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I hope both you and your father are doing better now. Kody will never be able to undo the weaponized neglect of the majority of his children. He could learn a thing, or two, from your dad.


I should have mentioned that; both him and I are doing a lot better than where we were last year. Not completely healed, but much better. Thank you! It genuinely breaks my heart. I know my relationship with the Browns is very parasocial, but I did watch these kids grow up. Watching their dad not even do the bare minimum for them when they are in a time of unknown and fear… it’s actually just so so upsetting.


Your dad sounds awesome, and I’m really glad you’re doing much better. May you both continue on the path to healing.


I think the surgery and his lack of care is what officially pushed Christine over the edge.


Totally. The lack of intimacy between them was something she put up with but once he neglected the kids, she wondered why exactly she was staying for. Many parents put up with bad marriages for the sake of the kids but if the kids aren't getting anything out of it either, it's over. 


Kody pretty much neglected Truly from birth.


Truely never got the dad that her older siblings got 😞


She never got the dad her younger siblings got either.


Oof.. that’s a damn shame too


This is such a powerful statement and so true!


If the older kids hadn’t of noticed she was lethargic when he was left to care for the kids alone Truly probably wouldn’t have been taken to the hospital in time.


What season and episode was that on? I want to watch it again


Season 6 episode 15 and 16


Gosh I’m not sure as this is my first watch. I know the 4 wives went on a girls trip and left him to take care of the children. Let me try and figure it out for you.


Kody pretty much neglected all of Christine’s kids because they were exact replicas of the woman he was envious of because she was the nucleus of the family and he hated that. Paedon had to hang out with Janelle’s boys in order to get any attention from Kody.


That’s me… I was *that* parent. Once he stopped being a good dad.. what was the point. I’d planned to stay until the kids (teens) were grown and on their own bc he was still being good to them even if I suffered. Until he wasn’t. It almost seemed like he felt his “job” was done bc we’d raised kids who could think for themselves, (and see him clearly) not caring that they still needed and wanted their dad. Garrison’s speech at the dinner table really hit me in the feels cause I’ve heard my own kids say the same thing.


I'm so sorry you were with someone like that. But I am so proud of you for leaving and showing your kids an example of strength and putting your own welfare first. I hope the weight of him has been lifted and you are free-er, happier and loved now! ♥️


💜 Thank you so much. I cannot even begin to explain how much lighter I feel, life is full of possibilities now. And to know you have the respect of your adult children is one of the best feelings in the world.


Nothing makes kids prouder and happier than seeing their parents happy, whether alone or together!


I wish my mom had been able to leave my dad. It's so good for your kids to see you happy


Even when I knew it was what I wanted and needed it was still one of the hardest follow thru-s in my life 💜


Christine and Janelle said that exactly in an interview I watched.


Spot on! And what rhondasma said " Kody pretty much neglected Truly from birth." I always wondered about that, like Christine had to goad him to go along with another baby that I’m sure she wanted very much.


oh 100%. plus i am convinced after Christine took Ysabel to NJ by herself she realized she CAN do it alone


Christine said something about that. Maybe it was an end of season episode? She had essentially been going solo for years, but she could also do solo in crisis mode.


yep. you could see it on her face when they were sitting outside and he said what he said.


I’m sure people are tired of me posting this same comment, but I can’t help myself. I’ve had the same surgery and it is a BIG FREAKING deal!!! Major, major surgery with many risks. While a dad missing any surgery would sting, this was truly unconscionable. I was 16 when my surgery was done and I had complications that landed me in the hospital for a month post-surgery. My mom stayed all day and then would trade out with my dad, who spent every single night on the hospital cot. If my dad had refused to come, I would never have been able to get over that hurt. This had to have been one of the final straws for Christine.


I knew a girl who had to get treatment for PTSD after that surgery. Inpatient treatment.


Surgery is scary; there’s only a couple of procedures that absolutely terrify me and one of them is anything spinal. I genuinely can’t imagine how scary it would be for a teenager to have to go through. :( Kids remember those kind of things, and they carry that for the rest of their life.


That is why the dr & nurses were SHOCKED that her dad wasn’t coming! Because the risk and pain of that surgery🥲


I hope you and your dad are doing better! This was a turning point for me. The utter lack of responsibility to C and Y was sad and disturbing. If Robyn was a real mom to Y and loves her as much as she claims, she would have insisted he go, her tenders would be ok. After all she has 2 adult children and a nanny in her house. I do believe this was a turning point for C. I hope C and J have apologized to their kids for defending this POS for his total lack of parenting, “he’s only here a limited time don’t want him to be the bad guy”.


Agree. I think it’s safe to assume that Robyn has NEVER been “mom” to the OG kids and we all knew it but these last few seasons absolutely show proof IMO.


