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The hair thing is a neural link, not a way to pass genetic information.


If teenage navi get weird hair boners for other navi they want to bond with, then there would be a need for a hairnet/underwear.


so that's where elon gets all his ideas


The hair-bonding thing is a part of courtship, not reproduction. It creates an emotional bond, not a baby. They still have sex organs and sexual intercourse and pregnancy just like we're familiar with.


Not to mention they do it with the animals too... Dude watched that film thinking it's some kind of normalized zoophilic fantasy.


Yea the main lesson from the movie is that the best way to train animals is to fuck them.


Just minf fuck em instead


Just milf fuck em instead


Just fuck milf em instead


Just fuck milfs instead


Ayyyyy, we got there!


how to fuck your dragon


How to train your bad dragon


What are you doing, step-dragon?


Ooops, knotes my ass! Tee-hee!




Those poor Banshees


Calm down Robert E. Lee


So that's how Cesar does it...


That sounds like something Leon from curb your enthusiasm would say, lol.


That sounds like something Leon from curb your enthusiasm would say, lol.


I mean, there is some interspecies erotica involved, so it’s not far off…


Everyone watched that movie and thought "why is he fucking his pterodactyl?"


They also fuck the trees.


A tree orgy, a menage a tree.




You watched that movie and didn't pick up on any furry undertones *whatsoever*?


People can in fact be so straight-laced that they miss this sort of thing. Sauce, me. I was once that straight-laced.


Wow, TIL…


Fundamentalist religions are a hell of a drug.


Other than connecting to them via hair link, which we've established isn't a sexual act earlier, what furry undertones are there?


It isn't?


“So you basically have to be able to mount the flying beast until it submits to your attempted rape.” “Now, if your rape is successful - you’ll be able to fly it anytime you want. Naturally, it’s best to rape it every time you ride it though.”


...go on


I dunno, isn't that some kinda mind merge thing? Sounds much more intimate than fucking. I wouldn't want to mind merge with my dog, and I certainly wouldn't trust anyone who mind merged their dog.


If you mind merged with your dog he could be like “yo man I ate a sock earlier and my tummy is hurting a bit”


the mind merging between animals and the na'vi i feel are different from the courting ritual. when it's for courting i think its more like a marriage, to show that they are committed to eachother on such an imtimate and personal level. but for the animals they clearly have massive amounts of respect for all life on their planet, so the mind merging with them is more like theyre making sure there isnt a power dynamic between them? like they know what the animal needs from them, and the animal knows what the na'vi need back, so its kind of a symbiotic thing based on mutual respect rather than a sexual thing


They 100% hair rape dragons.


Wait, so that dude turned on the entire human race without even getting any alien pussy first?


he got some. under the rgb tree remember? There was cgi crotch mounting and bouncing involved too.


„the rgb tree“… like it was sponsored by Alienware or something.


It was Govee




Do you really get to say you did it if you did it as someone else though? Like, would you say i've murdered thousands of turtles just because i've beaten a couple of Super Mario games?


He wasn't playing a video game, he was piloting a drone So it's closer to if someone in the US Air force flying those unmanned flying death machines was meant to be securing gas supply but instead decided to secretly run low cost flights between San Francisco and Memphis


We're getting into a realm of philosophy and technology where there's no functional difference between you and the drone even in day to day life, that drone is simian and has full mental feedback to its "pilot." The best model I've got for it comes from the Buddhists: try not to get too attached to a given version of you, it never really existed anyway. Especially not the soul (the ineffable, inviolable and singular Neoplatonist perfect form). I bet James Cameron can't resist cloning shenanigans by the end of this (like in these first two, one or the other form is "awake"). "Is Jake Sully the reconstituted Marine under Quarritch's command Jake Sully or is the Na'vi banging Neytiri and living his best life Jake?" "Yes."


Avatar 2 literally already has cloning shenanigans, starting with the reconstituted consciousness of Quaritch from a "soul drive," a backup made before his human body's death. They then implanted it into a new recom body.


^(shhhhh I gotta get to Memphis somehow!)


Only if the turtles you murdered were real


> murdered thousands of turtles Crushing turts. Perchance.


You can't just say perchance.


I mean, he was piloting a fully-immersive clone body. and interacting with real people. That's quite different to playing a video game.


Sorry. I said "I've beaten a couple of Super Mario Games" but what I meant to say was "I've beaten a couple of Super Mario Games while wearing a [LaserScope](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG_8nGW_U7Q) AND a [Power Glove](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAKbtJjAV18), all while rubbing a [U-Force](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keOZvmHLAn8) against my bare chest" So yeah...I think you can say i've killed some turtles bro.


