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I constantly focus on what's wrong with the opposition because I'm far too delicate for self reflection.


No need to self reflect, your mirror can do it for you, just look into it


Stealing this line


The opposition keeps running people that are despicable human beings that want to criminalize half the people I know and like. A vote of self preservation is a smart vote.


Politicians really do care about you /s


Billionaires and corporations are your friends


Lobbyist's are only doing what's best for you


Banks just want to make you rich


Dupont, better living through chemistry!!!


Politicians really do care about you. It’s just you are not believing them and instead your lying eyes!


America is in a toxic, abusive relationship with it's government...


Dude it’s not just the US. The whole world is being more and more polarized (thanks social networks, hope the ad revenue was worth it). Doesn’t matter if you have a 2 party or a multiparty system.


Yeah, no kidding. In my country we had 4 elections in the span of 2 years, until we got a hardly functional government which is likely to collapse in the next few months. All that because people choose to dismiss other opinions as satanic and terroristic, without much thought if any.


Viva la Revolution!


Support human extinction


Would love to but I have a 15 month old daughter so I am now kind of committed to the idea of the survival of the human race. I appreciate the thought though.


Welcome to the system, that’s how it’s perpetuated. Everyone feels they deserve a happy life and a family. You should be able to have those things consequence-free. But corporate greed and capitalist dogma own our future, we truly have nothing in the end. Best of luck to you.


Support corrupt politician extinction


Thank you for your support


with capitalism\* the government is just one of the tools capitalism uses to oppress the people


You’re getting down voted but your 100% right. The ‘government’ as currently constructed works for the rich. Ideally we the people can change that but good luck doing that with voting or money.


To end capitalism on a large scale you will need more government.


Not necessarily more government, just a different kind of government.


Denmark had an idea where every starting politician would have to work an normal job (i.e. retail,construction, nurse, etc) for 8 years, before the person could "be" a politician. I think this is a step forward.


We’d have no politicians.


Sounds like a step in the right direction


What counts as a "normal" job?


Österreich in einer Nussschale


Actual LPT to people who are frustrated that they can't do anything: **get involved at the local level**. Go to council meetings. Canvas door-to-door on local issues. Run for local office, even if it's something unglamorous and tedious like comptroller. The little things are what make the big-picture stuff possible. Just the fact of being present at a public meeting can help propagate useful ideas to people who need to hear them. You can bash your head against a brick wall complaining about the futility of it all, or you can make whatever effort is possible for one person to contribute.


> comptroller You mean posting on 4chan?


SLPT part 2: always vote against the incumbent, that way you can make funny jokes about how all politicians are equally bad and you never liked them anyway. Get bonus points when you help usher in a fascist regime through apathy and hopelessness.


Ah yes, the false dichotomy of either vote for useless idiots or do nothing. There's no way to agitate for change in other ways... like for example seizing the means of production. Income the high and mighty liberals to say that we shouldn't fight for change and pretend we can vote it in like naive children.


You all talk about seizing the means of production but for some reason can't even organize a national labor strike. Keep on throwing out those buzzwords though.


Is that why I keep hearing news every single day about constant unionisation and strikes all across not just the US but it seems globally too? Interesting. I wonder if there are any historical examples of revolutions... hmm. Maybe shut the fuck up, stop with the incessant reformist nonsense and actually take action if you want change. Voting won't do shit. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B# Enjoy reading that. Though I doubt you will.


Lol you're the one whining on reddit. Maybe consider actually doing something besides whining? All I hear is screeching from lazy people. Go outside, do something for your community. Let me know when you've actually contributed to something other than bitching on reddit, yeah?


I'm pointing out that there is more than the false dichotomy presented. And yes I already am, bold of you to assume that because I'm on reddit, I can't possibly be doing anything else. Also lmao lazy people what a moronic take. Some real brilliant insights as usual from the libs.


