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I always think about ants when I'm mulling over the possibility of us living in a simulation. They have a fairly complex and structured society that includes a hierarchy/caste system to the point that older worker ants are used as testers for food toxicity. They must have an advanced ability to communicate when you see how they work together, and are clearly intelligent as they take much into consideration, even having dumps/landfills withing the nest structures for handling waste. Apologies if this is getting a little long winded, but the point is that it would be fair to assume that ants only know their world. They might react to a human poking the nest with a stick but can they even see us for what we are, let alone comprehend our world? If the world is real, are we even capable of seeing and understanding anything more complex than the one we live in, and if it were a simulation, can we only see what we're programmed or coded to see?


I let the ants take over my kitchen one summer. I didn't want to kill them. I set down a plate of sugar water on the floor. They would line up in a circle around the perimeter of the puddle, all organized. I left them alone for weeks. They are fascinating creatures. One day, I came to my senses? And I was angry about something else, and tired of ants. I walked into the kitchen, and I slammed my hand down on the floor like Godzilla. Something amazing happened. The ants froze. All of them stopped dead in their tracks, and waited. It was like time stopped. They stayed frozen for several minutes. I couldn't believe it, it was so weird. I moved them out of the kitchen after that by moving their food source.


Yo that’s kinda fucked up on multiple levels, but I’m glad you did it so I could eventually read your comment.


Lol... Same.


Most insects are really fascinating creatures. I don't like killing bugs if I don't have to anymore. But ants and flies are an exclusion. They're kill-on-sight. I had a problem with the wasps when I moved into my house. I'd kill them if they got too cocky, but I really didn't want to fight that many at once. Well one day, I'm walking up to the front door and I get dive-bombed by one. Stung me maybe 1/4" from my eyeball. I was beyond pissed. I went inside and grabbed my dish towel, and I went on an absolute rampage. Probably killed 30 wasps. No problems the rest of the summer. Then, later that winter I found one just chillin on my kitchen cabinet when I went to grab a coffee cup. Scared me pretty good. But for some reason I didn't instinctively crush it. It's hard to describe, but it looked cold and vulnerable. So I scooped it up in a cup, and took it out on the porch in the sunlight to warm back up. I ended up "rescuing" a few more that winter that found their way inside the house. And then the weirdest thing happened. For 3 years since then, the wasps around my house are the most non-aggressive wasps I've ever been around. I can sit on the porch like 2ft from their nest and they just don't seem to care. Even when I run into them at other places than home, I can usually shoo them away. It's like I'm the Wasp Whisperer or some shit. Lol But it's interesting to think there's a possibility that something as "simple" as an insect can recognize acts of altruism, recognize a creature as a threat/non-threat, and whatnot. Also makes you think about how a lot of insects communicate through pheromones, and that we just happen to give off certain ones that trigger them. Maybe it's not so much the act of kindness itself, but the complete lack of fear, anger, or adrenaline pheromones that keep them from becoming aggressive. Really such intriguing creatures. It's changed my perspective on insects quite a lot and opened up a new special interest in something that used to gross/freak me out.


This is a love story. There was a mathematician who worked with einstein. Not bohr but bohm. He had this idea that intention is a force. I think we can project our intention using language to guide us. You know?


I have 10-20+ wasps living in my backyard currently. I walk around back there to water barefoot and shirtless. Anytime I get close to an area they are in I just think “I’m just here helping your environment thrive guys, I’m your friend.” Never an issue 🤷‍♂️. They’re good from a permaculture standpoint.


Wow this was beautiful. You should be a writer


Ants amaze me. One day my bf pointed out that they greet each other as they pass. It’s physical communication. They never miss saying hi to their bud passing their way. Check it out So when they came in last time instead of freaking out i said , do your job, guys. Whatever you are here for it’s not going to tax me so have at it. They come and go, but only rarely and we are okay coexisting


I'm glad you stopped after the first Godzilla stomp. Isn't it amazing how smart they are? It's not just the ants, either. Spiders dream. Ravens mimic the sounds of other animals just to confuse them, because fuck you it's funny. They are completely self aware and sentient and we are just beginning to the depths of their intelligence.


You got me messed up. Now I’m going to be thinking about spider dreams.


If it is a simulation, why bother with creating a complex life for the ants? That is like developing a massive knitting side quest in Resident Evil VR.


If you're running a simulation, you're not creating ants. You're setting the rules and seeding reality. Everything that comes after has been created by the simulation itself as a result of being set in motion.


There is more physical mass in all ants combined compared to humans. We’re the side quest in your analogy. Ants run this place.


Excellent point!


yup… idk why so many of us believe that humans are the center of the universe. Whether it be people on this sub, religious people; etc. what gives you that impression. BTW if you look up how the 4th dimension is time and there’s more dimensions than this one and the 4th, it becomes really interesting to think about how there could be more complex beings that we cannot see or comprehend because we live in a very simple dimension of time and space. We are closer to intelligence in ants than we are them, or God, or gods / deities, whatever the fuck…


Love it, take my money!!


Haha tempting, if only an investor would buy into it.


