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After years of being a truck driver, I can fall asleep at will. If I sit too long with nothing to do I will doze off, like a computer with a screensaver. But I can also wake up at will, like a computer when you move the mouse...


Nice try, AI super computer!


My brother in Christ, this isn't a superpower of AI computer. This is a survival mechanism of a parent of three children


They said AI can’t take away our jobs!!!


I wish I had this power. I can absolutely fall asleep quickly in a bed, but any long distance journey by train or plane? Nope. Not sleeping a wink. I have literally spent 20 straight hours travelling by plane and couldn't get a single minute of shuteye.


How anyone sleeps in the equivilent of a human cattle transporter in the sky with all that horrendous engine noise, strangers elbow to elbow next to you, people moving around all the time, in those uncomfy as fuck chairs upright is beyond me. I've travelled for over 24hrs all the way to Australia and didn't get a single bit of sleep on any of the journey and I was awake for about 18hrs before flying. Even when I flew business or first I couldn't sleep. Think when I was in First (where I had a set that was basically a bed and there was not much moving around or noise) I managed to doze off lightly for about 30 minutes.


I don't know why but I sleep like a baby every time I get on an airplane. I'm the guy who pulls an entire blanket out of my backpack shortly after take off and doesn't move for the entire trip lmao. I plan it into my trips, I'll stay up the night before if I have an early morning flight because I can count on a solid REM cycle on the plane. Always gotta book a window seat.


I see those people who get on, sit down, fall asleep before the flight has even taken off and don't stir again until they wake up and are landing 14hrs later...mind blowing to me! The jetlag, exhaustion, and the insomnia that comes from the jetlag and body clock disruption kills me to the point I no longer travel long haul.


It's all about the recline. If I was able to lie back and not have to worry about supporting my head - or lolling unconsciously onto a neighbour's shoulder - I think I'd be able to do it. Upright? Not a chance.


I can barely sleep in my own bed in perfect conditions never mind in a noisy metal bird high in the sky filled with strangers.


If you've not already tried them, my tips are: 1) Go to bed at a consistent hour and get up at a consistent hour - no lie ins at weekends. If you did do them, you'll be surprised how little you miss them. 2) When you DO get a good night's sleep at a weekend, don't use an alarm and keep a note of how long you were out for. If it's consistently between seven to nine hours, that's likely the amount of sleep you, personally, need. 3) Going back to two, take that number of hours and work backwards from the time you WANT to be up each morning. Then go to bed X number of hours earlier. So if you found you naturally sleep eight hours and want to be up at seven, then go to bed at 11, each night, without fail. If it works, your alarm clock will be a failsafe, not the thing that actually wakes you up. 4) You can't force yourself to sleep. Trying to "empty your mind", count sheep etc - all bollocks. If you've been lying there for an hour and nothing happens, don't focus on lost sleep (you still have nearly all the night left) or on trying to get sleep. Get up, walk around, go to the loo if you need to. Maybe read a book in dim light (not so dim you strain your eyes). When you feel sleepy, just go to bed again. Not to "try to get to sleep". Just to get in bed and relax. 5) No sugary treats or caffeine six hours or less before bed. Milk is good. 6) Sometimes we go through phases. I had a horrendous period of insomnia at school. I also need less sleep now overall - though that's just getting older.


Trust me when I say I've tried every routine, technique, strategy, relaxation method, supplement, tech, sleep aid and everything else under the sun.


Well there is a reason why neck pillows exist and sleep masks and ear plugs.


Someone is going to get wrecked.


Have you ever been tested for sleep apnea? That’s a very common symptom.


After 10 years of tramping… I sadly still do not have this power. I got better at being able to get my head down earlier, but park with a fridge near me? Fuck you… stand outside my cab having a conversation… I’ll throw a brick at you. Start up your engine and idle for 20 mins before you leave… argh you’re spawn of the devil! But it did teach me to wake up to my alarm, no matter what time, first beep, I’m up and going. Until I come home… and the wife has 8 alarms, starting from an hour before she actually needs to get up… that shit stopped quick lol.


