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I knew a 29 year old grandad and he happily argued that if his family kept that up he’d get to meet with great-great-great-great grandchildren or something like that


A grandparent at 29... somebody needs therapy.


Plenty of people have kids as teens, mostly by accident. This is just 2 generations in a row making that mistake


2 life-changing accidents in a row... someone needs to educate a community.


Anal ftw


I know a couple that got pregnant although they only did anal… the guy didn’t believe it was his kid until after a paternity test. Drippage, people. Seepage and drippage can render the hole thing ineffective


Where TF do you marry a woman who only does anal


Somewhere without good sex education, where students are lead to believe you absolutely cannot get pregnant from only anal


Just missing the other two A's to never worry about pregnancy. Abstinence > Anal > Abortion






It used to be common in some places for teen girls to only do anal sex "to save their virginity for marriage".


Where were they when I was in high school?


Plenty of religious people... until marriage


I see what you did there


My expert tactic… *PULLING OUT!1!111!!*


If you don't want a gut take it in the butt lol




If more people fucked themselves, you wouldn't be here. Pls go fuck yourself and spare the rest of us from your ilk


I never commented on the validity/morality of your existence. Take a chill pill.


"Grandson when I was you're age, Shrek was in theaters"


Imagine going to one of those schools that are Pre-K to grade 12 and your dad is literally in the same school. Age 4/ Age 18


Hey I'm going to be late to pick up John, I have baseball practice.


Sorry I forgot to pack your lunch again, want to split my Gogurt, son?


Saying “teens” really underplays it. That is a birth with a parent at 14 and 15. So likely causing a pregnancy at 13 and 14. Either is very uncommon.


Basically one one needs to have kids at 15 and the other 14.


dang, you almost get to grow up in the same generation


I made my mother in law a grandma when she was 36 but DAMN 29…


I was born when my mom was 36!!!


Damn how old was your SO that your MIL was 36 when you were 29?


I think you might have misread that lol


The youngest confirmed grandmother was 17- she and her daughter both gave birth when they were 8! The youngest recorded mother was only five when she gave birth to her first child.


That's just depressing. At least having children in your early teens there's every chance it's a pair of kids messing around together. But to give birth at 5 or 8 there's surely got to be abuse involved...


Two really bad things have to happen here. Precocious puberty and someone who thought raping a child, probably multiple times, is a-okay. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina


I'm not sure that precocious puberty is a "really bad thing"; I imagine it's an inconvenience, but so are many other health conditions. It only becomes a really bad thing when there's a paedophile about...




He was 14 when he got a girl pregnant and then his kid did the same. The father of the guy I knew was raising his kid and his kids kid pretty much at the same time. They all lived together.


I’m gen Z and my parents are boomers, it’s so wild to think about this lol


Yeah I know enough people that have more than 14 years between siblings. I was 33 when I had my first kid.


My brother and I are 11 years apart. I’m 26 and I still haven’t had a kid


Take your time. My best time to have one was definitely 33. Financially you can be in a better place and you probably have more work stability. You can figure out where you want to live and move and settle. You have more time to experience some other things before parenthood and find the right partner. Take your time.


Thank you


There's over half a century between my dad's oldest kid and his youngest.


Someone I went to highschool with her mom got you knowed and next layer got married at 14 and next layer was 15 and so on. She knew her great great great great grandmother. Things were stupid compressed on that line. Edit: NVM I think it was just 4


I knew my grandmother's grandmother, she died when I was around 8 years old. She remembered traveling with her family in a covered wagon moving across the US.


I met my grandmother's grandmother too! I was really young so all I remember is sitting at the table in the kitchen and the front steps of the house. I now own the table and the steps were a brick half circle.


I'm 30 and my grandpa's dad(98) and aunt(108) are still alive. When I was little his grandma was alive as well but don't remember that at all.


What year was she born?


She was born in 1903, had to verify


1986. Turns out they were just Amish


how old were you when your grandmothers mother died? and your grandmother herself? please elaborate on your family circumstances


I never knew her, unfortunately she died before I was born. But I did know my grandmother's mother on my dad's side. I don't remember details perfectly but there were 9 people I called grandparents when I was born. One was a step grandmother, and two of them I know were on my mother's side but I don't think they were directly my grandparents but I'm actually not certain, I'll have to ask my mom. It was likely a great uncle and aunt or something.


