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Honestly this person's last words say it all "If we lost it be out of pure hatred not lack of talent." This is the biggest reason why we don't want America in it - they're sore losers. We'd never hear the end of how it was apparently rigged and the europoors hate us cause they ain't us nonsense. They also take things way too seriously. Eurovision is all about the fun, the goofy outfits and mimicing the hilariously over-enthusiastic "Hello Eurovision country calling!" when the votes are being announced. You just know they'd turn it toxic and "USA NO 1!!!" would be the only thing heard in the audience.


For real. Germany comes dead last so often and we just meme about it. The only people actually mad are old men yelling at clouds and even then only for like 5 minutes. I don't want to imagine the months long meltdown USAmericans would have. Sidenote: Canada and Mexico seem chill though, they're welcome to bring some North American rep 😬


Germany and UK; we always know we'll be doing badly and it's joled about before it's even on. Eurovision isn't meant to be taken seriously so it doesn't hurt when we score terribly, or sometimes not at all. I can't imagine how the USA would handle 0 points!


We had some people over on saturday and when the jury votes came in all of us were like "what the FUCK is going on" 3-digits, I'm in complete shock 😂


But did Firefighter Georgia put out all those fires you had on stage? It was a good entry from Germany this year! UK, not so much 😬


Honestly I thought the UK one was kinda fun. It had big 'accidentally walked into the wrong kind of sauna' vibes.


It prompted some really heated homophobia on a lot of subs which is sad to see. I guess I can understand why some would say "it's too gay" but I've seen people saying it contained "implied rape". It's been a big eye-opener to how some straight people just don't get sexuality. To someone who said it was "too gay" I mentioned it made a nice change to the scanty women with their tits and arses out. To which they said "only 5% of people are gay so why cater to them". A woman commented something like - actually 50% of people (women) may like it too.


How the fuck is something ‘too gay’ for Eurovision.


It's not possible. Also the artist in question is gay. How dare he cater to himself?!


Oh absolutely. It's not like art is an expression of the artist or anything, nah it's entirely disconnected.


1 gay person in a country of 65million is 1 person too many \*for some people\*. I happen to love a gay man very much, so I'm definitely not one of the people I mentioned.


*Even if* only 5% of people would be into it, I don’t really see how that means that it should be represented 0% of the time. I really don’t understand any point of their goofy reasonings


So disappointing. It's Eurovision; nothing can possibly be too gay for that! I don't know what could be confusing about that or what expectations people have. Also people saying it shouldn't be allowed on a "family show". It's on 8pm to about midnight in the UK, so most European timezones it's starting after 9pm. Eurovision is not for children for that alone, even if there are catchy pop songs and bright colours. 


Honestly, with Eurovision, it's more likely that 5/7 scantily clad men simulating sex *isn't gay enough* than that it's too gay. And the artist is gay - if gay people can't cater to gay people, who is allowed to cater to us?


I wonder if there's a window of gay enough before it gets too gay, more research is required I think. Somebody needs to push the gay envelope


Socks under the blankets, and saying no homo


Big "why aren't I the centre of attention 100% of the time" vibes.


idk i was humming the song while cooking today... its not my usual kind of music, and i had been listening to very catchy stuff while driving sooo idk what it says but it sure is saying something


I did notice it stuck in my head today too... im like wait.. whats happening


we were taking fucking shots for each time i was soooo plastered


Oof I'm glad we didn't do that I already had the rude realization the next mornung that apparently hangovers hit differently once you're in your late 20s 😅


I actually fucking lol'd when we got 0 public votes. Most hilarious moment of the night, and I think Olly Alexander took it well.


I accidentally cackled loudly enough to wake the dog at that result. I feel like 0 wasn't a surprise but also made me glad for the jury system because he didn't deserve no points. Olly definitely took it well so my respect to him for that. 


It looked like he started waving his flags *even more* when the zero audience points were announced lmao


What about Portugal? We consider that being anywhere up the last place is a great qualification. We were all in awe when we won in 2017... Was a one time thing!


Or Spain. Spain trying to not continuously think "This is the year" and then not to be in the bottom 5 for a year challenge (impossible)


And as the person in the post seems to imply, yes, the uk could win by sending someone like Robbie Williams, but that would rake the fun away.


Oh, boy, no, you don't want the kind of goof my countrymen can pull off, you'll end up cleaning up the stage with acid after the stink a Mexican trying to be overly funny or goofy can pull.


