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I'm not falling for the Phillipines propaganda bro *already bought the tickets*


Thank you for raising our tourism mabuhay failpenis šŸ‡µšŸ‡­šŸ‡µšŸ‡­šŸ‡µšŸ‡­


It's fail penis?


Bro never spelled, it's my country bro I know it's failpenis šŸ‡µšŸ‡­šŸ‡µšŸ‡­


It's glorious




mašŸ˜›ašŸ˜›a ka pala


I have a failpenis too!!


My penis didn't fail me, I failed him.


Be careful with marriage scams. https://www.philippinepi.com/blog/philippines-marriage-fraud-avoid-it/#:~:text=These%20women%20lure%20their%20victims,is%20punishment%20for%20the%20perpetrators.


Need some victory penis?


šŸ«“ present it


This guy tagalongs




Sira šŸ˜‚ amp


I lived in the Phillipines for a while and god damn theyā€™re lovely people. A shit load of them have fuck all but will give you everything. Red horse is a shit beer though šŸ˜¬


So you're saying we could start a brewery and make a difference?


That's what it sound like to me


I agree with you i have visited before most hospitable people i ever ran across. All in all gorgeous country where the real diamiond is its people Thank god they had san miguel.


Everyone sings- so you're gonna get a free show. You'll also come back singing.


Out in the province, the drunken karaoke starts at 7am and goes till 7am


Or until someoneā€™s extremely drunk Tito sings My Way terribly at one 2AM.


That shit is crazy.. never knew about this until the man the myth the legend Mr. Ballen did a segment on it. Fucking bonkers


This really does sound like propaganda tbh. There are a lot of Filipino people where I live. My best friend is Filipino. From what I've seen, Filipino people are *very* old-fashioned when it comes to dating and relationships. The women expect that the man will provide for them, pay for dates, buy her lots of stuff, and the men expect the women to submit to them because men are "the head of the household." I could be wrong, but that's what I've noticed with the Filipino people I've met here in Canada.


My brother met his wife at church. She was in California on a temporary student visa. They're married with four kids. She doesn't seem materialistic in the slightest, though he makes good money he's *extremely* frugal and I've never seen her complain. They often send money to her elderly dad, but he's a super good dude, really funny. Has health problems, so I can understand. She's the "traditional" wife in every sense of the word, cooks every meal, cleans, takes care of the kids and plans these elaborate birthday parties for them. Genuinely a really, really good partner to him. I haven't seen her mad or upset a single time. Not sure if this is every filipina woman, but maybe it is. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A friend of my fatherā€™s married one and brought her whole family over, couple years later she ditched him. Not surprising considering I wondered why on earth she chose him in the first placeā€¦he wasnā€™t exactly the brightest bulb and has a speech impediment. Anyway this post seems like r/thepassportbros propaganda lol


Lol the types of men who call themselves "passport bros" shouldn't be allowed around women. From what I've seen, they're shitty and deserve to get scammed or ghosted.


I canā€™t speak for the rest of the Philippines, but I visited Cebu last year and the women literally threw themselves at me because Iā€™m a tall white man.. It definitely wasnā€™t conservative values.


They want you to take them to Canada or whatever country you're from and marry them so that they can get citizenships. I was warned about this from my Filipino friend's dad when he suggested we should all go for a trip to the Philippines.


I think that Filipinos who live abroad are easy to speak ill about Filipinos in the Philippines. They generalize Filipinos over limited encounters they've had during their stay here. I'm a Filipino, the dating culture isn't the traditional way anymore, our culture has unfortunately been changed to copy Western cultures, meaning more hookups and flings. Filipina women also emphasize here how simple 100Peso dates (2$) are better, and there's lots of nice Filipina women who dgaf about how much is spent on a date (that is if you don't look for basic tiktok addicted filos). While it's true some Filipina women (you'll find them mostly in slum areas tbh) still cling on to foreign men to have a chance of leaving the country, I think it's offensive to generalize that Filipina women will use foreign men for visas. A lot of women I know including myself have dated foreign citizens, but we never saw them as exit tickets from our country. You just have to go to decent places.


Yeah. There's a difference between a fat 50 year old German 'dating' an 18 year old from a poor village, and two people of a similar age and educational background dating. Hell, I dated a Thai girl when I was in Germany, and I was the poor one in that relationship. And it wasn't even particularly close.


