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How much does it devalue a map to include New Zealand?


Huh? Incorrect details on a map increase its value. Therefore, it's beneficial to include fictional lands like Narnia, Atlantis, and New Zealand on your map.


They were referring to the same joke/fact that this sub is focused on: /r/MapsWithoutNZ


The person you’re responding to is in on the joke. That’s why they included New Zealand in the “Fictional Lands” category.


Ah. Haha, I didn’t even see that part!


You mean.. the entire second portion of their comment?


Well, I saw that there was a second part. But I must have glanced over it. I didn’t notice the fictional part, and I dunno… I guess I just assumed they listed some other real countries that also have been left out of maps. Don’t demand that I explain my brain fart any further please lol


The two guys above you are in on the joke. That’s why they talked about the second half of the comment.


The five guys above you are in on the joke. It’s actually just one guy with five accounts, well 7 accounts including yours and mine.


Damn, the Five Guys by me just sells burgers.


The sub needed mentioning either way!


You got me there :(


Strange, it works on the website but not in the app. I copy pasted the link from the website, but removed everything in front of \/r/ Testing with the full link: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/


Woooo, it worked! Strange that it doesn’t work on reddits actual app though


I got the first link working. It didn’t like the end slash. A bug in the app, I assume.


Too bad there aren’t link collectors… or the broken one would probably fetch a pretty penny.


It was an app bug that made the link fail. I removed the last part slash and it worked right away.


there’s another one for r/subsididntknowexisted


It exists, but the link got mangled somehow. Here is the full link: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapsWithoutNZ/


person lunchroom gaping forgetful truck alleged mighty unique public disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I read their comment far too quickly


bag badge water flowery repeat apparatus snails paltry cows vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. I usually pride myself in being able to detect subtle nuances in jokes, and then I go and miss a real obvious one lol




How coincidental that the very last thing I did before clicking on this thread was to reply to a NZers comment on Facebook joking to them that NZ wasn't real.


It increases it a lot if you replace it for Italy.


Perfect opportunity for me to make a fortune making and selling maps.


They have to have been confidently incorrect for it to have value


I can confidently make incorrect maps.




Could you reach back to the elementary school memory bank and make a decent 50 state US map? How many states do you think you could get?


I’d definitely get 50, and it could be worth a fortune!


Some cartographers would include an error on purpose so they could prove somebody copied their work and then sue them for copyright infringement.


https://youtu.be/DeiATy-FfjI Check out this Map Men episode by Jay Foreman if anyone is curious.


Fun and informative video, thanks for sharing


I love that. I could also see cartographers copying cartographers copying cartographers, but continuing to add their own errors. So you'd have the 15th copy and nothing would make sense. It's like trolling


There were also tons of "islands" that were rather imaginary. It can be hard to say where exactly you are when at sea, so if you think you're 100 miles south or where you are and you see something, well, put it on the map.


and sometimes fake town become real, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agloe,_New_York


“This map is showing a kraken in the North Atlantic. We’ll take the long way around”


This is true for most collecting. Coins, stamps, toys etc if it's manufactured to a standard then an off piece will be more valuable to those who put value in them simply because they are more rare.




Are you telling me that you never had details just solidify in the shower? The things you always knew but then now you ***know***?


No, and I had no idea my statement would be interpreted that way. I have autism so that means the only way I can know if I'm way off base, is by reading people's replies. Because of my autism, it's not possible to try to put myself in your shoes, you'd need to explain your perspective.


I know what you mean with that. The way I see it is kind of like the difference between wisdom and knowledge. When I am on autopilot in the shower, sometimes things transition from knowledge to wisdom. It hits kind of like going from knowing the fact to understanding. And that is how I interpret this post being a shower thought. That moment of clicking. That sudden "and now it makes sense" glimpse.


I understand the last part of that comment but I don't understand the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Could you try to explain? The more specific you can be, the better.


I’m about 7 hours late to this and it’ll still be somewhat vague but I guess knowledge would be understanding the theory of how something is supposed to and should work. Wisdom would be from experience knowing why it works the way it does and whether or not it is likely to go the way it should theoretically. In example: I may know that turning a bolt clockwise should tighten it. Through experience I’ve run in to reverse threaded bolts in certain applications or I may notice that the bolt is leaning so if I tighten it, it will be cross threaded. I may also notice from experience that the bolt is getting hard to turn before it is seated so it may be about to break.


touch grass 💀


If you would politely explain how my comment does not apply in the real world that would be nice. I genuinely had no idea so many people would disagree and I would like to know why. I have autism so sometimes I can't possibly tell what's wrong my statements until AFTER I read responses. Should I just mention that every time I comment so that more people will be understanding?


U deleted ur comment but im pretty sure it fell under “cringe gatekeeping” I.e “omg ur a girl who likes anime? Let me quiz you on it so I can know that you’re a _real_ fan”


Oh. Sorry, I don't know anything about what qualifies as cringe gatekeeping. Because of my autism, the only way I can know if I'm gatekeeping is if someone points it out. I have a general sense of the meaning but I'm not nearly as familiar with the phrase as most of you. Hope that makes sense.


If that's all it takes, I'm about to get out the crayons and make a whole collection of priceless maps.


My decorative globe from TJ Maxx must be worth a fortune!


I have never seen a country called Rand McNally


Somebody was selling a framed train stub because it had a misprint. Idk what the misprint is, but I don’t think it’s worth any money.


Depends how old it is, just like maps


Welcome to map men! We're the men, and here's the map!


Tectonically speaking, maps get more wrong every day, week, year, century and so on.


just like stamp collectors, or coin collectors


Not really I can provide you with 10 millions of screw up maps from china sweatshop.


Really? I’d think the more rare or beautiful or important to history.


I have a copy of an album on vinyl that is a misprint, it's quiet on the left channel, engraved wrong or something. Pretty sweet even if it sounds like shit and I never listen to it. It's already one of two hundred so pretty rare, but it's also a misprint so possibly one of a kind. It's also my favorite album.


Some of it's for copyright protection. Kinda like a watermark except it might get you killed if you think there's an island you can get to and wait to be rescued. 


Who are collecting maps?


I’ll get drawing right away!! *forgets to include all the oceans*


Can say that with watch collectors too. They never talk about the most accurate watches on the market, quartz watches.


Technically all maps are wrong just due to how you can’t represent a sphere on a flat surface. So many damn projections…


My favorite map (that I collected) is from the 1600s and has California as an island. [Link to the map](https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/94367/novissima-et-accuratissima-totius-americae-descriptio-per-jo-ogilby)


Yep, it goes that way with just about anything people collect.


TIL ppl collect maps 😵‍💫


Maps are a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional world and were often used as political tools/ propaganda.   The Mercator Projection depicts people further from the equator to have more land then they actually do and probably propelled power by those that used it.


The Mercator Projection was designed to work with compasses by lining up things that are actually north/south/east/west of each other. It's true that causes some weird expansion at extreme latitudes (consider that the north pole is literally north of *every* point on the map and would therefore take up the entire top edge), but it's not like it's why they did it that way.


I'll keep my tin foil hat on