Nope here is where I disagree with blaming Robyn. This is Kody’s crappy decision. I learned while married, that I could not insist my husband do anything, even if what I was asking was morally right. He would dig his heals in and refuse. Also note that he was a total narcissist and is now my ex-husband. I hope like hell that other people/women don’t blame me for my ex-husband’s behavior! I divorced him as soon as I realized that there would be no growth.


I would agree with you if there was evidence that Sobbyn wanted him to go. But she said herself it was too long for SolnAri to go without seeing him. I don’t blame her. I do think she was complicit and she needs to own it. We have eleventy hundred examples of Toady doing what she says even if he initially planned otherwise


Exactly. This was when I was resolute that Robyn gives NFs about the OG 13 and their relationships with Kody. She’s literally the stepmother that doesn’t care what happens to his “outside kids” as long as he’s there for her own. No way she shouldn’t have packed his bag and sent him on with Ysabel and Christine


When I was in my 20s my husband had surgery. We lived about 6 hours away, and my dad drove all night just to sit with me at the hospital. Kodi's complete apathy towards his sick child is disgusting. Maybe he was angry and trying to punish Christine. But to actually look your child in the eyes and seriously suggest she travel across the country and get major surgery *alone* proves he is a complete failure as a father and as a decent human being. The fact that he still considers himself a "good man" in any way after that is beyond comprehension.


AND ask her if she's going to be a bitter old lady about it. He knew he was damaging her and dgaff.


Yes, once Robyn came along and started popping out kids for him, he started treating his other kids like they were the neighbors’ kids he only saw occasionally and didn’t have to interact with much. The sight of him trying to be the centre of attention dancing like a goof at his friend’s wedding while his daughter was going through major surgery really showcased how much it’s really all about him and what he wants.


I always thought baldilocks was an asshole but after he was filmed dancing like a buffoon at that wedding while his poor daughter was getting major surgery across the country. Well he showed what a true low life piece of shit 💩he really is.


Watching Kody dance at that wedding gave me the major ick. 🤢


This. My father is far from being perfect, but he would drop any and everything for me. I'm a single mother in my 30's and I just spent 4 days in the hospital. The entire week before I was down with my chronic illness because I had a procedure done that threw me into an episode that subsequently landed me in the hospital. My father was there for me every single day. Going to the store to get what I might need, taking me to the er, coming to the hospital 30 minutes away daily while I was there just so I wouldn't feel alone while in the hospital. Kody is NOT a father. He just provided sperm to produce children. He doesn't deserve the title at all.


I felt so bad for Ysabel. Kody had balked and put off this surgery insisting that Ysabel needed to be more vigilant about her exercises. It took the spinal surgeon showing him the x-rays of her spine and the severity of her curvature to finally agree to allow the surgery. Even then, Kody had no insurance to cover the medical expenses, so Christine went on a fundraising journey to raise the $50,000 deposit.


Don’t get me started on what Christine had to do to raise money for insurance and that surgery. While Kody did what exactly? 😠


Buy Robyn more jewelry.


And fancy artwork for the already over cluttered McMansion


She’s always fucking decked out in David Yurman garbage.. its so weird and tacky


This to what galls me. I fear that the major reason he fought the surgery was simply the costs. Nothing to do with her health and quality of life concerns. He just didn’t want to foot the bill. Which makes the fact that Christine made it happen all on her own with no help even worse. He should have felt like being there was the least he could do


Kody stopped caring at all about the OG13 and their moms once Robyn came into the picture. He kept up the act for a while, but her entrance and her "newness" for Kody was like a little kid with a new toy, forgetting about everything else. It's just beyond appalling. And absolutely, if Robyn cared about the OG13 the way she claims to, she would have demanded Kody accompany Ysabel because she honestly needed her dad. The tenders would have been just fine. So freaking ridiculous.


Or like a divorced father with a new family.


He was punishing her because of Christine and because she didn’t wait until she was 18 to get the surgery done (and when he wouldn’t be financially culpable).


Christine admitted the surgery was her final straw. At that point like Janelle eventually figured out as well. Once Kody stopped being a present father there was no need to stay. I think a lot of wives thought throughout the years “well he isn’t a great husband but at least he’s a good father”. Kody sees Robyn’s kids his re-do family and that’s so hurtful to the other kids. I know people don’t like Myketlie but seeing her watch the episode where Kody took Aurora to get her ears pierced was so sad. You can tell she was crushed and THAT dad wasn’t an option for her growing up. In fact I think Mykeltie warned her siblings not to watch that episode all together because of how hurtful it was.


Later there’s an episode where Ysabel and Truly go to Robin and Kody’s for Christmas. Look at the resentment on Ysabel’s face. She’s not over it, she’ll probably never get over it and I don’t blame her.


