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My favorite thing about America’s obsession is that they love to claim all this “genetic heritage” … UNLESS it is English. It’s somehow so weird. You hear about Irish temper and drunkenness, German efficiency and sausage & beer love, Scottish survival instinct or Swedish Viking genes and whatnot. You never hear about English genes and therefore… loyalty to the crown and mushy peas? It’s so weird haha.


It’s also hilarious how much they think personality traits are influenced by their great grandparents homeland.


1 of their great grandparents.....


Yank here... In this case it's great great great great grandparent.


….who visited that one time


Yep, like I get there are customs and such that are passed down through the family, but after several generations there's almost zero difference. But people are obsessed with categories and labels and nationalities and shit. Here in Czechia, kids who are born and raised here, fully Czech, native language is Czech, all their friends are Czech, but their grandparents came from Vietnam... are still considered Vietnamese... and treated differently and like they're not real Czechs.


And that the traits are just stereotypes. Canadians are guilty of this too...


Joe Biden says he has to keep his "English side" in check as he craves a nice cup of tea and a sit down. Actually, that could just as well be his Irish side, now I think about it.


His Irish side would have a piece of fruit cake with the tea.


If he had a northern English side too that would go nicely with a bit of Wensleydale.


Go on Gromit!


I'm a bit of an odd Leicestershire type, and have fruit cake with butter and Red Leicester


A few hundred castles’ worth of Breton and Gascon influence went into creating Wensleydale cheese!


And Saxon and Danish and every other race that 'visited'. It's still Wensleydale though.


Mostly Breton if you read the early history of the cheese. Modelling it after Roquefort suggests the influence of Enisant Musard’s family who were Gascons.


go on, go on, go on, go on....


Now that sounds even more tempting.


Cake? Don't be getting *notions.*


His irish side would have a big bowl of coddle


Coddle doesn't exist outside of Dublin.


100% and 50% of dubs hate it haha


100% and 50% of dubs hate it haha


I think he just needs a sit down generally


And figuratively


Irish/Scottish/Italian/German are more fashionable


>German are more fashionable well for a while is genuinely wasn't, around about 1914 to 2014. WASP Americans just quitely get on being wealthier and mostly in charge in the second row. They still kinda rule the roost there but nobody is allowed to mention it lol.


Anti german sentiment went far enough so that the germans in the US renamed themselves from Schmitz to Smith.


Imagine actually being a Mr Smith and having a speeches impediment during that time.


Then you change your name to Jones.


or Drumpf to Trump


Drumpf is kind of a goofy name no matter the origin. I’m sure I’ve seen it as a sound effect in comics when someone fall on their ass


Those Boss outfits were pretty fashionable in the 30s and 40s.


Germans are their favorite immigrants just Google operation Paperclip


Good point!!


>UNLESS it is English. or Welsh. No Welsh Americans apparently


You wait until there's a sexy , faux historical novel, featuring a strapping Welshman. They'll all be claiming to be Welsh then.


Remember, he has to shout 'Freedom' at least six times.


Waving his leek around


They had their opportunity with Catherine Zeta Jones.


They tried that with [Peter Wingfield in the 90s](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/highlander-methos.jpg), but it never quite took off. Maybe they just didn't put him in enough flashbacks?


You mean like Shakespeare's Henry V? >FLUELLEN-- I do believe your majesty takes no scorn to wear the leek upon Saint Tavy's day. > KING HENRY V-- I wear it for a memorable honour; For I am Welsh, you know, good countryman. > FLUELLEN-- All the water in Wye cannot wash your majesty's Welsh blood out of your body He had a [funny haircut](https://www.worldhistory.org/uploads/images/11813.jpg), though, maybe more Mr Bean than Mel Gibson, but hey... he fucked the French, so all good!


They live in Patagonia lol. Actually there are Welsh Americans in Pennsylvania, they have lots of town names and even a college called Bryn Mawr and everything. They just keep it quiet. Abraham Lincoln's mother was one.


Id love to know how the yanks have butchered the welsh place names


I imagine Gwynedd PA is say what you see lol.


>Patagonia That's Argentina right? Not USA.


Yeah, and listening to them pronouncing Bryn Mawr, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I have encountered a few Americans with Welsh heritage who bothered learning the language. They get a pretty nice welcome because half of the Welsh themselves don't bother learning, and it needs all the help it can get to survive. Obviously that's a world apart from saying you like alcohol and fighting because your great great grandparent was from Donegal.