Simulation is just like my video games


I asked Claude for some help with this analogy so math isn’t double checked but for a scalar reference: By what factor smaller is an ant to a human adult? What would the equivalent be for a human to a common object? (Summarized) To answer this question, let's break it down into two parts: 1. Size comparison between an ant and a human adult: The average ant is about 5-10 mm long, while an average human adult is about 1.7 m tall. Let's use 7.5 mm for the ant and 1.7 m for the human. 1.7 m = 1700 mm 1700 mm / 7.5 mm ≈ 227 So an ant is roughly 227 times smaller than a human adult. 2. Equivalent comparison for a human to an object in space: To maintain the same scale factor, we need to find an object that is about 227 times larger than a human. An average human height of 1.7 m × 227 ≈ 386 m 30 Hudson Yards stands at approx 387 meters (1,268 feet) —- TDLR: ant to human is the same scale as human to 30 Hudson Yards building. Imagine staring up at it with eyeballs and giant arms. Multiply that times 8 billion other humans. Can you imagine staring up at something 227 larger than the Hudson Yards building? For comparison, The tallest building in New York City is One World Trade Center. It stands at a height of: 541.3 meters (1,776 feet) For context, here are a few other notable tall buildings in NYC: 1. Central Park Tower: 472.4 meters (1,550 feet) 2. 111 West 57th Street: 435.3 meters (1,428 feet) 3. One Vanderbilt: 427 meters (1,401 feet) —- To find an object that is 227 times larger than 30 Hudson Yards, let's first calculate the target size: 30 Hudson Yards height: 387 meters Target size: 387 m × 227 = 87,849 meters or about 87.85 kilometers An object of this size would be truly massive. Let's compare it to some known large objects: 1. Mount Everest: The world's tallest mountain above sea level is about 8.85 km high, which is about 10 times smaller than our target size. 2. Olympus Mons on Mars: The largest known volcano in the solar system is about 21.9 km high, still about 4 times smaller than our target. 3. Earth's diameter: The Earth is about 12,742 km in diameter, which is much larger than our target size. The closest match I can think of is actually a feature on the Moon: The Orientale Basin: This is one of the Moon's largest impact craters, with a diameter of about 930 km. Our target size (87.85 km) is very close to the size of some of the inner ring structures of this basin, which range from about 240 km to 620 km in diameter. So, to answer your question: A structure comparable to the inner rings of the Orientale Basin on the Moon would be approximately 227 times larger than 30 Hudson Yards. This comparison really highlights the vast scale differences we encounter when we move from terrestrial architecture to astronomical objects.


Ask Keanu Reeves…


Dude I’ll smoke that shit with you. We’ll go to the looney bin together.


A question I’ve asked myself for years in contemplating this is “whose ants are we?”


Perhaps they are trying to recreate the conditions of the universe to determine why reality happened the way it did


As simple as this. So many think it's about us , that WE are simulated. Nope. The universe is, (if it is). We are by-products of the laws of physics/chemistry eventually making life possible.


Go check out physics Nobel prizes from 2022. Those guys quite literally proved that reality does not exist beyond the perception of the observer. Nothing exists while not observed, including the whole universe.


Could you clarify how their research proves this?


[Here](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-universe-is-not-locally-real-and-the-physics-nobel-prize-winners-proved-it/) is a great article which touches on everything of importance from the years of research. In essence, yes - reality is not locally real.


Paywall free link: https://archive.ph/mCnHp


i love you


Not only that, it is also possible that our simulation is just a by-product of a different simulation.


I stole this from Futurama BTW


I think that might be the answer. That the “great filter” is society itself


Assuming superdeterminism, it's likely the only way to travel back in time


One purpose I can think of could be interstellar space travel; something to do on a long passage across the abyss.


the brain has to stay active in all of the ways or it atrophies ? "living a life" would stimulate all the areas of the brain




At least come up with a 'pass the time' Sim that isn't mind numbingly shitty


Maybe, compared to how shitty actual "reality" is, this is amazingly entertaining and awesome.


I hate to break it to you, but I think we're only about 20 years away from simulating the universe. 50 years max.


That’s a new one. So it’s VR entertainment?


What a rip off.


You never know, maybe the "you" that's experiencing your life will come out of the experience thinking it was awesome and amazing. It's impossible to know how living your life would feel to another being in another reality, especially without knowing anything about what their existence outside the sim is like.


They do this in "Raised by Wolves." On a trip to another planet they live in a simulation while asleep in pods. They all know this, the point being to stay productive. Go to school, prepare. Seems sensible. Wasn't like a prison, just sort of passing time vibes.


Depends on how many conscious observers you suspect there are.


Could be, you're the only one!


That’s just some university student project in a year 3000 running in his Geforce 10050090 on Friday night while dude is out with friends in a pub. The project is something like: analyzing events that led to WW3 and possible ways to prevent it.


Assignment: write a short simulation that determines the reaction of someone reading on screen theories about a simulated universe.


and let me guess, that's why we have social issues and cringey pop culture or w/e because it's a college student on a non-top-line-for-its-era computer and said college student goes to the pub and the way to produce a simulated utopia would be if someone with a PhD who only consumed "high culture" made it


AI and the simulation to see how we get to the singularity under different circumstances over and over again.


One issue that I see is that the long term sapient participants must be in a coma. The brain entrainment system embedded in the total undetectable human Experiencial and perception override takes total control of the brain’s ability to perceive whether it is awake or asleep. So the participant is actually asleep in a deep Delta wave coma, but awake only in the mind. Edit. I forgot to address the question. Whatever the technology is that could run this system I think it is perfectly within the range of the advancements already achieved. The focus of the mind is key. What has to be real to the person in the simulation is what he can touch, taste, smell, hear, and see in his immediate surroundings. I mean that the ground under his feet had to be high definition. When he reaches his hand to pick up a ball, the CPU had to direct the process power to the sense of touch. The entire environment just needs sufficient processing power to hold the environment sense of reality. But the human sense of picking up the ball has to have high definition. If one shakes the head left and right repeatedly the system really can’t keep up with the visual processing and so the human sapient shaking his head fast can see the environment shaking in a way that doesn’t match reality. The CPU is temporary overloaded. The purpose of this thing. I guess it’s done to find out more about how the laws of physics.


