• By -


Spoilers: >!It is so sad Alfenow died of phlegma!<


Who's Alfenow? 


Phlegmabaaaals, lmao


Another banger m lord!




Blue Allysaiye


Who the hell is Steef Chobs?


Can't believe they made me run Titan hard again.


Titan Extra Extra Hard


Can we not talk about Titan being extra hard?


He makes me hard as rock, it's why I fall for him 🤪😂


Can't believe this Titan was revealed to be a cuck too. Epic FF16 reference!




boy i sure didnt see those dungeons at level 91, 93, 95, 97, 99 and 100 coming and those trials at 93 & 99?? i didnt even know we would fight someone there!!


Mark those spoilers, omg


Totally didn't expect the sixth zone there at the end. Really thought the Story was over before


they really got me good when we couldn't travel to the other half of the 2nd and 3rd zone, only to go there 4 levels later!


And then Solution Nine turned out to be the endgame hub where we spend our loot for the best gear after the MSQ. Didn't expect that.


Can you believe Yshtola sacrificed herself and then didn't actually die? What a curveball.


I was so worried for her...


fucking spoilers SMH my head


God damn it why is Zenos back


I can't believe they actually copied Yakuza and implemented a Zenos Everywhere system.


Just every area has a fate where zenos barges in to fight


I would legit resub if that was a thing. I used to HATE Zenos but I kind of find him endearing now. It would however totally ruin the moment of endwalker though.


Kiryu-chan! >:D


Excuse me, that's Zeno, the amnesiac pretty boy I found washed up on the beach and made my husband




Why does it say juicy


Xiv if it was good


Xiv if it was good


oh my fuckin god why is Y'shtola STILL not dead THEY CUT HER FUCKIN HEAD OFF WHY IS SHE STILL ALIVE


She's like a chicken


Or is she a chickenhead?


This comment made me lol hard. I am sure there is gonna be another situation where she almost dies but survives it.


There’s a “cats have 9 lives” joke there somewhere.


"Current powerful wizard" used the lifestream to regrow her head. Also, because she has a new head now she's not blind anymore.


yoship recently played lollipop chainsaw and the severed head boyfriend really struck inspiration in him


I was very surprised that >!Wuk Lamat was actually Greg in disguise AGAIN and that the whole "fight for the throne" thing was a ruse to draw us into the Battle on the Biggest Bridge.!<


Yeah and the follow up in >!Battle of the Biggest Keep!< was kino


>!Hildy makes an appearance in the MSQ solely to call her Lamar before wandering off!<


That would actually be hilarious.


I swear I'm gonna riot if we don't get Greg back for this expansion! 


Am disappointed Greg didn't appear this time.


Great now I'm gonna be gutted I didn't get a Greg fight I wasn't even expecting


I can't believe Y'shtola dies a-fucking-gain


God I can't believe these bumbling fools still don't know stack markers YOU'RE LEVEL 100 YOU IDIOTS


This one is too real


'So if i see stack markers i stack right?' \*Stacks the two stack markers\*


Reminds me of the time I was running as a healer, the stack marker was on me... guess what happened? Nobody stacked with the healer, I barely came out alive. I only survived because I had regen on me. I just kind of glared at the screen after that.


It's been 1 week since the expansion dropped and Zepla/Xeno/whatever fotm streamer has already quit the game again. Game's dead, 2 year expansion cycle, furry sex, 2 minute meta, they made the new ultimates too easy/hard, the savage DPS checks were over/undertuned, my parents are divorced, SCH mains are seething, GCBTW, why no instanced housing, yshtola died and came back again, FF17 collab, world first racers using mods, a prominent RP FC turns out to be a sex cult, and DPS players mald over a 1% variation in theoretical max rdps between jobs. Also, the new dye system is cool I guess...


I thought Endwalker was done and over


Don't even joke about it, I've already seen thumbnails with ''CAN DAWNTRAIL SAVE FINAL FANTASY?!'' text.


Lies, baldo never quits. He just starts doing DSR and TOP ad nauseam.


True, I just couldn't think of any other ff streamer because why would I watch someone do TOP or roulettes for 16 hours straight




pepeW yay the game


You did it. You summarized this entire sub.


