shad then made a 40 minute video about David’s 5 minute rebuttal.


Wow, what a loser 😆


Link to sellsword's response vid plz?


I would like to see these


Yeah. He's not exactly wrong as that fight certainly has quite a few messy moments, but it's certainly better than a vast majority of the fights we've had from Disney in a while.


That isn't really praise lol, given how fucking awful they are if you actually pay attention to more then just the fancy lights and quick movement


What quick movement lol




Yeah I don’t think it’s really a dunk to say “if you slow this down it looks bad”, that’s true of most action scenes, and all lightsaber battles.


If you think Disney Star wars is bad, then you should see how bad the fighting was in the original trilogy and the prequels.


You mean the Star Wars stuff?


Yeah, it wasn't meant to be. Disney movies have been pretty garbage when it comes to combat action lately. I was just pointing at the broken clock being right this time.


It's not even right, it's just less wrong then before lol. From what I've seen it's kind of decent until they try to hard to look cool and kill the scene, like the fucking headbutt. Just makes me appreciate the prequel fights, because even episode 1 had amazing fights in comparison


Episode 1 have amazing fights, until you look closely at the actual choreography . I watched video years (a decade? ) ago that breaks down all the moves in Qui Gon+ Obi Wan Vs Darth Maul fights. TLDR : if they didn't ' went for theatrics and use realistic efficient moves and techniques instead , the fight would ends faster and a lot more deadly.


HA, I guess it's still 15-30 mins off... Like you mention it's the "trying to look" cool without understanding *why* the highly choreographed fights in the prequel work in hindsight. Surprisingly, the headbutt didn't bother me that much. It looks a little silly, but in my opinion a Sith shouldn't be fighting in a "traditional" sense. Ideally they should be using fear tactics when possible and face tanking a blow would rattle an inexperienced duelist. There are plenty of ways they could have shot that moment that would have looked terrifying rather than like he was getting hit with a wiffle bat. My main complaints were how bad the lightsabers look, combined with the frantic editing, and shot choices making it hard to read the action. I can't really speak on too much of the characters because personally I haven't been able to get into the show, just watched the fight.


It feels like the fights in the hunger games movies, where they use quick cuts and flashy moves to hide how poorly designed the actual fights are


That "(evil grin)" is killing me.


It's like he's self aware he's an asshole hellbent on ruining other's fun.


He’s an asshole bent on ruining others fun, but he is by no means self aware.


Like he's ruining other people's fun.


(looks down shyly and tips fedora) m’lady…why aren’t you in a kitchen or having babies? (Steps closer, huffing and puffing) You aren’t supposed to like d&d or adventure.


(the lady picks up the phone) Hello? HR? Can you dial Ozielands 911?


Would be a pity if somebody looked closer (nuzzles you)


(evil grin) like a 12 year old on tumblr.


They should've listened to perfectionist knowledgeable choreographer Shad. He may have been able to balloon their budget like the only movie he choreographed. I've heard even AAA game studios watch his videos secretly and steal his ideas. 


Everybody knows Shad created perfect choreographies for plenty of movies and shows, so I bet an amazing, knowledgeable master like he, will create banger of a video breaking down every move 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 😂😂😂


> the only movie he choreographed I'm sorry, what?


He was attempting to make a film of his novel. Blew the crowdfunded budget on it almost instantly even though all the people working on it were unpaid volunteers.


That's impressive. I have no idea how he managed to do that.


So, where did the money actually go?


Only thing I can think of is he blew it all on expensive equipment.


Either that or embezzlement yeah


Boy I hope he never watches every other fight scene ever in super slow motion. They’re designed to be watched in real time.


I never understood this obsession with watching fight scenes in slow motion. Obviously you're going to see the details that show yeah, it's not a real fight.


When they have to reach that deep to criticize something it’s hard to take it seriously or as genuine criticism. What it looks like slowed down 100x from how you watch it is irrelevant. These are filmed, the light sabers aren’t real, it only matters how it looks at real speed.


