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"Reinsurance"? You mean, the Renaissance?!?


Ahh, he got it right later, assuming the colours are coded. Put it down to Otto carrot


After the Roman Empire fell, no one could get insurance for their homes. The reinsurance marks the rise of insurance companies and banking.


No he probably meant reinsurance


Sorry but what the fuck is this font


That’s what I’m hoping to find out


I think its comic sans. Used to get shat on everytime someone posted something with it on the internet. Should be brought back.


It’s definitely not comic sans


It's a Samsung font, Choco-something


it's Rosemary


Oh I thought it was Choco Cooky, but you're right.


My bad then, but it's still horrible


My ex had the same for WhatsApp, idk... I'm a Noto sans/Arial bitch


I will take Europe’s ancient cities over the dumps like Chicago and all the other crappy US cities anytime.


I can only think of 3 US cities where the skyline is instantly recognisable. New York, San Francisco, and Seattle (because of the space needle), the rest are just full of monotonous glass and steel skyscrapers that are indistinguishable from each other.


maybe San Francisco for it's bridge, but it never survives a new movie coming out.


And that won't survive a couple hundred years


US Bank Tower in Los Angeles Maybe less so is Willis Tower in Chicago. I think those make it distinct enough.


>US Bank Tower in Los Angeles Seen that but I would never have linked it with LA. For me LA is more the observatory. Same with The Willis Tower, I have seen it but would never link it with Chicago immediately


Every time I have been there it feels like there’s 4 or 5 skylines.


The US Bank Tower and Willis Tower may be recognisable to Americans but unlikely to anyone else


Yeah I googled them and US Bank tower was new to me. Willis tower I knew as Sears tower, but was also not immediately recognised. Frankly Nakatomi plaza is more recognisable to me that either of those lol.


Assuming that our rights and social progress isn't dragged back in the process, I'm with you


Are you suggesting that Americans have more rights and social progress than Europeans? If so, can you provide an example? Hint: don’t talk about guns - Europeans can own weapons but just do so responsibly


So, a few years back, my country changed from “may issue” (which was nearly impossible to get, due police automatically denying any request, as a legacy of Soviet times) to “shall issue” where gun permit was pretty much automatically granted, following relatively cheap gun safety course and/or shooting club membership. There has been slight uptick in gun ownership, mostly as a curiosity, but vast majority of population simply don’t care - we have no junkies robbing people at gun point, home invasions are extremely rare, and violent rape rate is comparable to that of Japan. Given the requirements that are out for storage, so that our kids don’t off themselves while playing “cowboys and Indians”, (like certified safebox, and storing gun and ammo separately during transportation, which would be entirely reasonable to everyone who doesn’t jerk himself off with NRA flag), people simply don’t bother, since there is really not need to get one. In neighboring Czech Republic, gun laws are more liberal than in most of USA states nowadays, but they don’t fetishize guns either - I guess a push for widespread gun ownership is a sign of a failed state, not unlike a Somalia or South Sudan, where every household “needs” an AK-47 (and a few hand grenades, for a good measure) for personal protection, since they can’t expect country to uphold such basic task, like ensure it’s citizen’s safely.


Nope. I was saying that I don't want to have the same rights as women in ancient Rome (read, basically none), and that as stupidly backwards as the US is, I'd rather have limited rights than none atl all if those are my only options - but, assuming my rights are kept, then by all means kick my town back to the iron age (people are industrious little buggers and will quickly develop things back or find ways to cope and accommodate)


I think you’ll find that the comparison here is with current day USA and current day Europe in cities rebuilt after the war


Look up how you score on the freedom index, you’re less free than the British you fought to be free from 😂🤣😂. I’d love to know what you call social progress.


I'm Danish (born and raised). I was just saying that I don't want my rights to be dragged back to the Ancient era, even if my town is, and that assuming I would keep my rights, I'd rather live in a town stuck in the iron age than in the US. You got it backwards


Oh look, someone else that doesn't know the difference between the EU and Europe 😂


Didn’t you hear? After Brexit we left the Eurasian plate and are now adrift in the North Atlantic.