So, what? You saying sex while role playing doesn’t count any more?


Yeah. And If only one person role plays for half of the sexual encounter, the other person got to have a three way! Sorry I don’t make the rules (I made them up while role playing as someone else)


*i put on my robe and wizard hat*




I think they had sex while doing the hair thing at the same time.


No the guy defended an entire race and living planet from corporate greed without getting any alien pussy first.


This really breaks the immersion for me. I only fight corporate greed when SnuSnu is on the line




He knew the only way to get some was to wage war on all of humanity. Truly a tale as old as time


Not only did he get alien pussy he did it while her whole family line back to the beginning watched.


Exhibition kink.


What a simp.




Believe it's pronounced "earf"




Keep my planet's name out-ya fuckin' mouth!




Didn’t the corporate-backed invaders only lost in the battle, but did not lose in the war? I only saw the first one. Some corporations always make it on top.


Somewhat, in Avatar 2, they return, but for silly reasons (finding immortality juice in whales), but thats honestly par for the course for the series. But its not particularly a surprise, if humans had the ability to reach another star system with an habitable planet (with valuable resources to exploit, no less), they arent just going to give it up because a bunch of natives with no technology managed to beat them once. Look at all of american history lmao.


That’s not just American history, even if it was terrifyingly brutal. Talk about marginalizing the trail of tears. WW2 was a much grander situation. That’s just the most recent case of it, I think it’s common for a lot of different cultures and general human history. Civ A sees Civ B with valuables. Civ A invades/brokers deals with Civ B for valuables. Civ B resists Civ A. Conflicts happen until resolved in a win-win, win-lose, lose-win, lose-lose. In my opinion. In the case of natives winning against technology it may not win all the time. I think Vietnam won against America during the Vietnam war using guerrilla warfare using small attack units leveraging knowledge about the environment as locals which ironically is what the Americans did to the British.


> I think Vietnam won against America during the Vietnam war using guerrilla warfare using small attack units leveraging knowledge about the environment as locals Except Vietnam didn't win militarily against the US. The majority of the casualties were on Vietnam's side. The US left due to political stuff back home. The Americans won against the British because of French support and the expense to project force into the US.


In the first movie they had a very restrictive license for operating. That's why they barely had military gear, why they put so much time and effort into diplomacy even if it was somewhat failing. The guy in charge is *desperate* for things to not go tits up because it would be a political and PR nightmare back home. Then in 2 the humans are just all 'ya we know we shot first but watch this we're going to nuke you lol'. Which is just completely out of character for what the series portrayed.


So I take it that since the humans were much more advanced than the aliens and prepared with decent intelligence this time around, they came back, wiped out all the aliens, and we're now carpet mining their ruined world? Or did the power of friendship save the day again?


[They started off pretty good](https://youtu.be/t-HbsUktdKU) but yeah Navi win (against one whaling ship) in the end. Unlike the first movie its mentioned that the megacorp is still around though, they have a [massive base](https://youtu.be/J8n8E0oOiRc) and are mentioned to be doing strip mining etc.


Clearly, since it wasn't Earth.


Fuckin mic drop on that one.


Wasn't the plot that the human planet needed this new resource, otherwise the planet would die?


And the corpos main point was how much money they’d make selling it to Earth. It wasn’t some non prof goverment job. Their goal was profiting off Earths desperation via the oppression of the Navi. They’re literally the bad guys to both Navi and Humanity.


> alien puss N'ussy


Some people have clearly never mind melded with a Na’vi and it shows


To be fair, he turned against a corporation bent on colonialism, not the entire human race.


Sometimes people are motivated by something other than that, yes.


Yeah sometimes it's a woman and she's motivated by alien dick


I took that as the wrong “turned on”


Yeah this guy just assumes they are raping their horses, and their flying raptors? And having sex with your ancestors? It doesn’t make any sense if you think that.


I was gonna say, they also hair bond with the flying beasties, I never interpreted that as beastiality.


don't google what this naturally makes you google. yes its blue.


No one felt the desire to google it except for you bro


Yeah, right? What a sicko. What are the sites so I can avoid and block them...?


You mean they have soup drinkers*


Came here for this, thank you.


I was gonna say, they don't wash the shit out of their hair every time they take a dump.