My husband is like that. He will lie down to take a nap, be asleep within a minute, and wake up at will. It definitely is a super power. I’m so jealous!


Isn’t that a bad thing??


Yup, any time, all day... until it's actually time to go to sleep.


Lately I've been trying to count to 30 and see how fast I get to sleep and I literally never remember making it to like 25 seconds. Sorry lol Edit: probably should mention I have a 1 year old.. That helps


If I did this I would make it to 45000 every night


It would lead to doing math, then i would get stuck, then wonder who invented that math, then fall down a rabbit whole on that person, then make a snack, then try the counting thing again, then realize its been 6 hours, then forget everything I read about math dude because i cant fucking sleep, then get up to do it all over again. 


Man, I'm the same, but I tell people it's like having an anesthetic for me, I'm usually asleep before I can count to 6. It's incredible.


So, counting sheep really works?


I sleep so much faster after having a kid. Probably from missing so much


At least you're not one of those people who keeps their baby up till 4am! /s


I count 10 deep slow breaths, never make it past 7. A touch of sleep apnea helps


Amen to that. Exact same issue.


Listen to the Huberman Lab Podcast Guest Series with Dr. Matt Walker. He is one of the leading sleep scientists and has some really good insights.  E.g. There are ofc the obvious ones (right temp, no light, no noise during sleep and very little light, no electronics, etc. before sleep) and then a lot more; like psychological factors (your brain not associating your bed with sleep anymore, because you spent too much time in there awake), doing things before bed that promote your brain to be awake, and lots of other stuff. It‘s long (6 podcasts that are 1-2h I believe), there‘s a lot of science talk, but you can just skip through it and listen to what‘s important to you and just the actual tips behind it (although i do believe understanding the why can help too), since Spotify has ordered it in segments more or less. But it’s super insightful, I’m not even completely done listening to it yet, but I honestly changed the way  think about sleep.


"No noise during sleep". Anyone like to explain that to my tinnitus?


My wife has terrible issues getting to sleep. I am asleep in a minute or three. She spends the evening in bed, reading, doing puzzles, watching video, snacking. I am elsewhere in the house through the evening. I come into the bedroom, change and get into bed, then turn out my light. She can’t figure this out despite me explaining this to her. Perhaps she needs to read these comments.


This could be indicative of a sleep hygiene issue. If people spend time in bed *trying* to sleep it becomes an association and a habit. A bed is only for sex and sleep. If you can’t sleep in 30 minutes, get up and do something and then try again later. Can also try sleeping on the couch for awhile to try to help break that association.


Nah just take restavit on the difficult to sleep nights :p


You still awake bro?


he didn't reply so I don't think so 😞


I can. I went to the movies and didn't make it past the opening credits. Slept 6 hours. I guess they didn't realize I was there because everyone closed up and went home. I just went out the side door and didn't hang around to see if I set off any alarms.


Imagine waking up in a dark empty theater. I’d probably freak tf out lol


For real, I thought I was having a dream for a good minute. Then I thought about the havoc I could wreak. Then I thought about what jail coffee tastes like and I bolted.


Burnt. It tastes burnt.


I'd probably call the police lol, I mean you can easily just tell the truth, you fell asleep and now you're stuck in a movie theatre. I'd be terrified to open doors and shit, if the alarm goes off and you get caught it will be much harder to make them believe what happened


Cue THX intro at full volume. That'll do it 😂


Omg I miss that sound!! Mixed with the smell of popcorn… Nostalgia


I loved it when they had the bass cranked up


you slept 6 HOURS sitting. didn’t even wake up a little in between. how?


I don't even know. Typically I can't go 4 hours without having to get up to pee.


>I went to the movies and didn't make it past the opening credits. My wife normally starts poking me since I snore too loud. Me going to the movies alone would be seriously annoying for the rest of the audience


There was no 'rest of the audience' in this case. I was seeing Die Hard on a weeknight and I'm pretty sure I was the only one in there. Top row, center. Easy to miss.


