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For sure force of nature. it is the best MR item as it provides extra magical resistances when you get the full stacks. you going heartsteel has nothing to do with enemy team being heavy AP imo. hp on shen early is really strong, and it will scale later. what I would do is maybe get a negatron cloack before you finish hydra, or rush force of nature 2nd.


Spirit visage is huge. Your ki Barrier becomes stronger, your passive Regen, and heal from the team goes up. If you have tank enemies you can grab Divine Sunderer for stupid sustain. Force of nature is great for peeling/chasing and tanking. Wits end for more dps, and then health! Warmogs and spirit visage means you never have to leave.


Jak sho as mythic works vs ap .. also force of nature is THE BEST item vs ap and you can also get something like wits end or something... I've once played vs full AP enemy team, really rare, and rushed from bamis into merc boots, into FoN, into Jak sho... At that point I was unkillable!


Call me crazy but I like to build maw, especially if someone is fed in a heavy ap team I like to build it


Ok then…. Your called Crazy now. 🤪


To be more specific as a 3rd or 4th item, idk if that makes me less crazy


you said, call you Crazy lol. i did not mean it because of the item you said you build. LOL Anyway, Have fun at your next games and always use your Superior Judgement. when playing in the top lane my Shen Friend !


Warmog should never be done, and wit end rarely. You can do abyssal mask if you have several AP in your team. Rush negatron clock, force of nature and radiant vertue or jack sho instead of HS.


still go heartsteel for the damage to squishes, that's what i do since you'd also have bamis, force of nature and merctreds should be enough, but if the game goes even longer you can pick anathema's against their main carry or spirit visage (sv is especially good if you have ocean drakes/soul or if someone on your team has lots of ally heals/shields like soraka)


Wit's End


I would go negatron first (i guess we have an Ap in toplane), Bami, Mercury/Tabis, Jacksho, complete Force of nature, visage.


Even though shen terribly utilizes attack speed, I've had some success cheesing heavy AP comps with a wits end rush into tank mythic. Pairing that Merc Treads makes AP matchups can make the lane pretty easy.


Treads and FoN vs heavy AP. I'd prefer to stick with Radiant Virtue for mythic, but if you are getting poked and still feel like more mixed res is needed, then Jak'Sho is okay.


Blue ninjas build. Bamis - iceborn - Sunfire. You can go FoN or deadmans, visage if you have enchanter supports, titanic for fun or if you're ahead. Impossible to run from you with iceborn late game.