More like 5, sometimes 6, and rarely 7.   Grandparent   Parent  Us  Kid  Grandkid  Great grandparents and great grandkids aren’t uncommon but I don’t think that’s the case the majority of time and certainly not the case for both to occur.  


they didn’t say within their own family. I’m gen z, my parents are gen x, and theirs are silent gen. that leaves boomers and millennials to fill the gaps and the same will likely apply to my generation’s kids and grandkids. that brings the total up to 9


That seems just as unlikely to hit 7 generations. Most people aren't going to live to be over 100. The generations have a 15-25 year span.


Yeah, I was going to say 5 is probably the norm. I think i’ll get 6, but only because my one great grandfather lived to be extremely old. One of my grandfather's father and grandfather both died before he was born, so he only got to experience 4 (his mother lived obviously, but then gave him away as a small child).


They don't have to be your grandparents/grandkids for you to experience their generation though, just part of the community. Say when you're 10 you talk to some 90 year old who tells you how when they were your age they used to ~~have roundworm~~ get up at 2am to walk to school uphill both ways in the snow. Then if you live to be old, you can bore and confuse some kid by telling them that there used to be something called empeethrees which you burned on seedees at LAN parties with you friends, and then you went to the mall, which also used to be a thing.


That's a stupid argument. If you go back through all the named generations since the 1900 I've met people from all of them. That's 7 generations already and I'm only 42. If I live to be in 90s (which is pretty reasonably given modern medicine) then what, I'm going to meet 14-15 generations? This is obviously not what the OP meant.


If you consider just being able to interact with people, you can talk to someone 70 years older than you, which is roughly 3 generations older, and when your old, you can interact with people 3 generations younger, that gives you the 7


Personally it's Great great grandparent Great grandparent Grandparent Parent Me (30yo) Sisters kid If I die of old age then I will most likely see 2 more generations for a total of 8


i can see your point and somewhat agree with you, i believe there are more factors that play to it for sure. i think 6 is more realistic for the general population but what i meant was that 7 is still very realistic for a lot (and rather common where i live).


Where do you live?


A place with a real high birth rate, so every generation has a bigger chance to survive.


Plenty of countries in the global south see this. Have a kid before 25. Your kid has a kid before 25. That kid has another kid before 25.  You are now 70ish. And have a great grandkid. Many of my friends that are my age have grandparents that are the same as my parents. 


Somewhere with high life expectancy so that most people have had great grandparents and great grandchildren.


Naked mole rat colony


7 is not "very realistic". Possible, of course, but not normal. I agree with the prior comment, 5 is the norm, with 6 being pretty normal too. Especially in today's age where people are having kids a little later.


The Haudenosaunee have the Seven Generations teachings, which I think is an excellent example of how this massive time span isn’t as far from us as we can be tricked into believing.


If any of those generations prior to me learns that I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot, I'm probably fucked, but at least I won't contribute to the next several generations in that case


I think this depends greatly on how young your family has kids (and how long they live?) My great grandmother almost but not quite met my first kid. I was wowrslu lucky, and had three great grandparents growing up? But most of my friends growing up were lucky to have met all their grandparents. My gram and my mom both "started young", and that adds up. But... When people wait until they are thirty, or older, to have kids, one consequence of that is decreased likelihood of knowing all those generations.


I had this crazy thought when I saw my grandmother with her great grand-daughter (not my child) She is currently living at the same time 3 other generations and i know for a fact she was born while her grandparents were alive. That puts her at experiencing 6 just in her family alone.


If during your lifetime you get to know your great-grandparents and will get to know your great-grandchildren, that's 7 generations (including yourself). And if we assume everyone was born 25 years apart, that's a span of 150 years.


I knew my great great grandma. Great grandma is still alive at 103! Hoping for 8 gens.


I know nothing about my great-grandparents, and my grandparents are already dead and I am only 29 with no kids. So I can't follow your logic.


i got to know almost all of my great grandparents, except one. if i got to have great grandchildren (like my great grandparents had me), that would be 7 generations. i know it's not the case for everyone, it's just a thought.


