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I can't fucking believe it. They live in 1 of 50 states and they can't remember their flag.


But isn't each state like its own country?


“Generic and boring emblem on blue background” pretty much sums up 40/50 of the flags


They go on about each state being like a country bollocks and love flags. Yet they can't recognise their state flag. I'm English, I know all the national flags of both the Britain isles and the UK. As well as a lot of Europe. I also know quite a lot of county flags and a few flags/coats of arms of towns I've lived in, and I don't think I'm particularly unusual in that. Edit: grammar


I’m British and know the national flags for the British isles, UK and most of Europe (EU at least) plus a fair few other countries. I definitely don’t know any county or town flags!


I'm German and i also know every European (especially EU) Flag (though i think i would have to pay more attention to determine the exact shade of blue between Luxembourg and the Netherlands) quite a few of the UK's subdivision flags and of course the german state flags (though there's a 50/50 chance i would confuse Hesse and Thuringia as it's the whole Poland/Monaco/Indonesia problem all over again and i still haven't found a good mental bridge for this one). While i don't "know" most of our district flags/CoAs, i know the common tropes necessary to make some educated guesses, such as a black deer antler on yellow always being in Baden-Württemberg or a Yellow Lion on Black being in the former Electoral Palarinate and thus basically guaranteed to be either Rhineland-Palatinate or Bavaria. Are there any similar "tropes" throughout english county flags, based on former Kingdoms, Duchies, etc?


> Poland/Monaco/Indonesia Poland: white up, red down. Don't get fooled by Polandball, which is upside down. Indonesia: red up, white down. Monaco: red up, white down, slightly more squared.


There are stories about Indonesians cutting the blue part of the Dutch flag during the time it was the Dutch Indies. It’s possibly not true, but to me it helps me to remember it’s red up white down like the top part of the Dutch flag.


As far as I'm concerned there's a single IndoCo flag, and a single ChadMania flag, and those countries just have to share.


I'll give you a clue on my counties flag to see if you can make an educated guess where I live. It's got Robin Hood on it.


Nottinghamshire i assume?




Hesse's coat of arm is crowned, while Thuringia's lion is crowned. The background of Thuringia is a lighter shade of blue (just like Luxemburg to Netherlands). There are also stars on the Thuringian coat of arms, symbolizing the houses/counties/whatever that were unified when Thuringia was founded. Also the striping is reversed with Hesse starting with white. But yeah, the crown is the easiest bridge for me.


You don't know the cornish flag? Or the Yorkshire flag?


Just googled both and I did not. Although I really should’ve known the Yorkshire & Lancashire ones what with the war of the roses and all


This blows my mind. The corniche flag must be on 10% of cars I see in the east Midlands.


Corniche, the seaside has it’s own flag?


Nah, a cliff does


Check out the Romney marsh flag!


Isle of Man is my favourite, bit mental.


You should see the Isle of Lucy flag then!


Wow, that is quite some flag! I’ve also looked up the flags of my home and current counties, so it’s been quite an educational morning :)


Isn't it. It's got pretty much everything the marsh is known for sheep, a power station all its missing in inbreeding.


Presumed that was a typo and I was searching for a Rodney Marsh flag


Could t be sure. I know the Lancashire and Yorkshire flag, but if you said Warwickshire I’d be guessing it had the bear on it. If you said Cumbria I’d be screwed as I can’t think of an emblem that could also be on a flag. I’d be getting sketchy at the small Eastern European countries as well as they formed after I left university and I really haven’t looked at flags since high school. My recall from quiz programs is non existent. I’m not stupid either, I just don’t really give a fuck about flags.


But you know some, I also presume you live in Lancashire since you put it before Yorkshire?


No I live in london, but Lancashire always comes before Yorkshire anyway. Like, you put the best one first. /s Lancastrian living in london.


I knew it!! You're correct though.


Poor deluded soul.


I'm British and barely know any flags because I don't have a weird fake love for flags like Americans do




I even know how to spell Isle of Man :p


I think our county lines and regions shift a lot so county flags don't really stick unless it's historic or the town has a particular Thing That They're Proud Of. A lot of them are recent inventions, anyway. Islands are different; they have a set boundary and a firmer identity.


We have 11 counties and 357 municipalities in my country, and each has their own "flag" so to speak, and for the life of me it's all I can do to remember the flag of the county and the municipality I live in lol


Essex, so I know my flag well. Get the three swords ready!


I know the flag of my home county, Somerset(yellow with red dragon) and the coat of arms of Bristol, my city of birth(bit harder to describe).