In my mind some teenager making minimum wage saw you as a dead body and decided it could be somebody else's problem.


Lmfao thats wild


I had a GF who could fall asleep under 5 minutes , and a friend too. She could talk my ear off then be out in a couple of minutes and sleep through anything. My buddy wills himself to take power naps on the subway. I hate them both.


I have a friend who I've literally seen sit down on the ground (lets say we've been having a stroll somewhere on a nice day) and just instantly drift off to sleep. Like how the fuck does someone just sit down on the pavement, outside, and instantly manage to doze off ffs!


I think people that don't have anxiety. I can't fall asleep because I'm afraid someone is going to jolt me awake. I partially blame family, partially genetics. 


I have terrible anxiety and I've always been a heavy sleeper. It doesn't change how I feel when I wake up, but I can pretty much nap/sleep anywhere, anytime, especially if I put my phone down. My wife can't stand it because if I'm especially tired I can sleep through any amount of noise.


I got tired and had to sit down to sleep in a Walmart aisle once, the next day I had gone into braum's (ice cream/ burger joint/ small grocery section) and the line was long so I sat down and fell asleep, got woken up by an officer and was out of it so told him to fuck off. I was a scrawny 17 yo and he put my arm behind my back and literally carried me by my twisted arm, it hurt so bad. Took me to jail because I didn't have my ID and they thought I was a runaway when I told them I was from out of state. After 4-5 hours of sitting in jail they got a hold of my dad who had our lawyer send a notorized letter stating I was on vacation and yet they only allowed me to leave with a CPS working dropping me off at my GF's mom's house. It was also the first time I met her mom..


I have a rule with my GF, no important talks in bed after 9 and I will fall asleep mid-sentence if she tries. Cant keep my eyes open when I get horisontal. I'll fall asleep from the gforce when a plane takes off.


Subway naps. oooof. The last time I tried that I woke up in fucking Canarsie at 10pm.


This is me. When I get into bed, I can just roll over, close my eyes, and go to sleep. Like, I'll be talking to my boyfriend and he'll fall quiet for thirty seconds and in that time I'm already asleep and dreaming and when he talks again, it wakes me up. Drives him crazy, but his tossing and turning drives me crazy. It takes him ages to fall asleep, and sometimes I'll wake up five or ten times in an hour because he keeps moving. This is why we sleep in different beds a lot of the time.


My wife hates me. I am just up until I decide I’m ready for bed and go from chitchatting and laughing at something on TV to dead asleep in roughly a minute. She takes forever to fall asleep


I will fall asleep and snore mid convo with my wife or while looking at and using my phone. I don't even know it's happening most of the time.


5 minutes? I've seen 5 seconds, literally sleep mid sentence.


This is me. I can fall asleep at night in under 5min. During the day it'll take me about 15min. It's a mix of having a ton natural melatonin and good sleep habits. I have thinking exercises I use to help me sleep.


>I had a GF who could fall asleep under 5 minutes , and a friend too. She could talk my ear off then be out in a couple of minutes and sleep through anything. My GF is like that too. She fell asleep during late night sex once... Not intercourse luckily (that'd be a blow to the self esteem), we were just "doing things", but yeah she'll just trail off and shut down if it's past like 11 PM


My wife too, but she can go from talking to snoozing in under 30 seconds. I'm so jealous.


If I'm asleep within an hour of going to bed, I call that a win.


Me too, that's a huge win for me! I consider that an AMAZING night.


It takes me longer to wake up than it does to fall asleep. I'm jealous of the people who can wake up and get out of bed right when the alarm goes off.


Get a cat - they wake me up for food and smack me if I don’t


I have kids, they do the same, doesnt mean that I wake up..


Dogs too, mine yawns as loud as she can until I wake up then she licks my face until I get out of bed.


I guess all this relates to your vitamin levels and general health , I couldn't out of thebed for couple of months , got blood work done and boom vitamin D was only 2 , started taking supplements and exercising in the morning and now I sleep like a baby and can run a marathon just as I wake up .


