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If any buffs to Shen jungle, it should buff either his Q monster damage or give taunt monsters only bonus damage


Shen is veeeery strong rn and his w is already extremely good. Maybe just add minion dmg to his q or something if you really want him to jungle.


Honestly I’ve been thinking about this recently, and especially comparing him to other tanks like Ornn & Sion. Ornn has 3 slows and 3 knock ups/knock backs, and shen has 1 taunt and 1 (slow kind of). You’d think you’d be able to say well Shen trades his CC for team utility in his Ult, but Ornn’s passive that gives like 800,000 gold worth of stats to his whole team permanently. And Sion gets infinite scaling on W and a 2nd life. Sion also has 2 knock ups & 2ish slows (not full Q charge) with his W shield for survivability. I think Shens W needs to do something more than just block attacks, especially how half the time my team runs away from it in fights 💀. I think you’re change would make him a little too broken in lane because he could taunt someone and then W and not take any damage for the entire taunt duration + more. Personally I think making his W give him stats like a scarner zone or Gwen W, or act like Thornmail so it actually incentivized you to use it during taunt as it would guarantee damage. Or grievous wounds, idk. I personally think his kit is just a little awkward at times, and although I absolutely love his Passive, Q, and R, his Teamfight CC / utility just feels lackluster when compared to Ornn. Can Ornn shield bot lane from top lane at 9 minutes? No, Shen always has the upper hand with global utility top lane. Can Ornn hard CC 5 enemy champs for a long time + deal loads of max hp magic damage late game, yes. I’m also really curious what other Shen players think of my take, maybe I don’t realize the scale of Shen ult’s power. Or Ornn’s passive just gives way way way too many stats


I agree with you my friend. Shen's kit is really weird, he's a ninja(nothing in his kit suggest that, only the mask), it's supposed to be a tank(but lacks any feature of a tank) and we try to play with him like a fighter(then fail miserably and build supp). You know, I would love a mini rework that make him what he really is: A goddam paladin of balance that would make anything to protect the two worlds!


I dont understand this take. Literally the defining feature of a tank in any game is the ability to redirect the enemy player from their current target using an ability called taunt. They then take damage meant for somebody else, meaning they are tanking. Shen taunts. Shen tank. I agree regarding the ninja part however. Vorpal blade gave him a good ninja feeling.


I agree, but Shen’s redirect ability lasts not as long and does way less damage than other tanks ability combos to CC targets. With the argument of taunts and tanks even Galio’s whole combo taunts and double knocks up for a lot longer than shen taunts for. To me it just seems strange he’s the one of like 2 tanks in the game with only 1 form of consistent cc in his kit for how team fight based he is. Mundo trades CC for strong poke, slow, & huge health bonus ult, but then again has insane solo carry potential because of his damage and is no where near as team-play based as Shen. Not saying Shen can’t solo carry, but he definitely can’t gain 25% missing health as bonus health and regen 60% of his max health in 10 seconds.


Yeah exactly, if only the W and E have a higher duration or at least a lower cooldown, but don't. The thing that make Shen tank damage is his shield passive and build, thing that a Olaf, Mordekaiser, Sett and a lot of other champions have and still tank and deal more damage than Shen. Really sad.


You’re not timing it properly as someone who has been spamming jg Shen for the last week straight you absolutely can block 2 autos sometimes even 3. Personally I want Q to be an AA reset but I think that will make him too good (seriously Shen is crazzzzzy)


you can block 2 autos from wolfs, raptors, baron and i think krugs. but you can't do that with gromp blue and red


I believe with red you can if you just press w while the red is in it's animation to hit you and you block that attack and the next one, though I haven't played him jg in awhile.


Shen is classified as a Warden a Tank subclass another ex: Leona. He's not like Ornn or Malphite or even Sion, what makes Shen so great is his Utility, Q THREE empowered autos, attack speed increase (if pulled thru), max hp dmg with a slow (if pulled thru) and proc passive shield, W auto block himself and teammates also proc passive shield, hard cc taunt AND dash also proc passive shield,cross map ult with big shield and teleport oh guess what ALSO procs passive shield. He is strong, but the Jungle is not his strong suit, it's providing for his team. So, he doesn't need more and he doesn't need anything taken away, he takes skill to master but simple to pick up. Just be happy and stop being greedy. Enjoy Shen.


I think giving the taunt a 50% CD reduction if used on jungle monsters would be what he needs. Shens clear is slow, and having taunt up to nip between camps would make a huge difference without overtly making his lane stronger


Imo shen should be just nerfed on R and get some little base stats


I don't I care at all about Shen jg, but one little buff that would make a ruge difference in lane is making his E Deal damage to minions. That's all I want.


He doesn't need a buff, but if I could give him anything it would be an AP ratio on his passive shield. Just to enable the meme build.


Shen has been S tier for 5 seasons. The last thing he needs is buffs


Shen is in a great place right now. I'd love it if he remains as is. Sadly the doran shield and grasp changes hurt him a bit, but I think he was bordering nerf territory. I play jg Shen as well. Agree his clear is pretty slow. Any change to W would impact lane even moreso. It would have to be directed to jg only.


That would male him so OP. Also I think that every Champ should be good on One specific thing, role, and lane. That means that you can play that champ in any role (and troll sometimes) but that doesnt mean it's necessary a solid strong pick. Shen Jungle should not be as good as Shen Top. That's It. Cause of you buff the Jungle you have to Nerf him in his main role. With balanced steps!


But if i have to consider a buff to his jungle (which Is not needed imho) then u can buff his Q damage on Monsters, or E damage on Monsters, since you lack of fast clear and if you lose your E you cant gank properly at least it is more clear efficient...