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*Hatsune Miku has entered the chat.*


Isn't she preprogrammed?


She is. But it's a short hop to AI celebrity from what we have today.


Technically we have Neuro, right?


Not quite an actor, but totally yeah!


the one with the turtle and started as osu bot iirc?


That's the one, yes.


I’m already a fan of AI rappers. The fucking krusty krab krew. Listen the “the bottom 2” by Glorb and revel in adoration.


Isn’t there that song about her being afraid of being replaced? Or two? Or three?


I'm not going to say I'm a deeply invested into vocaloid, but I can say that you (and most people) ALWAYS misattribute anything from a vocaloid as coming from the character itself as opposed to the actual human artist. With that out of the way, yes, there have been some songs around that topic. But, just like how Mickey Mouse doesn't have any real life wants and is just manufactured character, those songs have nothing to do with Miku's "fear" of anything. Side note: Some songs actually have ZERO to do with Miku and are actually representative of the artists own self image. Two amazing songs I can remember had to do with one artist feeling that nobody liked them beyond the music they produced and would be quickly forgotten if they stopped. Another was actually more positive and encouraged people to make more songs even if it meant they'd no longer be as popular


I disagree with you on this part, as I believe that the fear of being replaced by an AI celebrity is portrayed as one that Miku holds, and not the producers. Of course the idea comes from the producers (unfortunately Miku isn’t sentient /j), but I think that just because an idea is “born” through a Miku song, it doesn’t mean that the producer holds the idea personally. I think the argument goes both ways. Even if Miku sings something, it doesn’t mean the producer supports or stands behind it. Instead, the producer takes this official, ageless, leek-holding character and gives them a few ideas of world domination, killing themselves, or cooking a really horrifying dish. The artist, of course, does not stand behind these ideas, at least most times. Using the Mickey Mouse example, Mickey Mouse loves Minnie Mouse, romantically according to the Disney wiki. Does that mean the love for mice “comes” from the producer? I think in a way, since Mickey Mouse was made like that; but also not in a way, since humans generally aren’t attracted to mice. So I do think that the fear of being replaced by AI is held by Miku, and the fear was prescribed to her by the producers, as a fancy made-up idea without necessarily being held by the producer. But let me know what you think!


Sorry, i think you accidentally combined the sidenote with my second paragraph. Specifically, only "some" songs are directly linked to the opinions and wants of the creator. I made the major part of my reply on the basis that Miku can not have ideas or wants because of the fact she's not only a fabricated character, but also one that's molded by any and every artist who creates a song. It would be a completely separate thing if we were talking about a "default" character that Crypton Media created (one that I'd agree on). Similar situations and arguments have happened every time somebody posts on twitter or tumblr that X popular character has Y trait because it said so in a fanfic they read




She isn't ai. She's a musical instrument


The mascot of* a musical instrument


What about KAFU, ci flower, SEKAI, etc


They're ai generated musical instruments not ai generated performers


*"World is mine" stars blasting in the background*


Came to say the same. We're basically already there.


Came to say the same. We're basically already there.


I'm a Neurosama fan. It's already happening, friend.


I love my little AI terrorist


Love that Schitzo murder bot


I've heard that Japan went and made *[Idoru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idoru)* happen, so we might already be there.


>Idoru What?


I mean... [Here you go.](https://www.google.com/search?q=idoru&oq=idoru&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEAgAEAAYgwEY4wIYsQMYgAQyEAgAEAAYgwEY4wIYsQMYgAQyDQgBEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgAQyBwgKEAAYgAQyBwgLEAAYgAQyCQgMEAAYChiABDIJCA0QABgKGIAEMgkIDhAuGAoYgATSAQgyODEwajBqN6gCFLACAQ&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


i did google but didn't get it "Idoru is the second book in William Gibson's Bridge trilogy. Idoru is a science-fiction novel set in a postmodern, dystopian, cyberpunk future."


I'm not sure which part you're stuck on, but I'm going to guess you might appreciate the "What is an idoru?" response: Idoru" is the japanese version of the word "idol," as ran through the various loan words respellings and pronunciations in the language that I am by no means knowledgeable enough about to say anything more on without probably being wrong. so an "idoru rockerboy" would be basically the equivalent of a J-pop star. Apparently, that exists now.


ah idol written in phonetic Japanese, got it, i feel a bit stupid now :D, ty.


Oh, man, don't say that! I'm going to feel stupid for how long it took me to get that "Garasu" is just "Glass."


The word is *idol*. Idol culture has been a thing in Japan since the 80s. It is not new. And it has nothing to do with AI.


...Why don't you just say *idol*? Most people reading this aren't going to get English transliterations of Japanese mispronunciations of English loanwords.


