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Hear. Feel. Booba crop.


Was it the booba crop that made us rational?


3 words, post nut clarity.


Idk man it's been days and I haven't seen 1 crop. This drought is serious


We're fucking donezo, we're the rational ones compared to the other subs.




Unironically why I'm here.


Yup, the only place to have a real discussion about some aspects of the game, mostly through memes.


Well it certainly seems like you can only discuss the game here without being banned for nonsense. Although my threat got removed here after 20 comments so I'm still 50/50 on it.


Yup main sub feels too much like a hugbox at times and others feel more critical. I lean towards the more critical side and sometimes spend time in those but funnily enough this is the sub that feels most balanced.


Main sub is more like eternal war between doomers and copium overdosers. Nothing in between.


You forgot the two other kinds of posts on the main sub, the coomer posts and the info graphs with patreon links posted somewhere


Yeah, you have an opinion that isn't even that critical and they start to hound you like you killed chocobos for fun.


I kill chocobos because I'm paid to do so in sacks of nuts.


Literally, this is the only ff14 sub that has normal people in it that can laugh at the expense of this game that, for some reason, loads of weirdos have sought to make their crusade


Always have been since this sub first started in late HW. This was the sub for people that didn't treat the game as a personality trait but as a video game.


xivdiscussion is all "YoshiP didn't *personally* suck my gock and implement my game breaking Blitzball job so this xpac sucks" mainsub is all boobie pics and un-tagged spoilers and "woaaaahh guyzzz lookat my before/after pic" (some of them are actually good tho) shitpostxiv is all "the game is fun. if it's not fun (for you), why bother?" and mocking the other two subs in the process I know which I prefer.


I've unironically had better discussions on jobs and game content on this sub than the other. And not cause people agreed with me. But because I've had actual back and forth discussions.


I’ve had that experience in most of the shitpost subs I’ve found for my hobbies. Whether that’s because people in those subs can actually understand criticism or praise for the thing as not being someone’s entire existence, or because there’s fewer people by virtue of how the subs are named, I dunno.


It could also be that the true believers can easily find the main sub, while it takes a bit of digging to get here. Not much, but “more then 1 google search” is too troublesome for most.


Put it this way: there’s a reason why main sub doesn’t like Balance discord. Speaks a lot about them


Ohh? I had no idea


What's the beef with the balance discord?


It makes them read, comprehend, and do math. Three traits the main sub lacks.


Reading. The audacity


I thought it might have been because one of the Balance staff turned out to be a rapist, and the rest of them banded together to defend him when it was revealed, but yeah, mainsub is probably more allergic to reading comprehension than rapists.


Oh real talk, I had no idea about that if true. Actually wild.


that person still there? who was it?


It was one of the "mentors", went down like 2-3 years ago. Thing is, the victim was another mentor (they lived together IRL), and when it came out, the rest of the staff did remove the rapist's mentor status and privileges... but not before doing the same thing to the victim and banning her from the server entirely. Since it's been so long, I don't know if the rapist is still there or has been reinstated or blocked, but yeah, keep in mind what kind of people are running that server.


I remember when the main sub had a vote if art was gonna be allowed. We can tell how that vote went. Downhill ever since




If we get Blitzball, the game's dead. *Or should be*.


You can actually have unpopular opinions and not be gang banged in the comments


You should have seen the response I got to saying it was fuckin weird that the artists made Eden Ryne so sexualized as a 16 year old


I've been to high school. The majority of 16 year old girls were degenerate as Hell.


In other words, mentally stable people something which is especially rare on the mainsub.


Shitposters being the realest mfs yet again, details at 11.


Because shitposts come from the heart


Funnily enough, this is the truth of it. It takes effort to make a meme, so it has to be worth it.


I mean that tracks. Basically how I've always seen it. Main sub can't take criticism, discussion sub is mad about everything, shitpost sub is more neutral. I've actually had nuanced discussions in the comments in this sub lmao


I feel like it’s always like this for every fandom. Only the people capable of making jokes and seeing a game for what it is (a game, not your grandma) can have reasonable discussions.


I cant say “endwalker sucked because I didnt get to counter-genocide the garlean civilians” in the main sub but I can here


Don't worry, you just need to let the cold do it. It's not gonna be blamed on you, and can still get massive amounts of death by your actions. Step 1 is to destroy the ceruleum deposits.


Shitposting subs are just contrarian, sometimes they stumble into reasonable things, sometimes they turn into a circlejerks. Read a couple of comments in the popular threads here and you'll see people aggressively sucking each other off how right and reasonable they are.


It's so over, the outsiders are finally recognising us as the sane ones.


It just means we need to double down on the booba crop and cursed meme videos. Which I am all for. xD


We’ve gotta up the ante on the schizo posting


Plz were in a booba draught I need


shitpostxiv is and always has been the only XIV sub that treats a video game like it's a video game.


I get a kick out of other subs talking like this one is full of doomers and haters. I come here and it's people with real takes and stupid jokes, which I'm here for.


