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I wish we had more hobbies like ballet, tennis, volleyball etc. It would make gameplay for child sims way more enjoyable. More instruments, ability to have concerts and start a band also would be fun.


I want my sim to be a soccer mom and fight other moms at her sons soccer games


Yes! While wine drunk please


That apple nectar be hitting hard šŸ˜‚


Karen is that you? šŸ¤£


Throw in a minivan and Iā€™m sold


Same! That would be so nice! I want a Sims 4 version of Freetime.


Yesss 100% agreed! Iā€™ve been wanting bands for awhile now, some more hobbies and activities would be nice as well. Drums especially would be great with bands!


Oh yeah. They should make a pack for that. The Sims 4: Extracurricular.


Completely agree. Also hockey!!


Agreed!! I like Volleyball and I do fighting sports too, so itā€™s a shame the Sims 4 doesnā€™t have those


I wish we could put them in multiple clubs


A boyfriend/girlfriend option in cas PLEASE




Also engaged in cas. Didnā€™t The Sims 3 have the option of fiancĆ© in cas?


I think they have fiancƩe as an option


Thatā€™s not an option?!


I just want spiral staircases. Even if it's like 4 different objects that you just place and can't edit : a castle one, a gothic one, a wooden one and a modern one. Please EA!


Exactly. I mean, I would LOVE to have everything I read above (new skills, bands, hotels) but REALLY how can EA not figure how bad their stairs are


Lockable stairs! That would be so helpful.


Yes I canā€™t believe we dont have this yet..wasnā€™t there a spiral staircase in sims 2?? I forget..


In the mobile game sims free play there is a spiral staircase so what's EA's issue/excuse for the lack of one in sims 4 exactly?


This and also diagonal stairs


Aren't... all stairs diagonal?


i laughed my ass off at this.


I think they mean on the horizontal axis lol


Ability to randomize book and song titles


Omg I never even thought of that. Sometimes I just straight up can't think of anything else after a while and just title songs and books things like ""Floop" and "Blurp"


I play on PlayStation so thankfully the keyboard box thingy remembers words so I have a lot of songs and books titled money, moveobjects, enablefreebuild, sats.set or straight up names of sims I have made lol The words comes up as suggestions.


Can we get a small tabletop microscope? Why is the only one in game so big?


God, yeah, why is EVERYTHING in the game so big? So many fun interactive items ruined by being ridiculously huge, I get that the game has a cartoony style but itā€™s so hard to build around


Dollhouses šŸ˜‚


you can size down the dollhouses and it wonā€™t affect them cause they donā€™t actually play inside the dollhouse :D


I just want a GODDAMN tabletop cupcake factory. I know you can bake the cupcakes now which I'm extremely grateful for, but the cupcake factory has a lot of other recipes in it. I've seen people say you can resize it, but I've never been able to make it work. This rant made me think about something else I want in in game, and that's for your Sims to be able to live on their business lots. I have always wanted to play a family who live in an apartment above their business. I did it once with a family who owned a bakery, but I had to have a separate lot that was their actual "home" and just had them live in an apartment above it with a door that was locked for everyone but the family. It technically works but it's annoying because when kids come "home" from school you have to bring them back to the business lot, and having people over is obviously complicated.


Someone did make a mod for the cupcake factory. It's like a table top pumping bag..


Awe I love that. I figured there were lots of mods for it, but I'm a peasant console player.


I just want it to show the current weather on the travel screen for each world so you know what it will be before choosing to go there!


Thereā€™s a mod for this šŸ˜ https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/sul-sul-weather-app


oooh thanks!


Preschool for toddlers even if the parents/adults in household don't work. toddler table and or booster seats so they don't have to eat in a highchair or on the floor/sofa. Private School/homeschool/boarding school Monogamy - like so they don't flirt with others sims just because they're flirty. Opposite of that if sims aren't exclusive it's not cheating. Spiral staircase Multipurpose lots


I think they're adding relationship boundaries (so exclusivity etc) to the base game with Lovestruck.


A toddler booster seat would be so great. The high chairs don't work at the table for toddlers, so they're always left to their own devices. I'd like them to have more food options for serving them meals too. They always ask for grilled cheese, and then they get chips. šŸ˜« I wish infants could walk, too. They don't have to toddle, but infants begin walking much earlier than Sim babies.