Seriously how many times has Zepla quit now. I don't even watch her and I find her exhausting


So who wants to make this into a checklist and just mark it off as these most likely will pop up during this expansion?


Why can’t they let the players who have maintained their subs skip the queue? I’ve been sitting at 700 people in queue for 20 minutes. This is obscene. I’ve given papa Yoshi hundreds of dollars and have never lapsed in my commitment to the glory of this game. These casuals get to come in and take MY game time from me?? Unbelievable. I just want to sit in Limsa as a hrothgal and show off my insanely unique face that is the definition of beauty and grace.


Not gonna lie, them killing off Krile to bring Venat back to life was... surprising.


I'm just glad they brought Zenos back again. Wild that Estinien has actually been Zenos in disguise ever since 6.0.


ikr? It makes you wonder "who else is Zenos?" My bet is on Tataru


Other way around. Zenos has always been Tataru in a human sized magitek suit.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Plogon when?


Exactly, my character is sooooo ugly without my plogons, where the hell are they??


This ones too fuckin' real.


That 6 hour long yshtola scene was insane!!


My girl had the best sassy 1-liner. Such character development!!!


Can't believe we have to see Y'shtola naked again 😩😩 why can't we get our WOL naked cutscene we're the real hot one here.


Fr fr


SMN being reworked into a phys range in 7.3 was a much needed change, although them changing BLU into a normal caster to compensate in that same patch hasn't rubbed me the right way.


Mid, game peaked at HW, bad story, Scions bad, bring back TP, other moaning nonsense XIVDiscussion bring up every expansion


I did not start playing until Stormblood but I am here to tell you that Gordias is the best tier ever. The game was way better back when it sucked.


The game fell off the moment they allowed CDs to reset on a wipe. In the good old days we waited 8 minutes between every wipe


We need ffxiv classic, moan moan bitch moan




Don't worry there's already a new thread about that on discussions 


Am I the only one left that don't like the HW story? or the rest has already been persecuted?


Immediately reviving Namamo and then undoing the climax of ARR in the patches by showing the Scions are all fine was the biggest asspull this game had, story wise


Exactly. The red banquet was the best story moment this game had so far. Pulling it back was the stupidest decision they made since 1.0 and I'd put whoever decided that was a good idea in a circus


If they hadn't undone the banquet, it would've been the best story moment period, not just so far. It unironically ruined the whole expansion for me, I genuinely do not understand the people who like the heawensward story. AND we didn't kill any of the monetarists for what they did? That potato fuck gets to live another day and ruin Stormblood restoration with his salt mines exploitation? Story-wise HW is by far the worst expansion in the game imo.


Its this spinelessness that prevents ffxiv from becoming top-tier storytelling time and again.


Agree. I thought the rest of HW was pretty good but bringing Nanamo back was probably one of the most bullshit story beats in FF history. She barely even does anything, literally nothing would have changed if they just let her be dead other than the story being better.


I dunno. Killing all the Scions off in Ultima Thule then reviving them before the end of the same zone was a faster asspull, anyway.


At least with Ultima Thule it was immediately obvious there was going to be an asspull


I feel like when people praise HW, what they actually loved was Dragonsong (post HW) with the Nidhogg stuff. The scene on the bridge is peak MSQ. Base HW is pretty dull in comparison.


It's good, but super overrated by the community imo


It's mid as fuck. Not shit, but it does absolutely nothing new over every third JRPG. But we need to put this into perspective: much of this community consists of mouthbreathing weebs who soyjak at shitty seasonal shonen anime where the main character has some bullshit "Chosen One" magic power that fell into his lap, has a love interest who also fell into his lap (possibly a freed slave), and fights using the power of friendship. This paint-by-numbers story is peak writing to them.


Paint by numbers isn't good or bad. Everything comes down to execution of an idea. HW didn't do anything new, but what it did do was do it *well*, with good character writing and good set pieces. Not to mention good fights (Ravana, Thordan, and Niddy are all great trials. Not you, Bismarck, get out) and a great soundtrack to tie together the emotional beats. It's like eating a very good steak. Anyone can make a steak. It's easy. But the degrees of separation between a casual steak grilled in the backyard and a $100 Ribeye at a steakhouse are vast. With that said, HW's a $80 Ribeye. It's damn good, but it's not a steak that will change your life. Just one you'd love to have again.