My vitamin and mineral levels are all optimal and I've had insomnia for 20 years. For some people insomnia is just a thing and it's not because they are lacking in any vitamins. The other dreaded thing I hear people say about insomnia that really irks me is "Do a lot of exercise to wear yourself out and then you'll be tired" AAAAAAAAAARGH, insomnia isn't because you're not tired. You're actually exhausted all the time from lack of sleep and no matter what you do it often doesn't help. You can workout daily and your body be physically sore and worn out and still not sleep. That's what insomnia is...being unable to sleep despite being tired!


I had a perfect lifestyle for months, any peculiar ailment I had I could quickly identify because my routine was so structured that I could quickly learn what the cause of feeling off was. However, I still struggled with sleep. I just have a delayed circadian rhythm, and trying to sleep earlier than that is very hard for me to do. For months, I tried the same routine while eating WFPB, being sober, exercising everyday and running 5 miles a day/working out, no social media and limited technology or blue lights an hour before bed, no caffeine, reading every day and 50 pages before bed, and meditating. Still struggled with sleeping. My life style is far worse now but I can sleep a lot better on a significantly later sleep schedule. Some people refuse to accept that is real, so I can only imagine the comments you get for insomnia.


I always seem to keep defaulting back to late sleeping patters over the years too, it's been really bad recently where I'm not going to bed till 4 or 5am! Thankfully had to sort it out last week as had a couple of things had to be up at 8am for so was forced to be up early on not enough sleep and then was tired much much earlier that night. Again had to be up at 8am today so hoping to keep this going as being up till 5am and sleeping half the day away in summer is no good plus when you do have to be up at a normal time for something it's mission impossible.


My mother’s favorite is “just wake up early everyday and you’ll be tired at bedtime and be able to sleep.” Ma’am I wake up at 5 every single day and still can’t fall asleep at night.


Actually yes, when I started taking iron supplements suddenly I woke up feeling well rested. It became much easier to get out of bed in the morning


Nah, its because I go to bed too late. I like late nights too much.


Same here. I never struggle to fall asleep but cannot stand the thought of getting out of bed


If you need motivation, search up Geoffrey Boycott get out of bed on youtube. He is cricketing legend who has some amazing tips on getting up in the morning.


I think part of it is finding the amount of sleep that works for you, personally. Turns out eight hours is too much for me, but six hours is perfect and I'm able to wake right up, almost annoyingly fast, honestly.


Yeah easy. I m like a chicken. Turn of the lights and i sleep.


That's me. I'm a fucking bird. And you BETTER NOT turn those lights on and think I'll still be asleep


Either it takes me 5 minutes or 5 hours.


I can do this in a fully lit room. Lay down horizontal and I'm out. Cement pad, Fluff soft mattress doesn't matter where or when, doesn't matter the light or sound it's all good. Just horizontal.


Five minutes? Shit, I'm normally asleep in less than 5 seconds.


Nah don’t choose this as your superpower it’s far better to choose a superpower to be never be tired and never have a need to sleep . You will always feel refreshed .


agreed, narcolepsy is no fun


Yeah, people tell me how lucky i am that i can sleep at any time and anywhere. Its the opposite of lucky. I NEED to sleep, i dont choose to. People who can have a normal nights sleep every night dont realise how lucky they are.


Yippey! I've never felt refreshed, I wonder what that's like☝️😸


Have kids... You'll get there within the first couple of days.


Yep, I was a 30-60 minute fall-asleeper. Then I had kids, and it’s 30-60 seconds now, multiple times every night.


Being awoken at 5 in the morning by someone slamming a car in your face will make you very ready for bedtime.


My wife and I listen to a “falling asleep podcast” which is just readings of boring Wikipedia articles. I’m so exhausted at the end of the day that I seldomly make ist past the intro…


If i am sleepy which happens every night i am done in a minute . If i am not it takes too much time I actually get up and wait for it to come . And there is a sleeping window If you don't go to sleep when you are sleepy , you will miss it and will have a hard time falling asleep after it .