You can feed the toddlers with regular food, like make grilled cheese and either have the parent give serving to toddler or make toddler grab plate themselves. It's easier to drag the plate and place it near toddler if it's gonna grab a serving by themselves, bonus is that you don't need the hassle of the high chair. And no parent sim has to be involved in the process. I make party serving and keep it the fridge, the open fridge option has a orange circle so you can open in and drag the plate out of the fridge and then place it next to the toddler or into their inventory, when it has grabbed a serving, place the food back into the fridge so it doesn't go bad after a few hours.


More playable careers, live-in nanny or a nanny who is on repeat like the maid! Would make having kids in the sims more bearable as itā€™s the bit in my stories where I always end up abandoning play and starting again. It really irks me that a sim canā€™t own a restaurant and be its head chef, feels like such an oversight of a natural progression of that aspiration. A bigger and more improved retail system thatā€™s half playable and fun. And last but not least MULTIPURPOSE LOTS, for the love of god let me live above my cute little cafe.


Or have a little shopping/entertainment lot where you can bowl, go to a coffee shop, clothing store, etc.


We have the generic lots, I use that often because yeha it's technically a park but it's in sulani and it is a cinema and a waterpark and a beach , and none of the requirement for a park fits in this "park" so generic lot it is.. And my sims lives in their bakery, meaning they bought a bakery and did some renovations after it was built so there are beds in the basement and a full bathroom and a break room/living room, and haven't been back home since then, or I do send home the family members when they start to complain about no fun and the kids always ends up back home after school even though they slept in the bakery but I don't travel home with them so it doesn't count. There is always at least one sim in the bakery at all times. Going back and forth is way too much screen loading time for me. The sims that was vets had a crazy work schedule, for two weeks they lived in the vet office and they stayed open until the hired vets started to complain, and after two weeks they traveled home to her two kids. Then after two weeks it was back to work. The vet office was also in a different world so it made sense it was a two week on and two week off shift work.


I miss the "play around" or "play tag" options for kids in sims 3, as well as the "play on playground" option, so they would cycle through the playground equipment instead of playing on one thing.


WALLS BEING ABLE TO BE PLACED ON HALF TILES. IF THAT MAKES SENSE. Im so worked up about this my life would be so much better if this was a feature


Fences can be placed on the property line and not one tile away from the damn property line.




More schooling options. I want to be able to send my kids and teens to private schools, and/or being able to homeschool them, and toddlers could have the ability to go to preschool (an opt-in like the after school activities). No, I donā€™t want mod suggestions.


I wish in build mode for High School you had the option to make uniforms for students, similar to how you can make uniforms for restaurant workers.


We have that in get together too, why can't tehu add that feature into high school too?


I really want to be able to send kids to boarding schools like sims 2


Sims 3 had this too.... I loved it...


I loved their little uniforms!


Ahhh preschool would be so fun! šŸ¤©


Hahha Iā€™m the same way about mod suggestions! I am too dumb to figure it out and my computer is too full to figure it out either šŸ˜‚


Zhawfari_ doesn't want mod suggestions for this, but I would love some! DM me if anyone knows of any so we don't bother them.


I, too, would like some mod suggestions for this!!


I hear people saying bands, so let me add functional Sport Teams. We already have hangable decorations with autographed shirts from volleyball or football. If we could actually have a sim career (not necessarily active) that would let our sim choose a sport (and team), rise in ranks and become a famous sports man? I'm not even into sports, but yes please! Let me add for both Bands and Sports there could be random events that you could follow your sim to like Concerts and Matches. I think they could pull it off in one pack. I'm getting excited over an idea šŸ˜…


While bands would be interesting, Iā€™d settle for just more instruments. The lack of flutes, saxes, trumpets, french horns, bagpipes, cellos, harps, lutes, mandolins, ukuleles, drums, etc. is sorely felt.


I genuinely thought that Island Living would come with a ukelele. šŸ˜ž


Oh that would have been so cute!


HEIGHTTTTT PLEASE I'm sick of using a mod. I want more CAS options šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’”


What mood do you use and how well does it work?? I hate making short-vibe characters and they are the same size as their average to tall acquaintances!