It’s my least favourite - I always really liked stormblood as a sequel to ARR, and I enjoyed endwalker. Shb was good, but I think I really disliked how clearly squeenix didn’t want to physically age anybody up despite time passing 😂


That trial against Primal Yshtola was peak


Zones were nice, but the story was like high mid tier. People have to realize Dawntrail story wise is the ARR of a new tale. It’s the base of a new 10 year arc, so of course it’s gonna be “worse” than Endwalker and Shadowbringers, because those xpacs began paying off years of development and were the climax, not just the intro.


I can understand the story decisions, but the new Bob Ross job is absolutely stupid, You don't even have the option to paint a happy little tree with it, but at least the Darth Maul job is kinda okay


pom pom is kinda cute tho


tbh my only problem with it is, BECAUSE of Shadowbringers and Endwalker, FFXIV still can't decouple itself from the Ancients. >!Solution Nine being made by some laidback Ascians!< is cool as spectacle sure, but it's hard to feel like this is a true "new beginning" when the narrative still desperately wants to rely on old crutches y'know?


They're not going to quit bringing up the ancients when every bozo on Twitter is just playing for "remember Emet-Selch?" callbacks


Hot take - Endwalker could've made Emet-Selch better but because of the stupid mind-wipe plot device it made him worse via proxy of making him blatant fan-service.


100%. Emet and Hythlodaeus appearing could've been so much more if it wasn't blatantly just shipping fuel.


Exactly, and like the thing that bugs me the most with the mind-wipe is if it didn't happen that would've made Shadowbringers *better* retroactively. Emet-Selch is no longer trying to rouse Azem's memories in the Warrior of Light, he's trying to rouse *their* memories of Elpis but can't because whilst Elpis is in Emet's past, at that time it's in the WoL's future. That adds so much tragedy and depth to Emet's story, and some added intrigue to Hythlodaeus'.


/uj Swear to God if there's more Ancients stuff in DT I'm going to mald. I want new lore, the Ancients were at their peak in ShB when they were still mysteries. We don't need to explain the speculation out of everything, Square, sometimes a monster's more interesting when we don't know anything about it


>I want new lore, the Ancients were at their peak in ShB when they were still mysteries. ***/uj BINGO***. This is one of my wider gripes with Endwalker as a whole, the Ancients are *too well explained*, and were stitched onto EVERYTHING from the end of the world to our gods. This would be annoying but acceptable if they were still a mysterious lost race of people but now we know damn near everything there is to know about them, so it makes the worldbuilding and lore "as wide as an ocean, as shallow as a puddle". It'd be like if *everything* and I mean *EVERYTHING* was just "Romans did it". Oh you think Ancient Aztecs were cool? Yeah that was actually Roman design. Oh, you like Celtic mythology? The Romans made it. etc. etc. etc.