USA like a spoiled brat at a kid's birthday party: making it all about themself and ruining all the games by being competitive.


USA is literally Cartman


I'm sad that they don't announce all points anymore. It took ages and was somehow boring but still the best part.


absolutely, you could always gossip and have small fits about neighbouring countries favoring eachother.... even if it has the worst song ever... or getting mad about your neighbour country not giving 'enough points' to you, even though you knew the song of your country wasnt worth any points etc


Italy has a very little feud with San Marino for this reason :))))


Also sore losers participate with San Marino because they weren’t chosen by Italy. *cough* Achille Lauro *cough*


The building up to the 12 points part was the best. Thanks UK, Croatia and another one I don't recall for our 3 12s this year, we love you guys!


They would not even understand the joke about "douze points" almost all countries make. They wouldn't fare well at all, they would be like a fish out of water and just solidifying their position at number one dumbasses.


Here in the UK, we're far more familiar with the *nil points* jokes.


They would just release a World Vision series, where the only country to enter is themselves.


What's really funny about that is there's a charity in Australia by that name.


I'm British. Losing Eurovision is like our national sport. I don't think we're *too* salty about it.


Nah, if anything we love that it gives us something else to moan about.


I mean it's a fairly common thing in the UK for people to say "Europe doesn't like us since brexit so they don't vote for us" but then we entered an actually good song and very nearly won. The real thing that changed was the record lables stopped sending artists because it stopped being a good way to promote music


\*good song sung by someone charismatic *who can actually sing live on stage*


There is no country on Earth that could miss the point of Eurovision more than America.


Also it's literally EUROvision, not usavision.


Well, that argument holds less water since Australia joined.... and Israel.... I still wouldn't want the USA to win. Besides, they're always talking about how much *diversity* there is in the USA, how culturally different all the states are from each other etc, so why not just have a USA-only competition between the states?? Oh. Because it would be incredibly boring and samey, that's why.


They did/do have a USA only competition called the American Song Contest. It was hosted by snoop dog and a k-pop star won. Because as you say the songs were all the same. Best to just keep them contained to their own contest.


Eurovison isn't about national talent - the UK has shit loads of world-renowned artists, but rarely does well in Eurovison even when we send a relatively successful artist. Eurovision is about the song, the spectical, the artist's charisma, and finally, a heaping helping of "definitely not politics". It would be funny if the US were invited one year to compete, purely to see the angry meltdown when their not-bad song comes dead last due to the "definitely zero politics" that happens every year.


Exactly, if we had historically put bands like Queen, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, the Beatles, Rolling Stones etc... into Eurovision you would as an outsider think "they are world famous, they are bound to win". But they wouldn't. Eurovision music is a very specific type of music. It not meant to be good in the tradition sense of the word.


Cliff Richard competed twice, and came second both times, so big names definitely don't automatically win.


Second and third, both of which are really good results.


Oops, I stand corrected. He considers that he lost though.


I also assumed as it was the UK it must have instantly been at the bottom.


The UK is historically considered to be the most successful country in Eurovision, maybe not the most wins but more podium places than any other country


Celine Dion for Switzerland..


Before she was big (in Europe at least).


She wasn't even big in Canada at the time, she was an up and coming artist, but no major hits in Quebec let alone outside Quebec


I would have loved to have seen the Stone Roses play at eurovision in the mid 90s


Ian Brown would have ruined it but Reni would have smashed it


My favourite moment in Eurovision history was when Finland came out with an official apology for their contestant being an embarrassment, a contestant that would later completely destroy the entire competition. That was a peak Eurovision spectacle. I still have that image of a zombie with a Finnish flag top hat engraved in my memories.


I've seen Lordi in concert (twice!) and they appear to have a collection of national flag top hats. The first time I saw them, Hard Rock Hallelujah was the big finish, and Mr Lordi ran along the front of the stage as he sang, wearing a top hat with the UK flag in sequins on it, high-fiving the audience members in the front row. Best. Gig. Ever.


Yeah, Eurovision is partly a popularity contest, and the USA would likely not fare very well. 


So you mean another competitor for the vaunted Nil Point group?


Europe would genuinely rather vote for the UK than the US


We may rarely win but you cant take away our natural given right to lose, it's just not fair 😭


Tbf we already share that title with Germany.


