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…Puerto Rico is an American territory. They’re full citizens.


Aren't people in Puerto Rico not allowed to vote for anything in the government that governs them? Much like... No taxation without representation...


They have an island government but because they’re not a state, they have no voting power for the federal government. The question of statehood versus sovereignty is a continuing issue. Washington DC doesn’t have congressional representation either, their license plates actually say no taxation without representation. But because of how hard right the republicans have become, getting the system fixed isn’t possible.


Yeah, so "full citizen" is a bit of a stretch. "Second grade citizen" is probably more fitting.


They can move to the US without a visa and vote there, so technically they're "full citizens", AFAIK.


They can change residency. I’ve been a citizen of several states, it’s just based on time living somewhere. So born in PR can move residence to a state and vote for President. It’s not a restriction on them permanently. Same for people from Guam, and a few other islands. The only US territory that doesn’t grant full citizenship is American Samoa. They’re only nationals and don’t have the same rights with respect to voting or moving.


So... they can't vote without moving? And the logic behind that is...?


It’s pointlessly complicated but the basic premise is that in our federal elections, only states have voting power. Truthfully it’s because the constitution was written in the late 1780s and they couldn’t imagine how big the country would eventually get. It probably made a lot of sense then…they only controlled the eastern seaboard areas at that point. France still owned the entire middle of the continent when it was written.


Sounds like the constitution is in dire need of an update. A country the size of Puerto Rico without voting power? Would you like to be in that position?


Yeah it is. But it’ll never happen in my lifetime.


As I recall, the license plates say "Taxation without representation," not "no taxation without representation," because it's not an explicit protest, it's just a subtle dig at the situation. It's been a while since I've been in DC though


Yeah you’re right, they’ve made different versions but the primary version doesn’t have the no. I remembered wrong.


Very interesting, thanks for the explanation. Literally all I knew is what I had written before.


The Republican Party doesn't want Puerto Rico or DC to have representation because they expect both to be strongly Democrat leaning.


Isn't this "territory" thing a remnant from when there were huge swathes of land out west with very little government control over them? That seems pretty unsuited for Puerto Rico...


They have full citizenship. Can vote for their own government but they are not a state. So if you’re a resident of Puerto Rico you can’t vote for federal representatives other than the ex-officio member of Congress who has no voting rights. That said, if you moved from PR to New York then you could vote in NY. They can become a state and get all those federal representatives.


Came to say this. Man... I feel nothing but shame when I read the posts in this subreddit


Muricans just can't keep their noses out of other peoples buisness, and if there is oil there, well your getting invaded.


Well Guatemala was to allow a fruit company to keep fucking over the locals, they even installed a military dictatorship that did a genocide


Fruit? Oil? It all comes down to cold hard cash.


>your getting invaded It's not an invasion. It's "exportation of freedom". 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅 💣💥💣💥💣💥


Americans can never live a day without calling someone poor.


As a True American I made sure to do that at least four times today and twice before breakfast.


It’s not the same when it’s to your own reflection though /s


"I'm not poor, I'm a temporarily embarassed millionaire"


Uhhhh, anyone notice the Puerto Rico bit?


It just shows how utterly incompetent is their education system


From [Banana republic - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic#Origin) >Among the Honduran people, the United Fruit Company was known as El Pulpo ("The Octopus" in English), because its influence pervaded Honduran society, controlled their country's transport infrastructure, and manipulated Honduran national politics with anti-labour violence.


Who's gonna tell this guy that Jacobo Arbenz was murdered because he was making a banana company pay minimum wages?


"Freedom good, fascism bad, but communism badder so fascism good" Chilean golpe summarized


Same thing here in Brazil, except the American involvement was less explicit.


I'm sorry that happened, they really are a scourge on this planet


Rightly so, commie!


Arbenz was overthrown, not murdered though. You were thinking of Salvador Allende most likely.


"Ok bud, blame the USA for issues caused by little mismanaged countries..." Issues caused by the likes of Pinochet and Noriega, both of whom came to power, and remained in power, with the backing of US money and military hardware? Issues caused by actual fascists like those?


"Freedom good, fascism bad, but communism badder so fascism good"


This is a joke right? …right? I refuse to believe that an American wouldn’t know that Puerto Rico is a part of the US. For my own sanity. Then again, my own mother was shocked that she didn’t need a passport to go there…


Poorerto Rico, you say? USA USA USA 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🏈🏈🏈🗽🗽🗽


Nice flag lol


Let's stop calling Americans just the ones from the US. If you ask anyone else in the continent we are all Americans


I refuse because I don't want to be associated with moronic gringos.


Hell, just because they stole our name and made crap of it?


In Spanish or Portuguese (or any of the languages that consider America one continent), I'm all for it, but in English (and others), it's not considered one continent. So when you say American, people assume you mean the person from the country with the word America in the name, since there's not a continent called America in English. You can speak however you want but just don't be caught by surprise if you piss of an anglo-Canadian by calling them American.


That's exactly what I'm trying to change. For us it's a proud name that some wankers try to steal. Come Canadian brothers, join us in giving that definition it's true meaning and value!


thats Wrextor, a pretty well known troll. All his posts are bait


USA: \*breaks someone's leg\* Also USA: "It's your fault if you are in a wheelchair"


I went to Central America from UK, in the 90s, and had to stop over in Miami for couple days. There is dirt poor, and then there are fucking destitute homeless wearing literal rags. Which was which?


Nobody even wrote about the Mexican-American war and the loss of the territory that would eventually become the southwestern United States.


Puerto Rico is part of the US....


From the headline, I thought they were talking about Europe, which I would agree with absolutely (as a European). But South and Central bloody Americas? Bruh.