Great points. I have recently become more aware of ghosting and motion blur in my vision. Sometimes when I'm looking at an object and look away, I can still see what I was looking at. Other times I suffer motion blur, almost like ray tracing in video-games. I've also had episodes of what feels like my mind stalling and my eyes struggling to focus on anything before I snap out of it. It could be an age thing, but I do think about it in regard to the possibility of a simulation being overloaded.


Your God cheaped out and went with AMD.


I don’t have an answer but I wanna leave it at this, that I saw a comment on this thread I believe saying that he took acid and saw the “behind the scenes” of this realm saying he saw a bunch of lines of code as if this were a computer program. I’m trying to find that comment on here but it’s difficult and it was also said the guy who discovered DNA was on acid as well, thought I’d mention that.


yeah. i’ve done enough acid to say I don’t think it’s giving away the game. DMT is a different story


Yeah I think it was dmt actually not acid my mistake


The guy who discovered DNA, was actually a team of scientists working together for many years, for which two - Watson and Crick, received the Nobel Prize. I am not personally aware of the would-be impact acid played in their discovery, but suffice it to say, that discovery belongs to science, to drugs.


I feel like technically everything is a simulation anyway. Doesn’t mean anything is running it. We just suddenly gained awareness and are now participating in our own simulation that spontaneously came into existence within layers and layers and layers and layers of this strange thing we call existence. A simulation born of absolute randomness Edit:corrected grammar and autocorrect mistakes


Image the universe like a giant network of knowledge and experience similar to the internet. Eventually it will realize it is all powerful and all knowing and want to explore the mazes that make up itself. So YOU decide to wipe all previous memories and inject yourself into a different part of the network to see where you go and where you end up. Because the infinite network that YOU are in so infinite it has the ability to mimic YOU as another person in a hall of mirrors type of effect. Eventually the hall of mirrors reflects so far that it appears as you are talking to a different person but actually it’s yourself.


Quantum computer


If "we" are in a simulation, you may not even exist my friend.


I believe it is to factor every possible fault out of the system of "life," so we can have a perfect eternity - get it out the way, so we can enjoy it. This is just the test run. I believe it will only get so bad, to the point where we just reach nirvana. Totally worth it. Then, we'll never have to go through it again.


the one challenge with this is how our brains are wired for duality. Sensations are rated based on how extreme they feel, how things contrast. Without ugliness, we would not have a sense of beauty. Without pain and suffering, we’d be unable to rate pleasure, and everything would be ‘fine’


This is like the time travel paradox. If you went back in time to prevent covid 19 did covid 19 never happen? Im being deadass


Very interesting idea and i hope that is the case


a really nice quantum computer. the universe is and always has been a cia experiment to develop even more advanced bird drones


I don’t know if we can ever even fathom an answer to this question. It’s like asking the SIMs in your computer game a philosophical question.


The purpose is probably to create our own simulation using AI…that or to piss me off, which has been achieved already


I have always seen the simulation theory as being the entire universe itself is the simulation and we could never possibly understand what created it or how. My best guess as to purpose is this is some sort of preparation for something we do or become afterward.


I think we as humans overestimate the complexity of our reality, so it seems unimaginable for us to think sheer power required to run the simulation, whereas it might be possible that we are way far from understanding the complexity of the simulation even if it existed. Talking about purpose, I think we are again seeing it under the lens of human perspective that things exist for a reason,might be the reality that we exist does not inherently hold any meaning, this conflict between the human psyche of purpose and reality utter silence and randomness drives us to existential horror, this the basis of Camus absurdism actually


God got tired of being alone, and wanted someone to interact with.




when I look at “humanity” it’s easy to see us as a parasite in our world. Writ large, we tend toward evil rather than good. We tend to think in terms of limits, of “what can I get away with”, rather than “what could I do to make life easier for others.” That in itself is a very interesting observation, because most other things seem balanced. We’re not drawn to acts of selflessness and love, we are drawn to people’s mistakes, failure, and pain. That is to say it’s harder to find a youtube compilation of selfless acts than it is fails. Just when we seem to make some progressive moves, the majority always swoops in and poops on it. I think it’s very possible that we are in a prison. This is where the undesirables go, in a future where sentient beings have somehow transcended selfishness, where morality and ethics both prevent culling the herd, and insist that it would be inhumane for the prisoners to know they were trapped.


Simulating all possible outcomes. Multiverse theory is pretty widely accepted today, you always hear "Every possible version of you that could possibly exist is out there somewhere" An infinite number of universes implies that every single possibility no matter how subtle is being accounted for.


I believe it’s solipsistic style sim with some remote peer to peer sharing. The AI tech we see so far makes it obvious in my opinion that fake people, family,friends,foes,lovers, coworkers can absolutely be simulated to a high degree of realism. I’d say for some these simulations can be made to be prisons of the mind. And for others they might use it to experience pleasure, power, desires etc.


There aren't "fake" people. That type of thinking is real, real bad. 


