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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lee’s quality of leadership was telling the overseer to whip a slave so severely the overseer thought it was way over the line and handed the responsibility to someone else. Fuck that dude.


Lee took the whip from the overseer and did it himself.


Is RFK a horse copulator? I can’t keep track of his nonsense.


Maybe that's how he got the worm? 🤔


He got it performing the Bangkok horsie show. It’s like a Tijuana donkey show only, yknow, with a horse.


His father is on my Rushmore of heroes with Uncle Billy. I find this so depressing.


He’s probably rolling in his grave looking at what a dumbass his son has become


His father displayed more brain activity lying on the floor of the Ambassador.


mt Rushmore is nothing more than a shitty attempt at a tourist trap by a POS t was never finished. they didn't even bother cleaning up. also it's stolen land


It's just a saying here in America, it's not that serious.


what part? I've never heard the expression before


Saying someone is “on your Rushmore” is a way of saying there are one of your favorites. It’s just a saying.


Junior certainly has a thing for ultraconservative traitors. He’s also an apologist for convicted January 6 insurrectionists. When Robert Kennedy as U.S. Attorney General visited Alabama in 1963 to try and persuade segregationist demagogue Gov. George Wallace to follow the law instead of inciting hatred against black Alabamians, Wallace had a wreath placed over a marble likeness of Confederate President Jefferson Davis so that RFK’s feet wouldn’t touch it. The Confederacy was founded to preserve white supremacy and perpetuate the evils of slavery. Resistance to civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s was based on the same rancid racist elements that prompted secession in the 1860s. It’s no coincidence that the South’s massive resistance against civil rights was marked by multiple states adding elements of the Confederate battle flag to state flags and/or prominently displaying/flying the Confederate flag at state Capitols. RFK Jr. Is a pale shadow of his late father as a political candidate, and more importantly as a human being. It’s easy to see why disgruntled former Trump supporters might defect to this guy, but progressives and those who truly support civil rights, equal rights and human rights should know how far removed Robert Kennedy Jr. truly is from the beliefs, actions and ideals to which his late father dedicated his life.


Reddit, what brands other than Kennedy used to be premium and now are junk? PS: Oh I got another one. “Mom, can we have a Kennedy run for president?” “We already have a Kennedy at home.” The Kennedy at home:


Both his father and his uncle would be ashamed of him.


I don’t know how anyone can deny the superiority of racist intellectual thought leaders like Trump and RFK, Jr. One look, a listen, and you have to admit they are Übermensch. Although not normally associated with extraordinary physicality, who can deny these men are perfect specimens? Klan recruiting, Aryan Brotherhood and other hate groups must have their ranks overfilling with such poster boys. How can anyone deny their own eyes and ears? /s Sadly, for some people, that isn’t sarcasm.


A good example of why he'll just be a footnote in the Kennedy family history.


Guy with a brain worm says what?


JFK has poo brain from preventable diseases and some sort of mind worms.


What a dumbass.


That guy had an actual parasite eat his actual brain. And he had mercury poisoning.


RFK Jr should love the removal the Lee's statue. Lee's army had an inoculation (vaccine) mandate.


Mmmm, tears: refreshing, cool, delicious, nourishing...


It’s the heroin talking.


Literal confederate brainworms


I think the worm never left


He's an Irish northerner. This isn't about heritage. It's about racism plain and simple.


What a pine cone. Perhaps there were heroes in the Confederacy who did not own slaves, but Lee was certainly never one of them. Having "extraordinary qualities of leadership" is no reason to keep the statue. As a Virginia resident of the last 20 years - and a descendant of actual Confederates - he can take several seats. The statue was a disgrace, and honoring Confederates is un-American.


I didn’t know his brain worm was a lost causer.