Except many well made fight scenes still work great in slow motion, if not better. The kingsmen church fight only gets better when you slow it down and really see what's going on


I’ve only seen a little bit of that movie. I only remember some fight in a pub. It was fine but used a lot of slowmo then fast forward type shots and quick cuts. Again it doesn’t really matter because you don’t watch movies in super slow motion. You watch it normally. And you could argue if you have tk slow it down to see what’s going on it’s not really effective. Like movies that use so many fast cuts that you don’t even really see the action


Honestly, the prequel fights are laughable if you take a close inspection. The duelers are aiming for each other's lightsaber half the time.


Fighting the blade is a pretty common issue in Star Wars that dates back to the very first lightsaber duel in A New Hope, I’d argue it’s just a common issue in fight choreography generally.


Is safer, though good choreagraphy and camera can disguise it


Yeah I get why it’s done, my point was more that you can’t really say attacking the blade is a prequel problem when the same problem plagues like 80-90% of sword fights in movies and TV


At least in the old movies it was a prop issue. (The lightsabers were fragile enough that there was concern a real fight sequence could have broken them. At least, that's what I heard )


Pretty sure at least in empire and return of the Jedi they were rather sturdy


I know they did get better as time went on- I just remembered hearing that in just the past few days while listening to something about prop design history iirc.


My understanding was that the OT lightsabers were sturdy and the delicateness of the obi wan and Vader duel was more due to Alec Guinness being old and the Vader suit being clumsy as hell


I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a retcon like “Jedi and Sith secretly use the force to steer the opponents blade towards theirs.


I think there was a thing in Legends that basically implied the lightsaber blades are somewhat magnetically attracted to each other. I could be misremembering though.


Yes, but they are badass. So who care


They want it realistic like the olympics, a 2 second bout and both fighters score headshots with their lightsabers.


I just want the equivalent of the Princess bride duel with light savers dammit. Two people going from a serious duel to "oh shit you also kick ass?" And and turning into a friendly, but high stakes, sparring match.


You had 65 year old Alec Guinness fighting Dave Prowse who'd never done a sword scene in his life.


Ya but deleting weapons out of people’s hands in post production because otherwise they would have had an easy back shot is pretty new to Disney Star Wars, among other massive choreography errors.


Please be honest, did you notice that while watching the movie, have you analysed the fight by yourself or did somebody tell you about it? I mean yes, that was bad, but I myself have never noticed it.


I did notice it on a second watch. For me that fight scene as a whole summed up my experience with the movie. It was awesome when I first saw it, but the more I rewatched and thought about ut the less I loved it.


I noticed it myself, but that being said I've been training in martial arts since I was 10, so thats the kind of thing I notice


Which discipline are you trained in?


My brother and I laughed in the theater, if that answers your question.


I don't want to be a dick but I don't think Shad, of all people, should be looking AND reviewing fight scenes just because he had "learn" how to fight with a sword, because in reality he knows nothing about it. This is like if I would talk about particular gun just because I know something about it. This is just stupid.


If you have to watch a fight in slow motion to catch its flaws, than all those flaws are just nitpicks. Every movie fight breaks down when you slow it down.


Every time a YouTube channels does a "deep" analyst of the throne room fight, it signals me not too watch them anymore.e happen with corridor crew and shad is with another red flag


Wait what happened with corridor crew? isn’t their entire channel built around analyzing scenes and breaking down the vfx techniques, and thus by extension the flaws in those scenes?


If I remember they had a stunt guy in and he just hated the Throne room fight. Especially the "filler" movements that people do in the background when they are not involved in the action at that moment - but in other episodes they have breezed past that exact same thing happening so it came off as a little bit of jumping on the hate bandwagon. That's from memory anyway, I stopped watching Corridor when they started leaning way too heavy into AI-generated stuff and saying they "fixed" the faces in Starfield wifh AI.


Yer, more or less. Shit was annoying as hell and I kinda fell out. Then started the shitty AI stuff and I felt vindicated


Ah ok, I’ll have to look into that, I never followed them super closely, so I didn’t know


No one talks about the Last Jedi more than the people that have this bizarre hate boner for it.


Heyo did you know if you remove the sound from the fights in Ip Man and compare the number of times Donny Yen connects with the number of impact sound effects you realize they’re using sound to inflate the impression of how fast he’s moving? It’s true! It also doesn’t matter outside of being an artifact of creating a film scene. Even if you were to film a fight scene with the intention of it being super realistic and gritty and completely devoid of tricky choreography or editing that in itself is still an inherently artificial filmmaking decision.


