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I like the ephemeral nature of life. What an incredible thing that we are formed and get to see, hear, taste, feel and try to understand the world around us, then we invariably wither and die. Returning to our basic elements to be part of the cycle again, and again, and again. The arrangement of matter that is **you** will only happen once and is brief and fleeting. But the pieces have always been and always will be. Makes me feel like a flower.


I’ll have what you’re having.


I’d love some flower. But we get randoms at work.


Unless it's blood or mouth swab, caffeine and plenty of water is your friend. That combo works well. I hate random name from a hat tests, they should do what I call ultimate random. When they make a huge mistake, totally bork an idiot proof machine, or they get hurt to where they need more than a bandaid and a couple of minutes; THEN test them. If I'm working at or above expectations, not destroying anything, hurting myself or others, or obviously stoned out of my mind, then it's none of the company's fuck business what I do off the clock. There are exceptions, like emergency responders, but other than those; if I'm off the clock, stay the fuck out of my life.


As an emergency responder, we should be able to smoke. As long as I’m not coming into work high, it’s no one’s business what I do in my downtime. Cops on the other hand, if they’re going to enforce those bullshit laws, then they need to toe the line.


Well, I kinda lumped cops in there too. Not fair on my part. EMTs definitely deserve to smoke with the insanity they go through. Much respect and gratitude.


My attitude has always been that drugs and alcohol are a problem at work when they are a problem at work.


Yeah so do we... don't care.


I can't afford to mess up the paper...sucks.


Neither can I, I just know they can't replace me easily and we have a serious shortage or employees, and I hate my job so..... fuck it.


lol just saw your username


Mostly just gratitude. Plus, when I was younger, a ton of weed, a fair amount of LSD and mushrooms, adventure, risktaking, traveling, and living life.




Golden Teacher most likely!


I wish I hadn't had what he's having sometimes


We are star dust, and it is a privilege to be able to shitpost with you.


This made me smile. This is a good post.


Gentlemen, it's been a privilege


>The arrangement of matter that is you will only happen once and is brief and fleeting. If the universe is eternal, chances of *you* being repeated eventually are actually 100%.


So, do you think that we’ve all been here before? Of course, that’d mean that each of us and everything that currently exists as it is would have had to go through however many countless iterations (and cycles and whatever else I cannot even really begin to explain or conceptualize, etc) to be back here As it is now Once again So the number is infinitesimally small. Or large, I guess, depending on how you look at it. Small chances on each “roll” but eventually with probability and time the roll will be 100%. Large in number of “years.” Lol. As if the cosmos would ever deigned to be numerated by man’s years. Universal cycle, maybe. So, I ask again, do you think that we’ve all been here before? Or here again, but just a bit differently? Where’s that fuckin veil?


I don't think that, because I lack the sufficient knowledge to suspect that. I don't know if the universe is truly eternal.


Sounds a lot like Nietzsche's eternal return


I think free will is still a thing due to uncertainty principle in quantum physics, meaning an exact copy is not possible. But small variations will be possible, so I think we have been here infinite times before but leading different lives. But how different does one have to be from a different universal cycle before the person experiencing it is also different? What distinguishes my consciousness from yours? Probably nothing and we’re all coming from the same jar.


Every part of us has always been here. Every atom, every bit of the energy, however one describes it, that constitutes consciousness, there is no new energy or matter. The stuff that is US has always been here expressing in every way possible.


I want to save this.


Mono no aware... I've yet to find a concept that encapsulates the idea so well


Fucking beautiful


The arrangement of particles creating you is changing every moment. There is no fixed 'you' the continues moment to moment, only a continual flux of patterns and processes that we perceive as a coherent self.


It's like Trigger's Broom in Only Fools & Horses. Trigger: 'I've had this broom for over 20 years you know' Rodney/Del Boy: (Something along the lines of that's a long time to own a broom) Trigger: 'Yeah I have had the handle replaced 14 times and the brush replaced 17 times, but yeah I've had this broom for 20 years.' ... 'How can it be the same bloody broom then?!' It's like how our cells are constantly dying and being replaced with new cells meaning that we are not made up of the same building blocks as we were a few years ago, but we're still the same person. Here's the clip: https://youtu.be/LAh8HryVaeY?si=X92rKKhK33YxOqQI Classic British Humour


>The arrangement of matter that is > >you > > will only happen once and is brief and fleeting. But the pieces have always been and always will be. You in your current incarnation is the unique part, I feel like your consciousness continues on into whatever incarnation you inhabit next. At least I hope so. I like the idea of being able to connect with my kids and wife in whatever form we take next.


Our field of attention/awareness is definitely something that has a radius and moves around. I do wonder if, like the body, consciousness is emergent and not fundamental in its own right. It might also break down or disperse, also. Anyhow, it's wild that we're able to think about these things and articulate them to one another.