Now it would be: 24th - Germany 2 points 25th - UK 1 point 26th - USA 0 points


They might be scorpy wankbags but the UK are _our_ scorpy wankbags


I've never been so proud to be British and part of Europe 😭🥲


Exactly why they shouldn't be allowed, We rather enjoy coming in the bottom half of the table, "Nil Point" is a badge we ware with honour AND NOONE WILL TAKE IT FROM US!


They'd send Beyoncé and expect her to win just by name. Then she would come in 12th because the song is another mediocre Beyoncé song missing all the over the top and tongue-in-cheek atmosphere of a good Eurovision song, and all the Americans will be clamouring about discrimination because tHe RaCiSt EuRo'S vOtEd AgAiNsT hEr BeCaUsE sHe'S bLaCk.


precisely, without looking at the winning nations and understanding why they won: in the end Beyoncé would only and simply be Beyoncé 


Slimane is of African descent and yet he is super popular and his Eurovision contest was too. Maybe because he's actually talented and releases actually original songs.


Lmao Beyoncé would never do Eurovision Most big name artists don’t have time to do Eurovision because of touring and other commitments I know they got Flo Rida that one time but if I remember correctly he didn’t have time to make it to most of the rehearsals, they used a stand in for most of it


Madonna and Justin Timberlake have done interval acts, but both weren't liked at all


But the countries that won in the last couple of years, excluding Ukraine, had nothing to do with politics. Or can you explain to me how the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland won based on politics? Ukraine won because of televoting, it was an outpour of sympathy for the country in Europe. That being said, the song would have done well regardless.


Cyprus always votes for Greece. Always. The Greeks could send a Nazi in uniform whose performance was just hitting babies with hammers and Cyprus would still give douze points to Adolf Childmasher.


That might be true for televoters, but this year the jury gave 12 points to Croatia


The last reply shown here doesn't get it either. Peacock is a streaming service, but I'm pretty sure the show needs to be shown on free-to-air television, so that would have been on the NBC network in this case, but not sure all the NBC affiliates would like that since they can't put in any ad breaks and have to show it live, in full, with no skipping/censorship (I'd like to see how the Swiss and UK entries would have fared in southern states!).


Some countries that Eurovision airs in do have ads. So they don't see some of the hosy content. Normally the low-budget, cringe host stuff is saved for when half the continent is on ad break.


Ah, I see. It makes sense, but then that’s still only 3 ad breaks within the 2 hours when the contestants sing, whereas in the US you get that many breaks in like 30 minutes.


I America you'd probably get ad breaks in that little postcard segment where they introduce the singers.


At least we have Graham Norton to take the piss out of it.


I think most Brits simply watch the show to listen to Graham Norton take the piss out of everything as they did with Sir Terry Wogan


Also merely being a good song is not enough for Eurovision


Isn't eurovision for like... Euros?? Also does he think people like Mozart, Vivaldi, or Bach were American?? Some of the most important and talented musicians of all time were European. Not to mention all the modern day amazing European artists. Does he think America holds a monopoly over the music industry like with movies??? Of the 4 big record labels, only 1 is American. This is so fucking dumb... Edit: to everyone replying with "what about Australia and Israel?": 👍 We get it, it's not just Europeans


>Does he think America holds a monopoly over the music industry like with movies??? Yes, he does think that. Also, national talent doesn't matter one bit. Look at Great Britain, arguably a titan in the music industry, but they keep sending shit songs so they can never win.


If America did enter it would mean the UK doesn't finish last.


It is known.


Yeah, cause in the American music industry the shitty but catchy songs are pumped out for maximum profits while actually good songs get little to no recognition, with very few artists in the middle where they can make a living but aren't filthy rich.


They'd send Taylor Swift and the UK would finish above her.


Except for Sam Ryder.


A tiny part of me also thinks the fact he looks like he could be a Swedish guy named Lars Björnsson, who runs an ethical coffee shop in Stockholm, who has 127 5-star reviews on google saying 'Lars is a great guy he is always happy when serving me my coffee', plays a big part in why he was so liked. We need to send another happy long haired nordic looking guy.


Fucking idiot thinks that Beyoncé would be performing or summat


Terrible songs. Sam Ryder was good, Though. Maybe he would have won normally. But fgs, the U.K. song is usually appalling.


Not necessarily appalling, more uninspired, generic, and forgettable. We play it too safe, rather than trying something avant garde.