It was a pretty cool fight scene and by far the best moment in the (so far lukewarm) series.


…For all his whining about this show I *really* hope he stays away from Abigail Thorn (not physically, but in his videos). She’s one of my favorite YouTubers and she has more class and integrity in her little toe’s nail than he has had in his entire existence.


He’s been positive in his House of the Dragon reviews so hopefully he won’t attack her for her role in that show (her character hasn’t appeared yet). I didn’t watch his review of ep3 of the acolyte which she was in.


Right. The guy who got kicked out of all his local HEMA groups is going to do a fight analysis. Okay, then.


The guy who *refused* to join any HEMA club and claimed they were gatekeepers.


That’s hilariously ironic. Though he’s full of it. HEMA people are some of the most accepting people. I just moved to a new city a couple of months ago. I haven’t had time to do sword stuff so I’ve only managed to attend one local HEMA meeting in my new city, but it was so nice. I don’t have much gear right now, haven’t competed properly in any sword stuff in some time, but it was fine. Soon as I introduced myself I had people surrounding me excited to show off their weapons, excited to let me try their weapons, etc. I was also immediately hit by a bunch of advice on where to get decent quality blades for more affordable prices. Great experience. That’s legit always my experience across all sword disciplines I have tried. They’re just weapons nerds who really want to talk about the thing they love. Very wholesome actually. Shad is full of shit as usual.


Let me guess the stunt doubles don't always actually aim to hack into the actor or vice versa. Maybe the good ol style move cause it looks cool in motion. Maybe slow things down to nit pick someone in the background  It's a good move on his end. It's current media and so this can get views. But it's a non fan wanting to fuss over things. Maybe save the actual fight analysis to actual fighters, stunt artists or people who have fun


Same reason that all the melee strikes in LotR hit the extras in the breastplate, where they're best protected. That's the opposite of what you'd really do against an armored opponent, but you don't want to cripple or maim your stunt performers so...


He’s probably mad they arent even using real light sabers because they’re too woke.


It's true. It would be a pity. It's very pitiful.


And Shad’s bona fides for critiquing sword fights? He play fights with his friends in his backyard


The director chose the film speed for a reason. Running the scene at a different speed and arguing that this makes it worse is as spurious as photoshopping every character to be nude and then claiming that a film promotes obscenity.


From what I've heard the throne room fight was alright beyond the vanishing dagger. But I guess that wasn't convenient enough


It wasn't great, there are some weird bits that can be attributed to the actors not getting enough practice time to nail when to do X move. I think there is one or two shots where a guard is supposed to do something, but Rey or Kylo haven't moved, so they pause.


There’s a few others where the “bad guys” clearly go in for a strike on Kylo or Rey that should have connected but realize they’ll actually hit so they either pause weirdly OR iirc they actually turned off one of the blades for a shot or something because it would have clearly cut Rey in two lol


Yeah a guard grapples rey and the blade would've racked across her midsection so when his hand appears on the other side there is no blade.


Overall, yeah, it has a few technical gaffes but show me any other fight scene made of long shots, with minimal stunt doubles, that doesn't. Fight scenes are supposed to tell a story, and it did that quite well.


Translation, "I'm goign to try to justify my predetermined opinion on the mater for however many minutes this video is."


….. What a fucking nerd.


You can do it with pretty much every piece of fight choreography in all of live action SW...


Convinced that these guys simply outgrew their interest innnerdy stuff and live in denial instead of finding new hobbies.


> remember how everyone was praising the throne room fight scene No > but when you looked at it closer it was complete and butter garbage I remember that being consensus from people deliberately trying to dislike the movie, ya > so the acolyte had great fight scenes hey? Ya > would be a pity if someone looked a little closer It would be *mildly obnoxious* if someone were to point out millisecond errors in movement as if any fight scenes in any movie really holds up to that level of scrutiny.


Also, worth noting you can do this with any fight scene in any movie. Hell, in duel of the fates some of the cuts aren't even on the action. They're completely different takes and the actors arms will be in noticeably different places. Does that matter? No. It's fine. But worth noting that the "TLJ fight bad" is operating at a level of scrutiny that 99% of movie fights would also fail under


If you look at it with critical lens, 95% of fight scenes end up stupid. [Sword of The Stranger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xT66YPk0Q5w&t=118s) and LotR included. LotR fight scenes are consistently dumb, especially when uruk hai are involved. Why? Because there is no realistic way to fight multiple opponents for a prolonged time and come out on top, unless you have like, fucking nanomachines, son. Not saying realism can't look good, [it can](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR976PhMbDM), but it's obvious why many choose to prioritize drama over hyperrealistic choreography.