I had a friend dating a Thai citizen when we were in grad school. She was absolutely well off and was planning on heading home. She convinced him to immigrate. Everyone was teasing him about just using her for a green card to Thailand.


Oh, of course. I found it incredibly off-putting to be honest, but I get it. Iā€™m just pointing out that itā€™s not conservative at all because of that - itā€™s essentially a playground for Westerners with that attitude for those willing to exploit it.


so the implication is the philippines is some sort of third world country that women are desperately trying to leave? in reality, itā€™s a beautiful, developing country with a low cost of living. this citizenship-seeking stereotype is outdated at bestā€¦ and maybe just racist.


I know there are *very* upscale parts of Manila and other big cities that are beautiful and full of financially well-off people. But extreme poverty is a huge problem there. It has portions that are so poor that girls are forced into the sex trade before they even start puberty. There's a reason organizations have developed programs for people from countries with less poverty to sponsor Filipino children.


You need to watch out, though. As a white dude over there you're a mark. In the city you will 100% get women coming up to you, but a lot of guys don't realize that most of these women are working (prostitutes) or just looking to scam you. There will be good women mixed in there, too, but the ones that are really smooth about it are professionals.


because they know white = money :D.


Everything you said is correct except I submit to my wife.


Western women want all that and then don't let the man be the head of household.


I work with a few people from the Philippines, I really want to visit after talking to them. Looks like a fantastic retirement plan.


I used be in a long term relationship with a half phillipino woman, the thing I miss most was the trips most to see her family and spending a month on the islands The place is amazing. I was so shocked how cheap everything was. I actually struggled to spend all my money before heading back to the UK, get to 3 days out with like 4000 pesos left, take 18 people out to dinner at ChowKing, 3500 left. My head hurt. The woman was a massive bitch but her family, and mother islands are gonna be in my heart till I die.


Sadly, inflation has hit. If you're not in the provinces, expect to pay near 1st world rates now.


Or shrinkflated like Jollibee.


my gf is in manila,she said it's still cheap there,for sure depends on places but overall it's cheaper then other countries like USA etc


While true that prices are "cheaper" there, when looking at prices relative to the local economy, you'll find it's expensive. The median monthly salary is like P18,000 last I checked, so that's like $306/mo. A chicken joy with spaghetti and drink is P169 or $2.87 as of this comment. Meanwhile, in the US, the median monthly salary is about $5000 and a 1pc chickenjoy with spaghetti and drink in the US (in this case, Chicago's Jollibee branch) is $11.68 ($10.99 + $0.69 tax). So assuming you have a median monthly salary, you're spending close to 0.94% of your monthly income on a fast food meal in Philippines but in America, you're spending closer to 0.23% for the same meal. So unless I'm mathing wrong, you spend less total in the US in relative costs. As a side note, I've tried them in both countries as I travel between USA and Philippines frequently and you do get more food in the US.


the country is poor,but as someone from a different country,it's very cheap


You can still go, bro. She doesn't own those islands. Go. Buy 18 strangers dinner instead.


The quality of the time spent and not the amount of money spent is what you need to be looking for. Otherwise that girl is just in it for for money and will rob you.


I met my ex husband at college. The college had a rec room with a pool table and two arcade games. Our first dozen dates were us getting lunch in the cafeteria and then hanging out in the rec room. I donā€™t know why, but no one else ever used this room even one time while we were there and it was like our own private little world. I still remember how entrancing it all was. We legit had zero money. We always spent around $10 between our lunch and a few games. It was some of the best times of my life.


Its goes both ways. White men see easy pussy filipinas see easy money


Nah bc as the girl in the video says "its about how you project yourself". It doesn't matter how much money you spend if they are not having a good time with you...


I've been on horrible dates at 5-star restaurants and awesome dates at places like Taco Bell. The atmosphere doesn't matter as much as the company you're with.


Be careful with marriage scams. https://www.philippinepi.com/blog/philippines-marriage-fraud-avoid-it/#:~:text=These%20women%20lure%20their%20victims,is%20punishment%20for%20the%20perpetrators.


