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Valens popped off a bit too much.


yotsuyu original girlboss


She gaslit gatekept girlbossed too hard


*not hard enough


https://i.redd.it/ynmuyksnr3yc1.gif Pretty much any time Asahi is on screen.


I feel like they paired up Fandaniel in Asahi's skinsuit with Zenos throughout Endwalker specifically to make Zenos less unlikable by contrast. I kind of hate that it worked a tiny, little bit. My answer is Meteion, though.


The Blue Chicken got off WAY too easy imo.


You would have done the same as her. Hermes fucked up


The game flat out tells us that she was made that way and that Hermes ignored basically every precaution the Ancients usually apply to their creations just so he could rush them out and get his 'answer'. The minute that Meteion reacted in pain to his own emotions Hermes should have called the entire line back. Shitty QA doomed the universe.


The real moral of EW is the importance of peer review in scientific research.


I wish we could have beaten the living shit out of Hermes I would give fuckin anything to kick the hell out of him for fucking up so royally cause by god does he deserve it


My poor birb with the best of intentions. None of that shit was her fault. She wasn't designed properly. Rush jobs rarely work.


It’s hard to judge her harshly tbh She was specifically made to interface with emotion, and then her hive mind was subjected to an entire universe’s worth of dead worlds’ despair with absolutely no preparation because the guy who made her assumed he was literally the only sad person in existence. No fucking wonder she broke under that and concluded “life is suffering, happiness is a fleeting anomaly, and all of the survivors of these dead and dying worlds want to die… I should give everyone a quick death instead of letting them suffer.”


*"because the guy who made her assumed he was literally the only sad person in existence."* oh my god I hadn't thought of it THAT way


Blue chicken: Can we be f-friends WoL: Well, now I can't kill you


“lol I did a oopsie~ alright c u later 🐦


I ended up actually liking Zenos, ironically. Felt like he became kind of a "player-adjacent" character, in the sense of he's really meant to, in a meta kind of way, represent the actual player. Cutting down tons of shit in your path for your own goals. Kinda surface-level, but the end decision to just straight-up admit you really wanna fight him was my favorite moment of the expansion. But actually fuck Meteion. Felt like such a massive slap-in-the-face to the storyline as a whole. The final villain of the 10-year arc is introduced and resolved in the last 3% of the story? Zodiark is just a bitch tool used to forward the plot but ultimately barely even a footnote, despite being the overarching "big bad" for 95% of the game? EW is probably the worst case of "I WANT to love it but I CAN'T" in regards to game stories I've had in a hot minute.


Zenos was the ultimate raider who is like "fuck all this content give me something DIFFICULT" and then he gets some solo msq content with yugiri and shit. Too ez. Finally he gets an 8 man extreme and he unsubs right after for a whole expansion in disgust. He comes back in ew cuz he wants to raid with the wol but the wol is too busy with msq. So they do another extreme together and then he's totally done with this shit so he does some pvp 1v1 with the wol and then logs off forever.


Then I personally drag his ass back over here so we keep fighting and so the power scaling just keeps ramping up until we're going Gundam mode with entire fucking mountains to deck the shit out of eachother


> The final villain of the 10-year arc is introduced and resolved in the last 3% of the story? You may not like it, but it's the most Final Fantasy ending they could have gone with. Introducing the world-ending final enemy right before you fight it is a certified Final Fantasy hood classic


I really didn't like Zenos or Asahi in SB, though at least Asahi was fun to hate. Zenos was just edgy and boring in my opinion. But EW changed my opinion on Zenos for sure and I absolutely love the way Asahi goes out in EW as well.


>But actually fuck Meteion. Felt like such a massive slap-in-the-face to the storyline as a whole. The final villain of the 10-year arc is introduced and resolved in the last 3% of the story? Zodiark is just a bitch tool used to forward the plot but ultimately barely even a footnote, despite being the overarching "big bad" for 95% of the game? God. I liked so much of that expansion's MSQ and all of what you just described tainted most of it for me. There *had* to be a better way to do it, even if it ended up being a predictable outcome.


I feel like this is reductive anyways. We had heard whispers about The Sound since shadowbringers, it probably was planned to be her since then and shroud it in mystery for a long while, slowly peeling back layers until we meet her. I feel it was done well actually.