Like, I remember reacting poorly when Cruella De Ville showed up in 4.4 and said he founded Garlemald (and implied Allag). I was so upset, since my RP character at the time was a Garlean ex-pat who left when they dropped a moon on the world ("Are we the baddies?", et al). It felt like reducing a nuanced world-state to "no, it's not a war created by an angry peoples lashing back, it's a war made by Actually Hitler". And then 4.5 made it worse with Varis' speech which basically was him speaking about a master race! But Emet was such a strong villain with a compelling storyline that it really ended up being okay for me. Truly, I ate my own foot on that one, Shadowbringers was so stellar and compelling with him as the villain that it made me retroactively like the "Ancients did it" of the reveals and how they affected history. Like, I didn't trust Square enough, there, and that's on me. SB had burnt me a bit after HW's highs, but that's ok. EW, though. Goddamn. Amon? Ancient. Hydaelyn? Ancient who became a host. Gods? You guessed it, Ancients, baby! Auracite? Discovered by the Ancients. The Phoenix? Ancient concept! Villain? Ancient creation. Reason for Omega being on Etheirys? Ancient's creation terrorizing the universe. In fact, it's just one dude! One angsty fucker who did an oopsie-doopsie and made a bird that could... somehow wipe out almost all life in the universe. So, you know, the literal end of the universe? Ancients did it. Oh, yeah, and the guys who help us save the universe? Ancients. One being Actually Hitler who was just a funny lil' grumpy guy who got his memories messed with, it's okay to crush on Mr. Grumpy, just ignore the fact that he has a higher bodycount than the Allagan Empire ALONE. And he's not even got the most blood on his hands, that belongs to School-Shooter Ancient, who was given a lovely focus in the final image of the credits, happy with his AR-15 bird despite having condemned *the universe* to death because he had an existential breakdown... through means of inexplicably powerful bird that despite being a creation, has more power than entire civilizations combined. We spent the first 1/3 of the xpac finishing up the presumed main plotline, but oh no, we're going to spend the next 2/3 cleaning up an Ancient's mess. But not the mess we were initially going to clean up, one far more deadly, and far more adorable. But that's okay, Fandaniel gets to rot in hell as he deserves, thank you based Asahi, your social credit score has gone up, Emperor Zenos will now look at you sometimes. I mean EW ain't bad, not by any metric (well, discounting 6.x, the patches were quite droll), but it's all so damn ANCIENTS. I quite enjoyed EW! It's just that, on a lore level, we essentially rerouted all the power to one valve, cutting off many threads of lore to explore just to tie them up into an answer that, each and every time, was "Ancients did it". Even fucking Midgardsormr's entire death upon the lake was to protect the entrance to the realm of the gods... which are just Ancients. The questions I had in my mind since 2013-2014 that hadn't been answered were all basically answered with a shrug and one word: Ancients.


***YES SOMEONE GETS IT.*** I feel like I got sucked into the wrong game because I fell in love with the intrigue, the down-to-earth, and the war. It felt like such a breath of fresh air to have, for lack of a better word, "smaller stakes" in an MMO. Garlemald wasn't this big bad empire out to destroy the world (yet), they were an imperialist force trying to invade your home. The Dragonsong War wasn't orchestrated by gods and cosmic beings, it was brought about by a heart-wrenching betrayal in the pursuit of more power. The list goes on. It's why I love Bozja so much in Shadowbringers because if you *ignore* the part about Multiverse Hitler making Garlemald, it's *just a war story.* Misija's motivations are basically "both nations treat me like shit because of my race, but at least Garlemald gives me a job" and the game takes *ample* time to show you firsthand that *she isn't* ***wrong*** *for thinking that.* (And the Bozjans aren't necessarily in the wrong either.) It's a real, grounded "War is Hell" story that is simply taking place in a fantastical world. I fought cosmic horrors and (true) gods in other MMOs. FFXIV let me take a more grounded approach, fighting wars between nations, getting involved in political schemes, and partaking in deeper intrigue. Even Shadowbringers in the First had a similar story underneath the Sin Eaters and Emet's shenanigans. Then Endwalker came along. And I think you described it really well. We get a *taste* of the Final Days and then it's just *BOOM* Garlemald's gone. *BOOM* The Funny Daniel does a body swap for... reasons? *BOOM* You're on the moon. *BOOM* Zodiark is on the Moon. *BOOM* Funny Daniel takes over Zodiark. ***BOOM BIRD APOCALYPSE, MOON RABBITS, TIME TRAVEL, SPACESHIPS, ROBOTS AND DRAGONS AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE.*** I unno, to me it felt like such a tonal disconnect, like I went from watching the first 23 acts of *Blade of the Immortal* and then, when I clicked "Next" expecting the final act, I got a random episode of *Dragon Ball Z* instead. There's nothing *wrong* with Dragon Ball, and I enjoy it from time to time, it just *wasn't what I was signed up for.* It also introduced us to Dynamis which feels really weird because Stormblood and Shadowbringers did so much to reign in Aether and explain what it can and cannot do as a magic system only for Endwalker to come up and be like "yo here's this second magic system you've never heard about until now and it can do whatever we want it too. Turn people into monsters? Sure. Telepathy? Yep. Create physical matter in the vacuum of space? FUCK IT WHY NOT?"