This is me. If my wife does something to wake me up while I'm falling asleep and I "reset" then I'll be up until 3am.


Day dream like I would as a kid, get so immersed I fall asleep


I think 60 seconds is about my norm.


I fall asleep in 2-5 minutes normally. Sometimes I'd swear it's within a minute. When I was unhoused, in institutions, or jails I had to get used to sleeping in spite of the environment. I slept on an active train platform, sometimes. The downside is that sleep, when I'm sleepy, is not optional. I have a sleep schedule set in stone, and I cannot change it even with therapeutic/clinical techniques to do so. I sleep from 7:30pm-3:45 am every day. I have a lot of time for the gym and absolutely no social life to speak of. I even miss family gatherings or have to leave early because of this. I wouldn't make major changes even if I could, though. In a world where people struggle to sleep, I'm not going to complain a lot.


Idk how my uncle does it, but he served as a Marine. It's like he can power nap on command.


Don't they try and teach them some technique that in theory allows them to fall asleep very quickly at any place at any time? I've seen it mentioned online before but forget the name of it. Something to do with relaxing your jaw and then doing a few other things and apparently once you master it you can sleep instantly but I've never been able to master it lol.


I've read that too. You're supposed to try to relax all your muscles very slowly, starting from your scalp, down your face and jaw, then your neck, then shoulders, etc. until you get all the way to your toes. If you focus on it and do it slowly, you're supposed to fall asleep before you get to your toes. I've tried it a few times and it worked for the most part. I think it's mostly a mind trick that gets you so focused on relaxing that you sort of will yourself to sleep.


Yeah bc active marines dont get a ton of sleep time


Yeah. When they do, it has to be get right to the REM sleep. I just wish I knew that skill.


Lol its less of a skill and more a trained response of the body from lack of sleep


that's part of the training...


Yeah, most days I fall asleep within 1-2mins tbh. Its basically, turn off the lights, cover myself with my blanket, think in my brain "time to sleep", and then I black out till the next day. It only takes longer in unfamiliar/uncomfortable environments like airplane seats, camping tents, squeezing with others during a sleepover etc.


My hubby is ex army. I’m so envious he can fall asleep in approx 5 mins. Or less!


Is the army very boring or something?


One of the first skills you learn is that a 5 minute break means 5 minutes naptime...if it's anything like my country's military. I once fell asleep in the back of an army pickup truck en route back from the shooting range. I used my rifle ad a support. Was actually quite comfy :)


So everyone in the army is sleep-deprived? Sounds great.


It's better to be sleep-deprived and develop good nap habits before you have to go a few days without sleep when the shit hits the fan.


Same. Being a grunt in the US Army gives you that special power.


No, you're just very sleep deprived all the time so you learn to catch a few winks at every opportunity.


I haven't even found my desired sleeping position in 5 mins.


People who are about to have surgery:


My dad just fall over in the bed and start snoring like 3s after, I envy him some times


Yes. I basically start daydreaming while lying in bed. And when I really focus on the story of the dream; it’ll put me out very quickly.


i envy them.. i need an ambien, tramadol and smoke a bowl before i can think of going to sleep


I fell asleep twice since the last time this was posted here..


10mins? 60 seconds maybe🥱


You guys are all going to bed too early, surely?


It’s my only superpower! At work I can close the door, set my alarm for 30 minutes and then usually get over 25 minutes of sleep. My wife is sooo jealous!


I spent a couple of years meditating before sleep and relaxing every muscle of my body one by one. Now I can just take a big breath and fall asleep within a minute with my whole body relaxed.


Wake up early. Get as much exercise as you can. You'll be exhausted every night. I also find reading (a book) puts me out quickly. It takes me months to read a single book because I read like 5 pages a night.


There was a time when I would drop asleep within seconds of hitting the bed. I was exercising daily and keeping my calories low, which for sure contributed. I still fall asleep relatively easily, but within minutes and not within seconds.


