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> Take down their internet > "They've very effectively cutting off their own people from the rest of the world" Come on man, you're a part of the problem


If you sort by controversial you can see people calling him out for being a piece of shit and disabling the internet of a whole population for no reason, then he basically responds with some basic edgelord shit. Someone asked him if he’d also cut Israel’s internet to give Palestinians a break and he said he wouldn’t touch it lmao. I guess bullying the whole populace of a country because you hate their government is only moral if you do it to an enemy of the US lmao


no its just that he couldnt do it without consequence. cuz he is a piece of shit praying on the weak


I really don't believe any of that lmfao


One commenter pointed out an inconsistency in the story, [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1divlp3/im_the_hacker_that_brought_down_north_koreas/l96oz77/) he says the government begged him for details, while [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1divlp3/im_the_hacker_that_brought_down_north_koreas/l979s4i/) he says he had to beg the government for details. So maybe the story is far less impressive than he wants it to be.


[All i can find is this 2022 Wired article](https://www.wired.com/story/north-korea-hacker-internet-outage/) and some source from nknews that’s linked in it (paywalled) It just mentions a few public websites getting DDoSed, like an airline booking site and their government employee portal. Insane hyperbole to go from “people had to book flights over phone or in person for a day and they had a hard time accessing paystubs” to “Entire nation’s communications networks shut down for a week”


Someone asked him if he would do Israel next and he immediately refused looool


Tells you everything you need to know.


Redditors really will believe the most obviously fake shit, swear to Satan.


Nah bro you don’t get it this guy took out the whole country’s internet for a week and the only attention it got was a 2 year old wired article talking about their national flight booking website having connection issues


I mean it might be true, but who knows it could be bullshit. But the funny part is nobody noticed it and the dude thought he’d be hailed as some hero. So now he’s just begging for attention lol


Access to the real internet, where all communists, muslims or really anything not approved by the CIA is heavily censored, but its fine because life in is north korea is worse, trust me. We can't prove it obviously because that is also heavily censored


NK terrible internet that’s easy to take down, but simultaneously hacking experts that can hack SK president, US power grid, etc. etc.. Ah the duality of imperialist propaganda.


I saw that post earlier today and cringed, imagine bragging about knocking out the internet of the most sanctioned country in the world. At least Anonymous did some cool shit against actual right-wing and fascist governments.


> "...giving citizens access to the outside world would be an interesting thing to see..." Hard agree. Please do this in the US, too. Also, abolish and criminalize the concept of sanctions while we're at it.


How do people manage to be so stupid so as to believe this shit?


This guy is a racist terrorist.


love how this piece of shit claims to want to show the dprk citizens’ the “outside world’s internet” and then in the same post calls them a terrorist state while gloating about genuine state-abetted terrorism on the dprk’s public infrastructure. zero self awareness. if the guy himself is reading this, you’re part of the problem. glowie.


I feel this in reality was most likely far less impressive than what this person is trying to paint it as. Hell they talk about as if they could provide everyone there with internet access to the rest of the world, while also talking that the only people that have internet are government officials.




Real and True™