Strange fact the biggest group of people who signed the declaration of independence were of Welsh descent.


They seem to forget that the Irish, Scottish and Welsh all fought against them with the English.


Who's "they" in that sentence? Because it was Brit v Brit in the Revolutionary War, and plenty of Irish/Scottish/Sheep enthusiasts on both sides.


>Sheep enthusiasts New Zealand wouldn't become a British colony until 1841. Oh you mean the *other* sheep enthusiasts. I do apologise.


We're a proud part of the Sheep Shaggers United. Our motto - "Shearing? Nah, get your own girlfriend."


Yeah you're not wrong in that it was Brits vs Brits back then more or less. Although I'm sure many Americans would disagree.


They called themselves the patriots, even though they were the opposite of that


And most Brits are mixed anyway? There’s next to no hard line in wales where English genes are gone, maybe in the valleys? But most of wales and Scotland too have mixed and England too, lots of English people with Irish descent also. It’s getting silly, if we are going to demonise people based on ethnicity then we should demonise anyone who’s not 100% Briton Celt or 100% Scot or pict, it doesn’t exist anymore.


That's true. Many English have Irish in them and most Scots are actually Anglo. It's mostly the people in the Highlands who have more celtic ancestry. I'm a Scot and it really annoys me when people do the whole centic superiority thing, like we aren't all basically mongrels.




Dumb idiots think the " bridish" just means England. Sound English to them- "are you bridish?" Sound Scottish, sorry scoddish then you are Scottish. Welsh, is that a place in England?


There actually quite a number of American anglophiles on the internet and I met one in real life once. But Englishness is more of a ‘default’ as it’s the most common ancestry and American can have.


German is the most common self-reported ancestry group in the US


>German is the most common self-reported ancestry group in the US Yes, and as it's self-reported it's totally inaccurate.


"I'm from Chicago, and named after my great, great, great grandfather Dai Jones. We're proud Irish to this day!!!!"


It is not true that German is the most common. [LINK](https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2023/10/2020-census-dhc-a-white-population.html#:~:text=The%202022%20American%20Community%20Survey,M%2C%20and%20Italian%2016.0M.&text=The%20American%20Community%20Survey%20estimates,in%202022%20reported%20German%20ancestry)


That link says it is the most common FYI.


Well yes although the sources I have seen say English is more common than German. I don’t consider German to be a much claimed genetic heritage to the same extent as Irish, Scottish and Italian though. But also by England being a ‘default’ I also mean by language and to an extent culture.which I admit I didn’t say.


Yes but that is because of the well known statistical issue that a lot of English Americans in the Southern states identify their ancestry as ‘American’.


I heard that there was also a weird obsession amongst American racists to call themselves 'Anglo-Saxon'. Maybe the switch to just 'American' came about once those people realised that 'Anglo-Saxon' wouldn't fly, anymore. Seriously, though. As an East Anglian, it is really weird that the phrase Anglo-Saxon has racist connotations, in the States. Its literally just a historically significant British ethnic group.


or welsh lmao, guess neither of us are exotic enough


"I'm 3.2% Welsh!" The American with 68.3% Anglo-Saxon genes declares proudly.


Why do you think they like invading places? It's their English heritage.


The crusader “let me go to the Middle East and kill brown and Muslim people” gene


Tbf most of the crusaders were from France and the HRE. The only crusade that England had any meaningful presence was the Third Crusade. For most of medieval history, England was something of a backwater. It wasn't until the 100 years what that it truly established itself as a major power in Europe.


I’m American; while I’ve never heard people talk about their “English” heritage, I’ve heard “my Anglo roots” quite a bit. Still, I agree; it’s pretty damn strange. 3 out of 4 of my grandparents were born to immigrants while one is an immigrant herself… we’re simply American with European ancestry. I will say that part of me understands it. Look at Europe; you guys have beautiful, historic architecture and very clear/defined cultures. The U.S. is a corporate wasteland/concrete jungle. I believe that’s what they yearn for and respect.


Aren’t most of the white people of English descent?


The irony ofc is that their imperialism is very built on British imperialism. They have an empire in all but name,ditto for Russia and China. But the Americans took a very English approach to their empire


And finances, the Victorian era was all about maximising profits at any cost to society.


>Scottish survival instinct First I'm hearing about this 'trait' that Americans think Scots have.


Exactly. Life expectancy in some parts of Glasgow is shocking.


Theyve already got chattel slavery on their permanent record, they don't like to think of their ancestors as doing a colonialism as well.


