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See I want my boobs to fit the look/time. If I'm after a curvy silhouette in a little black dress...or something slinky.... or whatever. A little push is nice. If I'm running errands and no bandwidth for...those looks. I don't really care if folk can tell I have them.


Clearly there is a market for android breasts that can be resized on demand. Get on it Engineers!


the amount of nights i’ve dreamed of judt being able to detach them when i want. like taking off your glasses and putting them on your bedside table when you go to bed


I just had the image of someone coming up and mugging you but just tits. Like, run run run, yoink, run run then you stand there


Like a lizard losing its tail to escape a predator.


Squirt their diva cup at them


considering how backwards many places are now going with gender healthcare, i wouldnt be surprised if there were boob robbers in that scenario haha


Pop, aaand it's gone


Bloody foreigners I bet... Coming over here, taking our tits!


Dey terk our berbs!


is this not a common nightmarish scenario for school girls worldwide?


This comes in handy a lot of the time. You can leave them home when you think they're gonna get you in trouble, or you can rent them out when you don't need them. Just be careful of going to parties. If you lose them, they may end up on a flea market blanket next to a broken toaster.


Some men have a similar sentiment. A great scholar once wrote about it. https://youtu.be/NQBPgJQhQHc?si=DAnb4tPSt7MLI5li


Or retracting them like landing gear.


Reminds me of this my gf sent me lmfao: https://images.app.goo.gl/gCcARMJohGhtj5xi7


The nipples can be dials to adjust the size and shape!


While we are at it, can we have the ability to easily turn off periods til we want to have a baby? And then when you are pregnant, your belly button pops out when the baby is done, and you just push it like a button, and out pops the baby.




Unfortunately: periods are the “turn off baby making” button. Or more accurately: what happens when said button is pressed. The baby delivery button might become viable though. Test tube babies already exist. And if you don’t need a human womb to successfully deliver a baby i’m sure it will be a lot easier to deal with periods as well


Life imitates art. > “Bottle of mine, it's you I've always wanted! >Bottle of mine, why was I ever decanted? >Skies are blue inside of you, >The weather's always fine; >For >There ain't no Bottle in all the world >Like that dear little Bottle of mine.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World


Just give them a pump like Nike shoes.


They should call the product the Boob Tube


That’s what old people call TV




The study of optimalititty


What about a liquid boob with a smaller boob inside of it, insulated and with a gas that can expand by temperature with a remote controlled heater? EDIT: mechanical expansion is probably better. but it could still displace the liquid in the larger boob. liquid is probably bad consistency for a boob, but now you guys have something to work with!


This is correct. I love my proportions the 10 random nights I go out in something cute per year. The rest of the 345 days I wear painful compressors/minimizers for work, or flatten them in a sports bra under a tee. Like I love them, they look great when I need them to, but every other day they are annoying


Limited edition 355 day years


The other 10 days are vacation days lol


Sounds like ladies need a resize button IRL, as a man I support this technology 🥲


Seriously, I said to my partner I want detachable boobs for this exact reason!!! Imagine the coat rack for your boobs. Or would they stack like plastic cups?


Real (I'm male)




Sucks for you /j


I don't think they are wanting to swap places, rather both sets of people are aiming for something more middling. Also, I'm not sure about "usually", the majority opinion might well be "eh I am what I am and that's fine"


I was smaller. I had a baby. I miss them.


YES. As a former "decent handful" girl who is now an 8mos pregnant "enormous sandbags" girl, big boobs SUCK


This really, though. I was always on the edge of wanting them bigger, but just a bit bigger, like an extra cup size. I'm pretty happy being on the smaller size.


Title is giving 16yo standing in the shower and cooking for too long People with smaller breast usually want them bigger, no. People with bigger breast usually want them smaller, no.


I mean it probably wouldn’t make sense for someone with small boobs to want them even smaller, and vice versa. So yeah


I have relatively small boobs, I would like them to be smaller. I'm a man though so maybe that's it...


Yea but at some point there’s a turn around. Once you lose the weight and get them smaller, then you want to gain muscle and get them bigger. Source: me, a guy who has been bigger, then got smaller, then started going to the gym to try to get big ole pecks (it’s a work in progress)


Thats great unless you have gynecomastia. You have these useless glands that make you have tiny to small boobs no matter how much muscle you have.


I didn’t even know that was a thing. The more ya know.


My buddy John who I was in rehab with grew small boobs due to a side effect from his meds. The meds also made him lactate. He used to squeeze the milk out and squirt it on people. The one day, he was chasing me down the hallway with both of his titties out, squirting from both barrels.