Like anyone is as foolish telling the world your intentions LOL Edit: Just like how passport bros wont be telling women that they come here in the Phil because white women wont date him


That's another myth, though. That myth seems to have gained traction among people who want to believe it, but it's just not true. The myth is that these American men can't get women in the US so they travel to a cheap country like the Philippines where they can "buy" these women. But the reality is that a plane ticket to the Philippines costs about $1500 right now, and for $1500 you can buy just about any American woman that you want. If he really wanted to "buy" a woman, he could buy a really nice escort in any American city for $1500. Or he could pay for quite a few expensive dates with a gold digger in the US (who will absolutely fuck you for that cash). My friend's dad died in his 80s. He was really old and skinny looking. When he died, they checked his phone and it turned out that he had side pieces.... in his 80s. So gold diggers are way more common than you think. These girls may be too embarrassed to be seen around town with these old sugar daddies, but they're not too embarrassed to fuck them on the side for some money.


Ofcourse girls are happy to date these guys because they see them as literal walking wallets. Lets see how enthusiastic she is to date him when he loses his job a needs support for a month or two.


Just out of curiosity, where in the world are women enthusiastically dating broke guys in between jobs?


When you're 18/19 and also in school taking on odd jobs I guess...this first date was at an arcade, and we got McDonald's to eat in his beater car afterwards because food was so overpriced there. Man, that was 2008 and we're married now.


Same for me, my wife litearly ran the household in our early 20ies when i was between jobs, same as i have done for her. People here really have no understanding of real relationships, all they have or get are ā€œconvenient financial situation for one personā€


Huge influence is probably social media where rich people / influncer show how a relationship / dates should look like. In reality for the average people it's different.


Problem is: guys don't have problems dating broken girls That's the sad part


Even at $100K it's difficult to find a date. Please, no more, stop telling me I need to grind/hustle more. I just can't. Also don't tell me to work on my personality, or dress nicer, or this, or that, or the other. I'm just so sick of it all. So tired of constantly being judged on my worth as an individual. So tired of just never being good enough. So tired of no matter how many goals I reach none of it is ever good enough.


Big cope. Western women don't do this either, in fact almost no woman does this despite them being broke themselves.


White man gets pussy, girl gets money for her and family and put siblings in school.


People shitting on this guy in the comments while nonchalantly and condescendingly calling this girl a whore. You guys suck.


The incels took over reddit long ago. If you pay attention to comments they out themselves




A woman who is **In**voluntarily **Cel**ibate is still an incel.




Mind blown.


Typically on the internet incels are seen as male, which is why the term femcel was coined to allow the difference. Not arguing against your point, moreso adding the illogical side from the internet.


Leftwingers say Incel as a slur to those that don't agree with them. Rightwingers say liberal as a slur to those that don't agree with them. Truth is that people just enjoy bullying people who don't agree with them.


Ah, I take it you didn't follow the linked video to his Youtube channel....


I mean, respectfully she might be a sex worker. Several guys have moved to cheap places and now make their money paying the best looking sex workers they can find to go on cheap dates with them to advertise their classic pickup artist classes for a bajilionty dollars


I've unironically went to McDonald's on a date once because me and the girl were both broke at the time. Best date I've ever been on. We've been married for three years today


Thatā€™s awesome, how did you two meet? Itā€™s tough nowadays to meet someone like that. My friends and I noticed when we were broke we didnā€™t have much luck with dating apps, but as soon as we ā€œmade itā€ Ā in our careers, we started getting dates. Ā My friend was making $15/hour as a flight instructor, got 0 matches, but as soon as he became an airline pilot, women were messaging him bunch. When I was in grad school, same story, but once I got a decent job in finance, I started getting dates. Really wish I found someone while I was grinding and when times were tough.


Forgot to add the $1500 flight cost. So unless you live there. That would be a very fucking expensive date.


Also, its only cheap if youre not filipino yourself


Yeah thatā€™s a great point. ā€œOnly $18 on a dateā€ wow cool bro now do the average wage in Philippines.


I believe it's around 8ā‚¬ per day or something on average


Yeah around 450-500PHP a day..


It's the situation people who live in there vs. people who came to vacation. Cheap for tourists, expensive for locals as anywhere in the Asia.


$20/hr in America comes to ~120 after taxes per day. That barely covers a check for a decent dinner plus parking. Your wages in America only go further when it comes to consumer goods and luxuries, you're getting absolutely ripped to shreds when it comes to housing and necessities.




Well have you considered this, America bad?