Not even from your own? I'm in Devon and Cornwall quite a bit and you see local flags quite commonly.


I’ve never noticed many or any flags where I am, but that could be because I’ve not been paying attention. It’s not something I’ve ever given much thought to before today!


The "British Isles"??? WTF?


To be fair, some of the states have flags that are immediately recognizable. Maryland, Texas, California, Ohio, etc. But around 25 others are literally just a matte color (usually blue) + state coat of arms.


At least Virginia's coat of arm is awesome, nothing beats the roman goddess of Virtue with her left boob hanging out, stepping over the body of a vanquished tyrant.


Yeah but we have morons in our country too. Not just America. I bet it wouldn’t be hard to find someone that would misidentify the flag of England, U.K., Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. I bet some wouldn’t even recognise the Irish tricolour. And then if you throw in Isle of Man, jersey etc, you’ll stump quite a few.


Hell I'm British and I can identify several US state flags.


Both the British isles? There are more than two my friend.


I went back and added Europe to the sentence and didn't pick up the grammatical error it caused. It originally said "bothe the British Isles and Great Britain," inferring that there is a difference.




Not a state, but I’m personally a fan of the [Detroit flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Flag_of_Detroit.svg/1200px-Flag_of_Detroit.svg.png). One lady watching her house burn down, while another lady invites her back to her place. Jokes aside though, I think it’s pretty badass that the city motto is Latin for “We hope for better things. It will rise from the ashes.” It’s referencing the fire of 1805, but Detroit has been a city in flames more than once, and keeps coming back.


[And then you have Maryland](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Flag_of_Maryland.svg)


Except Hawaii, which is the superior state flag for obvious reasons 🇬🇧 (Hilariously, Britain never actually owned Hawaii, one of their kings simply really liked us and they didn’t have a flag yet so he was like “yours is pretty cool, can we borrow it?”)


there's also a few pretty colourful fun flags (mostly yellow). Ohio has the only non rectangle flag and even though it's yet another red white and blue variation it's got a kind of cool optical illusion most of the flags also actually have the state name on it and that's especially true for the boring ones. so he wanted to learn to recognize the state flags, learning a handful of red white and blue stripe variations, reading the name on a lot of boring flags, and learning a handful of distinct ones however the coolest flags in the US are the Native American flags. they're not only vastly more diverse than the state flags, they're also mostly pretty unique. lots of colors that you rarely or never see on flags otherwise and lots of unique patterns and shapes vexologists love to complain about US state flags mostly being a fucking seal on a blue background and really they should just move on from the states and go for the different Native American flags


I thought I read that they adopted the quarter to curry favour with the Brits.


see here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4w6808wJcU&](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4w6808wJcU&)


[Grey Grades Flags](https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?si=ZxG31_1mnT8AILSn) Imo a fantastic and simple video that goes over them so well.


Thank god MN got rid of their old one today. Not only did it suck but it was also racist


Ours has a beaver on it....


Truth. Although I will say my state has this flag that we’re all actually pretty obsessed with. 😂 Not in the ‘Murica sort of way where people lose their ever loving shit and attach it to pickup trucks, but more of in a, “it’s just a really cool flag,” sort of way. Not the boring red/white/blue crap variation.


And the funniest part: half of them write the name of the state right on the flag. Colorado and Ohio go halfway with this, they put a big C and O on their respective flags.


Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice!


Definitely not, and you'd be hard pressed to find a lot of Americans that know their state flag. Doesn't excuse not recognizing that that's not the flag of Mexico though.


I read a story from Entitled Parents where a mother was kicked out of an airport and ruining the family holiday to New Mexico. Why? She threw a hissy fit over the airline "changing" their flight from international to domestic.


There's a subreddit about people not getting that New Mexico is a proper US state and wrongly thinking it's a part of Mexico or something.


I live in germany in a little city state and this is our state flag: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Bremen Little bit resemblance to the stars and stripes. guessing, that flag beneath the us flag and she were only half irritated, although she won't recognise it. stupid racist.


It surprised me that your city flag is Red n White. As a football fan I had assumed it would have been Green/White the colours Werder Bremen wear.


Red and White are the old hanseatic colours. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanseatic_flags


I mean, she’s from West Virginia so what exactly should we expect?


West Virginia, born and raised. Ignorant is how I spent most of my days.


They had the write the name of their state on the flag so people knew what it was, but then maybe she can’t read either.


