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I-I thought Spain was in Europe.... I have been living in a lie....


Spain is a state in Mexico, right?


I don’t think there is a place called Spain. It’s just a language Mexicans and the like use.


Yeah, just like Englishland and Portugesia.


England is in New England, obviously. And Brazil is where Portuguese comes from.


Oh ofc. New England is just one of those weird places that has "new" in them for no reason. Like New Zealand, or New York.


SouthPark had the same trouble finding where the Peruvian flute bands came from.


Spain only exists without the s


Just like USA don't speak English, but American!


Wasnt Spain colonized by mexican settlers or something? How else would you explain most people in Spain speak spanish


How could I have made such a mistake! You are totally correct, silly me; I'll go back to preschool ..


Wait... I plan to go to Alméria and Gibraltar next year on my motorcycle... so you tell me I have to ship my bike to mexico for that?


Gibraltar isn't a part of Spain it's still owned by the British


Oh really?


Spain is a continent, you dumdum


And Mexico is in the US, right? I mean they even got the NEW Mexico. It's much better than the nasty OLD Mexico.


No, Mexico is in a state of pain!


No, it's Brazil


Probably "part spanish/hispanic and part from 'nordic' descent" or some vague 23andme bullshit.


Spain is in North Africa. The very, very north


No silly. It's actually in the very northern part of Antarctica, everybody knows that


Ha! You just reminded me of something from my youth. My siblings and I received a globe and I decided since polar bears lived in the arctic, it made sense that giraffes, lions, and elephants lived at the south pole.


Well, that's kind of accurate.


No, Spain is a language not a place!


My Norwegian-American half-sister went to Spain one semester. She just loves the French accent. She said Rome was beautiful. That's near you, right? Had problems cashing USD cheques at the mall, though.


No they speak Spanish... like in Latin American countries. Not European 🙄


England speaks English just like in India and South Africa therefore its not European either


There's a saying in Spain which is "Europe ends in the Pirineos"


i think the phrase is "africa starts in the pirineos" and was coined by some french bigwigs during third french republic


Its not a lie If you believe it.


Truly, the way American brains work is astounding


What brain?




Do you have a problem with work? YOU MUST BE A DIRTY COMMIE


No I'm not!. *Yay capitalism!*


I got 10 points on margin, and none in days off!


Yeah that’s the thing they do while the rest of the world is on holiday






Spanexit (there are people who affirm that the UK is not in Europe anymore lol)


We call it Españope


i wish i could give you an award 🥇


That brain is reward enough. I'm slightly envious.


Don't you know the UK drifted off into the ocean after Brexit? It now resides somewhere north of the Azores.


It's true. Boris lost the paddle and now we can't get back. We've resorted to eating the Welsh for sustenance.


We've renamed everything so you get lost


Bold of you to assume British people ever paid attention in the first place.


More like near Greenland with the weather lol


My (Brexiter) ex boyfriend - and his friends - always said as much. Not as rare an occurrence as you might think. They alleged they were English, not Europeans, as if the English had magically spawned in English soil as mushrooms. He was cute and shy, softly spoken and an introvert so I initially adscribe and presumed some qualities in him that were never there. It was such a heartbreak when he started to become confident after a few months and reveal his true ignorant and hateful self. The straw that broke the camel's back was when he confidently explained to me how Stephen Lawrence was in fact a drug dealer and that it was him who was the aggressor, with the other guys acting only in self defence. Apparently some acquitance of him knew this first hand because he'd gone to the same school or something, and he was obviously more ready to believe a malicious rumour than the official story based on overwhelming evidence. I left him that very same day. It took me a while to get over it as I was physically very hooked and our relationship had been quite intense, but you just can't stay with someone this stupid.


Good riddance to bad rubbish I'd say xxx


Britain certainly likes to act like they aren't


I wish we didn’t, we need to reject americanisation and embrace european


Not even the ones that travel abroad can understand Spain is not a Mexico province… wow


Considering that this lady can't even get Spain right, she's going to struggle hard in Japan. Americans start off on the wrong foot anyway, since Japan and America have such different attitudes to public manners (not that America really has any to begin with). Pretty much all of East Asia requires a lot of research and open-mindedness to really integrate properly, but Japan's even worse because at least the Chinese and the Koreans will actually *tell* you when you're being rude. And this at a time when Japan is really struggling with an epidemic of offensively arrogant and disruptive tourists as well.


This is very dependent on whether you live in Japan or if you're a tourist. If you're a tourist, you get the gaijin buff. Don't know not to stick your chopsticks upright into a rice bowl? That's ok, you're a tourist. Don't know how to operate in front of a shinto shrine? That's ok, you're a tourist. Wear an imperial army navy headband? That's ok, you're a tourist. Once you meet some inaka motherfuckers, that goodwill dries up real fast.