Fairly certain it's political as well. Did Ukraine actually win... Or was it because of... Well their war mongering neighbour. Sam Ryder actually won that year.. but the politics said otherwise.


After holding the event at least once, a number of countries go "fuck me, that's expensive! Let's not do that again!" Pretty sure the UK has been using that tactic for a while. I thought the rule to be participating country meant that they had to become a member of the EBU - is there a "broadcasting for x-years in advance" rule as well? That's why Israel & Australia are allowed in (the EBU membership).


Not the Netherlands though! We were in it to w...oh fuck, not even participating in the last hour. Still buggered about that, I actually dig our contribution for the first time ever.


I really don't think we all have that mentality: my country won in 2017 and we've been sending solid acts every year, 10th place this year was not bad at all.


I think they were joking there. But there is always talk about x country doesn’t want to host again. it goes back to the 90s when Ireland won 3 times in a row.


There was a whole Father Ted episode based on this premise: "My lovely horse"


It's the most political apolitical celebration I've ever seen... To be fair though, Ukraine's submission that year was actually pretty darn catchy regardless.. And for the first time since GinaG I actually LIKED the UK's submission that year! This years was actually awful, in fact the only time I heard our submission was on BBC news about how much of a disaster it was after it happened.


Even the host this year made a joke about it


And the fact that the songwriter with the most billboard #1 is Paul McCartney(British) and second most is Max Martin(Swedish), who probably will surpass McCartney in a few years.


Americans are so brainwashed they truly believe theyre the best at everything.


It’s like that old Cold War joke. CIA and KGB Agent are meeting at a lakeside. CIA guy goes “you guys sure are good at propaganda” KGB agent says “your government is excellent at it as well”. CIA replies “we don’t have propaganda in America”


They'd believe they *would have been* American 


Eurovision isn't even the most popular musicians from their respective countries most of the time. Which makes it charming, since it's often random small bands and artists no one outside the art scene has ever heard of. If America sends a hiphop country band with Asian instruments from Hicksville, IL, it would be appropriate, they can't send Taylor Swift.


UK sent Bonnie Tyler in 2013 and San Marino sent fucking Flo Rida as featuring artist…. I don’t see why they wouldn’t send Taylor to be honest, it would be very them


Bonnie Tyler was a solid 30 years after her heyday and Flo Rida wasn’t exactly at the height of his fame when he performed either. Eurovision acts from most countries tend to be either a YouTube singer or someone who was on X factor/the voice/x got Talent/Idol four years ago. The only exception is San Marino where it’s basically jury duty.


Italy sends Sanremo winners


It's a tricky one for famous artists, if they perform very badly, it won't look good on their CV and could devastate their career. And big artists really don't need that publicity.


Lets not forget Switzerland sending in Celine Dion that one time.


Celine Dion wasn't a supermegastar in that age


That's what *gave* Celine her breakthrough in Europe.


Yes, their comments just show that they don’t know what they’re talking about, as per usual. Eurovision is not a competition where the countries are typically sending the best or most popular music they have. So obviously, the quality is generally nothing amazing.


It's for members of the European Broadcasting Union.


It's crazy that they genuinely believe America dominates global culture. They seriously have absolutely no concept of foreign cultures.


because they don't actually look carefully at what they do and why they dominate. The most important comics industry is the Japanese one, because the American one has always been repeating the same script for 40 years. Hollywood wins for the incredible promotion it does and because it is the only one to propose works for the global public, for example we Italians almost don't even see Italian productions. American TV series have higher budgets. Etc. Add to this the fact that instead of having European cinema, television and other things we have everything at a national level and anyone can understand the disadvantage there is in Europe.


Non euro countries can participate under certain conditions but there's a catch. If they win, they can't host the competition next year.


That's only true of Australia. All other EBU members can host, hence Israel doing so.


So who would host if Australia won?


Typically the runner up hosts if the winner isn't able to.


That's not "typical" at all, that only happened in 2023 because the winner (Ukraine) *wanted* to host, but *couldn't* due to a reason everyone was very sympathetic towards. Historically, winners refusing to host for financial or scheduling reasons happened semi-recently in the 60s and 70s, and then they just gave it to whoever could do it on short notice (usually the BBC). They did occasionally *offer* it to the runner-up first (e.g. in 1980 Israel refused for financial reasons, they offered hosting to runner-up Spain but they didn't get the funds either, so it ended up being the 12th placed Netherlands eventually).