Unless you’re entombed in a $10k piece of wood 6’ underground.


Very true. A sealed pressure cooker to liquify you.


That same thing you find wonderous, I find horrifying and unnecessarily cruel. I envy your approach to life.


This might be me being too young, too privileged, too optimistic, I wish it wasn't soo brief, life is too damn fun right now...


I wish. My wife died in her early 50’s. I’d do anything for her to have had 80 years.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


Things aren't beautiful because they last a long time. I'm glad you met your person and got to spend all that time with her.


Thank you. 28 years, so we had a good run.


“If we lived forever, if the dews of Adashino never vanished, if the crematory smoke on Toribeyama never faded, men would hardly feel the pity of things. The beauty of life is in its impermanence. Man lives the longest of all living things... and even one year lived peacefully seems very long. Yet for such as love the world, a thousand years would fade like the dream of one night.” Yoshida Kenko


It's funny how everything is relative. I'm grateful your wife survived to her 50s.


That is true. Quite a few go before that, unfortunately. We had 28 years together, which many people don’t ever get.


You get your chance to try In the twinkling of an eye Eighty years with luck or even less ​ \-Pink Floyd, "Free Four"


I’m a simple man, I see Pink Floyd i upvote. Eclipse ❤️


My all-time favorite of theirs is Fearless. That song gives me goosebumps every damn time I listen to it!


Everything under the sun is in tune. Got to sing a cover of that in choir a few years ago!


And the line before that- The memories of a man in his old age Are the deeds of a man in his prime


What an underrated album


Deduct 20+ years for the time you're unconscious (sleeping)


Assuming 8 hours of sleep a day over your lifetime that’s about 26 years. Add a few more years of unconsciousness when you were a baby, and maybe at the end if you’re unlucky. Leaves about 45 years.


I don't know man, I've had some interesting experiences in my dreams. I don't really consider it a waste of time.


I wish we had the tech where it could be optional. Where some days I could just hit a button and be awake for as long as I want. But then when I want dreams or to actually snooze, click, zzz. I'm crossing my fingers that nanobots become widespread/affordable and that they increase lifespan. I know it opens the doors for a dystopia but our existence being so limited just isn't fair. 100 years isn't enough to experience everything and you're insanely lucky to get anywhere near that. I want to be around for the space age 😭😭. I know I won't be but Fr fr unhackable nanobots pls come thruuu


Yeah but you aren’t really doing what you WANT to be doing, you sleep because you NEED to. That’s the only distinction really. It’s like how you spend a good chunk of your life on the toilet, you’re not on the toilet because you want to be, you’re sitting on the toilet because you NEED to be. That’s why people consider it “wasted time”, even though you’re recharging your brain during that time or having fun dreams. Still considered “wasted time” because I’m sure if you didn’t HAVE to sleep, you’d be doing something entirely different.


80 years would be a good run honestly. I don't really count conciousness before or after making new memories. That takes about 8 years at the start and some at the end as well. Would be lucky to keep everything together until you are 90 to make up the full 80 years.


Shit, you're right. Also assumes that you die of old age


I wish it was less time, I'm done already. I'm just making other people money so they can live well now


Friend, if you want to get a point in your life, which you are apparently going to live out regardless, that is more meaningful and fulfilled, I just want to tell you that it's possible. If you want it you can go get it. It might be hard, but it's not impossible.


Can I have some money?


The universe is happening inside my mind


I'm eating a hot dog in there, while browsing reddit & being serviced behind a convenience store.


But we don't just experience those years alone. Consciousness existed before us, and will continue to exist after us. The desire to exist is still in the universe, so in a way, we will always be there. Not to mention that this is your eternity, so you might as well make it an interesting one for the universe to have.


I want to live a better life so bad before I leave. This timeline has been terrible!


“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us” -Gandalf


Hi Bulls187, It looks like your comment closely matches the famous quote: "I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo."So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - J.R.R. Tolkien, *I'm a bot and this action was automatic [Project source](https://github.com/etdds/redditQuoteBot).*


Yes I looked that quote up for this exact reason


We only get 170 lbs in an endless universe. That's not fair.


That's why I always order the 20 piece McNugget.


We don't actually know if the universe is eternal


Technically, current math and physics models predict the entropy of the universe until literally nothing happens forever signaling the death of it. In that way, although the universe may always exist there will come a time when life is impossible no matter what and that's like 0.00000000001% of the length of the universe's life.


For all intents and purposes it damn well is. If you have that much doubt, well, why don’t you just go out and quantify it. Count how much universe there is. 


>If you have that much doubt, well, why don’t you just go out and quantify it. Count how much universe there is.  Mate I dont think you know what eternal means. Hint: its not a synonym for infinite.


“ lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.” Sounds close enough to “infinite” for the purpose of an anonymous internet dick measuring contest. 


We are the universe’s way of trying to understand itself. That being said, 80 years is just enough time to make the experiences we have special and worth having.


I accept that when we die, we are ultimately physically recycled into star stuff. Still, that seems like a waste. We all have memories and knowledge and upon our death I fear it is all lost and forever gone. I hope that some of it is recycled and reused. I don’t want everything that is me to wind up in some vast, cosmic landfill, where it rots and decomposes for all of eternity.


I personally don't think that happens. I like to think that you take your consciousness with you wherever you end up next


And thats only with a certain amount of luck, whether you think thats good or bad is subjective


And we spend almost all of it doing what someone else tells us to do, in the never ending struggle to get food, shelter, or acceptance.


Yep and you'll spend over half this time making someone else rich.


Over a lifetime, there are only four or five moments that matter.


Hard disagree


FWIW, I was quoting Collossus from Deadpool 2...


The fact that that 80 years ever existed lasts for eternity though.


I guess that depends on what you define your truest self as. > I seem to be a brief light that flashes but once in all the aeons of time—a rare, complicated, and all-too-delicate organism on the fringe of biological evolution, where the wave of life bursts into individual, sparkling, and multicolored drops that gleam for a moment only to vanish forever. > Under such conditioning it seems impossible and even absurd to realize that myself does not reside in the drop alone, but in the whole surge of energy which ranges from the galaxies to the nuclear fields in my body. > At this level of existence “I” am immeasurably old; my forms are infinite and their comings and goings are simply the pulses or vibrations of a single and eternal flow of energy. -Alan Watts




You get 80 years of consciousness as a human. I think your fundamental consciousness itself is also eternal.


>I think your fundamental consciousness itself is also eternal. Me too!


Wrong. We get eternal consciousness


It kinda makes you realize that, despite our sense of importance, we aren’t the center of the universe. We only glimpse a single grain of sand on an immense beach, and even then only a still image.


In one lifetime No one has disproven reincarnation yet


This would assume a total lifespan of over a hundred years. You’re not conscious while you’re asleep.


I guess that concept omits the possibility of an afterlife.


I find the concept of an afterlife so bizarre. I guess it would have to be in a form I can’t comprehend. Because the idea of living for eternity or what not scares the shit out of me 😂


Check out nderf.org if you feel like going down a rabbit hole. Tons of near death experiences from people all over the world from different cultures and religions. Surprisingly similar experiences between such different backgrounds. There’s a lot of interesting research studies on there too.


Went down the rabbit hole recently. It’s quite comforting, actually. I think there’s a lot about life, death, and existence that we couldn’t possibly understand. As far as an afterlife goes, a mystery is much easier for me to live with than just nothing.


I was a hardcore atheist before coming across NDEs. I fully believe there’s more to our existence now.


Yes indeed I would say comprehension is challenging (like imagining eternity as well) but the story about the universe being a chance occurrence does not sit well either if you believe there is a creator than probably he has a purpose of the creation.


Yeah it’s definitely a mind fxck. I guess we will find out one way or the other if there is one day, or we won’t know either way 😂


*relative to our current position in the universe...*


Or maybe it's 80 years of amnesia


by that you mean the consciousness we can relate to, like human or animal


I'm glad that's all I'm responsible for


It’s a good job we can learn from others’ experiences.


And it's hell mostly.


And its way too long.


Life of the entire solar system is less than a blip in the grand scheme of things. Entire baryonic matter is just a blip considering how long the universe lasts


That means at 40 it's halftime, about to start the second half


If i make it to 70, then a third of that will be asleep and prolly a lot of spacing out. Maybe only really 35 years worth for me ;)


You only live once, but if you do it right, once's enough.


We’re going to be immortal by the 30s


“Known” consciousness 


It's kind of a fallacious argument. How's your conscience different from my conscience? I feel as "I" the same as you feel as "you". We have different memories, bodies, personalities, but we both feel the same. In this perspective, consciousness is not bound to those 80 years that some specific John Does lives.


We got it for free anyways


To the best of your current awareness.But maybe there’s more.


I like to imagine that the universe was never truly meant to be observed. Everything that has happened or ever will happen has no grand meaning and is simply just a biproduct of existence itself. The fact that we evolved enough under extraordinary conditions to the point where we can process and put meaning behind things we observe is an incredible coincidental anomaly in nature. We're like sailors on a raft in the middle of a tempest. No hope of escaping. All we can do is observe and appreciate it's beauty.


Everything always looks so daunting when compared against such extreme metrics. I like to think 80 years is decent considering we used to top out at 60, even younger in previous centuries. Enjoy your time, don't waste it complaining.