Yeah, I always hear people talk about the sound from inside the planet as definitive foreshadowing of Endsinger and I'm always left to wonder if people know what foreshadowing actually is. Like, I don't envy MMORPG writers. They have a never-ending story they have to contend with and they have to leave vague threads dangling for possible future use by what might be an entirely different writer or story connection. It's especially important in this game. In my opinion, they dropped the ball. No, it was not well done. She was a fully eleventh hour addition to the plot that was not foreshadowed in any meaningful way *at all* and felt like a slap in the face to a lot of what was written before it. I'm willing to hear the argument about how it was more of a Hermes problem than a Meteion problem, but I'd still argue that she's an extension of him and it's *all* bad. It mars an otherwise mostly decent story build-up.


I will admit I didn't want to fight Zenos. I wish "freaking hell, leave me the the eff alone, ya stalker!" at the end was a dialogue option.


I kinda hope Zenos ***somehow*** bullshit magics his way into Dawntrail cause he's kinda grown on me since finishing Endwalker


Patch 7.1 will end with a scene of Zenos having somehow body hopped into a hrothgal, awakening something within him he never thought there.


“Forgive me, this….sensation is wholly unfamiliar to me” (He has gone into heat)


"Hah! Acceptance! At long last!" -Zenos' fursona, probably.


Shit, I wish that could happen to me :3


Yeah forget being body swapped to a nameless garlean soldier i wanna be a cute hrothgal- i mean zenos could have that that works too


so real for this


I think he is specifically because he doesn't have a minion yet. Yoshi P did mention that characters only got a minion when their part in the story was finished. That'll be the plot of 7.1-.5: domesticating Zenos!


he could probably work in hildibrand


him vs godbert would (while one-sided and a very short fight) be really fucking funny


They said in an interview he's *dead* dead and I honestly hope he stays that way. They dragged his story on too long. Time for something new.


In that case, I hope we get a minion of him soon.


the WoL


in cutscenes specifically


Most useless side character I’ve ever seen


After doing ARR beast tribes I can safely say if this was a single player game I would be constantly quick saving to kill all the sylphs. And the kobalds. Amaljaa and Sahagin are cool. Ixal kinda suck but they also leveled my alchemist. Speaking of ARR how about those assholes that wasted our time running around for corrupted crystals. No but for real. Besides Asahi it would probably be Ranjit. Dude has no reason to exist and the plot bends over to try to sell him as a big deal. He came after Zenos and managed to even more poorly written then Stormblood Zenos.


Ranjit was an example of show don't tell. At that point in the story we have overcome so many strong enemies, we need to see context of how strong he is before he defeats us. It makes sense that he would be strong after fighting really powerful sineaters for so long when few others survive, but his strength really isn't earned when we don't see him doing anything really competent.


>Ranjit was an example of show don't tell. This is actually a huge issue in WoW. Pretty much every villain not part of the warcraft RTS suite is hyped up by Blizzard saying "this guy is super duper strong. Trust us bro" Villan proceeds to do nothing then dies to PCs


Bro I fucking HATE the Sylphs.


one this, one that, you're going to be the dead one if you don't stop talking


Um, I kinda liked him when he became Fandaniel tho. He was so extra. 👀


Same. I remember when Fandaniel was first introduced, I was like, "Really, this clown is our next villian?" But then he just kept on entertaining me. His mannerisms when he was parading as a waiter during the body snatching storyline were hilarious


That little fucker stole my fit so i stole his goddamn life and WILL erase him from the timeline if given the chance


The fact that he just goes full butler during the body snatching scene was amazing, like, you just know the whole dinner party was his idea


And when Zenos stopped eating, he was like, "Aww! You didn't even finish your meal" 🤣


That 1st Legion legatus, Quintus van Cinna. Completely full of shit and went out like a bitch.


I found him fascinating. "Finally, someone who doesn't cave to the WoL and the Goodwill squad."


For me it's either Asahi, Sweaty Milkman (Valens), or >!Athena!<. Absolutely irredeemably evil, and very well-written, assbags one and all.


Valens was another "on sight" for me with Asahi. Athena was just the absolutely calm psycho that left me going "We don't have drugs for this? Okay, all right, pack her up."


Hmmm… From like a “this guy is insufferable, but more or less well written” kind of way: Asahi. Just everything about him screams prick. From a “I just personally dislike this character for no other reason than I just do” Perspective: Probably Hildibrand. Close second would be ARR Alphinaud and every lalafell character in ARR except for Yuyuhase, but only when he’s speaking Japaneese.


