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I wonder if it has anything to do with their float.. if they don’t have much cash in the till they can’t refund cash


I could understand that If they actually said that I wouldn’t be unreasonable I’d be willing to come back - It’s not the cashiers fault and I have some lovely ladies that work at the shoppers near me But flat out refusing !! No I’ll speak to a manager as well


I was thinking this too. The store I work at hardly does any cash transactions, so any cash refund will put the float under, and it won't be made up by the end of the day.


How often are you returning things? Could be the staff are suspecting you of pulling something. Most folks don't constantly return items.


This.  If it's a regular customer doing a once off return, we have no problem returning a cash return. IOP, are you stealing and returning products? Or just attempting to abuse the return policy by using 80+% of a product then returning it repeatedly. 


Oh I’ve effectively told someone to kick rocks for trying that shit.


I've had it happen before where I take back a huge cash return, thus emptying my cash tray and then struggle for the whole day to make it back, so that everything balances at the end. I won't be doing that again. This was over $200 cash return though and the people insisted that they were from out of town etc. How much is your return OP? Are you going to a small store that has little activity/sales? Maybe try another store? While it is true that your return should be in the same form as you paid, the cashier ight be using their discretion as to what is best for them at the time.


Ask to speak to a manager or supervisor! If you paid via cash, the cashier should be refunding back to your original method!


The cashier most likely had a few cases of fraud recently and was told to be extra vigilant or is not very smart. They should give you the money back in the og payment method if product is unopened.


If the product is opened then they can only give back store credit


Not true. Because the stores are individually owned, this decision is made individually by their ower/management. They likely don't want to give cash back because the product is non resellable the store takes the return as a loss and will try to do the return as a gift card. You can argue it and if they refuse. Take it to a different store or call their corporate hotline. Some stores try to refuse to do returns from purchases from other stores too.


Return policies are set by corporate and not individual stores. Unless a manger is telling staff to do something different from the company policy.


More or less, but the policy leaves a lot of gray area. So the general policy yes. But i have worked for a shoppers where it was the decision of the store owner to refuse certain returns- owner not manager. In the 10+ different stores I worked there was generally slight variations from store to store. Edit: additional info added


We are boycotting


Are you going around opening time or shift change? As others have said, cashiers cannot go against their float. If they don't have the extra cash to give back, they literally can't give cash. It is annoying and I would definitely be asking for a manager to escalate, but if they don't have the float plus what they owe you, they just can't. It's why they offer a gift card. Is it what you wanted? No, but they have made you whole. I would be just as annoyed but I was a cashier before and understand sometimes this just happens. Especially most transactions being cashless now.


I work at Shoppers. If a customer does a return, it is always supposed to be returned in the manner they paid, on the same card they paid with etc. If I don’t have enough cash in my til, I cannot give a cash return, otherwise will be short. This is the reason they are giving on a gift card. Otherwise, go towards the end of the day, at the front cash, and they are going to be able to process the return.


Do you have a receipt from the last 30 days?


Yes. The return is within few days of purchase and always with a receipt.


Why do you keep returning items? You say always within days like this happened more than one time.


So? I've had to return multiple things for valid reasons over time. This post doesn't indicate this is a frequent occurrence.


Shoppers is losing money because of the boycott and are doing everything they can to stop the bleeding


My spouse calls shoppers a glorified convenience  store.


They'd have to actually have cashiers to give you cash. I hate shoppers because the self check outs always mess up my points and they never have people work the check outs


we are told not to hang out by the checkouts unless a customer comes up to it


I get that it's not your decision on the store rules but at the shoppers by my home they lithave more people working the pharmacy than the actual shoppers. One person is cashier and does restocking and the other follows you around the beauty section.  To go to the checkout you literally wait five minutes and then they have to sign in and all this stuff. It's such bad service 


Shoppers is a pharmacy first. The store that I work at always has a ton of people in pharmacy because we do a high volume of scripts. Maybe your local Shoppers is also a high-volume pharmacy.


No I live in a town of 7800 people, there is a stand alone pharmacy beside the shoppers. This is not a small shoppers either, it has the grocery section too. It's not the employees fault by any means, just corporate world of saving money, buy it ends up being a Hassel for customers.