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The only damsel here is Sunny.


I appreciate that you are trying to analyze with proper argument. However, Nephis has always had hints of fangirling Mongrel and Kai, responding late and stealing glances at Sunny etc before the whole fateless thing. It is implied that she does appreciate appearance but more often than not have extreme pokerface. Only now, we know her inner thoughts. The past hints of her emotion leaking are also clouded by Sunny's being the unreliable narrator. As seen from the recent chapters, he has entirely wrong preception about her stoicness (same impression as the readers). The current chapter shows you Nephis POV of the embrace as she is flustered etc, but if G3 is still writing as in the past, it might just be something like: Nephis expressionlessly held Sunny for few seconds more before helping him up. That's all It also opens up speculation that although their memories are erased, perhaps some vestiges of emotions are still present and will resurface when meeting Sunny.


I dont want to offend you, but have you ever get smitten by someone you just meet, butterflies in the stomach and all that? Besides that, i think It was always there, but the timing was bad. The progress of their relationship was held down by many adversities, some literaly mortal. Is important to remenber the timeskip, things changed. Nephis IS giving herself some breeding space where she can actually live and not be consumed by her flames. There is also the fact that we actually know what she is thinking now, before the shopkeeper arc, It was only sunny perspective, and as we know, she doesnt show that much emotion. And, i mean, people fall in love, sunny IS already in love with her and they are Very compatible.


Haha, breeding space.


they are not compatible. ah b-b-but but light and shadow šŸ„øā˜ļø


Even if you ignore the light and shadow things they are still a match made in heaven.


ā€œMatch made in heavenā€ maybe if heaven turned upside down šŸ˜­








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To be fair, before the third nightmare, we didnā€™t get many pov chapters for Neph. And since sheā€™s the epitome of a lack of expressionless, anything could have been going through her mind before she lost her memories. And letā€™s not forget that weā€™ve been reading most of the story through Sunnyā€™s perspective, we havenā€™t been able to get a good look at Nephā€™s thoughts until now.


I wonder if Sunless has some kind of sexy aura too that he doesnā€™t know about as a side effect of his Sainthood. Itā€™s not like he can read the spell description anymore I know saints are attractive but it seems like heā€™s a lot lot more attractive to the ladies


As a shadow incarnate, he is that much more mysterious and enigmatic. Which is perfectly in most girlā€™s strike zone


I forgot about the effect from the marble skin probably made him even sexier then most saints when he went up another tier too Heā€™s gotta be like KPoP super man now


As someone who just binged the last 400 chapters in 3 days, I can tell you the progression is a bit more natural than it seems. She was aware of how she felt before Sunny became dateless and thus forgotten by everyone. Here, there is not only the fact that he is very good looking, but it's also the fact she sees Sunny for the first time and not as a Sleeper, then Ascended, then Saint, and so his beauty is not a gradual one but directly the end goal, so there's no bias of having seen him before that or being accustomed to his charm. In addition to that, Sunny has been showing a very distinct personality that is seemingly new to her and displaying signs of affection for her, which does bias her own feelings a bit. If you add to that the fact that she had a kind of relationship with him before that, and that she feels this bond between them as depicted during LoS, this reaction and sudden development isn't really unnatural, and she still manages to put up a decent front for her entourage.


in today's chapters she hinted that there she feels some strange connection to him. Sunny was such an important figure in her life, that even while forgetting him, there must be something remaining. Fate just could not fill the void he left in her heart


always more


My biggest issue with what's going on with Nephis right now is the speed. No one can convince me, not even Cassia-sama herself with her behind the scene schemes, that the speed at which Nephis is falling for shopkeeper Sunny is normal, unless it's some remnant from their Shadow Bond or something which would be absolute bs asspull to me. At least LoS has that aura of mystery and daunting strength similar to Mongrel going for him which could attract someone as unique as Nephis, but the shopkeeper? I just can't see it. And the Kai argument doesn't work. Nephis was a fan of him like an idol, not a crush on a guy just because he's cute/handsome or whatever. The POVs in Godgrave felt rushed, but the ones in Bastion are even worse. May they end as soon as possible so we can move on to more interesting things. DONE. Now come downvote this comment. I'm curious if my karma in this community can go negative one day, making me akin to a corrupted being, which would be fitting as I'm Autistic Star's natural enemy, her and that overcheated Longing ability of hers.


She thinks he's cute. I wouldn't call that falling for him. Also, she 20-something in peak physical shape and a lonely virgin surrounded by worshipers. It's highly likely she's just horny and sees the shop keeper as a non-worshiper. Same for LoS.


Effieā€™s preemptive strike comment is getting to her.


Him, too.