The mod is called height slider by luumia, you can change the height of the sim by clicking their neck and dragging it. I really like the mod but some animations can look weird, for example if a short sim is hugging a tall sim.


Retirement homes!! When my sims retire I want to be able to put them in a luxury retirement home where they can party with other old sims!


I plan to make a save where I have moved all old people into one house, that is a retirement home or functions like one. But yeha a retirement pack sounds fun, haven't played with elders since before growing togheter came, is there aspirations and stuff specifically for the elders? If it isn't, they really should make a pack with retirement homes (optinal if your sim wants to go there or not, oh maybe a force mother into retirement option, omg that would be so cool) And give them aspirations, like one can start by them retire and bucket lists, grandchildren related stuff, first friend that dies of old age. The other is aimed at the retirement home, first milestone is to move or be forced into one. Then get friends, start a new hobby, get to level x make x numbers of knitted stuff (yes we need a new old people hobby) And have staff in the retirement home with he's social interactions maybe hospital esque decorations like curtains and floor and wallpaper and furniture one often find in retirement home or hospital settings lots of vinyls and chairs with weird and almost ugly patterns on the fabric Someone has to make this happen


I believe there is a Better Elders mod that does a few of the features you would like.


The game to recognise the spouse of your aunts and uncles as your aunt or uncle! And so on. Step parents, step siblings. In law relationships.


NICKNAMES!! I think itā€™d be really cool, imagine you click on a sim in your relationship panel and you see an option ā€œchoose nicknameā€ with a little orange target next to it (like when you name cow plants) and you, as letā€™s say Cassandra goth, now get the option to call Bella mom! And now ever notification you get while playing Cassandra her name is ā€œmomā€ and not Bella! Or when sims call you, they say ā€œhey Cassie, itā€™s momā€. The best part of this would be the ability to have chosen family and make it feel more realistic. Your sim was a teen mom who ran away and moved in with her bestie? That child calls her ā€œauntie ____ā€. It would be such a cool feature.


Middle names too! Iā€™d love to be able to do a middle name for my sims. Giving a sim two first names is so annoying when they could easily just add an optional third name box.


I have been looking EVERYWHERE for a mod for this and there's NOTHING. Like what modders take commissions please šŸ„ŗ šŸ˜­ do I have to learn how to code myself šŸ˜©


Omg the possibilities I would so have all the friends parents saved as ā€œMr/s ____ mom/dadā€ INCLUDING MY SIMS OWN PARENTS


Iā€™ve been playing Sims 2 a lot lately and one thing I hope they implement in Sims 4 is a more similar relationship system - the chemistry system, the one-sided relationships (itā€™s so much more realistic to me), and the relationships and romance in general just feels moreā€¦ in-depth and romantic. I am excited for the new romance pack so Iā€™m hoping to see some of these features become native to the game


I also am looking forward to the relationship overhaul that comes with Lovestruck!


Letting us own multiple homes and control pets like in sims 3.


Yessss i so badly want to be able to own multiple homes!!


Casinos. I would love to build them and have sims that have gambling addictions. šŸ˜‚


Basemental has a mod for this!


Set a relationship to divorced in CAS.


Better mermaids šŸ˜”


Mermaids need the refresh Spa Day got


I think Island Living as a whole needs a refresh. Better mermaids, improved festivals, and more activities.


coming from someone who loves that pack i agree, more activities, better mermaids and maybe even festivals/traditions maybe even a lot trait (or rather challenge) with hurricane you have to start it all over again once all is broken


Having to teach swimming to your Sims


This would be sooo cute with the toddlers


Iā€™ve been thinking I wish they could make some things in build and buy mode easier to find. Like if plants could also have categories for size. I often am trying to find the little baby ones and itā€™s so difficult! There was something else specifically in build and buy mode that was bugging me recently, but I canā€™t recall what it was. But thereā€™s just some items I donā€™t know what they count as so usually can only find if I remember which pack theyā€™re in. So frustrating.


This! I'd love if in Decorations > Paintings we could sort further to get just paintings, just decals, etc. As I acquire more packs I'm having a harder time finding what I'm looking for in B/B.


