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Strippers hate this one weird trick!


Your local strip club brings you a checkbook?


You got to place your cash under the strippers card and leatherette flap


"Where do I slide my card?"


Some would call then butt cheeks


You could give them a roll of quarters


Stripper: "Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or you just happy to see me?" Me: "...yes"


Click bait articles be like.


Almost as good as the fake bills with Bible quotes


This is better because this has a monetary value of $1 instead of $0


Yeah but if it's your turn to reuse them the same way, you'd lose 0$ for the one with the bible quote


I think waiters wouldn't use these often


That’s one way to go -$0, which now you are in debt.


Put them in the church collection plate, but only after searching a bunch of pentagrams and Devil horns on the back so they don't try and reuse them


Do it with a $20


Just throw those things in the tray at the church. Return to sender


But the you have to go to church


*Take me to church* *I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies* *I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife* *offer me that deathless death* *good God, let me give you my life*




Someone left me one of those (only) and forgot their to-go box, which I immediately threw away instead of following them out to their car like I normally would.


you should have eaten it


Pro life tip, if the waiter was shitty you give him a 1$ fuck you tip like shown


Lol no, you leave a penny.


But you fold it so it looks like four pennies


Pulls out a blowtorch and an anvil.


And also paint them silver so it looks like four dimes.


This made me think about the last time I've used or seen a penny. It weirdly seems like a long time, I can't even remember when actually.


Unethical life tip if you're broke & they're shitty, go up to the receptionist and say you're taking a phone call outside & just leave


Origami dollar


Tipping culture is one of the biggest turn offs about visiting the U.S as a tourist, i just don't get it. Should be for extraordinary service, not a social fee.


We’re completely against ~~socialism~~ socialized income! (except the concept of trickle down economics where our bandaid for corporate greed is unorganized socialized monetary injection…)


Tipping is socially enforced charity, as far as I can tell, not socialism. Socialism would be if the staff owned the restaurant together


We got some of those around here, especially in Berkeley. They’re called Co-ops, where the workers own the business and share the profits.


So true, hope I fixed it!


We agree but we don’t know how to curtail it. Paying workers a living wage is iMpOsSibLe


Tipped service workers in restaurants (I can't personally speak for other tipped jobs) usually make far more than minimum wage. And if they don't make minimum wage after tips, the employer is required to compensate them up to it. Tipping is mostly an inconvenience for the customer rather than the employee.


Society needs to organize and agree to do no tipping for a month.  After a week of no tips, no one is going to be willing to work anymore. Businesses will need to either pay a real wage or shut down.


Business owners would figure out a way to use robots and AI to do the waiting before they’d ever think about paying a living wage to their workers. Either that, or they’d all become self-service restaurants where customers have to go get their own food…


They'd be doing that now if it was practical. Which it is not.


Except that a week of no tips would also leave a lot of service workers unable to pay rent for the month


Then they better start bitching at their boss before the month starts.


Or just don’t go out…you’re not punishing the business when you go out and not tip.


Yeah you're only fucking over people with bills to pay


Literally not impossible, there are many countries that have to do it. It's literallty the same result. Just show the final price (tax+service) on the menu...


That might be the reason I spelled impossible like that!


It’s incredible how people miss the sarcasm even when the indicators are there.


In Ontario Canada, all restaurant staff make legal minimum wage ($17/hr) and they still expect 25% tips for minimal service.


It's not a social fee. It was invented by business owners as an excuse to underpay employees and blame workers for sub standard wages.


Dude it started in the Great Depression tf you on about


It was a means to purchase alcohol during the prohibition. The "paying for service" was a cover because it was a code for access to bootleg liquor.


The amount of misinformation in this thread is wild.


Actually, that's not true It was invented in the aftermath of the abolition of slavery(the date everyone thinks was the abolition, not the actual date the last slave was released in 1942) as a means to control newly released Africans with wage slavery instead of chattel slavery


You dont have to get it. Its SOCIALLY required not ACTUALLY required. Feel free to not tip. What are they gonna do, give you wirse service next time? You dont live here and will likely never go to that place again anyway, and if you do it'll be years later and they either wont remember you or wont work there anymore. Just dont tip my dude!