Whats wrong with pipin? 🥺


After ARR, nothing


he doesn't get enough screen time. I feels like people just like him because he's Raubhan cute lala son


I mean yeah, but in the like, 5 minutes we have with him before heavensward he comes in clutch to help us out. Then heads right back into uldah to help reel things in/work on getting his pop out of that situation. Like, he manages to be the least grating lala in the story up to that point *and* shows himself to just be a good lil guy. Wins alot of goodwill


"NEVER LET IT BE SAID WE FAILED TO KNOCK!" His turn outside the wall of Ala Mhigo made me an utter fan. Yeah, he's cute but damn will he mess you up if you set a foot wrong. I could totally see my WoL handing Raubahn tissues surreptitiously as he cried "THAT'S MY BOYYYYY" during that whole siege. :)


What issues with the Gentleman Inspecter do you have? Cause I find him and his antics to be some of the funniest shit in the game, personally.


Its just too brainless for me. I have to take it in very small doses otherwise I’ll feel like I am rapidly losing braincells.


Fair enough, I will admit that the "go here and watch a cutscene then go here and watch another" does get really god damn annoying after a while. But I find that the sheer cartoonish silliness of the cutscenes themselves save the questlines for me in spite of how boring they get at times. Also, the one *pretty spoilery* thing in the endwalker quests is my favorite quest of them all.


I absolutely couldn't stand Hildy for the most part. Boke-tsukkomi humor just ain't it for me, you know? But it's like they figured out the proper balance of ingredients during the Endwalker installment, and for the first time, they had me laughing my ass off.


G'Raha Tia and every Lopporit


Scions. All of them. They appear way too much but too uninteresting that I want to throw up every time they speak. Emet close second because he's the dead horse that getting clapped too constantly.


It's hard for the Scions to be likeable when the writers are convinced they all have to fit some kind of trope. Look no further than Estinien: he went from a really cool character with actual depth in HW/StB to "dumb strong guy who is good at fighting" after he joined the Scions.


Well, who *do* you like?


There isn't any character in this game that I hate more than that :-) prick. I wanted to bury my ax in his head the first time I met him. And after what he did to I went full Raibahn


That does not look like a shitpost. Looks like a main sub meme




Okay, but why?


I actually fucking love Asahi. He's a pure lawful evil Zenos simp who gives zero fucks about you or your morals. Even Zenos himself had a moment where you gain an insight into his mindset, but Asahi's moment of redemption is literally him telling everybody to go fuck themselves and dragging Amon to the goddamn shadow realm. He's such a little shit with a perfectly punchable face and perfectly punchable personality to match, and I just love to hate him.


In terms of genuinely despising their very existence: Ilberd hands down, I have never hated a character more in my life. At least Asahi was loyal, Ilberd was killing his fellow Ala Mhigans left and right like the rat he is. In terms of hating them for narrative reasons: Y'shtola, how can someone be a member of the main cast since 1.0 and still have little to no characterization. I mean for fuck's sake, Tataru of all people has a deeper character than Y'shtola.


If I could have dragged Ilberd back to face the justice of his own people I totally would have. Hell, that's how I thought it was gonna end, but....nope.




Zenos, but not for the intended reason. He's so fucking boooooooring. Holly fuck dude, just fuck off. Let someone else, literally anyone else, to be the villain. Twitter is a better villain than he is.


Zenos was only interesting when he >!was Shinryu!<


Yeah, that was a cool fight, glad I will never see that dude again. Oh.


Everything after that involving him was just cringe.


I will never forgive them for ruining 5.3 ending with Zenos bullshit.


Rage bait


The classic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlFkzVmlVDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlFkzVmlVDE) Oh wait, my bad, it's the fan favorite ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxoV8J6NW5Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxoV8J6NW5Q)


Misija and Alisaie.


Emet-Selch, I'm sick of Emet-Selch, if I have to hear Emet-Selch list off future content we'll be doing one more time I will go back to Elpis and sunder the world myself. Also Meteion, stupid bird thinks it can be friends with me when Zenos is right there.


HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED I HATED HIS ASS SO MUCH Also really hate Fordola and them trying to force a redemption arc on her.


He's specifically crafted to be an unlikeable character, but I genuinely don't feel enough towards him for him to be that. He's a snob who committed more than a handful of horrors, but there's plenty of those in the game. He's annoying and I dislike him, but I don't hate him.