What… the…. Fuck…..


The 90's were wild.


Free milk! Am I rite?


Na I’ll stick with my deflated man titties.


It’s not worth the pecks honestly. You can go to the gym 6 days awake for a month and get decently sized. You stop going for like 3 days and you’re suddenly a pencil again. It’s stupid.


It might be for me because I stay physically active at work. I just wish I had time to go to the gym (and that they weren’t stupidly expensive). I lost about 140lb since the pandemic and now I’m all flabby at 200lb


A month is nothing though. You’re basically talking about losing a pump. If you went consistently for a year it could take years for you to lose the added muscle mass.


Small boobed person here I 100% wish they were smaller. They're super annoying, even at it's current smallness


Mine basically can’t be smaller before I start caving in. My boyfriend has bigger boobs than me, so I do wish I was a bit bigger, but that might be “grass is greener” mentality. At least boyfriend is happy anyway, so it doesn’t seem worth doing anything about.


Yeah but I think the point they were making is that women are never satisfied with their bodies and always want to change them.


It's not just women, men are frequently not satisfied with their bodies.


This is true 100%, I used to be ripped and now I'm pretty fat. I wasn't happy with my body either time.


Yeah, but how many guys do you know who want a smaller dick?


Idk, the men with really long dicks who hurts their partner during sex ?


This right here. Nobody likes sounding the string from an IUD. Edit: Or being punched in cervix. No, anime, penetrating the cervix is not a thing people enjoy. Ask anyone who had an IUD inserted how much they enjoyed it.


Disgusting use of the term sounding. Upvoted


Nobody likes getting hit in the cervix either, especially women.


Just one, but man is Ted a braggart


I mean I just so happen to hate everything on my body *except* small titties. I prefer them that way, big ones more often than not just make someone look fatter when they’re not trying to show them off because you can’t exactly tell where the volume comes from, it’s just volume. …Especially true for someone with an absolute Hank Hill ass like me, so nothing to create any balance on the other side lol. I have broad shoulders and narrow hips, I’d be wayyy too topheavy with big ol titties. If the titty fairy ever visited me I’d ask if I could exchange the extra titty for butt instead. They do look decent on a curvier figure though.


Saying never satisfied isn't really it though, most women who want a reduction do so because it can hurt to have big boobs, especially if you like jogging or whatever. Yeah I guess they aren't satisfied with constant back pain, those fickle women! 


Something about grass being greener


Who would want green boobs?




Do you reckon Shrek’s green tiddies and Fiona’s green tiddies bounce into each other when they have sex?


That’s enough Reddit for me today. Good luck everybody else ✌️


This is explained in Chapter 3, Section 4. Google "Shrek r34" to know more.


The next addition to lucky charms


Well the grass on the other side sure seems greener.


OP created this post just to have girls talk about their boobs


Jokes on OP. I'm happy with my boob size. I wouldn't mind a few inches extra down there tho.


Username checks out


I wish mine didn’t 😩😞


To be honest I am a girl, I was just with some friends and we started talking about boob size and I noticed this pattern haha


OP's point still stands.


OP doesn’t need to make a post for that. There are plenty of subs out there where it’s a common topic


nah i like my smol chest


I also like mine! If I want to go for a sporty look it really makes you more aerodynamic. And men treat me like a normal human being (I think)!


Who cares how people treat you! It’s all about the aerodynamics!


Red: [Referring to his armpits] "You see this, there's no hair under there. [Dale: What's the significance of that?] it makes me aerodynamic when I fight!"


Hated it when I was an insecure teenager but now as an adult I love it. So much more convenient and comfortable.


Same here, they fit me and my aesthetic


The most disappointing part of losing weight was my boobs getting smaller I wish I could just pick which fats I wanted removed and which ones I wanted to keep


Wow, it’s almost like people want to find a balance


Big ones throw off your balance but small ones don’t. So don’t take the balance thing literally.


yup! It's the same with hair. people with straight hair want curls, and vice versa. to each their own! :)


And people with no hair want it and people with hair... Want it


people don’t understand how much it sucks to have fine and thin straight hair and want long hair. Styling and wind are nightmares


Curly longhair here. Wind dont give a fuck about texture, its always a nightmare


I have fine but wavy hair and dang do I feel this comment. It knots up if I look at it funny.


Gotta hard disagree on that one. I wouldn’t trade my tangle free straight hair for anything else lmao.