It's also an old ass problem with visual media that people choose to forget once they are already mad. I feel like if someone is approaching a fight scene without willful suspension of disbelief they are choosing to be mad about it, because they refuse to understand that "fighting mechanics" are less important than *storytelling mechanics* if what you are doing is telling a story. If fights were even remotely realistic they wouldn't function within a narrative. That is, unless every fight is short, and a wild scramble. Even the absolute *best* fight choreography I've seen is still very much an obvious performance- a dance of swords instead of an *actual* fight. Because the idea isn't to film someone getting stabbed- it's to convey the concept of a fight. Furthermore, a good fight is almost always a physical stand in for the themes at play in the larger story. Good fight scenes know this and use it to their advantage. The fight itself is a story in microcosm. Which means it's not *at all* going to make sense if you drop your suspension of disbelief. You might as well ask why people start singing in musicals. This kind of "analysis is goofy. Especially in movies that are and have always been, paperclips and shoe strings being a *really good bluff* of emotional storylines like Star Wars. Star Wars is Rule of Cool at its best. And Rule of Cool is quite simply not meant to stand up to in depth analysis. It's "look at this cool shit, doesn't it make you FEEL THINGS?" It was *never* good because the fights scenes were hyper realistic or precise. It was good because it felt amazing to watch. Full stop. So yeah. It's fucking goofy to watch the fight scenes 20 times on slo mo to find every single mistake or weird background character picking his nose. This is obviously not the movie for that.


Can you explain what's wrong with the SotS fight you linked? It's unrealistic in terms of length or athletics, one could argue, but even when watching it in slowmo I couldn't see anything that ever seemed notably illogical or stupid.


I mostly mean the athletics and length. Also, that they constantly run at each other and even do the jump attack.


I don't know if it's fair to call those stupid though. It's already been well established that these characters are capable of such feats, and the entire fight plays out in a logically consistent manner as one could expect in those circumstances. Personally, I'd need things like leaving large gaps the enemy just never attacks into, doing random spinning attacks without first occupying the enemy's blade, Etc, to call something stupid. This is a perfectly reasonable fight just with a setting that doesn't line up with most real ones.


They do needlessly spin around and leave openings, and they fight at a very weird distance and use weird guards and parries.


Ya but the throne room takes goofy to another level with deleting weapons in post production, pulling punches, and weapon interactions that just don’t make sense. None of which are unique to that scene, but the sheer volume is what makes the whole thing so stupid and easy to hate on. That and Ryan’s hubris having convinced himself that pile of trash is a masterpiece movie.


"Easy to hate on" is a thinly-veiled excuse for shitty behavior. I don't fly into a rage every time I see an AT-AT or an AT-ST, even though both are among the worst-designed sci-fi vehicles that can be ammo-racked by a log. From my point of view, it's just as stupid as the throne room fight. I don't know Rian as a person, so I can't, or rather, don't want to, judge him. He made a movie I didn't like, that ain't a sin. And also because I cannot imagine how anyone could co-ordinate so many people at once into a choreography that won't end up looking hilarious on screen.


My bad, didn’t mean to tilt you.


Yes, but you have to remember the fact that no one actually gives a toss about any of that stuff. Fight choreography exists to further story and characterisation, and it well succeeded in both.


Well if that take is not an example of the decline of media literacy in America, I don’t know what is. A lot of people give a toss. Fight choreography does not simply exist to further a plot. There’s many reasons to include a fight. Otherwise there would be no point in any choreography at all. You might as well just say the fight happened off screen and save a few hundred thousand dollars.


Do you think that "story" is the same thing as the plot of the film? If so, I would certainly agree that you are showing the modern decline of media literacy.


Ok, let me adjust my comment accordingly and see if it changes the point. What a twist! It doesn’t! 😱


Dude, first you call Rian out for hubris (a man you don’t actually know) then you throw around the fancy words **wrong**. The word is decline, no usage of *declination* fits the way you’re using it. Likewise, deliberately misunderstanding voiceofkane and throwing in an appeal to extremes. Almost seems like you’re talking out your arse.


