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Is this test the reason Harry is still an ensign? Kimayashi Maru?


Yes, Ensign Kim lost the no lose scenario. We didn't know that was even possible


Username checks out.


All of the ship's kindergartens have been ejected into space! 


That’s never happened before! LET’S DO IT AGAIN


He managed to transport the ship’s computer including the universal translater to a local pre-warp civilization before being blown up; violating the prime directive 


There was a post a while back where someone gave the Klingon version. It basically went that the Klingons were in a situation where Starfleet was trying to rescue them from something and they had do everything possible to die with honor rather than be rescued by Starfleet.


Did they try politely declining the rescue? It's a crazy idea, but it just might work! (They could even quote the Prime Directive, not that the Prime Directive ever stopped Star Fleet before...)


That was peak ShittyDaystrom edit - here we go [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyDaystrom/comments/15pv0wy/in\_the\_klingon\_version\_of\_the\_kobayashi\_maru\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyDaystrom/comments/15pv0wy/in_the_klingon_version_of_the_kobayashi_maru_your/) edit2 - follow up with comments about ferengi and other versions [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyDaystrom/comments/15vyc8b/to\_the\_person\_who\_posted\_about\_the\_klingon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShittyDaystrom/comments/15vyc8b/to_the_person_who_posted_about_the_klingon/)


It's actually the part from Babylon 5 when Delenn tells the Earthforce ships to fuck off or die. You have superior weapons. You can use diplomacy or you can murder everyone.


Only one human captain has ever survived combat with a Mimbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.


Sitting in a Federation “tiny home” while vaping space weed and complaining about “the man”.


Nah, it is being addicted to smokeleaf while living in a run down mobile home in the middle of the desert.


It's the holodeck. You can literally do anything with no consequences, I'm sure many people become addicted. The test is just being able to resist the temptation to get lost in fantasy land. I suspect Barclay found a way to cheat.


From painful experience, Admiral Kirk has learned that Starfleet officers need to be prepared to handle gifts of extreme power by overly generous entities and freak natural phenomena, but he cannot convince anyone else of the existence of the "no lose scenario".


The Pakled Chess Club is a great way for cadets to get used to Lots of Winning and develop the skill of Being Humble While Being Awesome.


Its most famous alum is also Its founder, Cmdr. Jack Ransom.


He is smart and strong, he took my pointy pieces


No lose? No such thing. I have faith in people's ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. (I may have even done it once or twice.)


It's gotta be The Vulcan Love Slave


That does make a lot of sense. Life on a starship is weeks of stark raving boredom followed my minutes of stark raving terror. Since boredom is the default, people should train for boredom at least as much as for the exciting things. Being a badass in a crisis is great, but can you handle the mundane, everyday tasks? So you go into the simulator, not knowing what kind of simulation you're going to get. It might be a heated space battle, a race against time to deliver medicine, a heroic rescue - or it might be routine, everyday tasks that are required to keep a ship running. Maybe you do paperwork, resolve crew conflicts, decide which tasks are the most important. You fail by trying to make this more exciting than it needs to be.


Isn't that the Stanford Prison Experiment?