Anywhere, not just the US!


The US is particularly infamous for it, though.


dont forget car dependency and expensive accommodation. really, I considered traveling to the U.S (beautiful nature), but after some research, U.S is almost on the bottom of the list. I took a flight to Taiwan instead, best decision ever, first time in Asia.


All major cities in the US will have hostels if you want cheap accomodation. Car dependency is an unfortunate side effect of the country being freaking massive and society expanding quickly across the continent in the relatively short amount of time the country has existed. You should still come visit! I think because the US is so large and has so many things to do across the whole country that it's impossible to do any significant amount in one trip. You have to treat each state as it's own country. You're not going to see the Golden Gate Bridge and the Statue of Liberty in the same trip. But you could spend a month in NYC or the Bay Area and not run out of things to do and see.


>Car dependency is an unfortunate side effect of the country being freaking massive and society expanding quickly across the continent in the relatively short amount of time the country has existed. It's actually more because of lobbying by automobile manufacturers. America wasn't "built for the car" as some people would say, it was bulldozed for it. If you compare American cities to how they looked around 60 years ago, you'd bustling streets having been turned into giant roadways.


no sir, everything is massive in the U.S is because of terrible city design and urban planning. everything is built for cars and not for people. public transportation is almost nonexistent, most of the amazing nature spots can only be reached by car. it is also unsafe for a pedestrian and lots of places are not even crossable. and since everyone uses car because it is convenient, then there are traffic jams. America itself is huge but I mean that human built things are very far away, it can take you like 40 mins of walking to get to a nearby grocery store or park. just look how much of the citys' area is just parking lots, seriously, go to google maps toggle satellite view, and pick a city. this is insane.


you’re right. any server that doesn’t do their best doesn’t deserve the tip. it’s not hard. you know when you get good service. you don’t have to ask for drinks. you don’t need to ask for sauces or plates or anything. they know what you need and want before you do. that’s the point. and if you come across a server that doesn’t do those things, tip them what they deserve. if one does do those things, then you understand because you know what it’s like to have bad service


It shouldn't be for "extraordinary service" either. Because then every time you don't tip your basically saying the server did a poor job. Tipping should be exclusively reserved for rounding off change on akward bill totals.


I agree 100% as an American


Then just don't do it lol. If you're a tourist you're leaving the country after your trip ends what do you care if some American thinks you're a cheap asshole?


Because they rely on tips to live. Not sure of the specific amount, but aren't servers only on $2.50 an hour or something? Tipping culture is shit - there should be a proper minimum wage. But tourists not tipping isn't going to solve that.


Depends on where. Some states don’t allow that and servers make normal minimum wage. In CA that’s at least $16/hour. Some places like Seattle they make more than that.


In every state, employers are required to pay up to the minimum wage if the employee’s wages + their tips add up to less than minimum wage


Its all bull, ive been a server in 3 states, might be slightly different in others but i doubt it. Its against the law to be paid less than that states minimum wage. Servers have to declare daily what tips they earned that day and if by the end of the week the total doesn't add up to minimum wage their job has to bump their hourly pay up to equal minimum wage. Which would work, but every single place ive ever worked at or knew people who worked at the servers just declare they got a single dollar in cash tips all day and the job isn't allowed to force them to be honest. So the servers end up getting minimum wage plus tips, and are usually the highest earning role in a restaurant with the exception of management. This changes slightly because of digital tips from debit and credit card orders which are recorded so they can't lie about earnings but in the end servers are still very well paid thanks to tips. They certainly don't want that to change.


You fell for the propaganda.


Don't even worry about that. The next table will tip them and everything will even out. Servers actually make pretty decent money most places.


Depends on the place and the owner. Not every restaurant in the nation follows that model. The ones that don't tend to have higher prices on the menu to cover the costs of paying living wages, but that makes people whine a lot so you have others that rely on tipping to have lower menu prices. But, regardless, the comment was in response to someone indicating tipping as being the reason they don't want to visit America, but like you don't have to. It's not illegal. What is illegal is the employer not making up the difference to meet minimum wage standards if tips don't meet or exceed them. If you're that concerned about it, however, just go to a place that doesn't expect it.