I've unironically seen people claiming that the lack of DC's and improved infrastructure meaning that people are "only" waiting 2 hours in a 4000 man queue means that the game is doomed. Which is premium delusional hater cope.




The launch being merely crowded instead of apocalyptic like EW means that it's a dedgaem and not that millions of dollars of planning and infrastructure are doing their job.


Like the old wizard problem. "We haven't had any warlock attacks in months, why do we even need the wizard's magic warding circle?"


That's really funny because I logged in really early in the morning had a 39 player queue and still found a quest giver so crowded that their marker didn't appear


That new option to hide players from quest NPC is niiiice. Just get close and *poof* people are gone.


I like having them there because you can just hold x when you get close, makes it feel more alive


I guess the EW server issues made it look a lot more of a big launch since you had to queue for hours to get in, compared to DT, where even a few minutes after the launch, queue time was like an hour. So the lack of queue gives the illusion that it's less populated rather than just that the servers got gud. Checking Steam charts however, max player counts was almost the same between them.


That depends on your data center. Aether has had me waiting 3 hours for the past three days.


With *one* exception I haven't had more than 30 minutes and even that was only a handful. 5am launch I was still in about 30 minutes, although people who came along slightly later had worse times. There was a server crash or something and when I came to there was a 1700 person queue. That's the worst I've seen, and only once. I haven't bothered with my hackneyed keep alive workarounds, I haven't needed to. I can't believe how good this launch was compared to EW.


Well i mean i only spent 15 mins in a 650 person queue on Sarg, clearly game is dying cuse i spent 4 hours in a 2.5k queue back in SB on Balmung. Clearly the game is just dying because theres less people in queue


Unironically, with a few exceptions, circlejerks and shitpost subs are usually way more chill and enjoyable places than the main subs to talk about something


Considering r/scjerk is where I get my wrestling news, this checks out.


WDYM video game? It's my only personality trait


I will say video game or not Endwalker specifically did have a pretty damn positive effect on my outlook in my life. Dealt with depression so its message of forging ahead very deeply affected me. That being said yup it is just a game and if an expansion ended up bad (I like dawntrail so far so that’s yet to happen) it would not take away the positive effect on my outlook on life that endwalker had. I don’t mind seeing criticism I just get annoyed when it’s called toxic to disagree with said criticism. 


I think it's because we have less RP players here. Joking... im joking.


I'm so proud of you degenerates


Real question though, does it feel like anything releases to good reception these days? Main subbies were the ones begging and pleading for a two minute alignment, then acted like Yoshi P personally killed their cats when jobs started feeling samey. For all the shit posting, it feels like this is the sub where people actually enjoy the game


People who are satisfied and content don't go to social media or leave reviews.


To the non-critical general public? Huh...I don't think I've seen anything other than mixed responses, for anything, the past few years.


Imo this isn't even in XIV thing, it's an internet thing. Occasionally there's a game released like Balder's Gate 3 where it's loved from day one, but the vast majority of shit that ends up being loved and seen as the best of the best is fucking hated on release.


Last month SMT Vengeance was universally praised. The Elden Ring dlc would've been had people not been bad, but that's slowly turning to universal praise now that people are getting better.


Edgy kids are mad the expansion isn't doom and gloom from the start lmao.


Endwalker basically turned it into the "please don't lump me in with the uncritical ball-lickers or deranged anti-fan" sub.


Nah it's just a boring ahh expansion.


You're not supposed to skip the cutscenes lol


Who's doing that?


Plenty of people. There's a reason the "it's boring and bad" virtue signalling kicked in like 2 days after the expac came out lmao.


Based PC Gamer writer




As always, the game reddits dedicated to shitposting is somehow always the superior one. I'm only just now getting to do the first dungeon in Endwalker, but I already have a good feeling about Dawntrail. Also to compare the *start* of a new story to the *end* of one several years in the making seems a bit weird, to me atleast. Idk if anything will match the vibes of early Shadowbringers for me though, that was simply unmatched.


We are the bad guys fighting the light but are actuslly the good guys....ShadowBringers


We are the Warriors of Darkness, ensuring proper balance in the way things work.


it's time to delete the sub


Fun thing is when I started FFXIV during Stormblood I was told to leave the main sub and with my edgy attitude to post here.. which I did.. and it was the best tip I could’ve gotten.. even if it was meant as an insult. So yeah.. I love you guys and you all deserve some cudos for being who you are.


I’m still in Shadowbringers patches, but I feel like I’m gonna really enjoy Dawntrail from everything I’ve been seeing. I kinda like it when you’re just kinda adventuring instead of constant world ending threats that need to constantly one up each other in stakes (looking at you, WoW)


> I kinda like it when you’re just kinda adventuring I like that too. Dawntrail isn't that. It was sold as that, but the actual MSQ is not that. It feels more like a guided tour than an actual adventure. I like the world-building, but the execution on delivering it could be better.


