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Comments did not pass the vibe check. Came to say that old people get old and get no longer alive, but the number of young people just grows as people are born. This showerthought doesn't really check out unless you specifically mean a severe decline in birthrate in the future. Or maybe I'm thinking about it wrong, and you mean as it's becoming more accepted, people across different age groups will come out and there is just a larger proportion of older people, and thus a larger proportion of trans people.


I don’t think birth rate would really effect this, use the gay marriage example millenials are more accepting than gen x and baby boomers, as baby boomers die support rises even if no one changes their mind (tho people do change their mind) in the same way peope born more recently grow up accepting trans people and so are more likely to live openly, eventually when the current generation is old the younger generations will probably also be as accepting so there won’t be a difference due to stigma among older people


Society's acceptance has nothing to do with how many people are trans. It only affects how many of those trans people tell anyone about it.


Okay, I guess you can rephrase it to be openly trans,


Well you know there seems to be a lot less trans people when they're systematically killed, by like how death works


Soz OP, not super sure what you mean. That there will be a larger population of elderly trans people than young trans people in general? I figure there’d be more young individuals due to growing up in a world that has become more accepting/understanding. Or perhaps did you mean that there will be more elderly trans people due to the hype of finally being able to transition due to the recent ability (idk how recently available the option to transition is tbh)


I do not think so. Our definition of transgender will be accepted as a spectrum. Anything not cis is trans. Star gender is trans, Demi girl is a type of non binary, and it could be argued that is a form of transgender .


Why The fuck your thinking about this while naked and wet? 😂


I think for many it's a passing phase. It's become trendy and people are just following suit. I'm all for people living their truth. I think a lot of people are androgynous, not trans.


I think that a lot of it has to do with acceptance. People will hide their true self when the world is not accepting. I always look at how the rate of lefties has increased at a similar rate. [https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-percentage-of-LGBT-increase-every-year-Were-those-people-always-gay-or-are-people-suddenly-becoming-gay](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-percentage-of-LGBT-increase-every-year-Were-those-people-always-gay-or-are-people-suddenly-becoming-gay)


Honestly, I don't see why people care. What impact does it have on them? Zero. It just goes to show how fragile some people's sense of reality really is. I see protests at Pride festivals. What a waste of time and energy. Energy that, if they were true to their religious beliefs they spend that time on something positive.


god i hate you so much




preaching for less hate is what most religious people should do lmao, people care because hate against queer people is still very common, the impact is huge, which is why people go to rallies and community events


I’m skeptical of this since i know a half dozen trans people and none of them ever go back. Perhaps some genderqueer people might jump on trans identity because it’s talked about so much but that’s kinda the same situation in terms of more young now more old later thing


My daughter (17) is gender fluid and pansexual. She doesn't really care much about pronouns or which name you call her (She has two). As her parent my job is to love and support her. However, some of her friends I'm convinced they will leave the lifestyle when they get older. I'm also specifically talking about the younger generations. I'm well aware trans people have always existed. Most of them are amazing people.


Gender fluid is a little different because people really do sometimes live in from that one direction or another, I have no idea what the age breakdown will be for that in 30 years, I’m more confident about trans peope bedaude thats usually more solid of an identity and change


The stats disagree. Usually studies on people who return to their birth gender get buried by people who don't like what they say, but one of the most extensive to date was published a few months ago and I recall it being close to 80%.


You may have mixed up your numbers the majority never de transition, only 13% ever do Any detransition 80% of those who do say it was because of external pressure, as the number of bigots decreases fewer people will feel forced to go back to birth gender. And of that 13% many end up transitioning again. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8213007/


shit like this is why the hate of trans people stays alive, you have no idea what you're talking about, didn't bother to look it up, just don't fucking post


Yes, what would PBS know about it? www.kqed.org/futureofyou/441784/the-controversial-research-on-desistance-in-transgender-youth You're exactly the kind of person I was talking about. You don't like it, so you try and pretend it's not there. There's the research.


these are about people who don't go through an actual transition though, skewed stats, nothing to do with actual transition edit: red the article in good faith, the study is from 2013 and only investigates 127 adolescents, still can't find your 80% anywhere, so what is your point? did you read it?


Here's a video debunking that. https://youtu.be/ABojJ2rW6vA?si=GgG_v2dnFkVoY4Tc


That's incorrect. The one that said that was years ago & indirectly referenced data from the 60s, 70, & 80s. https://youtu.be/ABojJ2rW6vA?si=GgG_v2dnFkVoY4Tc


The neighbors thought their chicken was non-binary but it's definitely a rooster.


It's been accepted for years, its only recently that its been rammed down everyone throats. ..and if they're not careful, ramming it down peoples throats runs the risk of it being forced underground again. Screaming at people, instead of getting them to agree with you turns them against you.


It hasn’t been accepted for years, it’s still not fully accepted trans people face legal persecution in a lot of the country, and it’s not being rammed at anyone trans people are pretty under represented in media and pop culture,


Demanding people change their vocabulary to suit them and giving everyone a lesson on how they wish to be addressed, is ramming it down peoples throats. Demanding respect whilst disrespecting everyone.. yeah, sure.