Lol so bold. Much brave. Do tell, what are you personally doing? Again, let us know when you ragey little fucks actually accomplish something toward your political goals. Until then you sound like lazy whiners who aren't doing a damn thing other than talk. I'll be eagerly awaiting your news on when everyone is going to be participating in a commie organized labor strike. Happy to participate but I see nothing but complaining from you guys and zero headway.


Is there a regime left that’s not fascist or racist or something? All we do is call them names that have lost their meaning.


Tomorrow is the day were my country will vote it's president ( none of the candidat are liked = hard choice), so thanks for the reminder ?


When was the last time people truly like a president ? Talking about US here.


Obama was quite popular in his first term


Define “people”. Some people followed Trump like the messiah, for example, but most of America really didn’t like him.


I guess we can use approval ratings as a metrics, then Truman was the most well liked president. But since the sample size is so small compared to the population, it's not really reliable.


Truman dropped to a 22% approval rating. Not even trump got that low. Highest recorded was Bush post 9/11


People liked Ike.


About 6 years ago.




The question was literally: > When was the last time people truly like a president ? Talking about US here. Nothing to do with the efficacy or qualities of his tenure in the office, but like, thanks for confirming my point that most people liked him?


Fetterman for PA!!!! Fetterman for president!!! (Not satire.. look him up!)


As an American, I’m seriously done voting 2 party. I felt gross at the polls the last 2 elections voting for the “lesser of 2 evils”. Nothing changed. The promises are an insipid lie. Our founding fathers never wanted a 2 party system for this exact reason and the only way we’re gonna get out of this milquetoast dumpster fire is if people stop being little bitches and actually vote for who represents their interests. We could have had BULLET TRAINS by now ffs.


You'll definitely keep getting down voted by others and that's perfectly fine. I voted third party in the last few elections and will in the next ones. I'm not doing it to see them win, I'm doing it to show on the census data that I refuse to cater to the demand of participation in the two party system. I would rather "throw my vote away" every time than to help put one of those two scumbags in office. Show me a decent option for a republican or democrat and that person will get my vote; until then, third party all day.


I feel that shit. This 2 party system blocks a 3rd but enables a single party only eventually.


Imagine thinking your vote matters anymore.


We flushed out our city council of elite liberals with working class people and an ex-con. True progressivism on the local level. Don't tell me my vote doesn't matter when I'm seeing tangible results.


While you may feel that way, you are still wrong. It only a matter of time until all your voting efforts are wasted. Feels good to have a small win but you will lose the war.


Lmao okay you can go ahead and keep telling me how my town is doing. Go off, wise king.


I'm glad your town is doing well and your votes made a difference there locally. How does that impact inflation? Supply chain issues? Jobs? All the issues that your votes locally had ZERO impact on? That's my point. Your votes mattered in the short term but your town doesn't even make a ripple in the state or the country. Glad it works for you though.


We've gained over 7 million jobs since Biden got in, and unemployment has also been cut in half. Inflation and supply chain are global problems that have almost nothing to do with policy, so they're not even relevant. If you want to build an argument against electoralism, cite things that actually matter like wages (which can also be solved outside of policy via collective bargaining) and regulation.


You used terrible data to make your point. We haven't regained all of the jobs lost from COVID. Duh we got some people working again but why did they stop in the first place? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't anything to do with Trump. Why do we have inflation? Why do we have supply chain issues? I'll give you a hit, they are global problems for a reason, and again, it has nothing to do with Trump. You are completely brainwashed by literal basic mainstream media talking points. That should tell you something about what you said.


I'm not even trying to bring up Trump, you are. You brought up jobs, not me. Are you trying to blame the pandemic or are you trying to blame politicians? Because you are being icnconsistent and incoherent, and you're continuing to resort to strawmen and straw-grasping to try to say anything.