It's great so far for me! I'd recommend exploring some of the optional side quests if you find yourself really interested in any of the cultures you meet - I've been really pleasantly surprised that a lot of them have a) decent rewards (gear chest coffers, orchestrion rolls), and b) really fantastic pieces of lore that deepened my appreciation for the thought put into how Tulliyollal functions as a community of cultures. One time I had to stop and take a break mid-dungeon because of some lore I put together in my head along the way, and to me that kind of reaction is a sign of writing that actually has some bite to it (beyond "oh no bad guy is evil!")


I'm enjoying showing a guy how to become an adventurer now that he's unemployed.


Maybe if the main sub knew how to take joke or just generally be a little more chill about this game we all enjoy we wouldn't be in this situation. Unironically outjerked by the main sub and the psychos at FFXIV discussion. Fml.




Its been 4 days im only level 93 how could people already made up an opinion about the expansion for fucks sake.


ShitpostXIV > FFXIV subreddits. We have always been the chill ones, everyone else can't take a joke now a days. Why so serious?


XIVdiscussion has become unironic shitpost. Main sub is actually shitpost. Shitpost is actually main sub.


When the shit post sub is the based one


I'm here for the love


That's because in this sub, people are realistic and don't sugarcoat things and we have fun while we do it. Also booba crops 😉


"Look brothers, tits," is a pretty good way to unite people, in one way or another.


I can understand why. In the main sub, some dude was craping on Wuk Lamats VA (Sena Ryer) because she has a forced accent... her accent is her normal voice, lmao.


Yeah, I think in some cases it literally does come down to "I've never heard this accent for a main character in a game before, so therefore it must be a bad performance". I have a friend who sounds pretty much exactly like what Sena sounds like as Wuk Lamat, it's baffling to me that people are calling it forced.


A va can only be as good as the words they are giemven to say


Sad thing is why I'm here They have a crazy hive mind over there.


Twelve bless


Yes, this one is the best, normal sub for this game is pure trash, keep deleted my post for no reason


While chilling the fuck down is a tallent of this subreddit, I'm noting a concerning trend of having SE's dick down your throat here and I'm not a big fan of it.


Liking a game != dicksucking/bootlicking. DT has its problems, but it’s far from the garbage folks are making it out to be.


It's a counterjerk to the obnoxious kneejerk of day 1 "its the worst thing ever" andies that'll go away soon enough. I think it's fair that some people are a bit tired of the negative criticism when it's been just bombardments of players who have gotten to level 93 bitching that it's the worst thing ever instead of not as good as it could've been, or just not for them. Once it's not a coinflip that a critical post is either constructive or obnoxioud bashing you'll see things equal back out again, but if you ask me, majority positivity ends up being less irritating than majority negativity.


Yeah shitting on whatever the main subreddits are up to is always appreciated. That being said, this game is stale as fuck and the only things that are improving (And they are, I'm so excited to play) - are improving because people are complaining. And you bet that the obnoxious positivy is being used by the budget department every time CBU3 asks for more funds for people, servers.. etc. Why would they give them more if people will eat it up the same way with less resources commited :)


I don't know if I agree on that part as it seems like a bit of a reach, it's usually analytics driven, not disorganized feedback that they know is loud minorities, positive or not. However, feedback has majorly been on job design up until DT came out, and it hasn't even been something often disagreed on, EW SMN and DT BLM have gotten nothing less than disapproval for example. The only thing in recent memory that was fixed by "complaining" (and i don't mean actual complaining) was potency on tank dashes.


Male viera.. servers... etc. All things that got better only because people made fuss about it.


Those people are the reason why Square-Enix charges $20 shipping on $15 keychains in the store and gets away with it.


bro since shadowbringers i have almost died laughing from this more than 10000000 times, but i’ve also agreed with so many takes


there's a lot of overlap between the people that's here and in main sub though. this subreddit gaining traction is the worst thing ever to happen to the subreddit.


We did it gentlemen


Has this been linked to the other two subs? What did they say?


Thank you Markfunkbunch, AnalMod, and MegaGamer for making this sub what it is


When you guys thinks mods will work again?


Your account is either too new, or has too little karma to post. Mods will make sure you're not an obvious sockpuppet or ban evader then approve your post or comment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitpostXIV) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m so proud of this community!


Twelve bless indeed


Great Contrarians BTW.


Always has been


I mean, it's an extremely mid at best expansion so far and firmly places itself well below WoW. Whether that's good enough or not is up to you.


Where my harem of bnuuy girl erpers at?


Read it again. The subreddit is "on top form", meaning that we're doing what we do best and we're being good at it, not that we're the best generally out of all the xiv subs.


You would be right if you weren't wrong, we are the best sub


Quick, everyone talk about how this is the worst expansion since whatever the bad one was -- you know, Trolleywalker, or Leveilleursward, or whatever it was called -- and be sure to mention how the story keeps getting worse the further you go. Maybe that'll keep the normies out. If not, just spam cropped Hrothgal thigh gaps day and night.