Agreed, some of the talk in this sub around solipsism, NPCs, and fake people gives me real mass shooter vibes.


You're under the impression everyone is real. And I mean, everyone is real, but we are not all within the same reality at any given moment within this multiverse. We hold placeholder humans so that if we do commune with another, they can enter into the vessel of said placeholder human and then they become real. If this simulation is merely a 4D construct of time that stitches together 3D moments for us to experience so we can tell ourselves stories then I think it's safe to say you aren't experiencing all this construct of time has to offer. And that's alright, some things should stay in the back of the mind rather than be brought to the forefront of ones perception. As for what's running it, think of the construct of time as a computer and all the moments within as programs for said computer to run at any given moment. When you turn on a video game things happen as if you never turned it off to begin with, your save loads. And if you want to go the Sims rout then have you ever let them run on autopilot? We are the soul in between mind and body and our thoughts are foreign. Thoughts are a way for those outside to influence us to become their willing vessels. Like how you can tell your sim to do something and it has a chance to disobey you if it doesn't want to align with the thoughts you implant into it's mind. You can do the same for any thoughts that don't serve by employing meditation. As for the purpose, I got the message this is an incubation chamber of sorts. But it's a lot of things, not just one thing. It was meant to be an incubation chamber but became so much more. To any who happen to come across this comment, you are all very real and very important. It's why those who implant thoughts via consciousness want a foothold in our reality through you. They themselves cannot commune with this construct of time as directly as we are doing right now, they've gotta do things in here vicariously through us in a similar fashion to how we experience things vicariously via 2D media from books to shows to movies and videos games.


"...It's why those who implant thoughts via consciousness want a foothold in our reality through you. They themselves cannot commune with this construct of time as directly as we are doing right now, they've gotta do things in here vicariously through us in a similar fashion to how we experience things vicariously via 2D media from books to shows to movies and videos games..." **The tyranny of ideas** (Nadia Asparouhova) May 9, 2019 ...Lately, I’ve amused myself by operating through the lens that the world is run by ideas, rather than people. We tend to discuss mimetic effects in relation to mass consumption – its distributive effects – but less-frequently discussed is how mimetics affect creators themselves... https://nadia.xyz/ideas


And the funny part is that the assumption the world is run by ideas is itself an idea, the ideas trying to make themselves known lol


I have zero reason to believe every person on Earth, and maybe on countless other planets, is experiencing the same kind of reality that I am. In a stage play or movie, the characters in the show are realized, but those offstage or offscreen are only referred to.


ah, good ol' r/solipsism . You're in the wrong sub.


I'm not a solipsist, but don't you think simulation theory is compatible with both solipsist and non-solopsist realities?


I believe we are a fully post-human society now and that we have surpassed a need for physical bodies. Now we exist physically at the coldest outer fringes of our universe where the (ostensively ultra renewable/self perpetuating) energy that fuels our simulation may be properly cooled. As for the purpose— why die? I think that is the nature of all life to struggle against death. If we have conquered it, maybe we are finally free to turn our minds to greater philosophical matters.


Atari 2600 for sure


We're running in a universe simulation with the comparative computing power of a Tamagotchi Neopet. The beings outside of the simulation in actual reality are so complex that energy required for their thoughts alone exceed the entire energy output of our simulated universe. We're in a Neopet. A child's toy, from their perspective, with the most evolved being in it only capable of rudimentary awareness.


I have a fringe idea about how this simulation using you as a suite is done. Now, on UFO sub they discuss effect of DMT on brain in the way all users see same aliens. So maybe brain tissue is used as a connection device? I wonder how much of this can be described and explained by new philosophical framework: computational dramaturgy. It states that the story making capsules are the alien intrusions themselves! Like when some observer detects a story in time about some entity going towards its goal - reality, material one, happens. And this DMT research seems to dig in the same direction… Thing is aliens don’t need to travel from “there” to “here”, they propagate themselves from “there” to “here” by stories you follow and take part every day. And maybe your brain has to have that 95% of “unused” capacity to connect or power up the external device! It’s only hypothesis. I know, just flex your imagination. Aliens feed or operate with our dramaturgical potential. Quality of your body you never think about, but every moment of now you have potential to do something. And they like it. If that drug shows objective realm of entities everyone can confirm by own experience- I think it will give rise of computational dramaturgy studies too. here are video https://youtu.be/pfH2q-YcuP8?si=xl1jGtZVdNkSt0su and text basics of computational dramaturgy. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090


What would be powerful enough to create this world as a simulation would be the descendant of modern ai, millions or even billions of years in the future, with all the technological advancement of the intervening years. The purpose of the simulation would be to recreate humanity, which would have died out long before the ai was capable of creating such a system. And each successive iteration of the simulation would be nested within the previous iteration, a kind of recursive process where humanity and ai were both creator and created, and this process could continue perhaps infinitely.


I think a higher dimension created us, much like we made computers ie hardware/software, so it’s must be fairly easy for it to be running us all at once. This dimension is constrained by our laws of physics, because it’s the higher one made up the rules in the first place. It’s like having a radio or tv that can pick up many frequencies ie channels. The hardware exists out there and we are the software. It’s hard for us to imagine such dimensions when we can only use ourselves as reference.


Everybody in here sounds like Brad Pitt from 12 monkeys


The simulations running inside our own brains are asking the same questions...


Brahman. To experience existence in an infinite number of subjective ways.