Waiting till the next avatar movie to see avatar COCK in 3D imax Dolby atmos surround sound 4K vision


Get back in the shower and keep thinking. This showerthought is nowhere near ready.


OP must be watching the movie in the shower. This take only makes sense if you just see them first introduced but not how they're used in the rest of the movie.


from reading this subreddit long enough I though the point was to say stupid shit that isn't well thought out and easily disproved.


I dont think they piss and shit out of their hair tho. Lol gross visual.


Maybe its constant and in very small quantities. Like a rabbit. Little tentacles help pump it out and toss it away.


i fucking hate this comment


Thoughts appear in my head. I am sorry.


Awesome, these lil thingies just yeeting small shit-piss pellets left right and center, now that's truly alien


[Is it truly alien, though?](https://youtube.com/embed/TiVsCzRJKaY?start=16&end=28)


You cannot convince me these guys are from earth tbh


Rabbit shit has pissed me off more than you can possibly imagine. The piss is even worse in my book...


They don't reproduce using their hair, either, they do it like they do on the Discovery Channel. The hair thing is for bonding, not reproduction.


They have a cloaca for that


Well yeah, they gotta cover up their soup drinkers. They use them for drinking soup.


It would be really inappropriate to bring them out when it's not even time to drink soup yet.


~*that moment when*~ you are in class with your peers but you lose mental focus and think too fondly about soup when it is not time to drink soup


When I was a fledgling, I too could not stop thinking about drinking soup. Soup is wonderful, but this will pass.


Wait, what? I never knew there was a time to not be drinking soup. No wonder my in-laws think I’m weird.


Hey, put that hairy thing away. It’s for portridge. ;D


And those second lips for playing instruments.


i guess it's not so different after all


I wondered how far I would have to scroll before finding this reference


Where have i heard that before…ive heard this joke but i cant recall where


[Harry Partridge animation](https://youtu.be/0D8IRIYBSnk)


The kuru are not genitals... -_- They're an extension of their nervous system. It allows them to connect to Eywa, other animals, or each other. It's not sexual *in the slightest* lmao. I thought this idea got left in 2010 xD


I'd say it's definitely portrayed as sexual in the slightest in the movie. It feels like saying "Babies do it, so someone sucking on breasts is not sexual in the slightest", ignoring a notable part of the role it plays in the culture/movie. It's not sexual *when* a baby or a dragon/tree/whale does it (or when a farmer milks a cow), it doesn't *need* to be sexual, but c'mon, a wiki article on the topic of either lactation or queue-bonding is gonna mention the sexual element. EDIT: Sorry, that is to say, a modesty taboo around the queue in some Na'vi culture wouldn't feel like bad worldbuilding to me.


Has it been canon confirmed that its their genitals. The tail nerve bundles can be an extra thing and doesn't need to be genitals. Like they can have genitals to fuck with and also use the nerves to connect energetically and transfer soul into the offspring.


There’s literally a scene in the first one where they have sex like regular humans.


Don't remember that at all


It’s when they got to the sacred glowing trees and they talk about how Jake can now choose a mate. He chooses Neytiri and there is a brief love scene that makes it clear how sex for them functions. The extended edition has a slightly longer version of this scene.


Wasn't in the version most of us saw, we did however see the one avatar dude get told to stop playing with their hair or they will go blind which is a common joke about playing with a dick.


It was in both the theatrical release and the standard home release. The extended cut had a slightly longer scene, but the standard cut made it clear they have sex like regular humans.


I wish people would actually WATCH a movie before commenting on it. Good way to look like a fool.


There is a book that came with the original blu ray that explained that they mate like humans and have the same genitalia as humans really, and that the hair thing is a neural link that is like orgasming.


Zoe Saldana can get it on every stop on the color wheel


i have never, ever, understood where people got this idea that the neural link is sex. it's just telepathy but with wires.


Nah. I specifically remember in the first one the completely awkward and unnecessary cartoon alien sex scene where the female one straddles and bobs on the human one’s lap sitting up, after they connect hair.    They smash crotches. They got fuckmeat.  For some fucking reason it’s necessary to the movie experience to know that. 


"For some fucking reason it’s necessary to the movie experience to know that." -> Anthropomorphism, so you connect more with them.


Sorry, too reasonable and not puritan. Don't you know sex is bad and the only possible reason to include sexuality in media is because you're a sick disgusting pervert freak?