As long as we can drift to somewhere warm 😂


But we can only stay there for 90 days consecutively.


Yep,but that has nothing to do with Britain no longer being in Europe..we may have left the EU,but we've not shifted continents 😉


I know, I was just making a joke about people who voted for Brexit can no longer go somewhere warm in elsewhere in Europe for longer than 90 days consecutively. Sorry, it was a crap joke!


Nope that's me working,responding at the same time and the joke flying right over my head 😂It's a great joke if I hadnt been multitasking 😂😂😂


"We're just going to disconnect the Internet and float of into the Atlantic" -SovietWomble


This is how the Tories are going to stop the boats


nat zees


Deez Nat zees


PSA when I spell stuff like this on YouTube I'm just trying to avoid their garbage comment filters lmao. Considering the word they tried using I'm 99% sure that's what they were doing.


That's a tiktok thing


Seen a video on YT where someone spelled it the brand name Kuhn instead of saying it. Guess why. Same strategy here.


I was wondering what a natural Z was for a minute


"I rolled a... Z?"


Sounds like a far-right board game.


outside America are they called nat zeds?


Big lip for people who build their shit from cardboard.


Planned obsolesce, notice how a tiny little hurricane can wipe out entire towns in the US.




New Orleans?


Which tiny little hurricane are you talking about? The hurricanes I experienced were both category 5, not tiny at all. This was also while living in the part of the US most vulnerable to hurricanes other than Puerto Rico. I'm not trying to say that US buildings are the most durable things out there, but a lot of the damage done by hurricanes is through flooding, which doesn't really have much to do with the structural integrity of buildings. When it comes to the buildings themselves, most generic houses weren't destroyed, at least from what I remember.


Another one who confuses Europe with the European Union. Britain left the EU, not Europe. You cannot just leave a continent.


Not true. The UK was towed into African waters as punishment for Brexit.


If only, the weather would be nicer down there.


We’d turn as red as a boiled lobster, because we essentially would become one, also the complaints about the weather would not stop, just change


the funny thing is that this dude answered again, saying indeed that Britain basically left europe and could be considered a continent per se


They clearly dont realize EU and Europe are different things.


Oh yeah watch me, all we need to do is pick up the continental plate and push it somewhere else presumably using a big saw to cut us out of the Eurasian plate, Nigel Farage has probably already proposed this though so maybe I should put an s in


We could just go with the Whole Doctor Who episode thing and move everyone onto a colony ark moved by a Space Whale.


*Tectonic Plates enter the chat*


Geology liked that.


To be fair, that's a perspective that the UK basically kept enforcing for ages by making the distinction between the British Isles and Continental Europe. (To the extend of "continental breakfast" being short for "not what Brits eat"). And that perspective is at the root part of the whole "EC/EU" debacle both in terms of always wanting "a separate deal" and leaving thinking it could be "more special" by getting more concessions than duties. Purely Geographically speaking the Isles are part of the continent Europe, but "actually geographical" clearly isn't the only framework that is being applied by people.


If you mean the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, it started in the Fertile Crescent. If you mean the Agricultural Revolution that transformed the way that land was used, that was in the 18th century in Britain.


4 course crop rotation.


I'm definitely very proud of keeping my groceries in the cave and not having a bathroom, but I wish we had at least some internet connection, so I could say to this prick how progress is great in Europe, there is a church in my village and every horse has horseshoes, we can make so many tools with wood and I even know someone who can read!


We have been saving a portion of our US government provided aid in the hopes of developing the capability and actually building a US strip mall and road. Imagine the joy the ability to shop at five stores in a row connected by a common parking lot, perhaps with a fast food establishment, could bring to our dreary and empty lives. A Dollar Tree, a Dress Barn, perhaps even a Michael's craft supply store. Sequins and ribbon could bring so much to our downtrodden people. We don't have cars to use on the road, but we think decorated mule carts could work for that and also perhaps a drive up window could be realized with some additional effort from our top scientist. We are debating if it should go next to Bern, Geneva or Zürich, as we can really only afford to build one at first, but we hope that revenue from this first location could spur on the development of additional locations. Perhaps one day, a road to CONNECT them to one another could be possible.