I'm guessing he's living there as an expat at least part time through the year. I've thought of doing it myself. Live in the US for 6-8 months and work like a dog then go to some other country to live basically a "retirement life" for the other 6-4 months and you might even be able to find work there in the tourist trade as an English speaking guide, etc. Only really suitable for folks without much family commitment obviously.


Iā€™m always curious on how westerners do that. Do you get your old job back or hunting a new job every cycle? Or itā€™s a free 2 month holiday or leave without pay that your company offers.


It easy to take a sabbatical (up to a year) in many countries and still keep your job. That is without pay ofc. Some jobs like working at an oil rig does it in periods - Iā€™m sure they would be open for longer times away and then come back again.


I work with contractors that do that in tech, take 6 month contracts getting paid ~$1k usd a day. Work until the contract is done and take an extended time off. The most experienced one I know owns a bunch of properties which he rents out that he bought earlier in his career when he was full time.


ā€œExpatā€ you mean economic refugee immigrant right?


No. They mean he used to be named Pat.


If you lived in Crete but don't any longer are you now excretion?


I used to live in a place called Crement! šŸ˜³


Things add up. A weekend in Vegas surpasses $1500 easy. I rather go to another county and explore a new place, culture and food.


When you marry a Filipina you marry the whole family and the endless phone calls asking for money never stop.


Western things are a little cheaper but not much. Local things are cheap. I went several years ago. The local bottle of rum was about $1 usd; it was bad but tasted good enough with coke and calamansi (tiny limes). The coke was about the same price as here.


The coke was still $60 a gram all the way in the Philippines.


Philippines are in the middle of a pretty bad war on drugs, since 2016 almost 20ā€™000 civilians have been killed in anti-drug, government-carried operation; the situation is so bad there, with government officials publicly calling for people to kill drug dealers and addicts on sight, itā€™s borderline-genocidal. The UN tried to intervene, Amnesty International tried to intervene, both because of extra-judicial executions endorsed by the government, and other blatant human rights violations. Itā€™s really not worth it. Please donā€™t do drugs there, for your own safety. Not worth it.


The war on drugs ended, the president who started it was anti-west/pro china&russia. A whole lot of changes are currently taking place and the high police officials are also being investigated now by the current president. If you watch the news that topic comes back and people who was involved are fired by batches. Edit: wait you're not even a Filipino, anyway, after we changed presidents the current one is currently undoing the damages the previous president did. The guy who started the war on drugs also drove out the majority of US military bases and sucked Xi's peanits.


toxic dating scene in the states confirmed.


I don't live in the US but man, what is happening over there? Are most of the women just gold diggers? Is it actually important to spent (a lot) money on a first date? Also the commenters seem to expect the guy to pay for everything? If so, seems like an easy money glitch if you just go on first dates to don't have expenses for food or activities.


Social media. The image sold is that men only care as much as they're willing to pay. If they're not giving the impossible life portrayed by staged accounts he's not trying hard enough and doesn't care. Same thing sold by romance movies, but there they're not pretending it's real. There's couples accounts set up to make money by selling a perfect life where all their devotion is focused on each other, something that can only really work if that's your full time job and you have the power of editing on your side.


It isn't really social media, but Tinder and social app dating scene. Women now have the ability to get a man at any point in time. Within minutes she can have a match and date for the night. This over inflates the ego and leads them to select a very few males that she actually would consider talking to. These very few males are also being selected by every other woman. So we end up in a situation where women no longer see 80% to 90% of men. A lot of the men being selected have a little bit of money and handsome/tall, so after being used by this fellow for sex they will think they are owed a relationship by these types of men resulting in the destruction of their ability to form relationships with anyone else.


This kind of behaviour or mindset is becoming more and more common. Iā€™ve seen posts here and there about Tinder dates where women just go on the date for a free meal and expectation for the other person to pay for everything, and have absolutely no intention of seeing the other person again afterward. Groups like r/FemaleDatingStrategy essentially gives this advice reinforcing this kind of behaviour. It really shouldnā€™t be about the amount of money spent, but the quality of the time and the activities done together that should matter most as they mentioned in the video.


huh, i thought that place got banned.


I don't think they got banned. IIRC they got too big for their britches and thought they would make FDS a money making venture. So they left reddit and created their own website. Then it failed spectacularly so they came back with their meaty flaps between their legs.


>IIRC they got too big for their britches and thought they would make FDS a money making venture. So they left reddit and created their own website. > >Then it failed spectacularly so they came back with their meaty flaps between their legs. That awkward moment when you forget that your key demographic has no money of their own.