I'm Aussie and I honestly didn't even know each of our states had a flag until a few years ago and even then i don't know the flag of my home state... All I know is that it's blue, has the Union jack on it and something else, but then that's all of them, but the NT (but they don't count they aren't a state anyway)


In Ireland there’s the country’s flag and then one for each of the four provinces. None of the counties have official flags but you will find flags for most of them, it’s usually the colours of their Gaelic team’s kit with sometimes with the counties emblem smacked in the middle.


I live in Russia and there is about 80 regions, and each have their own flag. In Kuzbass there red and blue colours with bunch of mining inventory, because we mining coal. But there are some interesting like Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast or Chelyabinskaya oblast


I actually had no idea until reading this. Looked them up, they’re somehow uglier than our national flag.


They blend in really well where the states fly them because they just look like the national flag from afar, and they are always flown with the national flag too. Honestly they aren't the worst flag out there.


True, especially the VIC one because it’s pretty much the same flag. And yeah they’re not the worst I just don’t like em lol


There's an incredibly easy mnemonic to remember the state flags. If it's complete fucking shit, it's a state flag.


To be honest I could probably recognize more flags from other countries than I could other states lol


Yep, we've got a lot of dumb-dumbs here.


> "About half the parents acted as if they didn't know what to do during the national anthem. Or maybe they simply don't think it's all that serious? Which should absolutely be a right they have, in the "freest country on earth", no? > I get that a lot of the students have Hispanic heritage. Well, if they have Hispanic, but not Mexican heritage, then the "Mexican" flag wouldn't represent them. Not sure if she's just very American, or simply racist.


>Not sure if she's just very American, or simply racist Por qué no los dos?


I don't speak Spanish, but I'm sure that says "why not both?"


You are correct, but it’s also a popular reference to [this commercial](https://youtu.be/vqgSO8_cRio?si=Ihx-hP_Tr06lfPaQ)!


Joooooder, first time I see, the girl has strong gringa accent 🤦‍♂️


Well, Old El Paso is an American brand


El Paso is an American city after all


the funniest part is that she’s Aussie IIRC


I know.


A Venn diagram with two overlapping circles.


Sir this is America speak English






She is simply stupid.


Considering the state flag doesn't look even slightly like the Mexican one, I'm going to assume they saw brown people and immediately decided they were all immigrants.


Is there any difference between being “very American,” or, “simply racist”?


I feel like they're part of a increasingly severe but distinctly different terms to say racist. Racism is racism but there's a difference between someone murdering someone that's difference and the sweet old lady who means no harm but hasn't had their lexicon updated in the last twenty years.


Not sure why some people felt the need to play the national anthem


I really spent some 15 minutes looking for that Mexican flag... And another 15 minutes looking for a German flag... Excuse me I'm not functional at the moment...


Mexico is Italy but with an eagle 🇲🇽 Germany is Belgium but rotated and in a different order 🇩🇪


As a German, I’d assume her „heritage flag“ isn’t in use anymore. Depending on when they migrated, there maybe wasn’t even a „heritage flag“. Those „heritage Germans“ seem to be very ignorant to the fact that Germany changed their national state a few times between the 19th and 20th century


You’ll blow their mind if you tell them Germany as a whole unified country didn’t exist until 1871


What if I tell you that the “Germany” of 1871 was a different country to the one now and that “Germany” has only existed in its present state since 1990.


Oh that I know but I was trying to keep it simple. This could be a whole interesting discussion around a drink of what makes a country a country and how should we date it. On one end I would technically agree with you but on another I would also argue that for nation state entities maybe historical and sociological factors should be taken into account. For sure between the 1871 German Empire and the 1990 reunified German federal republic there is quite the difference but can we consider the USA the same country as it once founded in 1776 ? Or what about France which was also an empire in 1870 and went through 3 different republics and one puppet state within that same 120 years timeframe? Again an interesting debate I would love to have, in good faith, over a snacks and drinks :)


I agree with all of that. The concept of nations and Nation States is very complicated. I don’t know if I agree with the idea of Germany only existing from 1990 myself. I think anyone who has a clear definition of any of these things probably doesn’t know enough about it.


It’s definitely much more complex than people imagine. I remember this quote from a historian or sociologist (unfortunately I didn’t commit his name to memory): « The past is a foreign land » I’m not sure I have much in common with the people from my country 2 or 3 hundred years ago, yet we’re seen as one and the same.


Isn't it since 1949? The annexation of the former DDR just changed the borders, right?


They were two separate states but it is complicated. You could make an argument for 1949. My family divided by annexation would disagree with you but me personally I think it is a fair point.