Yes! Excited to have more packs, but not excited to spend more time finding things. Decals would be a good categoryā€”decals, posters, and framed art categories!


I really want to be able to move the camera so I can see things at ground level. I want to be able to decorate walls without have to move the camera 900Ɨ so I can see a particular angle.


I really really want more uncommon pets: snakes, lizards, birds. For me, someone whose career is working with reptiles, it would add a world of realism.


I love this idea!


Proper funerals and hospital visits / doctor visits in the base game itself!


I remember when we almost got funerals and simmers voted for the ECO stuff and we got laundry day and eco lifestyle. I was so pissed and never forgave the community lmao


Columns you can center on a tile.


A preteen life stage would be kinda cool. They could also add middle school to the game with that stage.


am I the only one who doesnā€™t give a shit about hotels?


Are you kidding? Iā€™m stoked for the mods thatā€™ll come from it. Gonna have a Pimp sim and all his ladies working a run down motel in Strangeville.


I don't care either and don't see how it's super different from what you can make with For Rent. You can make the lease period 1 day, which is similar, and if you just want to go on vacation, you can go to a residential rental. I guess I can imagine a few differences, but they are so minimal, I wouldn't want hotels to be a key feature of any expansion because it would be a waste.


Yeah I straight up couldnā€™t care less


if theyā€™re going to make another $40 dollar pack for hotels iā€™ll scream, and this is coming from someone who doesnā€™t even hate the sims 4 that much


No. I don't care either. Like why? We can travel everywhere we want.


yeah we already have vacation rentals anyways


And even with that I don't even care about this lot type lol. I feel like these type of lot should be in destination worlds. Not in residential ones. I wished they released world destination kits or stuff pack


I'm tired of suburbs. We have too many suburbs. I'm also personally not at all interested in bands - that isn't something I'd use at all, especially if it turns out to not integrate with Get Famous. What I would like are hotels. Casinos. A crime system (with prisons.) One-sided relationships - both romantic and friendship. I'd be interested in faeries. I'd also really like it if they started scaling time and events to in-game lifespan settings or at least calendar settings.


Oooh. I like the crime system. There's kind of that with the supervillain (is that what it was called?) career, but prisons would make it cool. You could get arrested and then serve your time or try and find a way to break out.


Bands Functional drums Open world so the Sims will finally, truly be social. Neighbors that you have to 'travel' to is kinda' dumb.


The game just isn't built for an open world. Not to mention how many people's computers would blow up lol


I wish re:bands that you could also have a singer + piano or violin/guitar option at lounges, so you could have people perform together in different formations.




I want to be able to resize furniture, not all of it but some of the decor is ridiculously big for no reason. Also, the ability to change wood colors because letā€™s be honest, half the furniture in each pack doesnā€™t match the rest. You have to piece together to make it work. Edit: I mean without cheat codes. I play on a PS5, and if I use any cheat codes I canā€™t get rewards like the trophies sims can win.


an alien re-visit or a GTW re-visit in general. Only 3 active careers won't cut it anymore


Aliens and mermaids refresh to make them as cool as werewolves and vampires pleeeeeeeease aliens are my favorite occult but šŸ˜©


More beards, more (and good) Teen/adult Male CAS. A whole lot of stuff for elders, and funeral event that you can plan, sort of like basegame weddings.


Elevators! I know City Living has them but I mean elevators in build/buy mode. A mechanical bull would also be a fun small edition. Iā€™ve heard The Sims 3 Showtime has one (and also an expansion for the original Sims) but I havenā€™t had the chance to use it (I own showtime but havenā€™t really played with it).


They probably wouldn't be able to implement this in Sims 4, maybe in the next game if they make one? But I would love multi use lots, like where you could have a functional bakery and then functional apartments on the floors over it. Edit: also, I would love a like house flipper or realtor career where you can actually buy and sell houses and actually make a profit. There's the dream home decorator, but I don't think you can buy and sell lots on your own? I don't have it, so I'm not sure.