This font is disguisting


Yeah cause fibro housing and double wides are soooo much better


Europe: builds commie blocks for the poor with affordable rent. America: builds "double wide" mobile homes for the poor, which although being owned homes sits on rented land were the rent keeps going up until the owner basically has to abandon their house because they can't afford the lot rent, or to move the house.


We've got some Roman bits, as well as medieval.


Why would you waste your breath trying to educate an American?


Agreed. The people are so dumb they are bragging about the few thousand attending ivy league while they have a useless degree they paid 300k USD for with 17% interest. Touting about how rich they are with a 37k median income, while their average is 64k. Too dumb to know what a skew in a graph signals.


Americans understanding the difference between the EU and Europe challenge (impossible)


That happens when you steal the name of a whole continent for your country instead of using a proper noun. AmErIcAnS


Hmm, this tells me they've never travelled....and they they need to learn where the industrial revolution started (and when it occured)


Britain isn't Europe! Don't you remember!? They left the European continent back in 2020 /s


Coming from a country where they're proud they haven't updated any rights since 1776? Yeah, it's everyone else living in the past.


American here. Not proud of living in the past.


And even if you count Amendments, the US last amended theirs in 1992, 32 years ago! France... 3 months ago. They really are living in the past.


na zees? _reinsurance_?


Nat zees? Why can’t that person spell?


Avoiding overzealous chat filters.


I didn’t know YouTube had those


They don't. You can have your comment deleted on tiktok for calling someone a moron but you don't have to censor yourself on YT. I think ppl are so used to censoring themselves on tiktok, it's bled into other social media


The real travesty here is having that font on your phone


Lol go say around the real old people here that their city was destroyed by the nazis and not by the Americans "liberating" it a couple months before the Russians could, it will be well received We're still fishing American bombs out of the harbors 80 years later smh


Reminds me of when I moved from Oklahoma to California as a child and was constantly asked what it was like living in a Tee Pee or riding a horse to school. Idiots will always be with us.


Americans should not be allowed to talk about medieval times since they have no history what so ever and go as far as make shit up about it


Do people genuinely like using that font?


Your font🤮


Living in a place full of historyand cuture or paper homes dotted around huge swathes of concrete. really tough choice...


isn't america heading towards serfdom with their economy? sounds like they're closer to the dark ages than any other developed nation


idk dude, im pretty sure they didnt have gaming laptops in the medieval times but what do i know


I wonder what games they played


The fact the person typed in Nat zee is a joke. Just type Nazis


Youtube could shadow ban your comment


Lol, thank God I use ad block that site


Amazing how European cities were destroyed by the Germans in WW2.. American high-altitude bombing had nothing to do with it?






Medieval (pronounced medi-eval)... So a country where a large number of the population believe that The Earth is flat; everything is according to god's plan; the universe is only 4,000 years old; and criminals are executed.


Nah bro, no way he said the agricultural revolution 😭


It blows my mind that some of them think, that europe is hundrets of years behind.


Better than living in the stone age and being proud of it


Agriculture revolution? The one that started 12000 years ago in the fertile crescent?


Probably suggest the USAF & the RAAF did most of the urban redesign of European cities in the 1940’s


Comic Sans arhhhhhh my eyes!


The Nat zees..... Facepalm


Dont forget the enlightenment, it started in France but sadly never crossed the Atlantic.


That's not nazis who destroyed entire cities in Europe but their friends, the US bombers 🤣


Germany not on the same continent like France anymore? Sounds like a win to me!


Second account I’m gonna have to opt out of this sub. I can’t take the (unintentional?) rage bait anymore.


This ain't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure.


It’s more a statement about how every post from this sub is a rage-inducing quote in a million identical iterations. After seeing a couple, you don’t really need to read every single one everyday unless you get off on habitual rage-commenting.