I've had this argument with people too much to care, so I sounds vague since it's mind blowing how blinded people have been and still somehow are. I brought up Trump first to avoid him being used as a wrong example later, but I still expect someone to chime in with something talking about him. To your point on jobs, I was saying that the jobs would have come back anyway and we only lost them due to government overreach during the pandemic. It isn't COVIDs fault, it's the powers that control the narratives fault and ultimately the local and state governments that I forced poor policies putting small business out of business and normal people out of work. They HAD to work, so duh jobs have improved. The economy is bad because of printing so much money and doing nothing productive with it. We are beyond screwed. The only reason we are still afloat is because we double the size of the hole we are falling in. There is NO recovery from this. Literally none. We are screwed. The whole world is now fucked and back to my first post, your vote no longer matters.


Doomer gish gallop that starts with demeaning defensiveness from people at large and in the future, there's nothing I can do with this. Take care, man.


Imagine being defeatist but still caring enough to complain.


I haven't complained. Anything that can be fixed will be fixed. If it can't be fixed then what's the point.


I read "your vote doesn't matter" as a complaint; kinda hard not to. But whatever. Cheers, friend ❤


No worries. It's hard to convey emotion and meaning via text online. Most people read from their own knowledge and bias verses the intent from the writer.


This kind of pessimism is what fuels this, I'm pretty sure. Mindless ones will keep voting without thinking but the ones with critical thinking capabilities will have pessimistic thoughts Nothing changes overnight you know? Though take this with a bit of salt


Realism doesn't equal pessimism. I think the majority of people are mindless and wanting someone to tell them what to do, it's human nature to want to be apart of a group. I still vote even though it doesn't matter. The stupid far outweigh the intelligent these days. It's got what plants crave!


If my vote doesn't matter, why do they try to make it harder for me to vote?


It depends on what you mean and how you view it being harder to vote. For voting to matter, there should be a system in place to make certain that each person who is eligible to vote can only vote once and that every vote is counted. Voting should be a national holiday. Making it easier to vote isn't always the answer for making your vote count. If anyone can vote and anyone can vote multiple times, then nobody really has a voice except the people willing to do things wrong.


Yeah, USA is one of the few banana republics left in the world that still doesn't have secure elections. Even India sorted that shit out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_ID_(India)


DeSantis just passed legislation to make voting more secure in Florida!


A comment like that I doubt anyone mistakes you for doing any thinking.


Go getum tiger! Great job! Mom and Dad are so proud of you!


If you vote 3 times you’ll unlock automatic voting, which will extend your voting streak up until dictatorship, then war, then nuke is unlocked.


That was just a warm up presidency


The real SLPT: Keep voting with your heart and expecting it will work


Support human extinction


Not one of them cares about anything other than their own wallet! Literally no fucks given about any of their constitute. It matters not who or what party, every single one has the same goal and that's to line their own pockets!


This is the best tip I've seen on reddit. Fortunately - most people follow this tip.


Sounds like domestic (emotional or physical) abuse victims...I mean when we think they say sorry and thry really did mean it this time.


Vote them in enough times and you unlock the Alzheimer’s version!


"Woke" mentality, i mean mental illness...


Vote third party.


Aka [throwing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS2Bsq5PDmU) your vote in the trash


Maybe one of the two parties should do a better job supporting the interests of independent voters if they don't want people throwing votes away instead of voting for them. Edit: didn't watch the video first, sorry if I got snarky on a meme comment


Voting in this system got us exactly where we are.


“Devil you know is better than devil you don’t “


finally a tip that will for sure be used in real life.


Pelosi 2032!


This message brought to you by the Conservative party of the UK


It’s all Labour’s fault! Somehow…


I found a calendar on Etsy with Moira’s incredibly satisfying vocabulary. It’s the best thing ever! Also, bedeviled is one of my favorites as well


Guys, I’m super cereal!!


SLPT: if you vote in a plularity first-past-the-post winner-take-all no-runoff system, definitely vote third party. The big party you kinda agree with and that has okayish politicians, and the big party you totally don't agree with and that has the worst people in the world as politicians, are indeed exactly the same and just as bad, and when the party politically further from you will get elected without a true majority, they'll definitely take note.


Scotland and the SNP


If you don't like your politicians always bitch on social media. You're bitching will make a difference so you can continue to not going to vote