The gaijin buff, LOL, I must remember that. It has worked super well for me, but then I am always attempting to be polite even if I don't know what I'm doing. A nice stranger taught me what to do at the shrine. A bit of domo arigato gozaimasu goes a long way. I'm not sure how well it works for the arrogant ones.


I actually found people in the inaka to be more forgiving of foreigners than people in the city. Not many foreigners make it to the legit inaka, and bigger cities get enough foreigners for a few people to speak up and put you in your place if you act up. That said I'm pretty quiet and actually tried to learn Japanese, unlike a lot of the foreigners visiting and even living in Japan. It may be a regional thing, or maybe I just didn't piss people off that much.


From what I’ve seen the American group that most commonly describes themselves as ‘Spanish’ are Hispanic Caribbean Americans (Cubans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans) in the New York area. Very irritating.


Americans elsewhere often refer to Hispanics that way too. I've even seen that in the UK, with many people I know calling Spanish anything Latin American, from music to food. I agree it's irritating.


It probably goes back to the few centuries where they were literally the Spanish Empire. Hell, we even included North Africa in ‘Turkey’


Yup. Lived in NYC and a couple of people of Puerto Rican and Dominican descent tried to argue with me after asking me where I was from and saying “I’m Spanish” that they were Spanish and I wasn’t because I look white and European. I didn’t even know how to answer them.


As a dominican, those are gringos of Caribbean descent lol


Is he talking about East Mexico, just south of France a.k.a East Louisiana?


Wasn't France a city in Paris?


Paris, Texas?


So... Europe with Europe? Gotcha.


He has European² ancestry


Dot product of Europe and Europe, basically Europe's absolute value squared.


Translation: i like to think i have spanish ancestors. But im a white american person with novak or something as a last name


Dumb American, does not know that Spanish is a language, not a country. Can you imagine the country of "Spain", full of "Spanish people"? Hilarious! Edit: I happen to also browse and contribute sporadically to the subreddit mentioned in the screencap. I commented the same there and got downvoted to oblivion, and got pointed to the r/confidentlyincorrect sub. Their brains are rotten beyond repair.


Dumb European can’t understand context and realize he refers to Latin America


Spanish means “relating to Spain.” OOP should’ve said latino if that’s what they meant.


The biggest and most populous country in Latin America doesn't even speak spanish.


Technicaly you could argue that it's Canada, if you think about it


How did you come to the conclusion that’s what they meant? Even so, they said they have ancestry of an entire continent


Because it’s not an uncommon way to phrase it in the US? Hispanic, Latino, and Spanish are often used interchangeably. Wasn’t exactly a great leap of logic And yes, because that continent is less genetically diverse than you might think


>And yes, because that continent is less genetically diverse than you might think Source: trust me, bro.


I wasn’t aware I had to cite general knowledge. Almost all immigration/colonization from the old world in South America was from Iberia. North America took in higher proportions of Africans, people from the rest of Europe, and Asians, yielding a higher genetic diversity to begin with. This was exacerbated by the Spanish being more ready to intermarry across races, creating large mestizo and mulatto classes. Broadly speaking, Iberian genetics spread more easily to other demographics living in South America through a greater incidence of interracial marriage. The end result of all this is that almost everyone in South America is descended from someone from Spain or Portugal. Hence, “Spanish” is often used to refer to the continent. It’s a bit of a misnomer because of portugals influence, but portugals influence is also pretty compartmentalized to Brazil. Again, this is general knowledge, but here’s your source if you really want it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_South_America


So they’re a white American?


"I have Spanish ancestry mixed with European ancestry." That's a fancy way of saying I'm white.


Alt-reality where Muslims won the reconquista


'Murican is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!


My God...


Ah yes, the Oceanian country of Spain.


It's a state in Mexico, didn't you know?


Ah you mean the African country?


To Americans, nationality is just a state of mind or sumn, facts don't matter


Thinking states are the equivalent to countries will do that to you


Well personally I struggle trying to fathom how large Texas is, since only Americans can understand, since they seem to commute across state everyday or something, to gain this vast perspective, by the sound of it


Obviously we Europeans could never comprehend the enormity of Texas. Not only is it the largest state/province in the world, it’s also larger than every other country outside the US combined. It’s essentially Pangea.


I've heard Texas is slightly bigger than Earth and Mars combined


They just can't comprehend Basic Geography. An American family member told me this happens because on school Geography, History, etc are not Mandatory subjects. Americans here confirm this


What do they learn, anything apart from clutching their chest when the National Anthem plays and how to play American football?


