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I like that we getting something and these Chapters have given nephis more development I look forward to the slice of life part more than the romance but the romance part of the chapters are pretty good as well


I don't know why I like it so much but I love it.


Neph went from kratos to kazuma real quick


Yes, it is a peaceful way to live in the face of Dread. Because G3 is going to deliver that, and need no seasoned readers, but fluffy ones first.




I could agree with you if G3 actually delved into the psyche of more than four characters in over 1700 chapters. In almost 2 million words, we've unearthed basically the entirety of Sunless' personality and thought processes and pitted him in situations most people would just give up in. Allowing us to see him develop as a person who had essentially given up on life. Cassia povs have been sparse but always paid attention to how she handled and felt about her powers and how they reflect in her interactions with the world and other people. We essentially grew up with Rain learning the perspective of someone with no power in a world that basically forces you to obtain it or die. The lengths they would go to, to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. But, it took essentially 80% of the novel thus far to get to a point where G3 felt comfortable enough to spoon feed readers about Nephis' internal thought process and advance a romance plot that was dead in the water. The community had to keep it alive in the interim because the relationship just wasn't reflected properly in the novel. I agree that the novel as a whole is written competently, and I've had a very enjoyable time experiencing the world, chapter by chapter. But complex in-depth character study isn't something the novel has going for it. Not when character motivation/emotions has to be explained in every other chapter.


It's been 10 years now.


I'm the only sane man who hates this children's romance


You didn't forget me did ya?


Man this is so condescending, if you are gonna critique something, do it seriously. You don’t have to like how the romance has been portrayed, you seem to understand why it is how it is but whatever you like it or not is simply a matter of taste, ultimately, the Sunny/Neph relationship is essentially just two people who are very smitten with each other awkwardly working that out the relationship will become more casual the more time they spend together, but it really isn’t that uncharacteristic of actual love. Whatever you like that or no depends on and no you’re taste on this is no more valid that anybody else. Also complaining about a Nephis pov being “shoved in our faces” is crazy, I mean the community has been asking for a Nephis pov for ages no. This recent chapters have given us a better understanding of Neph’s emotional state which is importantly since she wears a mask of stoicism at all times basically.


Yeah, like it or not the Nephis POVs ARE being shoved in our faces, spoon fed by G3 as someone else said. Because waiting for the novel to reach its final half and for the characters' identities to be set in stone to finally give us insight into the thoughts of the *female lead* of the story is NOT how he should have given us the Nephis POVs we have been craving for. I liked this at first, but now that im thinking more about it the more and more its looking like a desperate attempt from G3 to give Nephis some character, make her likable and forcefully push this already dead Romance.


I 100% agree that G3 should’ve done a Nephis pov earlier, but that doesn’t mean it invalidates what he’s doing now. Better late than never and by nature of Nephis’s character, the portrayal she’s getting now isn’t inconsistent with it being established that Nephis very much plays a character, Sunny being an unreliable narrator, and the hints we’ve seen prior to these recent chapters. As a result, recent develops don’t come across as random or unearned, it feels more like needed clarification. A desperate attempt would be if G3 just completely changed a character a broken character, I don’t think that’s the case here. It’s not change so much as it is making what’s already present more clear. The future of Nephs character will depend on if G3 can be consistent with Neph povs and this portrayal of her, if we revert back to the status quo from here of a lack of knowing Nephs thoughts, than these recent chapters would come across as obligatory.


Yeah I like them. You have Sunny and Nephis reconnecting after years apart, their mutual friend trying to help. It's sweet and distracts you from the undercurrent. The war is soon to begin and Nephis is no closer to Supremacy. Sunless is mystery to us. We know he was pretty powerful 4 years ago when he slaughtered Winter Beast. But what about now? It's a good distraction.


The dialog between Neph and Sunny when they argue is well done and shows clear agency from both of them. So we know G3 can write adult conversations and conflict well. It means he's writing these two like they're autistic 5th graders because he wants to or needs to. That kind of thing lends toward teasing plots which this format is based around and is something G3 is good at. If these two ever hook up I expect some mature romance, but until then it's fun to watch and the downtime between horror is needed.


the vast majority likes them




i honestly really like this segway. we’re seeing a different spectrum of writing from G3 and i like how he’s referencing the smell of popcorn, creating an epic misunderstanding to reintroduce Mongrel to a world that has forgotten him. getting a peek into G3’s perspective of how Neph thinks is cool too. I read to ride along the author’s POV & flow—not how i think things should be.


Yes! They are some of the best chapters


I love them


I think these funny chapters are necessary for me to survive when G3 does something evil like LO49 or the Groundhog Day island Or replacing the whole cast endless times by killing then off in the river…


Jesus, the entire fanbase has been wanting romance for the past 1700 chapters, and when its finally here they're bitching and complaining




I don't like it, like you said it's donkey shit


I think it is not well written and I don't like it. Their interactions are cringe af, and they have mentality of teenagers there.


Kinda. I just wish Sunny went for the kill already


If it was a romance with literally any other girl, I would have enjoyed them for sure.