What's worse is that he didn't even do THAT correctly because he forgot the "A"


What does that have to do with AI?


Neuro-sama is an AI vtuber with something like 300k subscribers on yt and 550k followers on Twitch.


Brings that movie Sim0ne to the mind.


Is it any good?


I thought it was pretty good. Pacino played it well. Edit: Pacino, not DeNiro. I'm dumb early in the morning.


lol it was Al Pacino


There's already AI OnlyFans models that make money, so yeah.


I thought that was a scam because people thought it was a real person. Perhaps they are just thinking of one specific one...


Does it matter if people think it's real or not? Still an AI thing.


Hey I'm a big fan of Max Headroom already


Calculon from futurama comes to mind.


Hatsune Miku turns 17 this year.


She isn't run by AI, though. People write her material and create everything she does.


not yet


It's treason then?


What about the food the people eat? Do the plants and animals not contribute? And the gut bacteria of the coders?


Far from the mark bud


Even though it’s considered by a lot of folks to be the worst episode of Black Mirror, I always thought one of the most insidious ones and realistic ones in the far future was The Waldo Moment. We go straight from puppet presidents to being run by an AI animated character with no accountability and no way to escape.


I thought the werewolf episode was the worst. The whole last season was pretty bad, although that one with the tapes and murders wasn't bad it still didn't really fit the theme of the show.


People are already fans of cartoon characters so it’s not that big of a leap.


I mean, there’s already tons on AI “influencers” on Instagram that have big followings.


An aging rock star will decide to marry one of


Max from “The Circle” should’ve won. They played that game better than anyone.


People have been huge fans of cartoon characters. What is the difference?


Already happened: Max Headroom


There are billions of people who are religious, ofcourse they will be fan of made up things.


Isn’t that what AI influencers are?


Imagine if Miku starred in a movie


Isn't there a movie about an AI actor who looks and feels so real the creator themselves is unable to convince the public they're an AI?


I mean... there are fans of Industrial Light and Magic, not to mention CGI characters like Godzilla these days, so this should surprise no one. This is nothing but another form of CGI.


I'm already a fan of AI actors. Most of them are artificially intelligent because they're made out to be intelligent.


I don't think there would be a need for reuse of single person appearance. [There ](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/) are unlimited number of looks.


I wonder if you would actually call them an "actor". They don't "perform", they are programmed. Maybe once they are actual self-aware individuals they could do something like acting on their own.


I mean, they been fans of the AI-like scripts of Marvel for years, so…


Movies and shows in the future will probably just be fully rendered from scratch. And they'll get edited, have trailers rendered, and get sent straight to streaming.


You are probably right. But I'm also not a fan of any real person, so I think I'll just stick to that when it comes to AI celebrities.


Something related, I actually like certain AI written horror stories. A lot are bad, but there are some that are pretty interesting. I listen to those horror stories every night on youtube to help me go to sleep. It's interesting how entertainment can easily be created now. It still doesn't have the quality of human written stories, probably due to ai's lack of "imagination" and it only tries to copy other writers' styles, but for the most part, they're usually good enough for decent entertainment.


Not quite an actor, but Neuro is an AI Vtuber


You think body standards are rough now...


I'm very sure that computer generated voice has been a thing for a long time now.


David Duchovny already exists.


Keep my waifu outta yo damn mouf.


Love me some Sharon Apple


*Neuro-sama has entered the chat*


This is not something I wanted to hear but you are absolutely right


I’m already a fan of AI rappers. The fucking krusty krab krew. Listen the “the bottom 2” by Glorb and revel in adoration.


Glen Powell kinda sus


This has been a thing for over a decade, and now there areany of them.


Idk those recent AI musicians have been releasing some real bangers


No different to people being infatuated with anime characters, or even Jessica Rabbit and Betty Boop.


There are AI influencers already out, and they have tons of fans Here’s one: https://www.instagram.com/lilmiquela/?hl=en


Imagine the year 2025... The only actor working who hasn't molested a child


Once you read the comments on instagrams AI "models", you'll realize it's not far


Someday the actors will be people we know. And it will be a holodeck.


In 2013, Robin Wright stared in a movie *playing herself* as an out of work actress who takes a final job of scanning in her face and selling her likeness forever I wish I could have you start watching it now with no spoilers, but there is no way to find the film without a major spoiler of it :/ Its called The Congress


Too late, we already have neuro-sama and now even a presidential elect.


I honestly thought that actor in the new Jack reacher show was AI when I first saw the advertisements


Ever heard of Max Headrom? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Headroom


You don't want to know how many dudes already have photorealistic AI girlfriends that they call and text with all day