Human zoos too, they were pretty awful to anyone not of European descent.


It’s because they were English before the revolution.


Not even about the heritage, it's just so weird they fixate on 1/2 traits and say it's due to the country


I think the American psyche has never been able to leave segregation in the past


The main trait they get from us is “pretending not to be English if you have any other ancestry”


>You never hear about English genes Despite them being by far the most prevalent 'genes' in the US. Biden is equally English and Irish, even. The only three US presidents *without* English heritage are Trump, Kennedy and Van Buren.


He’s neither. He’s just American.


Well yes of course he is. But if he's going to claim to be something he isn't, he should at least claim *all* the things he isn't, as it were.


Surely English would be the biggest single heritage as well amongst white Americans, and yet no one admits it :)


Kind of glad to be honest because it would reck my head. I've taken one of those ancestry dna because I do genealogy and it is interesting, so I'd be breaking it down even further for them if they did boost about being English.


Never heard the Scottish survival instinct one before, any idea where that came from?


For a country that hates immigrants they sure do love to brag about being descendents of immigrants


Because English is the baseline in the US, so it’s not unique/standout.


Well that first part may be true but it most certainly would standout, on account of no other fucker singing it from the rooftops.


“Chim chimeny, chim chimeny, chim chim cheree…”


The English genes are why you were so effective at stealing land from the indigenous peoples :) It's a proud English tradition - turn up, be friendly for a bit, then start grabbing stuff. Bonus points for putting culturally meaningful artefacts in museums and not giving them back for centuries.


>Bonus points for putting culturally meaningful artefacts in museums and not giving them back for centuries. Yep like that famous Englishman, Elgin which the Elgin Marbles are named after. You know the guy named after Elgin, Scotland.


In fairness, using American logic, then regular people in England today are descended from the people who specifically didn't go colonising abroad.


I always feel this about Australia. There's a lot of "you British" as though Brits came over, committed the usual atrocities of colonisation (and undoubtedly, these were committed) then they all went back. While a new, innocent race of white Australians popped up out of nowhere and started running things decently.


The 'you British' isn't a new sentiment at all. There's nothing more Australian than Waltzing Mathilda and Ned Kelly and they're both examples of 'Australian nativism'. Edit: As in, the bushrangers and swagmen are the 'native Australians', not the squatters or police


I know I always think this, my ancestors stayed in their native land why do you hate me so much 😂


I fear we're pretty well rivalled by many other European states in that regard. The Belgians certainly outdid us for the Crown of Evil Conquerors with their atrocities in the Congo. And it's amazing how other states get a pass for their involvement in the slave trade. Portugal effectively started the African slave trade, and only ended it after Britain - which had already axed it - paid them to do so. Maybe it's only in foreign language media so I don't see it, but where are all the calls for reparations from Portugal, France, Spain etc compared to Britain? None of this is to diminish the atrocities that Britain committed, but it is frustrating that we are mostly the only nation demonised for it.


Pretty well rivalled by literally every state in the world that has had power at some point. Whether European, Asian or American. It’s not a uniquely European thing, contrary to what American progressives would have you believe. Hell the Arab slave trade lasted longer and was just as damaging as the Atlantic slave trade but you never hear left wing Americans discussing that.


>Hell the Arab slave trade lasted longer and was just as damaging pretty its still going on, it just got 'modernised', and a little bit less obvious.


Reading Spanish and French news regularly, I see a similar amount of talk about it. I also follow art news, and there is a lot of talk of restitution everywhere. In my native Italy colonialism tends to be simply lumped with all the other crimes of the Fascist regime, usually ignoring the fact that Italian colonialism started much earlier, and had pretty widespread support. In my hometown there is a massive statue to [an explorer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vittorio_Bottego) "conquering Africa", but it only briefly entered the public debate after the Birmingham protests made the news. I don't particularly think it should be removed, but we should at least know the history.


Sometimes they skipped the friendly bit.


My great, great, great, great, great, grandfather was a Cornish pirate, so “y’arr!”


Well Biden's paternal line come from Devon, a pirate centre of industry, so maybe that's why his son loves mayhem and carousing internationally. Tis his sea shanty blood me' lubbers.


Shiver me laptops, mateys!


"Meet Tavern Wenches in Your Area Now" Someone run me malware blocker, ooh arr.


You leave beautiful Devon out of this, it doesn’t deserve being sullied like this!