The biggest turn off I had for visiting Europe was the stinginess of giving free water to guests at restaurants. You guys have a shortage or something?


This has literally never happened to me in the UK. They may ask for still or sparkling, but if you just say tap water, you will get tap water.


Idk where you've been but unless it was some fancy bottled or flavoured water they are free.


I get free tap water anywhere I go in Europe


God forbid a European ever admit they do anything slightly wrong. Availability of free water and bathrooms is a big issue in a lot of big European cities and is a pretty well known phenomenon. Go somewhere in France and ask for ice, then marvel at the waiter begrudgingly bringing you one to two cubes.


That’s because restaurants don’t have to provide free water and drinks make up a significant margin of their profits.


You don't have to tip. Easy as.


Every time I go to Europe, I am thankful they don’t have tipping culture


Or the employer could pay the employee a wage were by you don't need to leave a tip


Fuck demanding tips. Demand a livable wage instead. Your agreement with your employer is not my problem. I am not the reason your paycheck sucks. I’m already paying a lot for food.


waiters (in the US) prefer the tipping system cause they get paid way more. They just dont want to admit it so they pretend to agree that tipping is bad.


I feel like an ass for pointing it out, but I do think it is fairly true; albeit reductive: much like the corporations/private practices they probably work for; they are trying to privatize the profits and socialize the losses. edit for context: i work at a tourist "Top 10" hotspot in a major US city. i make a flat hourly of about 3.5x the federal minimum wage; the servers i work with have a significantly higher "Take Home"(untaxed*) than I do. I still dunno if it is worth the shit they put up with.


Also forgetting about reporting income for taxes.  


also forgetting that 5x federal minimum wage is essentially necessary to ever own a home edit: i mean own property that is in/near civilization


Your best bet is to buy right outside and wait for civilization to find you. Then run off of your equity to purchase a second home and rent out the first.


With more and more places becoming cashless, this is a dying trend.


It depends though doesnt it? Like martha the 40 year old waitress, bill the not conventionally attractive waiter and ashley the college student are going to get very different tips. Id rather everyone get paid equally.


I have been to enough no-tip establishments to know this is nonsense. I have never seen a disgruntled employee at a no-tip service industry job. And no drop in service either. I do know some servers, and especially bartenders, who prefer tips. But I don't know any who have wanted to go back after working for a no-tip establishment that provides competitive wages


i think that’s only true under some circumstances. it depends a lot on the socioeconomic status of your surrounding neighborhood


I had a friend in HS who was a pretty girl. She always worked Sundays because the diner was next to the church. She made so much money on Sundays. Like an absurd amount. But then on days she’s working and it’s snowing she’d whine about how her job relies on tips


This. A lot of people forget that snow exists and places can have almost no one for days if the snow is persistent. I grew up in NH and got to see this stuff all the time.


Depending on the area and restaurant, you might even get paid a regular wage with tips on top. It's not a simple dichotomy between shit wage + tips and good wages but no tips. I get that it's annoying for consumers when we're all dealing with inflation, and it's annoying that places without personalized services have an automatic tipping option, but people who have lived in a tipping culture for most/all of their lives shouldn't really be surprised or upset that tipping is expected for certain types of employees.




Actually more than quality of service it's privilege that determines how much you make in tips. An attractive abled white person is going to get a lot more in tips than someone who is visibility disabled, visibly queer, a person of color, or all of the above, regardless of who gives the best service. And it's not because people are malicious and hateful but because society perpetuates prejudice and we judge the service we get through the lens of those prejudices, ie someone who doesn't conceive of themselves as a racist might still judge the service more harshly when the server is black, and tip less.


> Doesn't get tipped because I should just demand a livable wage >goes to boss, demands a livable wage >gets dissmissed and written up >now i have no money and a write up


That's why you gotta unionize.


And then get fired due to the fact im in a right to work state, and that companies spend millions in union busting?