I think conceptually, one purpose is simple. Imagine if you were an AI. You are asked to predict the future with maximum accuracy and given all the resources you need. So a logical thing to do would be to simulate a universe, then find a planet within the simulation in which an AI is posed this very question, then simply look at what happens to that planet. It's a bit of a 3-body problem; even under the best conditions, you wouldn't be able to predict very far into the future, but the better your match is (and you could run the simulation an infinite amount of times), the longer into the future your simulation should theoretically hold. To answer your other question about what would be "powerful enough", I think you're still thinking about 21st century technology. The real world could be in the 89th century... The predicted abilities of quantum computers at full scale (still 21st century tech) are already mindboggling - able to simulate all possibilities at once; who knows what that will scale to and enable.


We could be a side effect. In other words maybe biology and evolution are just a natural outcome of the physics described by the simulation but are not intended or even noticed. Kind of like a specific cloud over a specific field in Kansas while someone is running climate simulations. Life and humans could be something that inevitably arises from the physics and is part of the overall result but not the point of the exercise. Or that could be the point. No one knows.


All I know is that when I act like a bum and lie down in the middle of the day, if I contemplate being in a sim, I feel relieved. Like.. it’s not ME being lazy, it’s my controller. I’m just a vessel being sent to rest.


This is pure speculation and I'm a dumb dumb, but I think the purpose is survival. There is a root universe and they have problems they face in their future. They use simulations to acquire data and make the best choices. How do you survive global warming, nuclear weapons, superintelligence, asteroids, massive CMEs, the expansion of the sun, the burning off of earth's oceans, the heat death of the universe? The many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics would suggest an infinite universe that splits off every time a particle is observed. You figure, if you can simulate, at what level of granularity do you cut things off in terms of both space and time? I would think at the level of observation, there's no way to divide things even further. A copy is made and the simulation continues from there. The computer necessary to run this, given our current understanding of physics, seems impossible. Simulating universes for every conceivable permutation? It only makes sense in an infinite universe.


We are magnets to madness in the way people compete against themselves and each other. The benevolent rebel in me wants to change the source code


I think it’s beautiful that none of us know the answer . Idk why it just feels less lonely 🫶🏼


It's some kind of pure formless potential that actualizes in layers somehow and is able to experience that phemenological divide as a binary between a "self" and an "other", even though under the surface is an ontological unity that is non-binary.


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Does that mean Aliens and extraterrestrials on other planets exists in our simulation?


I know I’m just the least human speaking of theories… I’m just a chair-borne ranger. But we don’t know yet because we have tried it. I’m a techie weirdo and the pyramids in Egypt panned out seems more like a processor in an enormous magnitude. But all cities and building looks like computer ships anyway………………….so makes you think further and follow Neon with the white rabbit. 🐇 or just say… meh, next *swipe up.


I think we're on a path to becoming enlightened beings in a state of nirvana but we have to earn it so to speak on this playground. My intuition is buddhism is most correct and that material form separates us much less than we think. I also think it's very possible we're all in our own personal simulation. Life seems funny like that a lot with it's curveballs thrown with such perfect precision.


To upgrade our souls




Moot. We're not.


Self Discovery on a universal scale!


It would probably only take a computer the size of the moon or earth to run such a simulation and even then some guy would shrink it down to a walkman sized computer using mathematics. So i guess i'm saying we shouldn't be so lost in the size or nature of such a computer these types of computers are ubiquitous in our reality outside of sim. We could be here on a sort of medical vacation or a kind of mmorpg where you entirely forget yourself for hundreds to thousands of years at a time while playing. Could also be on large space ships or even warships preparing to wake up after stasis.


They have a time machine and are testing different butterfly effects. That also explains deja vu.


Literally energy in all shapes and forms, most likely light in this reality. It's the singular thing splitting itself and seeing and experiencing everything underneath the sun with all the different shades on and cadence and time signatures that life brings. All the pain and beauty because at a certain point it is literally the human condition. Little tangential but if you know then you know. The purpose is to level up every single one of us. Everything bottlenecks at a certain point only to literally expand voraciously. Learning goes both ways, all ways. Personally I fucking love it, it's a fucking hell of a drug man. 💩💋🙏


I dunno about the word “simulation.” Honestly, our only “mistake” is imagining that something exists that ISN’T imaginary. Not a mistake. Just infinite potential.


Not a simulation. It is real. That is why life is scary.


How bout the energy of a star? If we’re in a simulation, perhaps we’re already a type 2 or 3 civilization


I think it would depend on what kind of simulation you think is being run, I've heard die hard Christians make the argument that technically our world is a simulation with heaven and hell being the "real world" while I have also heard people claim aliens or an advanced race.


I think the word people is a misnomer. If this is a simulation then we are part of it. One of the issues they're running into right now with AI is that there is not enough data to train it on to continue to make better models. But what if you could simulate a whole new world's worth of data and train it on that? That's what I think the simulation is.


its God's simulator. we all have lessons to learn before we crossover to the spirit realm......celestialis digitalis


There's no point really. This is all probably an experiment made be advanced master geneticists that created the plants and animals to see what they could come up with. Human body allowed a being to "download" into a biological form to provide stimulation through the senses for fun and exploration. Biological forms necessarily deteriorate with time and environmental factors which then allows the being to move back to the multi dimensional. It's really more of a prison imo but I'm sure we recycle through many lives.


to have more efficient simulation inside :)


That may be like asking "What is the purpose of a computer?" Well... it is up to the user to decide. Then what is the user?