Firearm maintenance


Active shooter drills


American here. I definitely learned geography and history in school, but I would say my public schools were better than most. It’s very hard to generalize about US education, because standards are state by state. And, even within states, the quality of public education is highly segregated. But I guess it is fair to say that US education is generally poor, and not valued for a large percentage of people. And then there is the religious schools & homeschool people…that make up a significant percentage of our population.


Honestly so hilarious how they don’t consider Spanish people European/white 😂 They do the same with Italians to a lesser extent


Likely that ignorant meant Hispanic instead (in America they often use those terms interchangeably. Saying hispanic is like saying Latin American. Could be any race or most likely a mix of them.


I have legitimately seen Americans say Spanish people aren’t white though


So have I, but in my case they were always referring to Hispanic people from Latin America when they did (an equally idiotic statement anyway, as Hispanic people come in all colours, including white).


I’ve been to Spain they’re literally whiter than any white person in America there literally colonizers just like the British


Yeah, I mean most of this is shaped from late 18th-19th century thinking that Protestant British/Germanic whites were at the top of the “racial hierarchy” and the catholic Southern and Eastern Europeans were considered slightly lesser


Doesn’t matter they all look the same anyways and the Irish were Catholic and they are also located in the northern part of Europe


British and Spanish don’t all look the same. They both have quite distinct characteristics You would very easily be able to tell them a part in person, I’m speaking as a Scot with a Spanish girlfriend


Hispanic is anyone who speaks Spanish. Spaniards are hispanic


Mexican European


Spain not being a European sounds like a 2westerneurope4u joke


When you read things like this, global warming cannot be fast enough.


The way Americans are so obsessed with their nationality is wild to me. I’ve got some Irish heritage, and I’m dead proud of it, irelands a gorgeous country! But it’s not the first fecking thing I tell people, because for the most part it’s irrelevant.


It’s literally a question about genetic differences between races. His ancestry seems somewhat important to that


True, but they literally said “Spanish and European heritage” when Spain is in Europe. Plus I can’t actually see where it was relevant. They just asked if it was a skincare routine or genetics. Idk why they’d need to bring up their heritage 🤷


Schrödinger's American: is proud to be "American" and at the same time has to tell everyone about their "ancestry".


Because of their insane need to sort based on race, they have made the category "Hispanic", which when applied to Europe doesn't really make any sense...


Unless it's I AC and you are a roman emperor born in Hispania


Neither does in America when it comes to race, as Hispanic is just a cultural affiliation which encompasses people of every possible colour under the sun.


That's of course true!


They just threw that shit there for nothing


Must be that non European Spain I’ve heard about…


Spain = East Méjico.


This reminds me of the time an American asked a spanish person "do you speak mexican?"




Quiero pensar que no entiendes el inglés o el sentido de la ironía, porque todo el mundo aquí está diciendo justamente eso mismo (sólo que con mejores palabras).


Go on insulting every country but identify as them. Thankfully, Americans with relatives/ancestors from India, Pakistan, and other Asian countries Reddit hates don't identify with them, which we don't want.


Reddit hates India and Pakistan…?


[The only reaction I have when I hear something like this.](https://media.giphy.com/media/KUAb8YQOhmWNq/giphy.gif)


Spain is just Mexico duh


Mexico has brown people while Spain has white people in it


Both have white/brown people just in different percentage


I read that as "I have Spanish anxiety"


I have french anxiety 😟😟


I have British anxiety


I bet he thinks Spain in South America.


Where is Spainland?


So, they’re European mixed with European?


Spanish mixed with European. BRUV spain is in europe


I swear to god I felt something happen in my brain when I read this. Cells dying en masse, probably.


Must have been odd when Spain won the European Championships for Football in 1964, 2008 and 2012.


Lol European mixed with European, no way.


As a half-European, half-German, I'm not quite sure what their ancestry even has anything to do with the question.


White with extra steps


Spain, this mexican state, right next to its neighbouring african country of Portugal and France


The Spaniards banged the mayans, turned them into mexicans


Given that's an American speaking, she probably meant Hispanic instead; meaning, in most cases, a biracial or triracial genetic heritage, depending on the country. But the use of Spanish and Hispanic interchangeably is truly grating. In the UK, many people do it too (likely due to cultural contagion). They'll refer to anything Latin American as Spanish and if you correct them, they'll call you out for being a pedant. Eastern Europeans are guilty of this too btw. They'll confuse anything Latin American for Spanish and viceversa.