It sucks that society has failed you, but the fact that you live in a right to work state makes it even more important that you fight back against it any way you can. Companies aren't gonna wake up one day and be nice unless they are forced to with collective action.


what im saying is that it would probably just be easier to start a revolution, something that is probably gonna happen soon if we look at what was happening in france before their revolution


I really understand what you're saying, but there is a reason why most unions that are here today were ones established a century ago. Companies have learned how to manipulate laws and people to bust unions. First of all, starting a union is tough. In the US, most people have their healthcare linked to their jobs, most people are living paycheck to paycheck and therefore have very little savings, and most people are in debt. It's hard to convince people to potentially lose their healthcare or their houses and their cars so they can unionize. Plus, companies usually spend a lot of money to convince people unions are bad for them lol. And if I do convince enough people, there's a chance management could just fire us all anyways, or figure out who the person trying to organize the union is and fire them. And let's say we successfully unionize. Corporate might just close down our location. There have been cases of companies just deciding to shut down a location that unionized instead of meeting their demands. It's usually only a slight profit loss and it sends a message to other locations. I would love to unionize, but unfortunately companies know exactly how to stop it. It's dystopian and sad, but it's reality.


I know it seems hopeless, and the biggest thing about collective action is the *collective*, you aren't ever supposed to feel like you're just pulling all the weight all on your own. And if you truly aren't in a position to do anything other than tread water that's what you gotta do to stay above the surface, oxygen masks and all that. There has been progress made by unions in the US in the last decade, people are working really hard to make it better. Don't throw in the towel yet, unions and collective action *are* making a comeback. And if someone stiffs you on the tip, remember that the villain in the story is your boss for not paying you enough that you have to rely on tips, not some stranger that you have no idea what they're going through at the moment.


*attempts to unionize* *store gets shut down for “poor performance”* *Now I have no union and no money*


It's not the agreement with her employer it's the law. Waiters don't have to be paid same amount is normal worker because tips are expected. Also individuals just don't have bargaining power if there are unions you would have a point


Instead of complaining about waiters wanting tips about those restaurants/companies/corporations that don’t pay liveable wages.


I complain about both companies for not paying a livable wage and waiters for throwing the problem on their clients instead of blaming their employers 🤝


it feels dishonest at best to say "the waiters throw it on their clients" that is 100% the business' doing that, not the worker trying to find opportunity to earn an honest wage. OUR SYSTEM IS FUCKED, not the people trying to survive it.


Had a pizza place I ordered from at work with min tip of 18% for the auto tip. Rounded that down to my normal 15% using the other box.


What exactly that tip was for? For preparing food that you paid for, or making a delivery that you paid for? Tip is when you want to pay extra for exceptional service. You can tip your waiter, bartender, hairdresser, courier, gravedigger and florist. Do you tip self-checkout too? I mean it's a service, no? America somehow confused "can" with "must" and corporations are actively trying to spread that to the rest of the world. Somehow its better for them to redirect employees poverty and anger to customers.


This is a good way to get your food spit in next time you eat there.


Sounds like a good way to leave a mid restaurant that you're never going back to that had bad service. Other than that, this is a horrible idea.


Fuck tipping culture


This would be funny with a $50 or even a $100.


I’ll be honest I’ve done this with a $20 before. Me and my waitress bantered a ton during the meal so I thought it would be funny because it was still a good tip


What a somewhat harmless prank thing, lol.


Do it with $100 bill. There will be excitement, disappointment, then excitement again


Any tip is a good tip!


i suppose if giving "just the tip", but a $1 tip disguised as a $4 tip is actually significantly worse than no tip. shaft them or don't. don't pretend you aren't doing it while you shaft them. i get that in other countries tipping is different AND "a penny saved is a penny earned", but unless you just got like a single draft beer, 1 USD is NOT a "tip" (aka the expectation on the customers to directly pay the second half of the employee's "minimum wage" in America). and if they genuinely mistook and reported it as $4 earnings, then they owe income tax on the pretend amount, as well as Tipping Out runners and bartenders on that pretend amount WHO dafuq does pretending you left $4 instead of the $1 you actually left benefit? i guess you, if it impressed the girl you wanna swipe home from the bar; but never go back because they will remember you. honestly, just tip $1 if that's all you're willing to tip, don't be even more of an asshole about it trying to psyche them up that it is more than it is


Bro who actually reports cash tips tho, everyone ive met who gets tips as a part of their income simply doesnt report cash tips.


not my tip tho, they just scream and say "sir what the fuck this is a Wendy's" 😔


And replace it with one of those fake bills full of bible quotes. That makes it illegal for Americans to be upset about it.