This scene is awkward being younger and watching it with parents.. Parents and I at the time obviously don’t know the intricacy of the navi anatomy. Looks like alien sex. Sounds like alien sex. It pretty much is alien sex, and thanks James for putting that experience on me and my parents


Just ol James’ way of letting you know that yeah, we can fuck em And i watched the second movie - it occurred to me that there were numerous “shots” - angles and cgi, of little navi girl ass. Like i get it when real world people do real world things but James explicitly directed and approved thousands of hours of specifically those unnecessary revealing angles.


lmao, I can't believe we've gotten to the point of puritanism where sex between fucking aliens is too much... It wasn't unnecessary, it was meant to humanise them and show their love for each other. You might as well go off saying violence and dialogue is unnecessary too while you're at it! Fuck it, let's just look at a synopsis instead.


it’s not even that sexual lmao. also why are you calling it a family cartoon like it’s peppa pig ?? it’s for 12 year olds minimum. that scene is perfectly fine for a 12 year old to see.


Wasn't that only in the special edition of the film?


I only saw it in theatres, once 


>fuckmeat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Yeah like pardon if I’m wrong but I don’t ever remember a an actual segs scene in that movie and I’ve watched it over a dozen tiems


Who doesn't understand that anthropomorphism helps us relate to movies? If you don't understand that, then either you're too young to be on Reddit or you have a valid disability that gets in the way. This is basic shit, u/quipcrafter...


Walking around nude is the new Normal


What do you mean "new"? It wasn't cool before? People ran away from me because they couldn't handle the coolness.


This is blatantly false


People wear hats even though their genitals are in their balls - so what? Racism.


Pee is also stored in the balls


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


There are a fair number of women who will deny that their genitals are in their balls.


Yah idk if they are fucking those animals they ride but I doubt the hairpeen description is wholly correct.


Maybe they got two sets of genitals? Like one for the regular use and the other for spiritual nature/mind melding use.


Women wear bras even though their genitals are not on their chest


As a fan of both ATLA and CS the title took me a second.


A lot of humans’ genitals are in their hair too, yet they wear pants over them


I'm curious how you think the Na'vi birth their children. The hair thing is just an extension of their nervous system. It can be used during intercourse so that both parties can feel what the other feels but they procreate the same way humans do. One would think that the inclusion of the loin cloth would make it obvious that they have genitalia to cover up that and the fact the Na'vi are mammals. I'll give you that the humans in the film joke about the hair thing as if it were a masturbatory thing but you can't really trust them with that kind of information as they're an invading force that didn't really give two shits about Na'vi culture until Sully was able to incorporate himself into their ranks.


What about second-genitals?


What if our hair genitals touched. Haha, just kidding! Unless…


You are totally dumb.


If so they all are constantly fucking the flora and fauna


where did you get the idea their genitals were in their hair? that's never even suggested. OMG, did you think they were having sex with animals and trees?


They actually learned a type of hula dance to swing the loin cloth in a fashion that can repel blades and arrows from hitting their upper thighs. Hypersonic hula if you will.


You can still delete this you twit.


We see them have normal sex in the first movie…


How to tell me you haven't watched Avatar without telling me you haven't watched Avatar.


because insecure navis with small penises made it law for m16 havers to hide theirs so all must hide it


You should see what happens when they do the hair thing with their pubic hair. It’s not PG-13


maybe cuz it looks kinda cool


It was a stupid enough movie without everyone going around bollock naked except for underwear on their heads.


Have you never heard of a hat?


Perhaps that area is taboo fir some other cultural reason. 


If their genitals are in the hair then how come she got belly pregnant? Wouldn't she have gone big brain pregnant?


You know it’s funny on the recent Joe Rogan experience with Bobby Lee they said the same thing


Don't they also have navy coloured skin ? https://www.canva.com/colors/color-meanings/navy-blue/


If they have genitals then why haven't we seen them? Those loincloths are so small they barely cover anything. Must be tiny.


Shouldn't be using your phone then


It's the only way humans would agree to make movies of them.


They used real people, plus CGI. Can't have a pg13 rating showing genitalia


Might still be where their waste comes out.


OP probably watched the wrong version of the movie


My money is on really weird buttholes.


So you were sitting here thinking that the navi were fuckin their horses and flying mounts every time?


How do avatar give birth?


They don't poop from their hair, genius.


All the creatures on Pandora have six limbs, except the Navi.


Man what kind of shower are you taking


I have never seen avatar and did not now this. But for some reason this knowledge made me a bit curious.


What about the shitpipe?


They need it daily to do work and communicate


Maybe the loin cloth is their version of a bandana