I can fall asleep in less than 10 min but it's not really a super power, it's waking up at 330am, running 5 miles, lifting weights for an hour, getting the kids off to school, working an 8hr day, walking the dog 2+ miles + fetch time, then hanging out with kids until I make dinner, then messing around with kids/dog until bedtime...I'm just tired at bedtime


I leave my phone in another room. Falling asleep is easy now.


Practice meditation. After a year of some practice, I can turn off my thoughts and focus on relaxing each body parts


What blew my mind was the realisation that the concept of “counting sheep” is literally a form of meditation.


Haha yes exactly!


Yeah this is the way. Mediation has so many benefits for your daily life this is just one.


Meditation is actual magic, people don't realize how much their thoughts are in charge. And how their thoughts are not them.


I realized this when I started getting panic attacks. I had no idea what they were and I thought I had some serious medical issue and was going to die or something, because I'd get all light headed and feel like I was going to pass out. I went to the emergency room a bunch of times (they found nothing wrong) and saw all kinds of specialists, with no diagnosis. I started obsessing over every little discomfort, pain, sound, etc. in an effort to figure out what it was, and it got worse and worse to where I had chest pain and other scary stuff. That was until one of the specialists suggested that it might be anxiety and prescribed me a few Xanax. The next time it happened, I popped one of those and within 10-20 minutes I was all good. That's when I realized that all of those symptoms were psychosomatic - I'd get lightheaded, freak out about a potential medical issue, then get phantom pains and stuff like that because I was certain I had a physical ailment of some kind (and probably from tensing up all my muscles from the stress). Once I realized what it was, any time symptoms would start, I would just stop and remind myself that my own mind is causing it and it would sort of peter out rather than progressing to a panic attack. No pains, no twitching muscles, nothing. The mind is insanely susceptible to the power of suggestion.


Just gas yourself out to exhaustion. Not like a gym session but just try and stand up ALL day or when you get home from work. When your body is actually exhausted you won’t have a choice. 


Tell me you know nothing about how insomnia works without telling me you know nothing about insomnia lol.


Insomnia is a disorder though. For the vast majority of people, exhausting your body physically (not mentally, that shit doesn't help) will make you fall asleep fast. Unless you have a disorder.


No. There are however, "Visitors"


Yeah never really had a problem with sleep, soon as I hit a pillow, I can just get comfy anywhere really and nod off instantly


That's actually a sleep disorder btw


10mins? Within 15sec maybe. Why wait?


I'm basically narcoleptic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Im one of those people. How long does it take you?


It's not all that great. I envy those who can wake up feeling refreshed.


Pro tip: Don't lay down in the bed unless you want to sleep, if you keep watching tv/ working online lied on the bed you'll body will be confused


Dude, yeah. If I can get asleep at the right time I'll sleep all the hours, but falling asleep on command? Never. Especially if I have to wake up early. My mind hates me 😂 I have to be super tired to fall asleep in like 30ish mins.


If I know I have to be up early for something, especially important like an appointment or a flight, no matter how tired I am my body and mind will conspire against me and keep me awake all night then literally just 30 minutes before I'm due to get up I'll start falling asleep! :/


I’m one, I usually fall asleep in less than a minute, often in ten seconds. I can also nap pretty much at will. Been that way my whole life, I’m alert and all when I’m awake, it’s not a disorder or anything. I’d trade it for being a five hour sleeper though. I need my eight.


I can do it even when I’m not really tired


Oh man, I used to struggle with that SOOOO much. Then I lost 20kg and reversed my insulin resistance and boom. I fall asleep almost instantaneously now. It's the single biggest improvement I got from all that. Like. Yeah, I look better and my skin is nicer, bla bla bla. Who cares. I fall asleep when it's time to sleep now. Sometimes within like 2 minutes. It's wild.


I usually can. I go to bed when I'm tired and don't play any my phone/put it off. If my body wants sleep I let it if I'm able.


I can do it around 2 minutes.