Belgium as a country is about 30 years older than Germany


Indeed. People often don’t realize how wild 19th century Europe was. Empires fell, coups were made, countries were born, politicians were murdered. Being into politics back then was no joke


A lot of head chopping back then too, We could make a religion out of this. Yes I know the French Revolution was the end of the 18th century.


Yes and France kept the head chopping going until the late 70´s so you’re not wrong :)


Explaining to American people about East Prussia is erm a difficult kind of interesting. Esp since so many "ethnic Germans" actually came from Königsberg and Posen to the US, but not Germany as today.


Depends a lot on your definition of "whole unified country". Does the [Kingdom of Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Germany) count, or doesn't it? If it doesn't, at which part does France become a "whole unified country"? Since it's the other kingdom that came out of that division of the Frankish Empire.


Sorry guys but that's not it. He thinks that the flag displayed there (the state flag) is a mexican flag. He thinks the flag is there because there are a lot of mexican descendents in the school. Then he argues: "I'm a descendent of germans and don't expect to see a german flag in school, so this mexican flag shouldn't be there too."


Point is the chance of him knowing the flag representing his ancestors is zero. He would for sure answer the black, red, yellow, when this flag likely didn't exist and also represents a different state than the one his ancestors left.


And the fact that he would likely answer black, red, yellow instead of black, red, gold also tells enough about his knowledge of "his ancestry".


black, red, gold


"Some people in my class are "brown"/have different surnames etc so this thing i don't understand must relate to these people"


What do you mean you don’t have a flag of Prussia?!


I’m from the north west, we had dioceses for government. And those were changing constantly, too, so we chose a hyphenated name of both 🤪


Its weird how addicted to a flag that country is


Also playing the national anthem at every opportunity is fucking weird


They're indoctrinated from birth, they think it's normal, whereas for the rest of us it resembles North Korea.


I believe that it's even worse than in NK. I doubt that most of the people there fall for the propaganda, there is a constant flow of western media to the country, they know that they get fooled, but they are really suppressed.


Well, we should tell them then I guess.


I imagine we playing our national anthem in France for each opportunity while it's a war song, I think it's inappropriate.


Yeah I go to football matches pretty often and even for Champions League which is international, there is no anthem, it would be weird.


There is the anthem for national team.


I'm American and I think it is insane. In school every morning you have to recite the 'pledge of Alligence' too. (presumably they still do. Been a while since my son was in school and much more of a while since I was). But they never actually explained WHY the plege or what it means. I called it pledge of the legence for ages when I was young. It's creepy and rather explains why so many people are frothing at the bit to have a dictator instead of a president.


Yeah I always found that weird af when I saw that on cartoon and tv show, pledging alligence to a flag with your anthem, that feels so militaristic, overly patriotic and undemocratic. I would hate it, if it happened here. I only heard the anthem for some special school occassions.


At least where I’m from (the state shown in this post) it isn’t required to do anything for the pledge. They do say it, and most including myself stand up out of habit or respect, but if you choose to sit, nothing happens


It's still weird it's done at all. My 8th grade teacher is the one who actually said we didn't have to if we didn't want to. He thought it was bad we were taught to do so but never taught why.


Yeah the practice is a little strange, I personally don’t have a problem with it being done, unless they decide to force kids to participate. At that point it changes from patriotism to indoctrination lol


Any idea what her response was when it was pointed out that is was the state flag?


The worst thing about posts like these is not including reaction, or even an explanation like if she deleted the post in embarrassment 😅


She most likely ignored it or deleted the post


She sounds like she would tell everyone shes german just to try to be special. However, shes so very much american, she would suffer a major culture shock in europe, let alone germany in particular.


She’s German! 23andme told her she’s 0.4% German by the polish of her left pinky nail. She’s basically more German than anyone born in Germany today. It’s her HeRiTaGe!!!


*Laughing at those weirdos in german*


Imagine being that patriotic, you don’t even know your state flag 😂😂


It’s almost as if being ignorant is a prerequisite for being nationalist/patriotic




> I'm not even American, but even I recognized that as the West Virginia state flag. I didn't, but I recognised it as "not the Mexican flag", lmao.


Genuinely spent ages looking for the mexican flag thinking I was just blind.


I didn't recognize it as the West Virginia flag, but I sure as fuck didn't recognize it as the Mexican flag either.


Where in wv did you go to?


I couldn’t have told you what flag that is, but I could’ve told you that it’s not Mexican flag


The worst part is that the name of the state is written on the flag


"Bobby, if those kids could read, they would be very upset."


Yes, but it also says “mountaineers are always free” in Latin. It’s clearly Latin American.