I knew that the UK had hosted as a runner up before 2023 so I thought it was typical. Your answer has made me curious so I've done some digging. By the looks of things, there have been seven times the contest wasn't hosted by the previous year's winner/one of the joint winners. 1957: Switzerland hosted and won the first contest and "winner hosts next year" wasn't a thing yet. Germany hosted in 1957 because it had already been agreed that the host should change each year. They may or may not have been the runner up in the previous year, voting was secret so only a winner was announced and runners up were not made public. 1960: Netherlands won the previous year, but as they hosted in 1958 they declined to host again so soon after so the UK as runner up hosted instead. 1963: France won the previous year but had hosted in both 1959 and 1961 and didn't want to host again so soon. UK hosted, and were joint 4th in the previous year. 2nd and 3rd were Monaco and Luxembourg though who certainly wouldn't be able to host today, though I haven't found anything definitive to say that they didn't have the means to host 61 years ago. 1972: Monaco won previously but did not have the required facilities to host according to the EBU, so UK hosted instead (4th place). Spain and Germany were 2nd and 3rd, not sure whether they had first refusal. 1974: Luxembourg won it two years in a row and didn't want to host for the second year running so UK did it again (3rd place). Spain were 2nd. 1980: As you say, Israel were the champions but declined to host as it would be their second win in a row. Oddly enough the UK declined to host this time and the Netherlands did. 2023: runners up UK hosted instead of Ukraine and it's all because of the Russians.


I'm not sure if you found more on that, but I'm pretty sure 2023 was also the only one where the actual winner was heavily featured in the show and collaborated in the hosting. In 1980 the Netherlands even chose the date so that Israel couldn't join at all (probably not on purpose, but it coincided with their remembrance day).


Hey they dominate modern music!! The Weeknd, Drake, Justin Bieber…. wait


Okay, but they still dominate movies though! Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey- wait a minute…


>Isn't eurovision for like... Euros?? It was originally, but there's all sorts of non-European countries in it now, like Australia, Israel, Georgia, etc. Russia used to be in it but they kicked them out over Ukraine.


Israel and Georgia count as Europe for the purpose of TV broadcasting, as they lie within the European Broadcasting Area. Eurovision is organised by the European Broadcasting Union, and its members include Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Since all countries that at least partially lie within the European Broadcasting Area are eligible to join EBU, potential future candidates are Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Also, technically it's not _countries_ that are members of the EBU, it's broadcasters, but that's a completely different matter.


I agree with almost all of it... but... you ignore the fact Australia is in the contest for 9 years as well :P


Special guest due to a deal made a few years ago between broadcasters.


Mostly on account of it being massively popular down there, leading to a special invitation to join for the 60th anniversary of EVS. Which turned out to be so well-received on all sides they became a fixture.


Most of those countries make sense being in Eurovision, but how us Aussies managed to be included is well beyond me. I’m not complaining, it just doesn’t make any sense. We are pretty much as far away from Europe as it’s possible to be while still being on earth.


Eurovision was so popular in Australia that they received a special invitation to join at the 60th anniversary. That was such a successfull deal on both sides that the EBU decided that Australia would be allowed in the contest for the next year and they basically just stayed in ever since.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest#:~:text=Several%20countries%20geographically%20outside%20the,debut%20in%20the%202015%20contest. Plenty of non European countries are participating. Israel. Australia. Morocco. Armenia


I kinda feel like the US would send a song that would totally miss the vibe of the competition. I mean, we saw what they would do when they had their Americans Song Contest. I admittedly didn‘t watch a whole lot but from what I saw it was completely missing the campyness. If you sent a bland radio friendly stereotypical song of course you‘re gonna lose.


At least Alexa, a kpop artist, won with a kpop adjacent song, and honestly, that is the most Eurovision-esque genre there is. Every year I watch the "kpop songs that could fit in Eurovision" compilations on youtube and it just makes SO much sense. Basically, the most Eurovision like song even won American Song Contest.


The issue with kpop songs is that eurovision doesn't allow a backing track for the main vocal and much less any type of auto-tune, which was definitely present in the American version and it's almost used exclusively in Kpop because of the hard choreographies.