not necessarily a new feature but my biggest thing is i want them to stop being afraid of putting smaller, suburban apartments (like the eco lifestyle apts) in more worlds i don't know if they think it'll make people complain about eco lifestyle or city living not being worth it anymore, but i think it would really help new suburban worlds stand out since we already have so many. for example, i feel the fact that they didn't put any in san sequoia was the worst decision they made with growing together of course now we have for rent so we can technically have apartments in any world, but i personally don't know if ill ever buy that pack and if i do, i think i'll still prefer the premade apartments over residential rentals, so i wish they'd just add them in more worlds


Letting teens and adults play VoidCritters


Fairies! I am so obsessed with fairies and always always always played as a Sims 3 fairy. My heart is not complete until fairies are added šŸ„ŗ


Teach toddler nursery rhyme like in sims 2. And some of the animations for kids like red hands or standing on their parents feet to dance. Also for pets to have more interactions. With each other and sims. Even if they were idle ones or ones you couldn't choose jn game they just happened. Just more in game interactions with animations. Especially between siblings. Like I dont know. Cuddling on the sofa. Or stroking/ ruffling a child sims hair/ back.


Waterparks, little to no rabbit holes, Iā€™d like to actually be able to watch or play football instead of that random football fair they do


same things as you but also like more disability features like usable wheelchairs, canes, braces, etc


I want pre teens! And also the ability to turn an existing sim into an occult sim in cas. It's so annoying when I'm already making a sim and then realize that I forgot to make it a witch šŸ˜©


this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but more ages! infant to toddler is such a smooth transition. ideally iā€™d want child to be broken up to three stages but id take just a younger child. and preteens obviously. the unpopular ask would be for a super old life stage. like Sims live to be like 70 which is average but i want sims that are so old they just wanna sit around, nap, tell stories maybe get confused or sundown. Then we could have a whole old person pack that gives elders some interesting gameplay.


Hire a handy-person to upgrade stuff. (Or am I missing an odd-jobs feature?)


Furniture sets that are clearly supposed to go together that actually match Also cars And there should be another age between toddlers and childrenā€¦like 5/6 year olds


I know its probably not much, but I really think we need way more cute modesty clothes, ive been trying to incorporate hijabis into my gameplay and i just noticed the lack of general modesty clothing


I've been seeing people bring up bands for awhile and I think that'd be a really fun addition for teens. But what I REALLY want.....is more life stages. Having a child go from appearing like they're 9-10 to being a whole teen in high school drives me bonkers. I'd love to see child-pre teen-teen. Also from adult to elderly....there needs to be something between that as well. Since it's already young adult to adult....there should be a like "late adult" stage before elderly. I just find the life stages to be super unrealistic.


I have been wanting preteens since sims 4 came out. They added toddlers, and even infants so idk why they can't add preteens.


Color wheel for everything not just pets


Height sliders, unrequited friendship/romance, a fix for that STUPID ASS BUG that makes your sim pick up plates to clean up and then put them right back down, walking with AWSD or joysticks when in first person POV, and the choice to choose your conversation topic when texting


Non-mutual relationship levels. I don't know a better term for it sorry


Go to work as a teacher and have multiple options on what and how to teach.


We donā€™t even have that in the US anymore




I want the teens to not basically be adults!!!


I've recently started playing Sims 4 after being bitter about losing Sims 3, finally. I really miss being able to edit the world and interact more with places that weren't your residential lot. Caving in the mausoleum for collectibles was a favorite past-time! Also, sending sims on dates to restaurants to get something to eat. Why can't I do that anymore? Seems like a huge oversight. So much so that it makes me wonder if I'm missing something lol


More gameplay stuff. Hotels, Water parks, grocery stores.


From a different post on this sub, I'd love the option to give Sims cultural backgrounds. Like, at the moment, spice and chopsticks and Selvadoradan food are weird to Sims and need to be learned if you make a young adult Sim. It would be nice to have cultural options, including the ability to customise slightly with secondary traits, maybe food or music preferences, etc.


The ability to do more activities together such as spa day items. ā€œGet a massage togetherā€ ā€œGet a pedicure togetherā€




The recolour tool from Sims 3, I miss it all the time


Fairies and thieves


CARS and CRIME ea seems so soft, I appreciate even the slightest divergence from a normative sim please give us something to speed up gameplay velocity other than more brief object interactions or ff option


Ticket machines, ownable venues(like bars), second and vacation homes, Hotels.