If I were still in the dating scene I would 100% make every first date a nice walk and a coffee or ice cream. And if she got an attitude about it I'd tell her to get an uber home and find some other sucker to put up with that shit. And I'd give her a parting bit of wisdom first spoken by the poet Willy D. "you think your pussy made of gold, well it's not, you couldn't get a dime for it at the pawn shop"


I often feel like I caught the last train out of Hiroshima. My wife is great, but I see her younger sisters and their friends and they're fucking ***awful*** to the men they date, their views on men are something I'd never experienced when I was in my 20's and it terrifies me. Extremely picky and reject essentially 99.9% of men who ask them out, constantly slander men or degrade them to each other, see men as wallets, think they're waaay out of every man's league even though they don't have much to offer, every guy is a potential predator, slightest "ick" like wearing the wrong shirt or being into the wrong type of TV show and they'll ghost him. Constant cheating. Treat these men like emotional punching bags. The worst ones act like men showing interest is disgusting. They'll date old rich men then in the same breath complain that they're creepy. It's bad out there. I feel like most of these younger women are essentially hunting for an imaginary prince who part time models and has a billion dollars to spend on her but never actually has to go to work and has zero requirements of her but will bend over backwards to fill her every whim and allow her to emotionally shit on him while thanking her for the opportunity. It's bizarre.


And the best part? If they were to find this mythical unicorn they're searching for they would shift into "he's too good to be true, he probably has 3 other women lined up, that pig. So I'll cheat first before he can cheat on me" Then they do it, get caught or outright use it as ammo in an argument, the man leaves and they find out he actually was a great dude who genuinely cared about them.


most aren't gold diggers. most are fat. but there are alot of gold diggers. What you drive, what restaurant you go to, etc. Heck many even go on dates just to get fed.


Pretty much this. Everyone (including dudes) are either fat and angry or just fat


Not at all. But they sure are prominent online. Online dating can be rough, but it's easy to filter them out. I dated constantly when I was single. Always classy, humble, professional, beautiful women.


No, thatā€™s just the internet distorting perception of what is actually real. Things that happen occasionally being made to seem like they are normal when they are not


> Are most of the women just gold diggers? The 666 (feet, income digits, inches) rule is for vapid losers. What you're seeing is engagement bait. Misandrists, diggers, and upset men are engaging and you see the vid because it has high engagement. This is NOT how dating works in major US cities. The sentiments you're reciting are a faƧade. Even a decade ago I knew anyone not going dutch (split bill) on date one and expecting me to pay was not going to work out. The only people that play along with that are suckers or rich idiots with no game. It cuts both ways. I've left mid date when they order 3 drinks, apps, and the most expensive entrƩe on the first date without consulting me beforehand. Some people marry for love, some marry for money. It's just more obvious when they're aiming for the latter and it upsets people when you post their behavior online. It's just like those posts; "my money is my money, your money is our money". It gets an emotional response and therefore more clicks so you see it more. Long and short is it's not like that for everyone.


It's not that they're gold diggers. It's that they've been brainwashed by feminism to believe they should be like men. They believe that a 50/50 partnership means it's more like a job than a relationship. Women in countries like OP still believe in honoring their husband, in treating him like the king of the household and he in turn treats her like the queen of the household. You'll see a lot of people piss and moan about "taking advantage of stupid poor women" but the truth is a lot of these women are far smarter and more accomplished than your average western women. Many of these women speak at least 2 different languages, they're well educated (have you see education in the US?), are strong, smart, capable and looking to be a good wife and mother.


This isn't feminism. This is TikTok and social media bullshit having young women in an armsrace who can get the richest, tallest guy to show off with. Rather than actually wanting something that's good for them. Social media for women is like porn for men. Too many are addicts and have fucked up perspective of what the real deal is even about any more.


This is a great point. Iā€™ve thought the same thing for a long time.


I worked on a military base and an officer told me back in the day when he was stationed in the Philippines theyā€™d go to bars and toss their hats out to the crowd of women and whichever lady caught their hat theyā€™d pair up. Thatā€™s how he found his wife and brought her to the US.