I’m not sure why this was downvoted. I also got to know 7/8 great grandparents, one passed away when my parent was young. My great grandparent remarried so I felt like I knew all 8. So far I had Great grandparent Grandparents Parents Myself Children I hope I can meet my great grandkids one day


Most people’s great grandparents are dead by the time they are born, in my case most my grandparents were dead too.


I’ve met: - Greatest Gen - Silent Gen - Boomers - Gen X - Millenial - Gen Z - Gen Alpha And judging by my age, I’ll probably live to see like 4 more. In terms of family generations, I got to meet my neighbor kid’s great great grandma with their great grandma. I’ve seen 5 generations of their family and those kids aren’t even 25 yet.


I’m already at 6 at 27 Great great grandma Great grandparents Grandparents Parents Me Children My great great grandma died when I was around 1 so I didn’t really know her well but I do have a photo with her, but one of my great grandmothers lived until I was 22.


Thinking about having known my Great-Grandmother, who was born in 1921, a time before the first use of Insulin in diabetics, I wonder just how different the world will be if I ever get to know my Great-Grandchildren. They'll probably think it's insane that I was born before the invention of the USB. 


And Boomers hate every single one of them?


Including their own generation


Depends on the family. We run to 30+ year generation gaps with small families but tend to be long lived (90+) on my mother’s side. My grandpa would have been 126 this year. He made it to 95. From man’s first flight to man’s first space flight fit easily into his lifespan. Hoping my mom (a very robust 75+) lasts a few more decades.


if you're talking named generations (e.g. boomers, millennials, alpha) possibly a couple more, especially since they seem to be changing faster nowadays. i'm 16 and i've already experienced 6


Wow, that puts time into perspective! It's amazing how our experiences can span so many generations. It makes you wonder about the connections we have across time and how we're shaped by our ancestors.


He won't remember her buy my son got to meet his great great grandmother.


Might be hard now with people having kids so late or not at all.


I can’t believe I’ve never had this thought


Both my great grandparents had their first kids between 14-16 years of age, that was just the norm back then, some marrying and having kids as young as 12-13. Considering they both lived to be over 80, it’s not unlikely that a person could see 5 generations before and 5 generations after them.


One of my favorite pictures is of my grandson, son, me, and my father. All of us have the same middle name.


Halfway done already, barely began. Still lookin for that solid girlfriend haha. Well hopefully my wild 20s led to a random child out there. Id be fine with the surprise now. My son! Come….i have swords for you


Most humans do not get to experience nearly that many lmao.


It's definitely possible to meet great-great-granparents and great-great-grandsons, but, it is more likely to never meet great-grandparents or great-grandsons. So, I guess the average right now is closer to 6 or 5.


this has to be a smaller and non modern country pov.  familial generations are too long otherwise. 


Isn't a generation considered 15-20 years...this seems wrong


This is talking about family generations, so grandparents to parents to kids to grandkids..etc. Not era generations like Gen x, Millennial, Gen Z, etc.






My grandfather and grandma were born in the 1900s. My aunts are from the silent generation, my father and my mom are boomers, my half-siblings are Gen-X, I’m a millennial/zillenial or whatever it’s called, my nieces are Gen Alpha, and my cousin just had a child this year who will be apart of whatever generation proceeds Gen Alpha. So that’s already knowing 7 generations. I think we experience much more within our lifetime if we’re including how old our families are.


Not everyone. Some don’t even get to know their own parents or their own children. I will not make it past five generations for me.


D ,S2CFM JAKAR 5.5lg is cv,8hy


Who? Where? I can only go back maybe 3 before everyone is dead lol


Yeah, but then you have a kid and they have a kid and bam! You're at 5. And I'm assuming you didn't include yourself, so there will be 6 by the time you're gone.


Each generation is 20 years. The math doesn't add up.


It's not era or name generations like boomers, Gen x, millennials. It's family generations, so you only need to meet your great grandparent for a year and a great grandchild for a year and it counts. Great grandparent, grand parent, parent, yourself, child, grand child, great grandchild. There's 7. Don't get me wrong, I think 5 or 6 is more normal, just trying to explain what the op is saying.


20? Isn't it 15?


I thought 20. But even 15 is a lot.


A generation isn’t 10 years.