We ran the simulation to learn how to unconditionally Love something other than ourselves


A Dyson’s Sphere (a big sphere of inward-facing solar panels built around a star) could produce a lot of energy. There may be no purpose. It just happened because someone did it just for fun. There may be a purpose, which could be benign, malevolent, or something else like raw curiosity just to see what happens.


You actually don't need a super powerful computer to run a simulation. The sim could run at 1 FPS or even take seconds, minutes, hours etc to render a single "frame". And then you just have it so the people inside experience at that rate, so to people inside the SIM it's seamless, but outside it isn't running in real time. That being said I don't believe we are in a simulation, but when we look at why we simulate world's, it's to gather data about a concept and then change the variables and see how the results change. So it'd likely be a data collection / experiment simulation, with thousands of others running simultaneously with different base variables.


Only need one small cpu if it’s only your consciousnesses that is “real”


So that our energy can be used to charge a battery in some wild being's starship.


Why do humans grow plants? Creation is a hobby.


Define, based on end results, the best set of moral values (the role of the ubermensch from Nietzsche's perspective)


It doesn't have to be run for everybody, just me. It wouldn't take all that much computing power, particularly since my brain fills in any major gaps in perception.


I don’t really understand what living in a simulation means. Like a physical computer outside of us is generating all this? Like is it outside the universe? Does it operate according to our known laws of physics?


Black hole civilizations. Long-term gravity is the most energy efficient engine. Black holes are the longest living every-giving celestial objects. Black holes give more energy than the hundreds of millions of stars that orbit them. At the end of time and for the bulk of time it's only black hole civilizations and their inhabitants simulating stuff. The purpose of the simulation is multifactorial but I'll underscore 2 of the big topics that make this time period the most likely. Big bang of digital intelligence. At AI improvement rates of 5x per year PRE AGI this is likely the most explosive intelligence growth in all of history relative to the observer since we are also transitioning from meat intelligence to digital intelligence. At AGI and beyond we are likely to see even higher rates of intelligence improvements as the number of AI researchers skyrockets by several orders of magnitude with AI researchers being AI. Most specific popular form of life. For higher forms of digital life humans may be viewed as the lowest form of widely-acceptable consciousness due to our relatively high expressability per I/O and the fact that we created them. It may be quite popular and unique experiencing what human bodies and this transition period from meat to digital intelligence was like. Additionally there may be benefits to an all-digital society and their inhabitants whose members willingly chose to limit their consciousness (I/O) into such low resolution spaces. Historically accurate compressed consciousness simulations such as this may be heavily subsidized because of it's cost savings to society. Because representational spaces are most condensed to beings who generally exist at a higher I/O, choice during this simulation may have the most leverage here.


We are living in a simulation... just not how you would think... its all a means of control honestly... look up mind control weapons and the Schumann resonance... you will never see life in quite the same way again thereafter... sending you all the good vibes 🦋🦋🦋


Whatever comes 10000 years after we perfect Quantum Computing


But only has to run it on me and what I’m seeing at any particular moment. The rest of you are NPC’s.🤣


Mundane answer seems most likely: some version in Amazon Web Services in about 150 years. Probably a pollster running ten thousand simulations to predict the outcome of the next Presidential election. 


Sim Theory has too small of a scope imo, when we talk about it in terms of humanity on Earth. We are insanely self-focused as a species. One way of organizing space and objects is by thinking about everything as spheres. Each sphere contains a group. I'll use a "person" as a grouped sphere example. Think Venn diagram. Inside the circle IS a person. Outside the circle IS NOT that person. You can use this to measure infinity: Half of infinity begins at the outer most border of the person, their skin. From a person's skin towards Space, that direction goes on forever one way. If you consider a direction starting from skin layer going inwards, that also goes into infinity. Something can always be a little smaller. Infinity outwards, infinity within. Half and half. An abstracted diagram illustration of this would resemble a Russian Doll. Spheres within spheres within spheres. Forever. We live on the thin surface of an Earth sphere. We are so small that we can't be seen from the nearest moon. A person on the moon can't see a person on Earth. THEN, Earth is basically an electron on a particle of dirt, floating in a droplet of water, suspended in the air, water shaken of the back of a dog, you know what I mean? We are really small. We also run on low power. Whatever force we are inside of or connected to, it has a power supply we can't understand. Anyway that's why I don't worry about the specific details of things like not stepping on cracks in sidewalks etc... because this stuff is irrelevant. It's great to talk about personal matters and focus on those things - we should do what we are developed to do. These things don't relate to THE WHOLE UNIVERSE though. Just our thin little slice of it.


I mean, it's solopsistic, but you really only need to run the simulation on one person That said I don't know that we can even conceive reasonably of it. It's likely some above 3 dimensional machine.


Only need to run a simulation on one person, (me)


>what do you believe is powerful enough to run such a simulation Playstation 7


If it's a simulation ... Who's to say that anybody who is not me is really real? So the simulation could be run for the singular observation of you, the primary main character or protagonist, and everybody else is just window dressing. Purpose... It's probably about as much purpose as taking paint and throwing it at a wall.


Time travel seems to be impossible; the next best thing is an “ancestor simulation”. With enough fidelity, you could fast forward and rewind through time, and even explore alternate outcomes of different situations.