Bands with more music choices. How can I pretend to be a metal musician and afford a house if I can't actually be a metal musician in the game! It's not like I can afford it in real life as a metal musician (thankfully I'm also an industrial electrician, but hey, I'd rather be in a band full time).




the ability to place build things on half tiles. thereā€™s no reason *not* for it to exist. thereā€™s a very, very small number of items that donā€™t place on half tiles, otherwise everything else in the game and every mechanic lends itself to being able to have walls on half tiles except for actual walls. they wouldnā€™t even need to change much, just update the grid system for the existing wall/fence/stair mechanics.


More hobbies and activities: actual soccer game for kids and teens not just juggling one on one, swim club: they could gain so many useful skills, home ec club, more jobs and part time jobs too, gameplay interactions. Also, more ways for kids and toddlers to gain skills.


This may be too much but I wish there was a middle school age range bc the jump from child to teen is wild. Maybe it could be incorporated with a game pack or an expansion pack but itā€™d be nice if the kids had even more time to build skills.


Less rabbit holes more gameplay


Nannyā€™s that actually do something


Disability aids like wheelchairs, canes, etc. And disabilities actually happening, like a blind sim really cant see, a deaf sim really uses sign, sims use wheelchairs/crutches etc


I just want to be able to make my Sims different heights. Short, average and tall. It's so boring when all the Sims are the same height.


3-4 person beds, children who have nightmare crawling into bed with their parents, resident keys allowing sims to enter the home without having to be invited in, to be able to lock a door for everyone but my sims and his friends.


I want spiral staircases šŸ˜­


I want sims to pee in the shower. Everyone does it. Why donā€™t the sims?


Elders update, more traits, save glasses/piercings/medical devices across outfits in CAS, matching freaking wood...


I would like some more negative traits, Sims should just be able to be dumb, slow or bad at cooking no matter the experience gained...


- Hotels for sure! - pool table - i want all the previous gameplay implemented in likes and dislikes such as the weather, favourite foods, favourite drink, sports - I want a sports pack which separate all the fitness based activities into likes and dislikes, give them each a tv channel, itā€™s on little world with a rabbit hole stadium where you can compete in the annual olympics and more activities like tennis, ballets, gymnastics - office lot type, and a career expansion pack. I want interviews. I want to write CVs and network myself into a position, I want to apply to companies instead of just career roles, I want the option to go into the office for live gameplay, where I can meet my manager, coworkers, boss, and build my own office. I want more complex promotions requirements and a better implementation of degrees in your career with full compatibility. I want to go for after work drinks and I want office based lot types šŸ¤Ŗ and more pop-up scenarios with more than 2 options (maybe 4) which tell you how they relate to your traits rather than the outcomes


cruise ships, i think that would be such a cool vacation thing, like you canā€™t travel home unless the ship is docked, you can bring kids and have your own room, fancy restaurants, a water park or pool, tanning, game rooms, etc, and you could book like 3 day trips-7 day trips, i feel like i never take vacations in the sims just bc they donā€™t really feel like vacations but i think that would be a really cool addition that i would use


Basically more hobbies - more instruments, more sports, collecting things (they could add something like stamp collecting to the collections section, for example), etc. I'd also love for sims to be able to send postcards to one another from anywhere outside their home neighbourhood. More social games and activities too, for all ages. Kids could have tag and dress-up games, teens could have truth or dare and spin the bottle (with buffs based on personality traits and moods), adults could have trivia games (higher chance of winning with higher logic skill, perhaps) and of course, pool tables.


A new game pack for the children! Where you can go to elementary school with them, similar to high school years - I think thereā€™s so much potential with the children! At the moment itā€™s not always easy to build relationships cause you have to hunt for other kids! But if there was a school we could follow them too, it would be easieršŸ˜†


Honestlyā€¦might be an unpopular opinion, but I WISH they would bring back the zodiac on create a sim! It was so fun playing Sims 3. It would have been a great addition to this new pack coming out too for compatibility