So let me get this straight: they keep going on about how every state is "basically like its own country", but can't actually point out their own state's flag?


I literally looked at that flag before I saw the comment and thought “that’s a state flag”, lol.


Where is the Mexican flag? WHERE?


Yes even i as a foreigner know Mexico has a GREEN, WHITE AND RED flag.


Any excuse to be a racist


That looks nothing like the Mexican flag. One response states it the state flag. If they are so patriotic why did they not recognize their state flag?


I wish there was a way to capture the reaction to this response.


americans are so weirdly nationalist. "a place of honour beside the american flag"? it’s a piece of fabric. what is the national anthem even doing in a band concert


Where is the Mexican flag? Lol I thought I was blind for a minute


That’s a f**king school in my town. In West Virginia. Not shocked. 🤦🏽‍♂️


This type of people know only one "heritage" flag they want to see waving again.


My girlfriend's mom told me she would never send her kids to a school that doesn't make the kids say the pledge of allegiance every morning. My school never did. Then again, my school also had text books that were up to date, so...


no way they didn't recognize their own state flag 😭 I'm not asking them to remember EVERY state flag. I live in italy, there are 21 region flags and I only remember mine and Sicily's, so I get it. I'm not asking them to remember mexico's flag either. but they HAVE to have seen their state flag at least once in their life?? plus, even if it was the Mexican flag, where's the issue in having it there?


Why do they play the national anthem at a school band concert?




These saying are keep getting shittier, keep em coming!


It's so fucking weird to see flags hung around in the first place. Particularly huge ones, indoors


West Virginia….. oh West Virginia How could anyone confuse that flag with the Mexican flag?!?!


She’s probably as German as I am American which is 0%


That's not even vaguely similar to the Mexian flag.


Even if the Mexican flag was hanging, there was nothing wrong with it. It is a way of recognizing their heritage.


Also if the Mexican flag was up there it's supposed to be at equal height to the American flag. It's flag code: If the flags of other nations are displayed with the American Flag, they should be of equal size and at equal heights on separate staffs at a time of peace. The American Flag should be displayed to the (flag's own) right but not higher than other national flags. Now I think flag code is bullshit. I just happen to love mentioning it to "patriots" when they say some dumb shit. "Ol' Glory should never be disrespected!" "That's a nice confederate flag you have up there on your pole above the American Flag. Funny I thought America won that war. Also that's against flag code. If you were a real patriot you'd know that and not disrespect it by putting them together like that."


Guess the flag Murican 🇿🇲 Hint it was where I was born (white British) on another continent but now live in the UK 🇬🇧. 😂😂😂


Merica pretty stoopid


What state flag is that though?


West virginia


Mountain mama


Take me hoome


To the place I beloooong Edit: Shit wrong line.


Well definitely not many flags were discussed/placed in ops school.


> The Mexican flag holding a place of honor next to the American flag was disturbing to me. Jaysus wept. I mean it is kinda funny because it's not the Mexican flag, but I find it disturbing to know that people like this exist, have a vote, and procreate. The lunatics are taking over the asylum.


National anthem at a band concert? What a stupid country


But isn’t each state like its own country? Would’ve assumed they’d know what their own flag looks like


American: is 0.00000000001% Russian Also American: “yeah I’m Russian. Me and putin are family and we drink vodka every day together”


My high school offered German as a language and there were, indeed, German flags on display. They even kept the French flag up in my French classes, and that was during the peak of the 'freedom fries' era.


Excluding the racism for a seccond, how can you be that weird about flags and nationalism but also not know the flag of the area you live in? I'm from the uk, so there's obviously different flags for each country and county... but even individual towns have little coat of arm emblem things. I could recognise my home towns coat of arms despite giving an absolutely miniscule amount of fucks about it, just because it's displayed around the town and I have functional eyeballs.


Why would they think it’s German? It has English written on it, specifically “STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA.”


lol, whaddadick


We have the local black country flag and it's not even a county just an area that has no official boundaries but is instantly recognisable to the locals


They play their fucking anthem at a concert??!!


Americans are the smartest




This is no way close to looking like the Mexican Flag. 🇲🇽


Why is it every time I see my home state posted on this app it involves some of the stupidest shenanigans I have ever seen 🫠


"Heritage flag" might be the most Americsn combination of words I've ever seen


MEXICO?!? Did you never notice the big green and red stripes on the right and left. I just can't believe OOP is this stupid.


Wtf is a 'heritage flag?


Please keep me in your thoughts, I live near the woman who said this and we have two mutual friends.