I wish I could send gifs because right now, we just became best friends


I don't mind if they're mentioned in fact I'd like for them to be but I don't want them to be active antagonists and if they're behind Solution Nine I'll be very disappointed


Yeah, this, exactly. I'm hoping that it's something entirely new, probably from another Shard or something (...which I guess would technically be Ascian-related, but, eh, so long as we're not learning about some Zeus or Poseidon or Apollo who did an oopsie in the past and we have to clean up their mess, it's fine). But I just want NEW LORE. We gotta set up ten more years of XIV, baby!


The "new beginning" is made up by twitter and reddit mobs, Yoship just sees it as another continuation of the story.


Yea... It is very clear that the final boss of this expac is just a filler villian. Even the game and cast treat him as one. The boss ost is literally just the teaser music. Funny thing, If you do the trial with the scions instead of duty finder. they actually get summoned in their swimsuits and use whatever they had nearby as a weapon. Noticed a few things about them. Thancred is pretty mad because he was right about to score a girl by fishing up a shark. It is still attached to his fishing pole that he use as a weapon. Urianger use the coconut he is drinking from as his astrolobe. Y'shtola used a beach umbrella. The dialogue box had her complaining about some Hrothgar guy hitting on her and thanks us for the timely summon. Now the mysterious figure in the shadow with asican music... That is probabaly going to be the main villian of the new arc. I just hope it is not another asican.


I know this is a shitpost, but damn, I do think the arguments here are (mostly) unironically valid 😛


Woah whoohoo! I can't believe we get to play this :D Sorry I don't know how to use spoiler tags but I loved the part where balthuer showed up! They even got the voice actor back! Sure the whole plot line connecting the ivalices was a bit confusing but it was really nice seeing a world where fran found someone. Did not expect to see Vaan all grown up or Penelo! I do like the fruit catching game though. Turning it into currency is a great way to get people to collect them. The rewards are so cool too!! A red macaw mount I mean come on. The coconut minion is adorable too. And of course my favorite is the new maps they added! I mean lounge roulette?? It should be silly but honestly it was refreshing when fighting immortal beings trapped in an extra deminsional space that we visit only Semi regularly using the map coordinating to find portal locations. A big jump in content I gotta say.


I want to play your version of Dawntrail!


This comment rocks bc most people including me skipped ivalice story so i have 0 idea what ur saying or what is fake lool


Xhi fate in 5 minutes


I can't with these queues.


That’s why I’m gonna play in December when the queues get fixed…although I preordered it for reasons


Pictomancer LB just painting the floor orange for 10 seconds is peak. Even better then verflashbang


How the fuck does picto work.


Just do the freestyle picto rotations smh


That callback to Haurcherfant made me cry, again!




Fuck this jumping puzzle


We're due for another kugane castle and I am afraid


Pretty sure it's actually confirmed we're getting at least one in Tuliyollal. I think it was shown in a LL.


100% confirmed that there was a jumping puzzle where yoship was. I guess my fear is that there will be another lamp post, possibly one where I can't use blu cheese to get there. Kugane took me an afternoon to do, but idk if I ever would have done the lamppost without help.


Can’t believe my Nier Alliance run took 1.5hrs to clear. I’ve seen mechs I’ve never seen before! Naturally, 10 Vipers/Pictomancers all decided “lemme unlock the job then queue straight to DF without learning my job and just figure out my skills along the way.” One of them even had the audacity to say “lol sorry I didn’t set my hotbars yet uwu”


you guys are logging on?


I can't log in!!!! Fukcing queue and everyone stays afk with program running so no one gets kicked out!! And everytime the queue seem to be almost over i get a disconnect!!!! >f:FFjdkalfjösd


Connection error 2002…


Wow the new Beseiged mode they took from XI is amazing! The AST changes really make it more fluid and I don’t have to decide what to do on the fly anymore! I think I wanna keep healing! I had no idea they’d introduce a new character and kill them later on, I cried so much! The zones feel so connected and are all fluid! Wow look at all this new open world content to make the world feel alive! I woke up this morning and decided to lie and overdose on copium!


