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In my case Effie sounded just like my friend so I do find her funny, they both have dirty humor and I just got so used to my friend making inappropriate jokes out of nowhere when we're having normal conversation that I found Effie funny to me.


It's not about being funny, it's about trolling Sunny With fated gone and g3 suddenly being nice, someone needs to ruin sunny's day.


She’s great


And has an Australian accent. Make's everything funnier.


Mfw when someone finds Effie of all people unfunny, yet the awkward and forced flirting of the autistic couple funny 🧐


They gonna say you lack reading comprehension, unable to truly grasp the dynamic between the autistic flashlight and the lost of shame.


If I'm being 100% honest, main couples where both parts are autistic (especially as autisitc as Nephis) have never been my cup of tea when reading a novel/manga or watching a show/anime etc. I said main because they're the ones who take the most spotlight. I prefer when at least one of them is open or outgoing (not necessarily to the same extent as Effie), the one who usually takes the lead you know? One of the two big reason why the romance in this novel is as slow as it to me is because of the couple's extreme autism that prevents them from noticing most flirting attempts, the other one being Shadow Bond obviously. Add to that the fact that we never had POVs from Neph's side, at least during their flirting moments, and yeah I completely lost interest in their ship ages ago. G3 shoving as much of her POVs at once down my throat in recent chapters is having the opposite intended effect on me I'm afraid. It also doesn't help that Nephis just bores me to death as a character, and you can see why I just can't vibe with this couple, despite understanding their character and dynamics to a degree I personally think is good enough.


Man idk if it’s the years of consuming manga/anime or maybe there is some dark void in my soul but romance has always been ass to the point I just assume it comes with the median. It’s only tolerable with it’s ironic or a comedy. My main issue with the romance is just the lack of POVs and how despite everyone pretending otherwise, how forced & one sided it was throughout the novel. At first it was kinda funny autistic like them not knowing what a dance was at the ball but I didn’t need a paragraph describing nephis beauty every chapter. Even with the dynamic of sunny’s admiration/insecurity towards nephis vs nephis growing dependency/need for sunny would have been much better with POVs. I still think nephis best moment was when she mental boomed at chapter 165ish and that was only 10% in. And with how forced it gets, it kinda makes the whole relationship less natural. Best way to describe it is imagine the night temple arc but every time sunny woke up and saw cassie he went on a yapping spree about how beautiful she is - I get it’s for the word count but damn I really don’t care 💀 I will die by the statement that cassie x sunny before the tree in FS had by far the best chemistry (to the point where old sunny of all people was feeling guilty seeing her as a liability) but G3 had to sisterzone and then kill confirmed. I not even a shipper of the trio but at least cassie has been consistently a joy.


Let's see how long it takes for someone to say that we don't have reading comprehension and can't see the perfect, flawless genius of g3


Preach, brother. G3 has no idea whatsoever of what a romantic relationship develops and it shows. Man makes three chapters based on breakfast yet does not cook


shes an extremely promiscuous woman whose best friends with dense prudes with sexual tension between them that is positively palpable. I doubt teasing them about the very thing they’re scared to even think about will ever stop being funny


Your not readying deeply enough. Yes Effie is teasing Nephis about finding a boyfriend - Cassie has clearly been trying to set them up for awhile. Effie was originally supposed to put them on a blind date. But look closely into the banter, Nephis find Sunny unfazed. Which she's happy about, her friend Effie doesn't bother Sunny. Nephis is later happy about hearing Sunny has been thinking about her for years, and that Sunny might be truly interested. Later Effie is literally trying to prop Sunny up to help him out. So that he doesn't feel inferior to LoS, that he is do charming he shouldn't fear competition. Then at the very end she gives Sunny a hint. Other Legacies have been trying to woo Nephis for years - her marriage is a great war in it of its self. Sunny should be mindful that while their are competitors he holds the advantage by the fact Nephis favors him. But tred carefully.


We all got that that doesn't make her jokes funny imma be honest


I don't think their ment to be funny to anyone but her.


It is not that the jokes are funny, its how Nephys take the jokes that amuses Effie and myself if Im beign honest


She's never really been funny, just annoying tbh, which is its own type of humour ig.


It's the kind of thing you turn off your brain and enjoy