Completely depends on the group though. There are many kpop groups that can sing live (but usually aren't allowed to on tv performances since they gotta go smooth and the companies don't want to risk anything 🙄), but yes, agreed. Alexa was one of the few artists that sang mostly live on ASC, but not even she did the whole thing without a backtrack. I watched all of that show and I swear only like 5 performances used any form of live vocals, the rest were completely lipsynced. Just added to the plastic feel of that whole show. But sadly nowadays ESC are heading the same way, seeing as the recorded backing vocals often overpower the live main vocal. Just a few years ago even non-live backing vocals was unthinkable.


I saw someone point out that the IS would send a super group of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and Ariana Grande and it would lose to a guy from Moldova dressed as a farmer singing about cows


That’s why we watch and love Eurovision!


Also FloRida literally participated once for San Marino and they didn‘t do particularly well (Personally love the song tho lol). But just because you‘re famous you won‘t be successfull.


Lowkey there's a version of Adrenalina on YouTube without FloRida and it's so much better 😭


They don't understand Eurovision at all. And Australia only gets to compete on invitation, we've been broadcasting and following it for decades! It's not about sending your country's biggest superstar. It's finding an act that fits the theme, and hits the right feel for the year, which isn't always clear until you see the show. Sometimes a ballad wins, sometimes something campy and fun. And it's the most political nonpolitical show on earth. It was kind of a downer this year because of everything over shadowing it.


I feel like this is the crux. If the USA would be a fan of Eurovision, been following for years and altered an act to make it fit Eurovision it would be great. But the ignorant commenter expects Eurovision to change for USA because they ‘deserve’ to compete and that’s just missing the point


Americans just fundamentally do not understand what Eurovision is about. We don’t want your superstars, we want Europapa Cha Cha Cha Dancing Lasha Tumbai


American fundamentally misunderstands the point of Eurovision. If countries actually took the competition seriously and sent their absolute best, it would be a very different, and likely less successful, event. The UK has amazing music acts dominating the charts both here and over in the US, and yet we always do badly in Eurovision because we never submit those acts. Because that’s not the point of Eurovision.


They do take it seriously. Eurovision isn't meant to be attractive to world class talent. It is meant to produce and amplify it, both of which it has done in the past very well. There is no point in sending a seasoned artist, they are already famous!


I love that in recent years we’ve gotten so much good music from Eurovision! It’s a huge part of the fun for me to hear music from different countries and cultures and start following my faves every year. Especially with the trend of singing in their own languages


Exactly this. The music shown can be a breath of fresh air after listening to the same old stuff on the radio all the time. There's an Icelandic band I rather like, called Hatari; that got their start from Eurovision.


There are also rules about the songs you can send. To my recollection, it should be the first airing of a song. You can't test it or pick an old favorite. Nobody would sit on a great song for half a year to be able to sing it in Eurovision - so basically it's a hit-and-miss lottery in any case. For a newcomer it is a chance to showcase their stuff and maybe get lucky, but for a famous singer it could be an really embarrassing flop.


Doesn't have to be first airing. Just cannot be released before a certain date, which I think is normally around September the previous year.


One of the reasons American acts are dominating the charts abroad is because many American record companies have the budget and network to promote their artists worldwide, while it's rarer for record companies outside of the US.


Exactly. I often see the rhetoric that American culture is super popular worldwide because it's objectively better than any other culture. But in reality it's pure BS. They just have better PR and money.


I wish we would build a network specifically made to promote small and independent creators from very different cultures. More of a cooperative, collaborative platform that would be much less decentralised.


Even Portugal: we have absolutely fabulous singers and every year we send the anonymous one, the one who didn't make the charts yet or will never make it without being in the Eurovision. Salvador was an example: his sister is a well known musician, she was the one who wrote him the song and we never even have heard of him before. After it, he was a national hero.


"They broadcast it on peacock" That's a fucking streaming service. It has to be broadcast for free in, preferably, some state funded broadcasting service like the ÖRR.


Well... We once had an American superstar at Eurovision... And it was epic... It's still a running gag, how Madonna failed xD


Omg don‘t remind me 💀 that was peak cringe.


2022 they did an American version of Eurovision. The American Song Contest. But it was not a great success,so they did not renew it. Seems, we europoors are better in this business :)


And the song that won was probably the most Eurovision sounding of all of them and also kpop adjacent, so not exactly what US superstars are making.


One benefit of the US being in Eurovision is there would be much less chance of the UK getting “Nil pois.” 😂


Mate, they wouldn‘t make it past the semi finals. Unfortunately that still means nil points for you.