šŸ™ bands - and you can pick what type of band!!! String quartet, rock, metal, folk, mariachi, k-pop, jazz I WANT A WEALTH OF GENRES ACROSS CULTURES šŸ™ more instruments - drums, bass, cello, any damn wind instrument I'll take a kazoo or harmonica at this point Including traditional instruments across the world šŸ™ an African inspired non vacation world (I know Africa is huge. I'll take anything at this point) šŸ™ Physical disability - canes and wheelchairs. It doesn't have to be depressing, it doesn't have to be toxic positivity, it doesn't have to be anything but present as an option. Wheelchair ramps!! šŸ™ Aliens & mermaids refresh, I'm embarrassed for them, look at them and then look at werewolves and vampires. A Magic stuff pack that gives spellcasters more spells, unique food, potions etc šŸ™ Neurodivergence šŸ™ Nicknames šŸ™ Boarding school (rabbithole is fine but an active boarding school from elementary on would be incredible) and just more school options in general (homeschool, private school) šŸ™ Any occult that isn't a fairy (no offense I just don't care about fairies)


The feature where the game actually works would be pretty nice


bands, assignable uniforms for the high school pack šŸ’”, being able to live above a business (like cafes and restaurants), just more likes and dislikes in gen, having nicknames/middle names and the sim is able to pick a preference for what different sims call them yk, a better autonomous parenting system, the S3 daycare playable job, more ownable businesses, being able to play scary games (idk if this is a thing alr ā€¦), ā€œspring breakā€ type periods for the university pack or even just regular high school sims where they get invited to more parties or like a class vacationā€¦if that makes sense ! and this one might be a little dumber but being able to run a restaurant on your own, id just like the ā€˜starterā€™ business feeling of that ā€¦ ik that pack based wants will probs never be added but i will stay hoping they do ā€¦.šŸ˜­šŸ’”


I miss the pet stores from sims unleashed and actual vacation from sims vacation


[Opportunities](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Opportunity) like in Sims 3. Odd jobs kind of approximate some parts of that but opportunities were so much more robust and they popped up randomly rather than needing to go look for them. Also more flexibility with setting work/university schedules. Iā€™m playing a sim right now whoā€™s going to university while working full time, and I have to make him call in fake sick on days when he has class because the game doesnā€™t even warn me that heā€™s registering for classes that compete with his work schedule, or tell me what time the classes will be until after heā€™s registered. Itā€™s so dumb. Also Sims 4 cats and dogs are so boring, I wish theyā€™d added more features to those.


Drums. I just want one of my sims to be a drummer in a band or something. With gameplay similar to the sims 3 with how you could make a band and perform together. There are some things i fully understand why its far too late for EA to add to the game functionally but theres no excuse for there not to be drums.


I miss the colour palette from sims 3 where you could edit all clothing to any colour combination you wanted. I want it with furniture to


I have a whole note in my notes app dedicated to this, but a few that come to mind would be: Extracurricular activities for kids and teens. Separate cash pools for different household members, especially teens. Pooling every household memberā€™s relationships together when planning a party, ie. parents being able to invite kidā€™s friends to their birthday without having to know them personally. Better family trees. I want to see nieces, nephews, uncles and aunts. Maybe job hours/salaries being a little more customizable. Like, there are some sims that are more or less background characters who only exist cause they need to and I want them gone every weekday. Oh and I just thought of this one, but localized townies. Like not necessarily 100% locked in their own region, just more likely to show up there. If Iā€™m at the blue velvet, I want to see sims mostly from willow creek. If Iā€™m at the Solar Flare, I want to see sims from Oasis Springs. Grimtooth Bar and Moonwood Mill residents, Elixirs and Brews and Glimmerbrook residents etc.


I want a trampoline so badlyā€¦Iā€™ve looked for it so many times only to remember that it was in the Sims 3 and not the Sims 4.


Personally I think the sims ironically needs to give us less control, and decisions have consequences - also more negative events like we used to get like being robbed etc, non mutual relationship bars all things like this so weā€™re less in control and it feels more real. Id love to experience different scenarios where I get into the storyline of okay how do we fix this are we going down a criminal fuck the world route or weā€™re gonna keep pushing. Because it keeps gameplay interesting rather than no matter what your sim did everyone can become an astronaut or your lover forgives you for cheating 300 times


I know there's mods for it, but I just went the option for private schools, military school, and most importantly-homeschool. So many fun challenges you could do with that.