Straight silky thick hair like Asian hair is damn near ideal. The actual strands are thick so it’s not just pretty it’s like, more durable even. iirc Black hair is also generally thicker strands and can look amazing too, but if you want it anything but coily and natural it can be high-maintenance, the upside being that it’s probably the most unique type so you can achieve styles nobody else can pull off quite as well, if at all. Thin shitty split-end-prone hair, even if straight, not so much. It’s too like, fragile and doesn’t style well. Too easy to damage and really shows it when you do damage it.


I used to want straight hair but now I'm very happy with my curls.


Ok this one I do fall victim to. I’ve always wanted curly hair like my mom, hers frames her face so nicely and mine is just…there.


Nah I love having curly hair. Straight hair looks ridiculous on me, I need that volume.


Nope, I’m a proud member of the tiny titty committee and I would absolutely not trade mine in for anything bigger. The benefits of small breasts fair out weigh those of larger breasts. No back pain, I can lay on my belly, I can do inversion without over balancing forward, I can run without knocking myself out, my sports bras don’t have to be super tight, oh and speaking of bras, I don’t really need one and they are way cheaper for me. Is there anything I’m missing?


SAME. I like my small boobs the size they're at and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Wow, way to really rub it in 😅


For what it's worth 4.93% of American women have breast implants which is pretty big chunk of the population


It’s 8.08 per 1,000 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8565586/


come on itty bitty is right there. It even rhymes!




I just like the thought "small boobs *out-weigh* big boobs!"


I’ll add: If I really want cleavage I wear a super push up bra.


I.. mean.. I have large breasts for my frame and I can do all of those things perfectly comfortably? No pain, I lay on my stomach plenty, I can do inversions, I don't knock myself out when running, and sports bras aren't too tight. I don't mean to discount your point but I think size is only one of several different things impacting that stuff.


That’s fair, but those complaints are fairly frequent amongst large-chested women, so that’s why the commenter mentioned them.


We as humans spend much of our lives being displeased with our bodies and doing different things to try to change them.


Sometimes it's difficult to get clothes to fit properly when the designers assume all women have larger breasts.


No matter the size, anything with built in cups I’m swimming in. V necks practically go down to my belly button.


Opposite problem here. If it fits in the boob area, the waist is loose as hell because designers assume the wearer will be big all over. (And don't get me started on trying to find fitted shirts or blazers as a broad-shouldered woman...)


One end you get physical pain and sexual objectification the other end you get infantilized and masculinized. Oh and tops don’t fit either of us.


i love my tiddies they r perfect :)


That's right brother, embrace your man tiddies!




Athletes love their small boobs


Agreed.  When I was a D cup, I LOVED my breasts. The were perfect size for my 5’6” frame, didn’t have a problem fitting them in tops, and was comfortable in any bra. Now after 2 breastfed babies and a third on the way, they’re HUGE 😭 tops don’t fit right, have to wear ugly bras, but they’re comfortable. A lot of women have said they shrank after breastfeeding, mine did not. I can’t wait to have this baby (final one) bc as soon as I’m done breastfeeding, I’m getting a reduction. 


They might shrink still. The older you get the less elasticity your body has, which contributes to ptosis of the breasts. Even a year can change a lot about how your body responds to traumatic changes (the stress of pregnancy).


Big boobs are more trouble than they’re worth, I can’t lie flat, sore back and shoulder and I look slutty in everything


I think it is because people with smaller breasts are not aware of the physical downsides of big one (e.g. back pain, rubbed raw from bras, hurt when running/jumping). Likewise, people with big breasts are not aware just how much focus there is on having these in some settings, and how much advantage they can give.


Except most people with small breasts don't want huge ones, they want average sized ones.


The thing is, we are aware of the physical downsides. It’s just that we see it as a trade off we’re willing to make. Also, a lot of us don’t want boobs so big to the point of inconvenience — just something medium.


I do not want bigger breasts. I wish they were a little more shapely, but I'm not stressing about it!


I used to want bigger breasts when I was younger. Since my twenties until today (early 30s) I'm sooo happy with my small Bs ( : no bra for the win!


Wait till you're in your 50s. They're a secret weapon. You'll love it.


Haha wtf do you mean?!




There are plenty of subreddits that prove that many women are absolutely delighted with their breasts, whether very big or very small.


Nope. I had small titties and OMG did I love them! I never wanted big honkers because why would I want to wear that kind of weight?? They’re currently twice the size that they should be and I can not wait for the baby food to dry up and crossing my fingers and toes that the poor things go back to a small handful


It's sad but there's a lot of money to be made in telling people their natural state is ugly. White women want a tan. Black women want their skin lightened. I wish people could see just how beautiful they already are. Of course, each person is entitled to change their appearance however they see fit! Also, there's often medical reasons to do so. I can't imagine the weight of large breasts are great on the back.