Rats, you’re right 😂


No peas?


No one is sending their "superstars" to the eurovision tho, are they? 🤔


I would admit Canada just to spite the Americans.


Americans need to back off and leave us to enjoy Eurovision. It’s bad enough they’re allowed to vote now. Let us have our thing.


america is the rest of the world now lol


Do they realise how politically charged the voting is? It’s nothing to do with how good the songs are and _everything_ to do with how much the other countries dislike you. I don’t care who they put up, America’s foreign policy and the way their citizen talk about other countries would result in “nil points” across the board. And I’m totally down for that. Let them in.


Yup. The one year the UK has a chance of winning and Ukraine has to get itself invaded. How selfish. /s


Ukraine fully deserved it, don't get me wrong, but watching our one chance in decades slide past was a shame! Was so lovely to see the support though, so was definitely worth it.


You got to host an amazing show and Sam had a great interval act, so it was pretty close to a win.


That is very true. It's really not about the winning, we were just so close for a change!


>Do they realise how politically charged the voting is? It’s nothing to do with how good the songs are and *everything* to do with how much the other countries dislike you.  Yay, the UK is getting off the bottom


The way the US would absofuckinglutely flop on Eurovision 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The continent of Texas would win and it’s the capital of the known universe.


Eurovision is an excuse for countries to vote for and against their friends and enemies. Who's gonna vote for the US?


Let's face it, America would enter one of two songs. Either Howlin' Wyatt Jackson singing "I Dun Fucked My Niece Again" Or G-Dollar Thunda rapping about shooting some dirty bitches.


G-Dolla Thunda lyrics: "Yo it's G-Dolla, let me hear you holla, Im on a mission to be switching continents, to be on Eurovision, we got France, Spain, Germany and Belgium, If they don't know where I'm from then I better tell them, I'm from the U-U-U-USA, from the U-U-U-USA. We got the Italy, Sweden, Brazil and China, all these European countries on a map, im struggling to find ya, I might be black but im 31% Irish, we like to party, shout out to Austria, throw another shrimp on the barbie"


It happened. San Marino entered a song featuring Flo Rida, and he performed on stage with Senhit. Pretty sure Flo Rida counts as a superstar, and they finished 22nd. Honestly, I thought it was a great song, but I wasn't surprised. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Marino_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest_2021


Yeah ok, let a german team play in the NHL then -.- Examples on that level don't even wanna flow out of my fingers. You gotta explain it on the level of 3 year olds. EUROvision.....EURO....


They even tried to make their own version and it failed. https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/1897928/eurovision-america-USA-song-contest


The type of people who would say “how can this song win? We cant even understand the lyrics”


Actually, please invite the US so they can be butchered year on year. Additionally, more people watch Eurovision (160mil) than the Superbowl (123mil) tHe aMeRiCaN MiNd cANnOt cOmPrEhEnD tHiS


Americans are so full of themselves they call national events WORLD series like the nfl calling their winners world champions when nfl literally stands for NATIONAL football league


A lot of people in the in the US don't understand that a lot of non-US artist that are huge in other places and don't bother promoting themselves in the US. You can have a pretty busy schedule selling out shows all year in Europe.


This from the country that declares itself world champion at two whole sports almost nobody else plays, and don't even have a 100% record.


It's a song contest. So Max Martin plays for team Europe.


I mean in pop music their big unique country is a second to the UK and it’s not even close.


>LeBron isn't barred from the finals bc he wins too much.. the one criticism everyone has about LeBron is that he doesn't actually win the finals that much. At least know some stuff about sports when making a sports analogy.


US showed with American Song Contest that it fundamentally does not understand Eurovision Song Contest.


Given the way Eurovision voting goes, I, for one, would love to see the USA enter. "And, in last place..."


"it's still the UK!" Because the US didn't make it through the semi finals


You know what, fuck it, let them in, let them realise it’s not so simple to win and blow their tiny minds. Let’s bend the rules a bit to let them compete and let them stew when they fail


if you want to join EV to win, you missed the whole point, its like a competition where every contestant wants to be 10th place


So basically, they love watching Eurovision because it makes them angry and it shows that everyone else in the world hates them and feels resentful towards them? And there was me thinking it was a funny, cheesy song competition.


I don’t think this person gets it, Eurovision barely sends superstars to represent, it’s always new talent or old artists trying to restart their careers. The UK could quite easily send Adele, but what would be the point?