I want your Sims to be able to be drunk, more hobbies and EA really needs to fix some of the packs like island living and dine out. Your Sims action determines how people may treat you etc. Also, I have seen videos of the relationship/ pregnancy mod. I wish we had something like that, in the game and MULTIPURPOSE LOTS!


Cars, garages, and being able to connect two stilt platforms with a bridge/stairs. Itā€™s always saying I canā€™t connect to other parts of the home if one is a different height of foundation. Also we need stairs to be able to turn diagonal


Surfing. Recently made a surfer sim only for him to only be able to swim


Being able of controlling the animals. As of now, when you have a cat, dog or horse in your game, it occupies a full slot but you can only call and interact with them, not really have them interact with objects. If that's already a thing and I just haven't figured out how to do so yet, I'd like more activities that are family oriented, rather than being categorized specifically for adults, kids or toddlers to do separately.


I kind of want the option for kids to ā€œrun awayā€. You know like how as a child your parents would tell you something you didnā€™t like or punish you and you would shout ā€œIā€™m RUNNING AWAY!!ā€ Yeah like that but the sim would have a 10% chance of actually doing it and going to a friend/family member for a day


Customisable lifespans is my big one - long is too long but medium is not quite long enough. Yes, I know there are mods but I hate having to update them all the time. Otherwise hotels and more stuff for infants and toddlers, particularly strollers would be great.


This might sound totally unnecessary but I'd love for inheritance to be added to the game, or an inheritance mod. (I know there's some form of inheritance within a bigger mod, but I'd like just specifically the inheritance). I'd love if I could move my sims children out of the house, the grandchildren even, and eventually when the sim dies their money gets split up amongst their surviving children and grandchildren. It would just add some lineage to the game outside of the simple family tree and would mean that the whole lifes work of that sim doesn't just disappear into nothing. It could get even more interesting considering the sims relationships to their children. Perhaps even a best friend? There's lots of ways to make it interesting.


Favorites in CAS and Build/Buy. There's so much content now, even without CC, that trying to find things quickly is impossible. Give me the ability to favorite certain items and then give me a category to see only my favorites, for the love of goodness, please!


Live play with other users, open and close curtains/windows, real cuddling in bed similar to Sims2, cars šŸš—, cinemas! With popcorn, snacks and fun activity with youe sim families šŸ¤© and I can think of many other features hahaha but thatā€™s all for now.


Hotels would be nice to have in the game i agree


Definitely gonna go fairies. I know we have spell casters, but I would be nice to be able to live out my childhood fantasy of being a fairy.


A height slider, more playable careers (more careers in general), more traits, hotels, bowling alley and movie theater (and other/more) venue types, functions like little Ms Sam's "spend weekend with" mod, copy/paste for accessories and hair in cas. I have mods for all of these things and it makes the game worth playing. I cannot play the Sims as is.


Musical instruments!! Give me a boat load of instruments to choose from and a variety of bands that can be created.


I would love for all furniture items to have multiple price points (low cost = less comfort; high cost = high comfort and environment add). I feel like a lot of the styles in my homes look the same because Iā€™m limited by the high comfort item options to make my sims happy.


Spiral staircases


This feels like too much to ask but Iā€™d pay good money for online multiplayer world where we can connect with friends would be sooooo good! Townies being actual people instead of NPCs would take the game to a completely different level. Iā€™d never come off it šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Adding a baseball would be cool. For kits I think EA should do more licensed stuff, for instance an NFL jersey kit would be cool


I second the hotels!


I honestly just want more insight into what my sims are thinking when they do something or having specific wants like back in Sims 3. I would love even just a silly pop up or a notification that can be used to drive the storytelling in my game further. I also hope the new Love Struck pack will make building relationships take more effort. I do enjoy playing the Sims 4, but most interactions and gameplay feels surface level so anything that could bring in more depth is a huge want for me!


Iā€™m a console player (PS4) I would like a pregnancy game pack for sonograms and mommy to be Yoga classes and etc.


Cars cars cars (for everyone saying theyā€™d be useless refer back to sims 2)


I want the game to be harder to play. Bad traits. Misfortunes. Diseases. Challenging stuff. The game is so fucking comfortable to play I hate it. All the latest updates are either decorative or bugged.