Sorry, pilot with autocorrect. I meant decline


“(Evil grin)” just feels disgustingly icky to me. Like the last time I saw someone say that they were grooming kids on discord (I’m not kidding this actually happened I wish I was joking) Edit: spelling, coherence


But will defend the prequel duels.


The only slowed down scene I want from him is one of him getting punched


His breakdown of the throneroom fight was so fucking pedantic. For one thing, he basically believes that if you aren’t bodily endangering your stuntmen in every shot you aren’t doing it right.


Not just the stuntmen, but the actors, and the camera crew too!


"hey guys I swear I hate this show- that's why I'm watching it's fight scenes multiple times so I can analyze them in extreme detail. It's hate! Give me your money!" It's giving "fatshames people in public but is In plus sized ladies dms" energy. ETA twice because my fingers keep hitting wrong keys lol


Medieval YouTubers when they find out knights didn't fight perfectly as described in the treatise


Rule of thumb for stuff like this, if you have to put it on slow motion or zoom in part of it in order for your argument to work, it isn't that much of a problem


the evil grin is so cringe


“If you hyper analyze this scene and don’t treat it like a scene and give a level of scrutiny you aren’t supposed to for a fictional work it’s actually not 100% realistic” wow so insightful


This fatass can't even swing a sword without getting winded, who would take hims seriously?


The Mona Lisa didn't taste very good


Shad has no qualifications to be talking about fight scenes, he's probably not fit enough to even be in one himself as a particpant, let alone a trainer.


I think it's fair game if he wants to analyze the fight. It did feel a bit wonky a few places.


I don't judge fight choreography until Jill Bearup does a video on it. You know, someone actually trained in fight choreography. Always has some great insights.


Just a heads up Jill Bearup is also a bit of a yikes like shad I did use to watch her but then some of her views surfaced. Shes a vicious transphobe and when asked by tom scott whether she still held those views she doubled down.


Oof, thanks for the heads up. That's disappointing.


Tom Scott once did a collaboration with Jill Bearup where they did an an epicly choreographed fight between the two. Then Tom found out (though his viewers ) that Jill Bearup is a hardcore TERF and had to delete the video and walk back his involvement with her.


That's disappointing. Thanks for the insight, hadn't heard that before.


Who is this cunt?


With all the acolyte discourse going around I’ve been purposely ignoring it and the show, but I gotta ask is Acolyte good?


There is more that I like than dislike. However It's not built for week to week viewing. It has the problem a lot of prestige streaming shows have were there are more episodes than story and it doesn't use that extra time well for more character development. There are some editing choices I disagree with. And some minor misdirection that I thought was a mistake >! Teasing a Wookie Jedi fight and then killing him off screen was to borrow a pro wrestling term, just bad booking. !< However, it has some of the best fights I have seen in Star Wars. Mixing Samurai and Wushu together was a great idea.The primary antagonist of the story is a fun new direction to take dark sided Force users. There are a lot of neat little world building details that make me want to see more of the High Republic era. And the central theme of the show about why the Jedi becoming the Force Police of the Republic limiting other Force using faiths became the original sin of the order that would lead to it's destruction in the Prequels is an interesting idea, and I'm hoping the show will go into it enough heading into the end.


Can someone explain to me why we are demanding our stage fight choreography to be really really for real real in real life, guys? This is a TV show, right? Do people know this is a TV show and its to look flashy and exciting and not just two people circling until there's one cut and someone dies? When did we stop being able to tell the difference between real documentaries and pretend things?


These people are mentally ill all of them. To save your sanity block and mute them and enjoy the media you want in peace. Pathetic.


I mean... TLJ fight scene was super bad.


Would you say the same thing if Eston made the same criticism?


*GASP* Man who does fight scene choreography breakdowns does fight scene choreography breakdown, more shocking news at 11.


Probably more because he's going into it with obvious biases, no attempt to approach it neutrally, and is doing it solely because people liked it. Plus as has been established, the vast majority of fight scenes don't hold up well to slowed down frame by frame analysis. He's not doing it because it's the new relevant show, he's doing it because he hates the show and people dared to like the fight scenes.