And they say romance is dead


How many years ago was this? I watched inside out 2 last weekend and had to pay PHP 1090. Even fast food for 2 will cost you at least 400-500. The arcade price is still probably true but those are for very out-of-date games. If you want to spend an hour in an arcade, you'll probably need another PHP 500. Edit: okay maybe if you were in one of the provinces then these prices might be more reasonable. In Manila, you definitely would have a hard time fitting an entire date including transportation into USD 20.


Yeah but Manila is like the New York or LA of the Philippines. It's the city with probably the most expensive expenses in the entire country. Not very representative of what it's like in the rest of the country. Someone in New York would feel poor making $100k a year but in my part of the USA $100k is pretty wealthy, upper middle class.


imagine going on a date to have fun


hoes mad


What the hell are these womens problem bro šŸ˜­


That last frame where he just gives the sickest "you see this? you bitches are wrong" look


Man this comment section is something else...you guys are some cynical miserable people sheeeeeesh




3 tokens


A kilo of rice will do


That covers a week easy


You could spend all day there if you wanted to


The range starts around 10 dollars for rural areas to 25-30 dollars in urban areas. Of course, higher class ones cost more. According to a friend.


man some women just hate to see other prettier women have fun with the men they cant admit they're attracted to lmao. the delusional behavior just runs so damn deep two consenting adults go out and have fun together and these tiktok women are still trying to calculate out a way to be victimized by this video. like just chill its not about you


The industrial revolution and its consequencesā€¦


The jealousy in those comments, geez.


Femcels being mad


Selling his GF tits for clicks




Weā€™ve come full circle.


That lady might have been paid to be in the video. So she'd be selling her own tits.


Honestly I was waiting for him to add how much he spent on her to accompany him for the day. Like $18 for activities and food, the other $982 on an escort.


Philipine girls's hot though


you'd be surprised how attractive a normal person is when they don't have the mass of a wildebeest


27M, from the States and have been in the Philippines for 9 years, settled down with a wife and kids. Plan on living here until my dying breath. 1,000 PHP which equates to $20 can go considerably further than what's demonstrated in the video depending on where you're at and what you're doing. Lots of places outside to get food at from street vendors, this looks like SM Mall, but there are cheaper malls with cinemas that have cheaper ticket etc.


> 27M, from the States and have been in the Philippines for 9 years, settled down with a wife and kids. I'm intrigued to know what it was the made you leave the US for the Philippines at such a young age. It's pretty unusual for a 17/18-year-old to emigrate.


Same situation, started a large Vanilla farm, importing to North America.


Ha, that is awesome. But what spurred farming and vanilla? And how do you even find buyers for it?


There is not enough supply for the demand, in 2017 price was 600 USD a kilo.I love farming, was looking for what to grow and non parishable harvest, just bought large farm land. North America is the largest buyer, Bakeries, Nestle etc. Philippines has a developing Vanilla production that is just starting up.


Love this. I convinced my wife that our retirement plan is to move to Vietnam, even cheaper than PH lmao. That part of the world is just way better vibes compared to here in the states. I canā€™t wait til Iā€™m 55


How did you convince your wife to let you retire in Vietnam with a hotter, younger woman? Mineā€™s threatening to take my pension in a divorce if I keep bringing it up.


Vietnam's economy is booming. In ten years you'll see the cost of living significantly increase. Thailand's COL rise has been rather slow in the past two decades. PH is likely to have a challenge as AI takes the (rather large) number of jobs away from the customer service centers that are based there due to the extremely high English fluency rates. I would expect their COL to not rise as much in the next decade.


These toxic comments are just ridiculous.... Stupid little souls! They are mentally pooršŸ¤¦


Seriously. People who think itā€™s bad to go on a cheap date have to get help


Women who quantifies the value of a date to the amount spent are just blatantly there for your money. Run.


Women mad af they ainā€™t having fun šŸ˜‚


Hence another reason why men are using their passports to find wives. A lot of Western women have become toxic waste.


I knew a guy who also had an 88 in his username. Everyone assumed he was a nazi because the 88=HH=Heil Hitler. He was actually born in 1988. We lost touch. Wonder what happened with him. Hope you're doing ok AryanWarrior88.


That and the US is a shit hole for the $$$ you spend. Cost of living has nearly doubled since Covid.


I agree with the sentiment of the video but letā€™s be real for one second here. You are guaranteed of an all night date in the Philippines with just a standard Kentucky Fried Chicken value meal.