Being alive reminds me of mushrooms. We come from a web of life, like mycelium, and we pop up, experience a short time of life, and die, but the thing we come from is near eternal. It's beautiful


Eternity scares me more than mortality. If we were around forever then everything would lose its meaning. We would have no motivation to do anything.


Thats what we, the living ones know. After death? Anything is possible


That’s crazy man. Have you ever tired DMT?


Do you watch Sambucha? I saw a short of his yesterday where he said exactly this


If you look at all of time so far, the span of one life is immeasurably small.


Space is eternal the Universe is not. Eventually all stars will have collapsed into black holes and eventually those black holes will dissipate leaving nothing but the cold lightless void.


Presumably. We have no idea if reincarnation or any sort of afterlife consciousness exist


you conscious while you sleep? -33% on that number


Which universe? Google "quantum immortality". From your own perspective, you will always be alive. 


The universe isn't eternal... heat death will get it.


I hate reading posts like this. The only way I get over the dread is by ignoring it, but it's been increasingly common to see this exact same thought keep getting reposted here. I just woke up, man. 😕


Yep. [If you had the power to within one night dream 75 years of time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npgVq7-Fioo)


You're assuming reincarnation doesn't exist


Not even close to eternal, if things keep going as they are the universe has maybe 1-100 trillion years left. Enough time that your point is still salient but that never stopped me from being technically correct. There are all sorts of other physical limitations that will prevent us from ever seeing most of it though.


True, but we also have the privilege of living in one of the most beautiful and interesting times in cosmic history, an error filled with beautiful stars and vibrant galaxies. Most of the universe's history is going to be very cold, very dark, and very empty. Let us count our blessings.


Now subtract 33% for sleep.


40, we sleep half the time.


And you're wasting every second you have left on Reddit.


Hahahaha dude think he will pass 70


Who says it's eternal?


Depends on how you see “we”


I’ve always thought of this. We humans only live up to a maximum of 120 years, but the universe will last for another 2 billion years


And the entire point of that consciousness is to duplicate yourself and hope it turns out better than you did.


As far as we know. I personally believe in the afterlife, but I'm also kind of fine if it doesn't exist.


You’re unconscious for 1/3 or more of it too. So really like 50 years.


In an eternal universe, consciousness only gets to spend about 80 years in any one of us.


That might not be true, a lot is possible


live, laugh, learn. learn laugh love. love learn live laugh


Nope much longer Haven't you read fiction stories?


In the end, everyone is basically a tourist.


Yeah, but how many orgasms?


Is the universe eternal? I'm not sure it could be, it couldn't have a finite beginning without necessitating a finite end. I am basing this on what I reckon rather than any actual understanding!


We dont know that for sure. We may never know if our consciousness continues after our physical bodies die. But its not right to make a statement like that as if its fact, when we just dont know.


“I think therefore I am.” Do we create reality or does reality create us? What is even real?


Listen to time by Pink Floyd once a year


This is why people mistreating one another, or acting without empathy is so distressing to me. You get one fleeting shot at existence then choose to spend it ruining that one chance for others.


The Singularity might change that


The universe isn’t eternal. Eternal means without beginning or end, and there is a beginning to the universe


And i'm using it to smoke weed & watch football. COYS.


Not me. I’m immortal.


I don't believe that.


Counterpoint: Our consciousness is eternal, but attaches to different entities throughout infinity.


If energy can't be created or destroyed, and conciousness can be quantified as an energy, then we are all eternal. The problem is forgetting everything.


8p years of life, I believe, In his form. Consciousness, self awarneness , is eternal.(in my humble opinion).


Eternal in the eye of a creature with an 80 year life span, terribly finite in the grand scheme of time


If consciousness is more prevalent in the universe and shared by many more entities, some very simple, perhaps our next chance in the consciousness lottery doesn’t take that long. We are waves of consciousness, indestructible, eternal and weaving thru every corner of the universe. We are all one everlasting vibration.


sentence can be reduced if good behavior… wait


Yeah but how much of that do you sleep


What do you mean by “eternal”? Because we know the universe has not always existed, at one point it began to exist. But if we know the universe began to exist, then that means something must have caused the universe to begin, and by definition that cannot have been the universe itself. I know this is Reddit and people really don’t like to think about that, but I think they should.


I could’ve been fine with zero.


I doubt anyone in recorded history has had 80 years of consciousness. You are only conscious about 60% of the time you are alive.


I mean. As far as you know. Who knows if your consciousness randomly awakens far in the future out of random chance eh?


Maybe consciousness is all around us and our brains are just tuning in


I like to think that we have lived multiple different lives before, but each time we die, our memories get wiped and we will start a new life, whether tomorrow, next year, or ten thousand years later.


And yet people bitch about the idea of curing aging