Westward Ho! Has a new meaning? (Soz)


My west country mate downloaded a dodgy film when I went to visit her last year. Y'arr and a yo ho ho! We actually shared a bottle of Kracken.


Not much westcountry about Kracken more West Indies


Mine was a Cornish Pasty. I'm part swede.


So he's saying that the Irish in him makes him aggressive? A bit offensive to the Irish?


No he's saying he's Irish and using a stereotype to prove he isn't


You said it much better than I did


A BIT offensive is putting it mildly. But he's only reflecting a common American prejudice. "Getting your Irish up", means getting angry.


Ah like the totally culturally sensitive and politically aware drink 'Irish Car Bomb' that they'll quite happily order and drink? Yeah, terrorism is funny!!!! HAHAHA. I'm Irish, begorrah, top o' the mornin to ya on St Patty's day!


Im American and I’ve never heard someone say that in my entire life


[It's a thing ](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/get-ones-irish-up) apparently


I've seen it too often... https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/get-ones-irish-up


Is this some kind of east coast thing?


No idea, I'm not American. I've heard it and seen it on social media but I've no idea where people came from!


Huh I’ve never once heard someone say it, it’s definitely not a commonly used phrase


Thank God for that


I'll fight you for saying that. Only because I'm a fiery ginger though.


Fiery ginger, like a tin of Old Jamaica.


I remember when Biden was doing a visit to Belfast, and he said it was nice being there in person to make sure the Brits weren't "screwing around" with Northern Ireland LOL https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-65557068


Well we all know his views on the British. "BBC?, no I'm Irish"


Hugely racist you mean?


He has been flat out offensive about his "irishness" plenty of times. He really embarrassed himself when he visited here. I should add his predecessors have been just as bad. Maybe not Obama can't recall him ever putting his foot in it but might have missed it so don't quote me on that!




Is that the one where he emerged like a (self appointed) returning hero onto the stage with a suit pocket full of clovers? Also enjoyed when he looked at a US soldier playing a Great Highland bagpipe and said ‘they know how to make this Irishman happy’.


Oh you don't understand! It's not offensive, because he is Irish himself! /s


Yes. Like that awful American who claimed her family was always shouting and fighting because they were "Italian". Mostly they claim their drunkenness is due to their "Irish roots". While not seeming to realise the racist stereotyping.


I, an Englishman, am more Irish than Biden is, as I have two Irish great grandparents. Biden is also, by ancestry, more English than he is Irish. Trump has a Scottish dad? Does trump have a ‘Scottish temper’? American heritage claims are wild and utterly meaningless.


Trumps mother is actually Scottish too. Born in Scotland. Joe's nearest direct line Irish family members are his great great great grandparents and even some of them are English. What a guy


What an eejit


Biden's mother was extremely racist - absolutely rabid in her hate of "the English" - and he's inherited a lot of that from her. He doesn't actually realise that most English people are totally fine with Irish people, see them as brethren and equals, and wish there could be peace.


I was about to write a comment saying leniency should always be given to people who were alive during the conflict their country had to gain independence, and therefore Brit-bashing isn't indicative of genuine racism. But the woman isn't Irish. They are just holding on to perceived affectations of what they think Irishness is through the window pane of a society they departed 150 years ago. Even if they kept up every tradition of 1850, they would be as Irish as the Pennsylvania Dutch are German.


Yeah I don’t really blame the Irish hating us to be honest, but Biden and his Mum can get fucked.


Nah it's his mum that was Scottish, is his dad not German or something? I think they used to be Trumpf


His mother was born on the island of Lewis




Maybe trump only inherited the diet?


Would Trump say no to a deep fried Mars bar? I think not


'I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid' Joe Biden.


Yeah a lot of people in Ireland were not happy when he said that.


Omg did he really say that? 😳


Yes. Yes he did…more than once I believe.


i’m born and raised english and i’m significantly more irish by heritage than biden is, even have irish citizenship, but i would never claim to 'be' irish. let alone by using a lazy stereotype. it’s so fucking bizarre




He’s just having a plastic paddy.


He's not irish


Even the President of the USA doesn’t want to be American. Embarrassment.


To be fair… id happily pretend to be anything than an American.


Why are Americans so obsessed with being anything other than American? I thought Americans are supposed to be the greatest


Only Irish or Italian we brag about


Theme for America 2024 is Cringe Grandpa. We have Big Joe Biden talking like its 1850 again with his stereotypes and Donald Trump reinacting The Alamo amid court appearances. Retirement complex fallout plotlines. Meanwhile the sanest and calmest President Michael D Higgins continues to inspire and respond with grace.


