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Not going to remove this, but please do try to keep your posts silksong related in the future or they will be removed, Thanks :)


What does this have to do with silksong


quick somebody try to get the silksong release date From thus


hell yeah get gendered my siblings


Hello. Fellow sibling here. Would you recommend Estrogen or Testosterone?


Both. Become the ultimate being


I'm kind of doing something similar with my weight loss journey 💪 similar in spirit-ish


I too am on HRT and that's a very good outlook. The longer team cherry waits, the more I amass my estrogen powers. By the time silksong waits I will be able to complete it insantly using the power of estrogen coursing through my veins.


You need all the estrogen to fully utilize hornets move set.


her moves are gonna cost estrogen instead of silk lol


Dude what


Don't rush anyone into such a large decision, it is their choice and theirs alone. You wouldn't say the same about a woman thinking of an abortion. We don't want any more people holding resentment over their body and to all the lunatics who forced such a decision on them and ending up in r/detrans


The point of the post is to be a quirky way to say “hey if you’re thinking your trans, explore that more”. I think you’re taking it a bit seriously.


Yeah, the post itself may be a Silksong joke, but it could definitely be taken too seriously.


Why even take it seriously though? It’s a trans person wishing other possibly-trans people the best they can, and giving them light hearted inspiration to do what they want to do. I feel like interpreting this as “pushing people toward a decision they don’t want” is either extremely uncharitable, or willingly a little malicious.


It's not addressing people who have made up their mind though, it's addressing people who have so much as 'thought about transitioning'. I'm just saying that it's such an influential decision that you should let them decide for themselves. Since if you don't, you could possibly be responsible for someone making a decision they regret.


Ok, that may not be malicious, but it is definetly an uncharitable interpretation.


“If you ever thought about transitioning, now is the perfect time to start!” That is not encouraging cis people to suddenly trans themselves, that’s encouraging people who are clearly thinking and wanting to explore their transness to do so. Idk what your motivation is, but I think you’re either being super uncharitable, or just weird about trans ppl.


if a woman is considering abortion, then they should probably delve into that more but this post doesn't even come off as "rushing" any decisions, just an encouraging post. "If you've ever thought about exercising, now is the perfect time to start!" doesn't sound like its rushing anything


wow that sub is depressing. They dont seem to like trans people much there


Dude it's a joke, also encouraging people who are trans to transition is good.


Being trans is much different to transitioning, it is much easier to turn back if you haven't transitioned, and a lot of people just want to wait until they know they are trans for sure before doing so, pushing towards someone a certain decision is not 'good', it can lead to regret if they find out they were just going through a phase and contempt for everyone who told them to rush into it.


they're not rushing anyone in any way tf are you on about






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Hell yeah my sibling


fax! spit yo shit!


Wow that was relevant


This is a sweet sentiment and a good way to look at things 💜


If only ireland was easier in that regard. Oh well.


jfc this sub is cooked


I had to double check the sub I was on lmao. I'm starting HRT in 3 weeks <3


As Taylor Swift said in 2012, haters gonna hate hate hate 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope you enjoy your transition and can look back fondly at your adventure when we finally get to play Silksong ✨🩵🩷


K cool. Thnx




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Why do you feel the need to comment this?


What did they say?


“Why do you feel the need to post this”


Damn, what a prick I guess we have thoughts for a reason. I guess nobody has told him think before you speak




We’re on r/Silksong this isn’t a Silksong subreddit


I mean they did say the word silksong in the post that’s about all they need to pass


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