I been told that I can fall asleep a little to easily Doctor advised me to NEVER drive when im a little tired since I have a high chance of just straight falling asleep while driving


That’s my secret, cap…


me when I decided that it's time to sleep


Yep. Just try mild depression and bone crushing exhaustion


Fear me. I have Narcolepsy. I'm the upgrade.


Yep. Takes no time at all for me. My missus gets really annoyed that by the time she’s brushed her teeth I’m out for the night


I struggled with this. Started listening to audio books or stories on youtube. I'm gone in less than 10 minutes now.


I can fall asleep in 10 minutes... when I don't try to.


My sister can sleep in less then 10 minutes, so yes there is people like that.


> in less then 10 Did you mean to say "less than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'less than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Damn, i need like half an hour to fall asleep


Just tell you don't have work to do, and don't get tired


I fall asleep the very moment I’m in a horizontal position. Which is kinda annoying sometimes when you’re chilling in the park with friends.


I’m an ex infantry officer. It’s a learned skill.


I've counted my partner before, 22 seconds is the fastest so far.


I can fall asleep almost instantly, but not by choice


Anyone can, you just need to be tired enough.


I can fall asleep in 2 minutes  It takes my wife 30 mins to 2 hours It makes her SUPER mad lol


It is automatically given when you have kids..


I can fall asleep in a few seconds. It took immense practice, i an naturally stuck in a mind loop i generally find entertaining and escape from reality in all the time, but i found i had a “lazy imagination” (my own phrase) and would become unable to disregard my thoughts long enough to sleep without a focus. And my focus was on space: imagine the stars and nebula and planets in detail and rhen begin erasing them sowly and getting closer to nothing. Nothing is when you should be falling to sleep. Do it over and over, do it for weeks, months, i know i did. That’s it. You could probably count sheep but i couldnt bring myself to do that repetitively enough. Space is cool. I think i heard that advice on a star trek episode - maybe voyager or next generation.


My friend is a paramedic, when you're on the clock you take whatever you can get. We were away on holiday and about to go on an adventure and she said "I just got to take a quick nap, 13 minutes". Yep she wasn't kidding, she took a 13 minute nap.


My boyfriend is like that, even though he has a stressful job and drinks 5+ coffees a day... Meanwhile I'm awake all night after max 2 coffees before 3pm


I usually just stay on my phone until I'm too tired to watch any videos. As soon as I put my phone away I'm gone


No sugar or caffeine does that to mf


I'm people, but only when I stayed awake for the past 24 or so hours


Yes that would be me. I love to nap and can do it any time during the day when I get the chance. It drives my wife insane. We're driving somewhere and she's the driver? I'll fall asleep within we even reach the highway (7 minutes). She's still getting ready for bed and I already went, she'll find me sleeping like a baby (within 5 minutes). I always indeed consider it a super power


I regularly fall sleep in 2 minute's at bedtime


Me, I am asleep as soon as the head hits the pillow. Always been like that, just lay down and turn off the switch…boom, goodnight!


I used to struggle with this until I found... average audiobooks! With average audiobooks you can lie down, get your dopamine fix and still relax enough to fall asleep. It's like a superpower. With a sleep timer you even know how long you've been lying there for, so if you end up being unable to sleep one night, you won't waste all your time in bed.


10 minutes? My gf is T-minus 10 seconds from dreamland at any point in the day. I'm convinced it's a superpower


I think people greatly overestimate how long it takes them to fall asleep! Sometimes if we’re watching TV and I’m tired, my wife will say “wake up!” And I’m like “I’m awake, I never fell asleep!” And she’s like, “You were snoring!” Oh. Didn’t realize I was asleep already! I think there were some studies showing this, that people can’t accurately remember how quickly they fell asleep, and it’s usually quicker than they think. I think the average was under 10 minutes.


This was just posted yesterday on r/randomthoughts


My bother. I swear top 5 minutes and you hear him snore . I envy him a lot. I consider that a super power.


Falling asleep is the easy part. Staying asleep, on the other hand, now that's where shit gets difficult. Imagine waking up at 5-6 in the morning every morning, regardless of when you went to bed...