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https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sioux_Falls,_South_Dakota Geography-> climate. Should get you started.


If only there was a way to check the weather in other cities.... Oh well guess we will never know....


You can use the c weather app on your phone or visit the Weather Channel website and type in Souix Falls south Dakota on the search engine.


Ok smartass 😄 weather com...I just wanted to hear from the fine people of Sioux Falls instead


We often get stuck in cycles of hot and humid in the day, and thunderstorms at night. But often just 80-90f. Still humid. Mosquitoes and gnats. Nothing too gnarly, though. Couple tornado warnings a year. Most tornados are only detected by radar, I've never actually seen one, and I'm 47 years old. Edit: Sioux Falls is in tge far eastern part of the state, in the great plains. In the west there's also the black hills, and the badlands, which will have slightly different climates.


Can't forget about the pizza ranch tornado


The mosquitoes have been particularly bad this year.


Very cold in winter, decently hot during the summer with spring and fall usually being alright. I've never been to SC but I've been to Florida and I can't imagine it's too different for summer weather, it's much less humid here, and while 80+ is common you probably won't be bothered too much.


it's been a weirdly mild summer highs in the 70s to 80s for most of the last month. usually it's 80-100s from june to august. 50s-70s april-may and september through october, coldest months are late december-february and November-mid December is between 15-50 march is often also 15-50. winters have been weird the last decade as compared to my first two here. summers mostly the same


[Compare the Climate and Weather in Sioux Falls to Another City - Weather Spark](https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/9059/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-Sioux-Falls) This is a good resource that I use whenever I want to understand a place's climate. It also lets you compare cities to help give a point of reference.


Are these AI posters ?


I got a couple questions more for you Sioux Falls folks. 1. What is the dating scene like for late 20s early 30s 2. Is the area up to date or like old fashioned. I read somewhere that parts of South Dakota are stuck 20 years in the past. Maybe not Sioux Falls...anyways curious


1. Easy 2. Can’t answer, unsure


I'm trying SO HARD to keep my mouth shut! But #2 just irritates me SO bad!! Like seriously? Please stay away. I can tell you don't belong here and we don't want you. To all the haters....don't bother. I'm a true South Dakotan . Our state is amazing. I dont care what you have to say! Seriously.


See you soon. I'm coming




I like hot sauce pizza and candy too. We might be a good match 🤣


Lol whatever I will do more research it's not that serious. I just asked. I've never been to that part of the US before.


Today it is similar in temperature but much less humid. It is on the border of being sticky out. Canadian wildfire smoke is supposed to move into the area tomorrow. Are you asking about camping and worrying if it will get too cold at night?


You could see the smoke this morning for su.rise already.


It’s 70s and 80s, with an occasional 90s. Incredibly moderate compared to what most Americans are going through.


It's hot and humid here as well, but instead of ocean water you get corn sweat.


I would say generally not too bad. Gets hot for a couple weeks usually say like mid to high 90’s. Otherwise hot but nothing crazy imo.


During the summer, it is usually really rainy at the start and then it gets really hot and stays that way through the summer with occasional showers


Do you like to gamble because that is SD weather in the summer. We could have a heat wave of 100f or higher days, that could be dry heat or swampy. Or we could get storm after storm and everything floods. Or we get tornadoes every night. Or it could be sorta normal.




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.


Being from SC I can say the weather already feels like summer has broken and fall has started. For almost a week now. You can just look up a weather report for the city if you really want to know