You leave tips?


$4 is still a shit tip regardless of how you fold it


Murica moment


Is it really a tip tho? You're just paying their wage as a separate charge


I hate that tipping is thing at all. It should be on the company to pay a fair wage not guilt the customers to pay more than the price on the menu 


Found the american... Like do you guys seriously tip over 4$ for a coffee


I wouldn't even pay that much for a coffee lol


That’s like a Starbucks cup of coffee lmao


About $1 per beer, unless it’s super cheap or they’ve gone out of their way to tailor the perfect beer for me


You don’t tip on coffee


If there is a book for the check it's not a coffee. There is a table cloth. Very clearly this is a restaurant. It's a terrible tip for a meal. Standard is 20% in the US if it is a tipping establishment


A $10 burger and $2 drink and it’d be well over 20% And I never understood why the bill is reflection of what tip is deserved? A bowl of soup and a lobster take the same amount of effort to bring out


It has to do with the location. Higher end restaurants have more staff and the waiter is paying attention to less tables. This means more attention is being paid to you. They also get paid less by the business because they make an absolute killing on a $100 steak


Hence why the tip is here.


For what? What if I just got two drinks? I'm really getting tired of the whole tipping thing. Now that everywhere you go asks for tips, and their machines lie about how much 20% is, I've been hitting the "no tip" button more and more. Unless the person I'm potentially tipping is in a position to make server wages, I don't tip anymore. And then it's fine to be between 20% unless your machine lied to me (then it's 0).


I may tip for counter service if the terminal asks ... but the other day, I ran into a system that put the highest option on the *left*.


There's one burger place near me I used to go to weekly. A typical counter service "fast casual" place, or whatever they call them now. I never tipped on the square tablet thing because it's basically a fancy McDonald's. Well one day the OWNER cashed me out and said something like "enter your tip and pay on the tablet." I hit "no tip" and he looked at it, looked at me and rolled his eyes. Haven't been there since, and I tell everyone I can about it. Fuck greedy assholes.


$4 is a full meal. obv not in america lol cry harder


Well, the image clearly shows a tip in USD, so I don't understand how the cost of living in other countries is relevant.


$4 is a shit tip on a $400 meal. $4 is an amazing fucking tip on a glass of ice water. The lesson we learned today, boys and girls and redrumps, is that numbers can appear larger or smaller when compared to other numbers.


What if the bill is $10? I'm supposed to tip 60% or something?


You know 4 dollars exchange in my country? (Ethiopia)... 1$=100 Ethiopian birr ....if I get 4 dollars I get 400 birr ....it's generous.......if u Have hard time finding it valueless imagine it in another 3rd world exchange currency you will feel better


But it's generous in Ethiopia because the cost of living is a lot lower, as are the base wages. Someone who needs to pay for everything at US prices is obviously gonna see things differently. I don't understand how this is a hard concept for people to understand. When the GDP per capita in Ethiopia is less than $2000, of course it's gonna be generous to receive 0.2% of your yearly income from one customer. The equivalent in the US would be a $160 tip, which no one is going to dispute as being cheap.