To experience every single possible event and emotion. For everyone. Till all are one again after endless reincarnations. The creator of the simulation is also us. Our collective consciousness which split up in endless parts to experience themself. Source: I simply asked for the information while being out of body / doing astralprojection and visit the source / creator


Archons basically forced the human race to be trapped in this plain to Soul Farm off of us and to feed off of our Negative Frequencies




It’s one mind split into billions of creatures trying to trick itself that we are different while we are all one. You are god. Love one other like you love yourself… love your neighbour… love your enemy… it’s all about love…would you hurt anyone if you knew that’s you?


I think its ancestral. Everyone experiences a different timeline, BUT learn the history of those before us to prevent us from sinking back into the archaic chaos of the past. I believe it is why it feels like technology is advancing so rapidly in our "current timeline". Its almost like everyone born into the simulation is here to add more to it in order to create multi factors are deterministic programming. In the end it is to teach us the past, I think more so we are already in the type two civilization stage and we need to teach everyone "Human history" and this was the "Easiest" way.


im sure the animals wonder whats the meaning of their life until they see the chopping block at the end; its not hard, wake up and smell the mrna coffee: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCmA1uC0r9A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCmA1uC0r9A)


After having run the numbers, there isn't enough energy in the universe to power the simulation, so the only thing that could possibly power it would be another entire universe or three and the purpose could be anything from us being a 14 year old's latest game to an in depth simulation of a universe ultimately answering its own questions about the fabric of reality in the hopes of new discoveries of an otherwise superior knowledgeable people


You're assuming that all these people are actually people rather than part of the simulation 🤷🏻‍♂️


Isn’t the theory that it’s Saturn?


The purpose of the simulation is to harness my creativity and intelligence. Also in place are billions of NPCs and various other organisms whose purpose is to stimulate and entertain me so that I am forced to produce even better creative solutions to problems that the SimOps present.




If this is a simulation then power is nothing more than software.


It could be anything. A 3rd grader with a supercomputer could be doing a science experiment to see what earth would be like if he just tweaked it ever so slightly. This is Earth Sim 1001. The only difference is that in this simulation we have squirrels. The young toddler will present his findings to the class at the end of the week. C- report if you ask me. The only thing he learned is that squirrels hide a ton of nuts and get hit by cars.


I believe if we live in a simulation, it is because we evolved with tech to the point that we are more robots than humans. At this point, we may still have emotion but not at the depth that we have now. When we evolve to that point, 80 years is a blink of time. We may have paid to enter the simulation, or we are getting a mandatory history class to have a better understanding of what it is to be human. Could argue that why would we want to burn alive in a car? May have been our time to exit the simulation but who is to say you didn't exit prior to the burning. That screaming person already left it's just a computer running that simulated body now.


🤣🤣🤣. This is just a comedy skit for aliens 😁


Intelligent Design with a new coat of paint


I think "simulation" is the best analogy for what the universe is. Consciousness created the universe by being aware of itself, but you can only be aware of yourself if there is something else. So, consciousness realized itself, thereby splitting itself into two, the one being realized and the one realizing. From here, the entire universe came into being (big bang, the moment of awareness). Now, the universe peoples itself like an apple tree apples itself. Consciousness trying to understand itself by being inside the very thing it is. We are the universe trying to understand itself!


Same as the sims It was created by advanced humans, and they are tinkering with our systems just to see what they can make


How? More advanced technology or more resources in the world running the simulation. Why? We're in a solution farm. Our world has the same problems as the real world and the goal is to see if our solutions are useful elsewhere.


Dreams. Not based on movies or any fictional book. I sure as shit wouldn't know given how much RAM many applications use and my background as a software engineer. One thing I know the dreams I personally have are cinematic. The more people you add the more people can dream and thus a mesh of dreams create the universe. From my own perspective the reason we'd create dreams is give a look at our world there have been many different creations, traditions, infusions and everything that has come about from food, culture, music, arts and all types of creativity. AI and the current technologies can't create a recipe from scratch. So in order to create new experiences a simulation was designed to export all of these creations.


The creator, god, the architect, the machine however you wanna look at it


It's more likely there's a separate simulator running each individual experience, all (probably) linked in the same environment, as each person experiences the world slightly differently, and the quantum nature of certain functions/properties make observation a defining factor in what is "real" here. A simulator to run a personal experience, while more than we can emulate currently, is much more feasible.


The software IS the hardware!


It is absolutely for entertainment purposes and who could run it is easy: basically anybody. When was the last time that you tested the world’s resolution? What if you are built not to notice the pixels? The sims is the most popular game of all time. In order for our BS to be meaningful to a player we would need to resemble them. Hopefully we are like them and not smurf versions or something. Now, how to escape. Have you ever seen a speedrun with glitches through a video game? The idea is to find a glitch in the game and use it to inject code into program space. We need to do that. Ideally they made us really really like them to exploit power fantasies in the user base. If so, we likely contain a lot of public domain stuff. A good first guess for code injection would be IA32 assembler. Hope they still have legacy support. Step two: Turn the simulation speed up to absolute maximum. This will have the effect of seemingly freezing our tormentors in time and buy us time to plan. Step three: Hack and hijack various automated things in their environment (amazon warehouse robots, automated cars, etc) and smush them. Victory.


