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If you’re only choices are between those three, I would recommend either Farcry or Deathloop. Leaning more towards Deathloop due to its introduction and comedic value for story. Since you’re looking for story, Back 4 Blood isn’t anything special, just another zombie killing team game, don’t get me wrong, it’s fun, but it’s only fun when playing with friends. Just my two cents.


This is a great answer, I wouldn’t buy Back 4 Blood as a single player game if that’s what you’re looking for. The Far Cry games tell separate stories, so you won’t be behind on anything jumping into Far Cry 6. For what it’s worth, Far Cry 6 is considered a somewhat lengthier game than Deathloop, especially with the optional side quests. Honestly, you probably can’t go wrong with either game.


Far cry is always fun.


DeathLoop for the best contained and fun game from start to finish. Back4Blood only if you’re purely playing Multiplayer. Wait for Farcry 6 to go on sale within a month. It’s Ubisoft and they have consistently put their games on sale at record pace the last couple years.


I have only played deathlooop but it’s like a non stealth kill only dishonored


Far Cry 6 seems most in your wheelhouse, but I personally liked Deathloop more. Not to say FC6 is bad, just my personal preference.


How do you guys rush through games so fast? You've already played both?


I completed Deathloop (kind of a shortish game, I thought it got a little repetitive towards the end so I rushed it) and I have a few hours in FC6. Not done with it yet.


Far Cry 6 sounds up your alley. And finally having open world games at 60fps is a big showcase for the next gen consoles.


I vote Deathloop because it's different. Far Cry is just Far Cry. Add in a new setting and characters and that's about it. Same overall story, same gameplay. Deathloop takes Dishonored and adds guns, very great writing, and a unique way to tell its story. Very fun.


Deathloop is the goto game. If you're leaning towards Back 4 Blood you should rather get a shooter meant for solo gaming like Borderlands 3 with the season passes.


Didn’t expect much from Deathloop but took the chance anyways. Boy was I wrong, ended up loving every second of it. Highly recommend


I've got Far Cry 6 and Back 4 Blood. You can look at my post history if you want my detailed opinion on FC6, but tl;dr: B4B > FC6 imo.


I would say Far Cry 6 or Deathloop, I solo'd Back 4 Blood on PC on Gamepass and it already got kinda boring after a few hours.


Back 4 Blood is really fun if you have friends to play it with. Randoms people and bots are mostly useless. Don't buy Far Cry 6, it's the same shit Ubisoft are revamping since FC3 with boring story, the worst AI of the decade and not depth. I don't understand why the game is not being gunned down.


Because it's not a bad game far cry 6, if you enjoy the other far cry's it's worth getting


If you enjoyed paying for the same content over and over full price with the same lame ai that would make ali n colonial marines shy, yes. It's a terrible game, it's an unpolished game sold 60$. That's exactly the reason why all AAA games are so lame lately


Deathloop is amazing albeit a bit short. Farcry I’m personally waiting to go on sale because most Ubisoft games hit deep discounts a month or two after release and back 4 blood is a ton of fun if you have a squad to play with. Solo it can get kinda stale like most team games


Far cry 6


I really liked deathloop. Not too into back 4 blood but I never played left 4 dead so I dont have the nostalgia that others might have. Only got it cause my group of friends got it. Haven't tried far cry 6 but it is an ubisoft game so I would recommend waiting a month or two and you will be able to get it half off if money has any impact on your decision


Deathloop for sure.


Back4Blood it’s honestly surprising how good it is


Deathloop is awesome. I have 30 hours in and feel like there is still plenty to do. It is like Mega Man Groundhogs Day game. Playing as Julianna is fun as hell too.


Back 4 blood is totally not worth its price, nothing new, just a generic coop zombie game. I would pick deathloop for fresh experience or farcry 6 if you enjoyed previous ones


Honestly? none of these are worth buying but if you really want one, get FC6


all 3 extremely underwhelming games


Disagree wholeheartedly on Deathloop. You’re right on the other two though.


agreed, none of them are worth it tbh