This implies the existence of a size of breast that is in the goldilocks zone of human comfort and would thus be liked by everybody all the time


Not once have I ever wished to be bigger. I'm happy without the associated back problems.


Something something grass is greener


Bro figures out body dysmorphia


Whoa watch out we got a deep thinker here


But if we had the ability to induce growth whenever then what?


Some girls must feel that they have Goldilocks boobs.


F cup here, I love mine.


I have small breasts but want to make them smaller. But that's only because I'm a man.


Bruh we are we upvoting a post that literally said the grass is greener on the other side like it’s profound lmao


I'm big busted and old. I have grooves in my shoulders from brastraps holding up these girls.


Grass is always greener..


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just all share :)


So true, I’d trade my monsters in for a nice A cup.


I want removable ones. The size is fine. The fact o can never put them down and have some time without them is harrowing.


I have small breast and let me tell you i absolutely do not want big ones ever, ever ever, it would be a nightmare


I'm so so happy with my small breasts. Life is so easier with them.


I have tiny boobs and am very happy with them


99.99% of women dont like the way they look


Grass is always greener


Idk. I have a small bust, but grew up with a lot of friends and family with big boobs. They always seemed to be in pain and gave serious back issues. Several of them have gotten them reduced. I never thought big boobs would be worth the pain.


Small boobs are easier and i have 38h boobs since i was 13. They sag and it looks bad and hurts my back, sure it looks fine in a bra and it makes my waist look small in comparison but bras are 70 dollars at the cheapest and the number goes up usually. Constant back pain and shoulder pain and looking huge in t shirts and most clothes. Small boob people need to be more greatful and keave big boob people to complain in peace


People want what they don’t have, news flash


People with man breast's make posts like this.


The quest for the perfect average, one medium-sized boob.


Well men with big breasts would definitely like them smaller but usually a man with small breasts does not want big ones.


We all want what we don't have.


Meanwhile men will always wants larger penis, or at least thats what the ads are telling me lol.


I have huge breasts, and wouldn't change it.


I have back pain just from slouching when gaming. Couldn’t imagine having it tits too


Tesla boobs by Musk simply set your size in the free app on your smart device and boom. From nothing to missles the USA would blush at.


honestly, although people have put a lot of thought into why I feel a big part is, more people talk about what they dislike than what they like. So it's not there's more people that want the other boob size, it's the ones who are unhappy with it are just more vocal about it.


It's the same with anything you're stuck with. You're always looking at other people's features like their hair.


This is true with like any physical trait you could think of. Noses, hair, eyes, whatever.


The boob always sits better in the other cup.


people like what they don’t have


For a long time I considered having reduction surgery because I’ve been attacked twice by drunk guys who went straight for the boobs. Mine aren’t oversized but they’re not small either - A C cup that goes to D when I’m up on weight. I decided instead to just get fat, and miraculously I and my boobs became invisible.


As a large breasted man, I would certainly like them to be smaller.


if we always want an imaginary perfect body that somebody else has, a profit can be made


How? What do I do if I have one big and one small breast (unequal size).... I'd probably just want them to be equalised :p


People with no breasts want breasts. Any breasts. OK, some people with no breasts want other people with no breasts, but you get my point.


I dont care about size I just want a perfect shape to throw away my bras


You don't see with cocks, so much, however


Do you ever heard the phrase "The grass is greener"?


I think it's more just that the people who don't want to change their breasts tend not to talk about it as much as those who do.


As someone with small boobs, I always wanted the ideal of big boobs. I never knew the back pain or the sagging. But as I got older, I'm more content with the small boobs


See also: straight hair; curly hair.


When it’s hot we want it cold When it’s cold we want it hot That is the madness of humans Always wanting what is not


I'm actually pretty content with my smaller boobs, they don't really get in the way and I don't have any back pain. Plus I get away with just wearing sports bras all the time, sometimes no bra. L


There should be a trading service.


"People are never satisfied"


Grass is always greener on the other side


actually im pretty happy with my big breasts


I have curly hair and want straight hair. All my friends want curly hair and have straight hair.


People want what they don’t have


No way. I love not having back pain due to the size of my chest.


The grass is always green on the other side.


I want a reduction so badly. I'm 38H but tall...I'm used to them but also want proportionate tits... they garner so much attention


There's plenty that I would change about my body overall, but I actually really love having DDs.


And both ideas are usually bad ones.


Big tits hurt your back guys no fun


You could say beauty’s in the eye of the braholder.


Desire is the root of Suffering - Budhha