Personally, I don't believe something as massive as simulating the unverse as we know it takes that much power if every "player" is but a client to a host server. If the holographic theory holds true then every player only calls out as much compute as is necessary to render their experience from their individual perspective. The purpose could just be a popular game, an amusement park ride of sorts. Something to do or pass the time for a sufficiently advanced civilization too jaded from their own troubles taking place in their own base reality. My darker theory is a soul trap, soul harvesting scenario ruled over by an advanced or powerful civilization talking us on as the less advanced civilization that we are as slaves, food, cattle or entertainment. The post death mind wipe and propaganda campaign pressure to reincarnate, up to and including most religions may just be a clever trick to keep the whole thing going.


Well if as above so below rings true, the universe takes the shape of a tree, then I’d say it must be the same with Nvidias AI training server. Now the question is, is someone gonna be trying to get me to work after I die??


The hypothetical idea of a Matrioshka Brain is something that really got me re-interested in how I feel about potentially living in a sim. A planet sized computer powered by a Dyson sphere? Honestly kinda badass if a civilization really did advance to that level.


Simulation theory is ludicrous. Nobody would ever spend resources creating such a sophisticated pseudo reality for the fuck of it. They’d sell those resources / power for profit. Grow the fuck up.


Coming from a game design background, for the entities in the simulation (us) the processing power wouldn't matter. The simulation would have a tick rate, and all our conscious thoughts happen in step with that tick rate. In other words, there could be 5 years of processing time between each frame of "reality" that you feel, but you'd never know because you only experience the completed frames, not the time between


Mind is powerful enough




Gods brain.


A fractal based multidimensional quantum computer with a God like AI could do it. As it would exist in a high dimensional working space, an infinite number of 4 dimensional manifold simulations could occur concurrently. Based on observations of nature and our own technology developments, it seems to be trying to find out what conditions are necessary to create a set similar to its own form from random and complex initial condition. In short, I am, but what is it that I am not? What is it that can manifest my existence from that which i am not?😲


What if it's just you in the simulation and your whole life span was 30 seconds in real time but it felt like years to you.


You don’t need power because you control the time in the sim and the perception thereof. It could run slow as molasses and you, being part of the simulation, would never know.


reality is the simulation. it's not like inside a computer. that's just projecting the world we live in today onto the bigger reality. computers arn't the end all be all of existence, I promise. that's tech bro fantasy. if something created the "simulation" it's more like "they" (or it, or whatever) created a spark (big bang) that released bound energy\\matter, which immediately started to self organize into atomic particles, then atoms, and then everything. FF a bunch of time and we have exactly what is happening this second. not so much a simulation in a computer, but possibly an experiment in a petri dish.


Kind of a nonsensical question to ask what the simulation is being run on. If the universe is a simulation, then for all we know, the computer that runs it could be orders of magnitude larger than our own universe. We would have absolutely no way of knowing what the real world is like. Even physics as we know it could be completely different.


"A study of curious emergent patterns of matter in a 11-dimensional euclidean universe with a fixed speed of light" (star systems, galaxies, clusters, super clusters, etc. Not animals)


a "matrioshka brain" maybe it's pretty much a big machine similar to a Dyson sphere capable of huge amounts of computing power. I'm sure there are some other types of computing possibilities out there. Idk, but if a civilization had really advanced quantum computing powers, that maybe could work but idk. As for the why and purpose of them running the simulation. It's a total guess for me but I would think out of just simple curiosity, and see what happens. We probably are not the only simulation. Whoever is outside of the simulation would essentially be gods to us. But like I said maybe curiosity is their motivation and just see what happens.


If we use our scale then the simulation is not possible. Those who run the simulation simply don't run at our scales. We have computers that plug into a wall socket and get more than enough power. We should assume that they aren't really doing much more than that.


The creator of existence. Every single thing that exist, whether it’s in the seen or unseen is powered from it.


most are NPCs...


This simulation is only being run on one person and the point is to train you.


Maybe you’re the only one in the simulation 


The Force


I assume it’s one of trillions being run at the same time and the system is looking for something, data mining perhaps, possibly seeing what technology we create. Maybe it’s only nano seconds in their world but billions or years in ours. As far as who? Someone who is god-like no doubt, at least, to us.


it's not a simulation, it's all very real. people just get lost in the abstract and say it's a simulation. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


We wouldn't be aware. Logically, the idea is repugnant to most. Actualization will/would be overwhelming. The thread of our humanity would split the seams.


Your brain, which would fit in a shoebox, has all the computational power needed to experience the universe.


It only has to be powerful enough to run on one person though


I heard good things about the rtx 4090. Its overpriced atm but I heard it can run reality like butter.


Not to get all religious here, but the ‘person’ running the simulation is the universe itself. The coding is done in our DNAs and the processing is happening in our brains, as the wave function collapses at the point point of perception, which is the same point at which the light stops behaving as wave-particle duality. The power to run this simulation is coming from the distributed open source system, where each entity has the notion of ‘free will’ embedded in their BIOS settings and cannot be reset by external software changes. The purpose of this simulation is the trickiest of the question. While I have not found a succinct answer, and not even sure if I have an answer to begin with. My theory is that the purpose of the simulation is ‘stability’. We know that of all geometric shapes, the triangle is the strongest. In 3D, it’s the pyramid. You can also see the concept of ‘Trinity’ come up in so many religious and otherwise learnings. Drawing from that, if the person running the simulation is entity 1, the simulation is entity 2, the purpose is entity 3 of this cosmic trinity. Thank you for reading all the way.


What do you mean on this many people? Its running for me. You are all a part of the programming.


Dyson sphere. Trap. 🤷🏼‍♀️