But I think 4 dollars in use buy a decent meal in states? So at least if a waiter gets 4 dollars from 3 different coustumers a worry about getting a meal disappeares, but on the other hand even if I make 150 birr =1.+$ I may get less decent food.......so a western world specifically Americans financial worries is for wants like getting a better apartment,a better car that's why your wants can't be satisfied.........but in my country Ethiopia even the middle class worries about his every day meal which that 4 dollars at least covers a breakfast..... Sorry for my grammatical errors and i apologize if I made racial stereotype even tho it is not intentionally


I mean, I will admit that Ethiopians living on a standard wage have a lot more to worry about than even minimum wage employees in the US. But all I wanted to say was that the generosity of a certain amount of money is very context dependent. For example, an Ethiopian wage would be very generous in a country like North Korea, where the level of inequality is ridiculous even by the standards of a third world nation. In general, you're right though, that someone who regularly makes $4 tips from several customers, along with US wages is not gonna starve. They may have to deal with less than ideal housing and spend frugally, but they will still be better off than someone living on minimum wage in Ethiopia. I also agree that there is a significant portion of Americans who equate wants with needs. However, some things that would be considered luxuries in Ethiopia *are* needs in the US. In most of the country, a car is needed to get to work or do anything else. Perhaps not a brand new, top of the line one, but still a major expense that can come with many hidden costs. High speed internet is another must have in the US, and is needed to even get most jobs. These things are luxuries in a sense, but at a certain point society begins to make them needs as well, and these costs add up very quickly.


Do they accept USD in Ethiopia? Clearly if the picture is using US cash, they are almost certainly in the US. In some parts of the US you can live like a king with a salary of $60k/yr. If you live in other parts of the US, that would practically be a poverty wage. Cost of living matters.


Of course we accept, it is even preferable if a tourist pays in dollars. If you have 60k dollars in Ethiopia wow the way you gonna live ,the mansion you gonna buy....you could own majority of things even out government


Well if it still is 15-20% it’s a fair tip




I caught a lot of heat recently because I had a habit of not tipping at buffets. I’m doing 90% of the work and would gladly do 100% if they would give me access to a water nozzle and a plastic bin for my used plates. When I go out to restaurants and bars, I do tip, but I usually leave it to whomever I’m dining with to decide it.


Haven't been to a buffet in over a decade but people tip there? I heard Walmart is also testing tips at self service checkout too. You literally do all the work and they expect to get paid?


It really is.


For a $15 burger at Dennys? $4 if you're lucky lol


good tip


Man, redditors whenever they see a post about tips...


Do it with 100$ and they might just cheer at the disappointment.


What does doing this even accomplish?


Tipping has gotten so out of control that I haven't used a service that expects tips since before the pandemic.


i mean.. hell yeah, left the whole wallet? yeah, that's probably just the bill holder. but its nice to imagine they gave you their whole credit card and identity


Jokes on you, I don’t tip at all


Mr Pink, is that you?


This is why I don't tip ever.


This is why you don't tip? Because a stranger left a misleading $1 tip on their table. Interesting reasoning.


If you do this, I hope you stub your toe everyday for a month.


This is all most of them deserve. Fuck tip culture. Demand your employer pay you proper wages you fucks.


Wow four whole dollars! They go from disappointed to disappointed and unamused.


All the entitled idiots saying $4 isn’t even a good tip when it’s 20% of $20. If the bill was 20 or less it’s a great tip. Frankly there isn’t enough info here to see just how hard they are shafting someone. But regardless it’s funny.


Well regardless, it ISN'T a $4 tip, it's a $1 tip, and it's pretty unlikely their bill was $4 so I think it's safe to assume they're shafting someone.


Yeah that comment is based on the comments saying $4 is a bad tip. Clear they are being shafted as indicated in my comment, just don’t know how hard. But yes very clear it is a dollar here.


Best way to be a douch bag


I’d do this if I got really shitty service


I’ll do that if the server kills my family members




I would do this but then I'd also leave a real tip completely underneath the payment receipt thingy


r/notatmypizzahut Not a good link but I'm going to will it into existence


do it with a prop money 10


Lmao this post makes ppl join this subred


The nursing subreddit is going to have a great new story when someone tries this at a strip club and comes into the ER with an 8" platform heel wedged up their ass.


Bro didn't even use the trick


Nvm. The light made the back of the dollar look like the front.


What is this, paper currency?


My brother did this before. But he also left a $30 inside. You could tell she was mad then she was happy.


Just a plain old cheap prick not fooling anyone. Kind of a sad asshole nobody is amused.


literally shitty pro-tip


This may have worked some years ago. Now, in the 20%-25% tip world, you’d need more than a fake $4 tip to be “ok”.