You mean after you finish with the breasts, there is a greasy box to stick your bone in?


fear physical dull cough desert dinner tidy far-flung longing sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds great!


lol stay in America haters, I left and outside is amazing.


That seemed like a good video till he asked her directly how much should be spent. Becuase. Itā€™s amazing how not a single woman has ever ā€˜cared about how I much make.ā€™ As long as I was paying


Absolutely nothing wrong with a date on a budget but I found it pretty funny how he talked about ā€œthese countries are beautifulā€ and then went on a mall date lol




A Finfluencer?


I guess I got lucky but I never went out with anyone who cared about how much I spent on her.


People always say that all they want is a partner with good values, but they always, really always neglect the income part. It's to be assumed that this person earns a decent income, because nowadays everyone works hard. The entire issue is that if everyone works hard, it creates competition. You're viewed as broke, despite that the difference between your competitors are not as big as people make it to be in terms of income. It's not about being broke, but about telling people that they're not good enough for them. Everyone gauged their prices high, but that doesn't mean that you're worth that price. It just means that you set the price high. You're gauging your prices, create competition and then complain that nobody want to be with you. It's denying that they're losers. that's people's problem.


That sneaky look at the end!


I spent a month there in 2014 and I think I only spent about $1200. That was a nice beach resort, food, drinking, zip lines, and taxis. It was a blast.


If you did all that in America it would probably cost $300


No matter where you live or where you come from, I think everyone should listen to the women that complain about how cheap a date is versus the quality of the date, They are forewarning you not to waste your time on them


That comparison is idiotic honestly. You take your money you earned in America and bring it over to the Philippines and think how cheap everything is. Yeah, now ask the local folks how much they earn and then see how cheap it is for them.




Oh itā€™s not just western thing now, try coming to China, the amount of toxicity is beyond absurd


This is literally my brother, who is moving there on Sunday to marry a girl heā€™s known since December šŸ„“


Women ā€œwhy donā€™t men want to take me for a date ā€œ also women:


I completely get passport bros. When lots of western women are just becoming a pain to date and just be around, go where they are traditional. I'm fortunate to have found a traditional western woman. Otherwise, I may have gone out there myself.


Lmao, my country is not traditional anymore. We're literally the most Americanized part of Asia.


Was she included in the $18?


Ask your mother how much your dad paid before she spread her legs to have a genius like you. I bet it wasn't much.




Never take a date to the cinema. Sit still for 2-3 hours facing the same way and no talking? Sounds like a good date


The movie tickets are not 300php. Every time I went there the tickets were 400php for one movie, no shot this guy got 2 tickets within the budget.


I will never understand another woman's perspective of the man must spend their entire bank account for a 'proper' date. Fucked if you ask me. As long as we are chatting, both having a laughing not doing dangerous things who cares what he spends pr where you go


So sky diving and bungee jumping are out.


I mean, converting it to dollars will make it very cheap-looking but if you actually look at it through pesos and you'll see that he just spent a grand on a date. Its a matter of perspective and honestly, expensive dates are overrated. Take me a movie and then a slow end to the night at a coffee shop and we're all good.


Look up PPP and average wages. Comparing usa dollar or pesos cost as if you work in usa etc and spend in Philippines is horrible way to compare. Fine if vacation though. Same thing tucker Carlson did with Russia and he stupid.


180$ not even enough for a whole day in Stockholm


Went to Cebu šŸ‡µšŸ‡­ last year. It was fun with all the scripted and schedules tourism my wife and I planned (canyoning, swimming with sharks, snorkeling, diving, shopping). But outside the striped stuff, it was a lot of slums and depressing sightseeing. Food was great though. Halo halo was not unfortunately šŸ˜… but thatā€™s just our opinion


Its embarrassing for those gold diggers to reveal themselves. Who the fuck would want to date someone like that, if the activities were good why do you care how much it cost


Filipinos are the most amazing people.


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10745)Men of culture, assemble!


Imagine having a fucking awesome date. Going to the movies, getting snacks, getting a massive meal, and then spending hours at an arcade. You have the time of your fucking life. And then you notice he only spent 20 dollars on the date and now retroactively you hate the date, not because you didnā€™t have fun, but because you didnā€™t put a big enough dent in your partners bank account?


I thought this video was going to end after she stole the money.


So you can get an escort and take her out for less than 1000 pesos in the Philippines, awesome