Yeah, he's definitely biased, it's why I only watch his fight scene breakdowns and not his normal content about shows and movies But like I've said elsewhere on this post, this fight scene sucked. You don't even need a breakdown to see background characters wobbling sabers at nothing in the treeline nowhere near the bad guy...


Man who's not trained in swordsmanship or fight choreography needs to  break down a fight in slow motion in order to find flaws that he is not qualified to call flaws.


I didn't need to slow it down to see jedi in the trees flailing lightsabers at NOTHING 18 ft away from the bad guy choreography in his episode was the best so far in the show and is STILL dogshit Everything was contrived, the fights were fucking sentai fights where everyone waits their turn, and nothing that happened had a reason to happen up to and INCLUDING the fight scene I swear they had the easiest out for this, it would take 30 seconds to set up a reason for everyone's decisions during the fight and they did nothing


That's nice, so just like basicly every fight scene ever.


Not in the slightest... every star wars fight scene from Disney? Pretty much. Most other fight scenes in general don't have people flailing at NOTHING but at least NEAR their opponent. Not swinging a glowstick aimlessly in the woods like a raver on drugs Most fight scenes that we properly choreographed show reasons why the others aren't attacking, such as staggering their lineup, approach, or even speed/trchnique But no, the show that cost more than the lotr clearly can't manage actual pacing and proper choreography that makes sense from a character perspective, that'd be silly...


Got it. you're a tourist, a grifter, a fake fan. I've seen every star wars movie and show. Is Acolyte the best, no. It's aggressively mid. I've watched the holiday special, the book of fett, and the resistance, I've seen bad star wars and the Acolyte isn't one of them. I will also say that the Acolyte has the best fight choreography since the original trilogy. It's not realistic or practical choreography but it's better done then the sequel and prequel trilogies.


ha, couldn't resist the tourist tagline surest sign of projection there is... the acolyte's story is shit, its presentation is mid, and so is its choreography the one thing it has going for it is about 1/3 of the cast, and they were just wasted on a single episode with no plot or character development, because there are no characters in this show, only set pieces for a story to happen. 2D representations of what characters could be kindly check yourself if you're gonna throw baseless labels in an ad hominem, grifty boy


Calling it like I see it. Just like I saw the poor story writing, choreography, and acting in the prequel trilogy. Just like I saw the poor acting and clunky dialog in the original trilogy. And just like I saw the sequel trilogy do everything, except the special effects, poorly. So yes, I call you a tourist. you'll move on to hating the next marvel movie soon enough and I'll keep enjoying the "poor" star wars shows/movies. Move along.


poor acting, poor writing, ass choreography in the first movie... but you know what we had? actual characters. they had establishing shots and character development, you learned things about the characters even with their shit delivery. you don't get that in the acolyte, you get planks of wood and only one of them can act. and we still know almost nothing about him. FFS the only thing we've really heard the last two episodes is "i'll explain everything when we get to the ship" and "i'll explain later when we get to the ship" WITH A SECTION OF BEING ON THE SHIP IN BETWEEN. hell, the establishing shots in the first star wars movie released give us more character development than the ***ENTIRE ACOLYTE SHOW*** has in five episodes, and then the exact moment we stand to get some ACTUAL FUCKING DEVELOPMENT AND STAKES they cut it off for some dumbass back and forth and take him out of the picture bad show is bad


The show is hated by nearly all fans. Anyone defending this is only doing so to further push this type of crap on the screen. The show has no actual fans.


The show has many fans. You're just upset that people are enjoying a thing you dislike... for whatever reasons that might be.


Not just me, the majority of the fanbase.


No, definitely a minority.




Question, how did you reach consensus for "majority"? Apparently in it's first 5 days there was 11 million views so I'd love to know who reached out to find survey that.


You can pretend that it’s not extremely hated by fans new and old if you want. 🤷‍♂️


I'm sure there's some fans who do hate it. I'm sure there's also "fans" who hate it. But that's not the question is it? You said majority. But that's such a hard thing to even quantify. Especially when there's a consistent trend for rage bait to do better in articles or youtube coverage etc. 


seriously people, go outside


Are you there?


What? outside? just been for a nice walk thanks.


Then it's best everyone avoids going where you've been. Don't want to catch whatever disease you have.

