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This really reads like a Sims 2 player, lol.


i had to check what subreddit this was


Hahaha I was really missing the Tombstone of Life and Death....but no more, I can do almost as much chaos with MCC apparently 😂


Thanks for the funny story. 🤣 Even I haven’t used the pollinate menu. By the way, MC command center(MCCC) by deaderpool is the mod for the sims 4, and NRaas Master Controller(NRaas MC) by Twallan is the one for the sims 3.


Ohh lol thanks for pointing that out because I think I've put some "MCC" related mods in my Mods folder 😭 it probably did nothing but


"The family tree is now a circle" 😭😂😭😂 I like to say the family tree is a stump 😂 but seriously, love the accidental story change


Sweet home Pleasantview


omg naming her jocasta was the first warning, but i love how you’ve rolled with it in story telling lol 😭😭 i would have just deleted the babies or gone back to an earlier save file


Why was it the first warning? I feel like something went over my head


Oedipus Rex reference


If i don’t fully understand what it does I don’t touch it.


FAFO is how I learn things a lot of the time lol


I liked how you turned this story into a positive. Very resourceful. I never realized how many mistakes can be fixed by making a cult!


When life gives you lemons..... make a cult!


If you do want to fix it, you could use total annihilation which will basically scrub that sim from ever existing and remove them from the family tree and etc but it sounds like you’re having fun so haha. If you don’t know what a feature does, you should 100% google it before clicking but honestly, it’s so much more fun to accidentally do stuff like this haha


"Fix"? Doesn't seem like there's anything to fix here.


"The Goth family tree is now a circle" 😂😂


ok, that's just brilliant! There's something you should know, it's waaay harder to kill off sims in 3. Especially with master controller. It will sometimes just reset them. And if you see death by world builder, don't click it. It kills your sim.


That is hilarious!


Lol, That was a funny turn. I was reading this almost in agony because I often use the Nraas MC pollinate option in my game to give my townies babies. I have Nraas Story Progression set to a modest amount of babies and keep a track of them. Mostly because I don’t want some large family take over and dominate the town gene pool. If I realise a family I want to be around for the generations to come don't get a baby, I use MC pollinate to force it. This helps my legacy games to get a few founding families in town that go on besides my legacy family for generations, but I do also use immigration once in a while to get new blood in town. Nraas SP reads the eligible sim's traits when rolling for babies, so if a sim hates children they might not get one. I don't mind some families dying out, but I have the option to stop it with MC if I choose. There are a lot of options in MC to use if you know what you are doing, but a good advice is to check Nraas Industries website to read about the Master Controller interactions before trying them out too much. Or just make a test game and go on experimenting. Just remember that Nraas MC is for Sims 3, so there will be no option in it to do something Sims 2 had, even if the name sounds familiar. It also is in no way related to MCCC for Sims 4. They are completely different mods that work different ways. Oh, and if you want to play the Goths, go on and start a game in Sunset Valley to play them from scratch. That's quite popular in the community to do.


This is gold. Nicely done making the best of a bad situation.


I'll have you know that the pollinate function is very useful for those "have 10 grandkids" lifetime wishes as you then only need a minimum of 5.


Dun dun dun 😂 Sims 3 Alien Pregnancies don’t work like the rest — you can’t cheat them to happen unless adding the moodlets with MC does the trick


This is so sims 2 coded 😭 I had a good laugh 😆