Biden... 3 out of 4 of his ancestral lines are English...


...Trump his parents were German Draft Dodgers and a Scottish illegal immigrant ...


The irony of this is that there is a plaque in the village of Westbourne (West Sussex) that states Joe Biden 4x great grandparents were from the village before moving to America. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westbourne,_West_Sussex


I'm pretty sure Ireland's already disowned your genocidal ass, Joe.


If he were actually Irish, he’d be moving heaven and earth for Palestine. Grand bunch of lads, them Irish


What's an Irish temper when it's at home? When someone annoys an Irish person, they break them with craic and sarcasm. Not anger.


That's very true. I live in Ireland and it's very much verbal piss take here


Came here to say this. As far as I'm aware, an Irish temper is saying "Grand, yeah." and then talking shite about your man to everyone else in the pub. Even that's going away because our rural pubs are dying, so now we just quietly seethe for the most part.


Wit is it with yanks and naw wanting tae be yanks? ​ Like fucken hell I'll throw up the star spangled banner, hold a big baldy bastarding eagle on my arm, wear a stetson and cowboy boots, smoke the fattest cigar and unload an M240 Bravo into the sky just to balance out the amount of American's who think they need to be another nationality.


The Plastic Paddy is strong in this American 😆 I wonder if Americans know that's what they're called when they caim to be irish?


From his Great great great great grandpappy. Though tbf he does still have blood relatives in Ireland that he makes sure he has meals with whilst there. Which is more than the 45 other Presidents who claim Irish decency


Biden, with his English surname 😂


I never know whether it's beeden or byden. But it looks like bidet anyway so he may as well be French.


There *is* a fairly big crossover between surnames in the UK and Ireland.


I'm English with an Irish mother, I know mate lol


Isn't he as much Irish as Obama?


He's certainly more English than Obama.


>Though tbf he does still have blood relatives in Ireland Bollocks does he.


I can tell you now we don’t want anything to do with him and his war mongering ways. Nothing Irish about a colonial war criminal


Yeah I was just gonna say that didn’t Ireland just make a statement about Biden needs to stop saying he’s Irish because he’s financing a genocide Edit: [Yes](https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/joe-biden-clare-daly-irish-mep-israel-b2481193.html). “So take notes butcher Biden: the ancestors of the Ireland that you claim to be from disown you. Keep our country out of your mouth.”


I certainly don’t think he’ll be making anymore trips to Ireland to muster the Irish American vote. He’d be chased out. Unfortunately our spineless political leaders will still be making the St Patrick’s day to the White House. American presidents have been claiming ancestors for years for Irish American votes. Even Obama managed to find a distant cousin a year before his re-election campaign.


He's one of the worst Plastic Paddies. The most high profile, at least...embarrassing


He’s as Irish as Elizabeth Warren is Indian. 


It's not racist or anti-Irish, you see, because Joe is Irish. Not a wealthy and powerful American, no, he is Irish! ​ /s


For the love of god.


Joe Biden is indeed American




You're not Irish Joe, Yours sincerely, Ireland


fantastic. now give us healthcare.


He's a walking stereotype and hates the English. Doesn't know the first thing about being Irish, either. His mum drilled it into him for.. Some reason, despite basically having no connection at all to the UK or Ireland.


Joe Biden claiming he’s Irish again, what’s new.


He needs to remember what day it is, if it's just Biden and Trump taking to the debate podiums itll be like a scene from the simpsons retirement home. Just two dementia riddled ill men forgetting why they are mad then each blaming a different minority. It's sad that either of these decrepit men have a shot at commander in chief for a second time when the first felt like a America was having a mass aneurysm when they voted for them.


Insufferable people. My grandma is more Irish than this utter buffoon and she’s Algerian.


We really have to stop giving so many fucks aboout what Presidents say when it's not policy related. Who the fuck cares how Biden feels about his heritage? Let's be real, very few people actually do. They just use it as a talking point to attack his character, which really has nothing to do with how he governs. Are there character flaws that might affect how he govrens? Of course. But him having an "Irish Temper" isn't one of them.


He’s no Irishman. Irish people understand the horrors of oppression.


He’s so Irish, his great, great grandparents were mostly from Ireland, which makes him 100% Irish ☘️


Fucker will keel over before he takes aim at anything, someone should tell.him to shove is stereotypes up his genocide supporting arse.