Zeno's turbo overstayed his fucking welcome. He should have died as a fucking stormblood boss.


Gonna get hate for this but Yshtola. She's like Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark; you could take her character out completely and it'd have no affect on the outcome of the story lmao. She's just eye candy for the coomers.




G’raha Tia is utterly repulsive.


I liked Asahi. At last someone not boring.




I hate all catgirls. 


Zenos. Followed by Y’shtola.


Everyone in limsa, mostly ugly cat girls, ugly potatoes, ugly horn girls, ugly giraffe ladies, ugly fem roes and some ugly males too.


Honestly, the twins. I’ve never found them likeable at any point and I’m so sick of being with them constantly that it feeds my hate and just makes it worse with every expansion. Also, Dewlala. I’ve hated her and her stupid hat since I first saw her and with every appearance hate her again. I think it’s because I don’t like her constant “Neutrality” stance.


Be honest. It's mostly the hat.


your character


He dies twice, so who cares


Me, I want to see him die thrice.




Hermes on any way or form. Followed by Venat.


that guy who likes waving his hand. i cant tolerate him, he is so ignored by me that i cant be bothered to recall his name


I'm so glad you never have to see that stupid face again after Stormblood


Who's gonna tell 'em?


Shh 🤫


I hate Fandaniel so much. If I could have made the choice, I would've used Hydaelyns gift to revive him and kill him again.


Then go back into the lifestream and kill him again, right?


all my enemies also hate asahi


aeyo no need to be homophobic THAT hard yknow


It should have hurt more.


I forgave him in EW after he sends Hermes straight to hell.


So there's a background NPC in one of the Endwalker cutscenes thats the spitting image of Megagamer... Her.


Zeno's, nobody else comes even close.


I did not trust this mfer the secnd I laid my eyes on him. I only waited for the heel turn.




"But most of all, I hate that I don't hate you at all"


The most punchable face in all of XIV




Alphinaud. I dont trust him at all.


The npc that lets you into the deep dungeons. How dare he suggest doing them solo is beyond the ability of the WOL!?


Zenos irritated the shit out of me basically every time he showed up.


Zenos. Most boring one dimensional villain with a dragged out resurrection that is completely wasted on a 5 minute meme fight at the end of a lackluster expansion. 6.0 was mid as fuck.


6.0 proved something that SE will never learn for xiv. All the zones being released in a .0 release is too much too fast. 6.0's story if paced right could have been the whole expansion if they didn't have to follow the "all zones of an expansion must be explored at release" mandate they put on themselves.


The constant high highs and low lows that plagued both Endwalker and FF16 were jarring... Absolutely hate the stupidity of dropping all action and intrigue for a "moment" (multiple hours) of mundane busywork like after Zodiark - the entire Loporrits section was insanely boring and pointless. Then you have the threat of the end of days..... For a fleeting moment before being MacGuffined into the past where you break everything important in the lore with the excuse of "it's a time loop, it's logical and we close the loop in the end" - absolutely lazy writing ugh. Ultima Thule was not well written, Endwalker took no risks, did not make good use of the end of days, did not have a good villain for it at all... Abandoned a lot of Shadowbringer established things to "make it work". Hydaelyn was the peak of the 6.0 story but even that was tainted by abandoned established lore from 3.1 to 5.5.... Elpis was a mistake. Reducing the ancients to .... very mundane overworked Japanese office workers that have a bit of sparkle magic... With that one suicidal idiot that made the source of despair across the universe? Nah. Disappointing.


Early Urianger, that fat Ninja dude, Pirate mommy, Papalymo .. ofc .. Lyse.


Character built for me to hate: Asahi. He walks in with that grin and I was going 'why do I feel the urgent need to stab you before you say one word?' Character I'm supposed to hate, that everyone else likes yet I go "yeah no" - Emet. I have a healthy respect for the bastard, and he for my WoL, and it's nice I got to see his softer side in the past.... but I ain't forgetting that he tried to kill our asses numerous times. And he went off to the lifestream going 'Even though you won....sorry not sorry, I still think I'm right.' Character recieving the 'go away, son, you annoy me' award: Zenos. If I could have said no to the last duel and walked off and left his ass in the empty, I totally would have. I was so tired of him after Stormblood.


I skipped all the story content so I have no strong feelings about any characters. Except Thancred, fuck that guy.