I fucking hate Dark Knight, and will main it the entie expansion again


Me as fuck


Did anyone else catch how sassy Y’Shtola was in that one scene? It’s like the writers know!


HOLY MOLY THE NEW WORLD IS ACTUALLY A 3x3 room with hologram, we never left Omega!


I pulled 5 all nighters in a row, skipped every MSQ cutscene, and completed every raid, role quest, trial, dungeon, fate, field expedition, deep dungeon, and crafted every item. Why does this expac have nothing to do now??? content drought fr. Yawntrail


Criterion dungeon? Nobody does that. Ded game


Got dayum! And I thought Raubahn Savage was bad!


i can't fucking login why is the queque 8000 people still


I am glad I could start 8.0 and 7.0 and not notice any difference in characters. It was a fun few colorful zones, another quirky tribal quest and we defeated yet another big bad. Also only adding one or two extra ability for every class lets me continue playing the rotation I made up which is soooo much better than what most people use. Btw tartaru has BREAD AND A NEW OUTFIT FOR US. Also I am a pictomancer main, you all wouldn’t get it because you are not as quirky or different or creative like I am. Yoship recognizes me as a TRUE ffxiv fan. I am still paying medical bills from all the Mountain Dew. Btw getting the rest of my haurchefant tattoo once I am done farming the karma from my last post.


Been a big fan of the DLC thus far though I feel the main antagonist lacked weight and depth in their appearances. They felt like the only exist in this dlc and not as part of ff14s world.


"Somehow... -sigh- Zodiak returned"


I can't believe he resurrected The Crystal Braves


Can't believe yoshitla died again and was resurrected naked again


13402 login que, guess I'll make something to eat. "Comes back to disconnected because of inactivity sign"


Slightly NSFW: Man, the "have a private talk with a party member of your choice"-scenes in this expansion were... weird: Alphinaud and Alisiae were okay, although it was a bit weird that Alisiae wanted to teach Alphinaud swimming by throwing him in the ocean. Urianger was probably also okay, but I couldn't understand what he doth sayeth. But did they really have to include Tataru in Kriles scene? >!Also it is weird that she knocked us out and after we woke up, we were naked and it turned out that Krile painted nude pictures of us and sold them all to Erenville?!< Speaking about Erenville, why did it have to be >!a five hour sex scene? !<


Agreed, too long, I only need 30 seconds


Turns out it was >!Wuk Lamat herself who was the battle hungry warmonger but suffers from multiple identity disorder which made her current self forget her other warmonger self. The other contestants were aware of the warmonger's exploits but no one knew who they were which made it all the more easier for wuk lamat to hide her true self!<


Goddamn it, Alphinaud. Again?


Shits broken come back in a week


Gee, I sure am glad I have literally nothing to do for the first like month after beating the MSQ. Gives me so much time to sit there and stare at my character for like 3 hours a day while I wait for 7.05. Oh btw, do you have mare?


The reveal that Krile was actually a sand worm in a jacket the entire time was certainly a bold choice


What happened to all the Job changes I made up in my head? The ones that weren't actually in the previews even though I was confident they were real? Did they get cancelled?


How did you guys feel about the Y'shtola death scene? ^(The one where she came back 5 minutes later)


June 28th: This entire comment is just going to be one huge spoiler. Spoiler, spoiler, spoiler. Blah blah blah, spoiler. Then, spoiler. And more spoiler. But you'll never believe this one, either! Spoiler. And then they died. And you know, I never expected spoiler. Omg, also, here's an un-tagged and un-hidden image of a huge spoiler. Right of the front page of trending. Do you like it? I made the title for the post, "I CAN'T BELIEVE SPOILER!!!" To grab attention. Later: WHY IS EVERYONE DOWNVOTING MEE??!


I can't believe Zenos is alive, what the fuck.


Good for her!




Well played yoshi p. Making us smn mains dissapointed that we only get solar bahamut as new summon. Enjoying having Alexander as 3rd big summon and the those 8 new minor ones in between. And don't forget that physic scales now with int so we have an Emergency heal.