This is the normal, only gringos and some Europeans get old so fast, the bast mayority of people have kid face till like 25 or 30 lol


Spanish isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a language, you can’t be ‘spanish’ idiot


Spain is a country in Southern Europe, the people who are born there are Spanish. It's as much of an ethnicity as English.


I’m pretty sure this was sarcasm


Indeed it was, it is satire of a real thing someone said


It’s a joke


It's the genes. You know what they say. Asians don't raisin and blacks don't crack. That's why Asians look younger. And that's why non Asians see middle-aged Asians and think they're teenagers. ​ I'm Asian. Almost 50 and have no wrinkles even though I've never had botox, fillers or skincare regimen ever in my life. Moisturizer after washing my face is the only thing I've ever done my whole life. So, the only possible reason has to be my Asian genes.


My wife is Singaporean Chinese, I just told her the “Asian don’t raisin” and she absolutely pissed herself


Some people refers latinos like spanish people, I think that's what the original commenter meant.


A Spaniard could have 100% said that, if the author was not from the USA.


I love that people in the comments can't take that this is propably a misunderstanding, and he meant Hispanic not Spanish


That’s how I read it too. Still doesn’t make their statement right, particularly when adding the European part right after lol


This person is ineloquently trying to say that their ancestors lived in a central, south, or north American country where Spanish is spoken. The Spanish made sweet, definitely consensual love with the people in that area of the world, who then might reasonably consider their offspring “Spanish” without having left the Americas. 🤷


But what is “European ancestry”? The entire continent?




these posts deverse to be mocked though


She obviously means that she has both *white* ancestors and Spanish ancestors. Edit: /s since sarcasm not sufficiently obvious


Spanish people are not white?


USians consider Antonio Banderas, a white Spanish actor, a “person of color”.


[They doubled it up with Anya Taylor-Joy](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvXv7-kXIAAinUU?format=jpg&name=large)


In America the association of Spanish historically is heavily connected to Hispanic/Latin America. But also Americans don’t take the time to learn why Hispanics DONT want to be called Ethnically Spanish


Not according to Americans, apparently (clearly needed a /s on my comment...)


Naturally, although spanish are "white" so there is that


Didn’t know spaniards are not white. The more you know… /s


I mean, is he wrong though?


Yes. Yes, he is.


Spanish ancestry IS European ancestry. So isn't "Spanish ancestry mixed with European ancestry" technically correct? Its just redundant. Though English isn't my first language so I'm not sure if there are some grammar issues here. 90% of my English knowledge comes from the internet and not schools. So I've never been taught proper English grammar.


It's not exactly wrong but its like saying "a poodle mixed with a dog", it hits the ear wrong. "Mixed with" implies two different things are being combined. If you add "other" it's ok. "Spanish ancestry mixed with other European countries" is still sort of an odd thing to say but it sounds more normal.


Yea, that's what I was trying to get at. "Spanish ancestry mixed with European ancestry" is a dumb thing to say but its technically not incorrect.


Is it too charitable to say that she just means a general mix of the rest of Europe on top of a predominantly Spanish heritage?




How can you have a general mix of European ancestry? Surely you’d know what country your ancestors came from, not just an entire continent


I think it's very simple to understand if you can just manage to hold in your contempt for Americans for 5 mins. Maybe it's predominantly Spanish with some French, German, Polish etc. but rather than specify every individual bit of heritage they chose to be vague as it wasn't all that relevant to overall point. The reaction to this post just seems excessive imo. But then perhaps I'm being too charitable like I said


TBF, the Canary Islands are of the coast of Africa in the Atlantic and are Spanish, but I suspect the perceived Spanish heritage is not that specific.


Guanches disappeared as an ethnicity and distinct cultural identity during the 15th century though, particularly due to European diseases brought by the Castilian colonizers... Most people who live in the islands today are Spaniards or other Europeans. Even then I think that calling the Guanches Spaniards is kinda dumb because Spain is literally the reason they disappeared as an ethnicity.


This post existing belongs on r/facepalm because what he clearly means is he has Spanish ancestry then more general European ancestry for example I always say I'm mainly of Scottish and Irish ancestry but I have some European ancestry too probably due to my dark hair and blue eyes


The 23 and Mes are at it again…


I am actually Scottish


My mistake, apologies


Maybe don't fucking assume my heritage is very important to me and I'm proud of it Anyway have a good day live long and prosper and remember Culloden and Glencoe


If I was to be (very) generous, I could assume they mean they are half Spanish and the other half is a mix of several European heritage's. I.e. grandparnt might be french and polish where the others could be Spanish all the way down


Why are Muricans so obsessed with race? Aren't they supposed to be "the least racist nation in the solar system"?