I hope I get to play sometime this week, I took time off from work for th launch and haven't been able to get into the fucking game yet


Guys, there's a likeable side character being introduced. I'm having a really bad feeling about this.


I can't fuck my friend anymore with no mods sob, now i actually have to be nice to my girlfriend so she'll give me sum smh


Wow these tacos are really good!


I was not expecting to be get a romance mechanic with the scions but sure it looks fun.


I’m not hitting Rampart, I gotta finish my Gnashing combo


I can't believe that they brought back Zenos and made him part of the Scions as an intern. He doesn't even want to fight anymore, total character death, unsubbed


Why are there queue times? Servers must be down…. On my day off too…


I been stuck in queue for 8 hours and im still behind 2000 people


Uhh really square? You had to go with that plot? I thought we might get an up swing after the over the top power fantasy of ShB and EW. I mean ShB was a god dam isaki side arc. Bring back peak FFXIV. Story hasn't been good since 4.0 ended. Edit: still the level 100 trial against Fattest cat was Awsome. Can't wait to do the extreme and get that scratching ball mount.


Sorry, what? Too busy leveling Viper.


Sigh, I'm gonna go take a nap. 27,394 in queue hopefully I dont disconnect.


Somehow, zeros returned




Goodbye Plogon


As a DRK Main since Stormblood I am upset and depressed how bad this job is right now. Welp, time to hit copium till 8.0


Loginwalker extreme again? Fokkin shite servers man @#£%!


The fact that they overhauled the graphics just for that extremely graphic 45 minute long sex scene betweeen Urianger and Beq Lugg is kinda crazy.




I really hope the ddos attacks stop! I’ve been trying to play in early access for hours!


The Wuk Lamat sweaty armpit scene made me really horny 🥵🥵🥵


You guys actually playing the game? Queue times be fucked up brah


I found it hilarious that Emet got pissed with us for unknowingly crashing his honeymoon with Hythlodeaus.


Hey GCBTW, just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS (FRU will be harder in 7.11) on the **Futures Rewritten Ultimate** 7.2 (it will be harder in 7.11) CLEAR. I know you've been working really hard (FRU will be harder) at it, and I'm happy that you've (used Light Rampant markers that wont be available in 7.11 and) achieved your goal of completion. I know your journey through (FRU will be even harder) the content was filled with ups and downs, but you and (Light Rampant markers wont be available in 7.11) your group stuck t(FRU will be harder)ogether through them all, and you were rewarded for your patience and (Light Rampant markers wont be available in 7.11) tenacity. Congratulations (Light Rampant markers wont be available in 2024) once again, and here's to more success in your future (FRU will be harder) endeavors!!!


Highlights of the expansion: * Y'shtola faking her death in a high noon duel by pulling the Clint Eastwood/Marty McFly trick with the boiler plate under the poncho * Thancred, Urianger, Estinien, and G'raha, vs. Hythlodeus, Emet-Selch, Hildebrand (awesome to see Hildebrand added to MSQ), and Zenos in a homoerotic beachball scene straight out of Top Gun. * Krile and Alphinaud admitting they're funding the expedition with Rule 34 commissions of the WoL. * Urianger embracing the Western themes of one of the zones, pulling heat on an antagonist and asking "Doth ye feel fortunate, knave?" * That part of the where Keepers of the Moon and Duskwights are finally MSQ relevant... Because you're genociding them once and for all!


Seeing the Scions in bikini's was great. wasn't expecting Urianger in one as well though


The twins merge and become a boss battle at the tail end of the MSQ from a dungeon and die


Oh my god I can't believe Zenos is alive! To see him walk on screen so early in MSQ! I am shooketh


I can't believe Kojima made a guest star appearance.


Guess thier keeping the traditions Brazilian use Electricity


I can’t believe Urianger got a TUI for using an Aetherite after having a Piña Colada


Stuck in the queue again


Nerf Bard.


Boy I sure hope the queue isn’t too long


It's paintin' time


Booked a day off of work to play on release, only to be stuck in 50000 long queues and booted out halfway through, SQuenix is the worst company, they don't value my time, give me back my one day of subscription.


I'm still in queue, it's been three hours