Or Truely’s birthday when then can only have half of a chicken breast because they didn’t expect Ysabel to show up and dare to make them uncomfortable. And oops! Truely is a vegetarian but who cares if the birthday girl can eat?


The worst part to me is EVEN IF (let's pretend) he couldn't go to the surgery, why couldn't he help with the aftercare when she got home?!!?


I had a major spinal surgery a few years ago. To watch Kody treat this like a cosmetic silly thing is ABSURD. He’s a disgusting excuse of a father


Kody was willing to attend a wedding which is 100% against covid rules. He did it because it would feed his ego. If he cared about ysabel half as much as he cared about his reputation he would have gone to her surgery.


This is where you can really see how Kody makes terrible decisions as a father. He's actually just a sperm donor when it comes to his biological children. Completely uninvolved with their lives and health (mental and physical)


In 2017 my husband had subdural hematoma. My dad was going to come be with me . He would have to drive 18 hours to get here . I was 55 at the time . Kody is no father .


I never had any major surgery when I was a kid, just my tonsils out. BUT, I know now, many years later my Dad must have swapped shifts with someone to be there during the surgery, because he was, then after he went to work, my Mom was there, and then late my Dad came back and I’m pretty sure he was there all night. By that time he would have been up for more than 48 hrs straight. And that was just for tonsils, which even in 1972 or whatever weren’t really a big deal. They sent me home I think the next morning. But he rearranged his work schedule (which was a BIG DEAL) and stayed awake all that time so I didn’t have to be at the hospital alone. You remember those things.


Aw I totally agree. My heart broke for her. Regarding what happened with you guys, it’s all so scary! I agree, no one is perfect, and all families have problems, but this goes to show you that your dad has a beautiful unconditional love for you 💖 thank you for sharing💖


I can’t believe he did it on TV. Sometimes you make wonky decisions but why publicly? Yes I know it’s reality TV. He’s a dufus.


He thinks of himself as a combo of a sperm bank and a school principal. A principal is someone that makes decisions for you, is theoretically on your side but you have little day to day connection to. They shake your hand and say good job if you do something notable. Or sternly if you misbehave. They may talk to your mom if necessary.


I ended up in the ER and then a 5 day hospital stay during the height of covid for a freak intestinal issue. My dad drove 2 hours each way just so he could sit with me for an hour in my hospital room. He brought me to and from my colonoscopy a month later. He would have stayed inside with me as long as he could both times if it had been a different time period.


Man whenever I’ve gotten even a COLD at college my father, who had to quit his job during this same time span because of an injury and now uses EBT/is on disability, asks if I need him to come up. My college is only two hours away, but if I was all the way on the other side of the country and had to have that kind of severe surgery, he would be texting my sister to help him buy a plane ticket (he’s not good with tech whatsoever lol) in a heartbeat, if not grabbing his keys and get out the door to *drive* all the way. What Kody did to Ysabel is messed up and unforgivable.


Kody is a twat waffle for not going to his daughter major surgery. At the same there was editing magic going on. I put together a time line cause it was driving me crazy that TLC was so behind with the seasons and I noticed that one was way off. Ysabels surgery was September 2020. The friends wedding was July 2021. Still K is a POS. SW Timeline. https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWives/s/oOfMSq0sqn


I wondered how close together they were. Thanks for figuring that out!


I figured its not back to back (thank you Hollywood magic right lol) but I know where I live the Covid restrictions were not lifted until spring of 2022. There were no masks at that wedding, and I know as a teenager I would be devastated if less than a year later my dad went to a wedding but wouldn’t attend my surgery. :(


It’s mind boggling. Absolutely unbelievable. If Kody hasn’t begged for Ysabel’s forgiveness he doesn’t deserve to be her father. Robyn, too. More than likely he didn’t go because Robyn wouldn’t allow it or Robyn framed it in a way that made it impossible in his eyes. The “vacation” comment he made? Unforgivable. Quite frankly, Christine is an angel for being as kind to Kody as she has; I would never have spoken to him again.


Sobbyn said Ari & Solomon were too young to be away from him for that long. The same Sobbyn who went on an extended honeymoon with Toady when Truly was a newborn


I had that surgery when I was a teenager. One of the things I remember most is that my dad was around. He also isn’t a perfect father but he was there. Back and forth over an hour multiple times. I watch off and on but did see that episode and just can’t believe Cody. That will be with Ysabel for life. He’s such an asshat.


What confused me was he was using covid as an excuse not to be by his daughters side but traveled to perform a marriage for a friend during the same COVID CONCERNS. He danced, partied, and enjoyed himself!!


I was shocked at how he handled that situation. I cannot imagine my father or my husband ever allowing one of their children to have surgery like that, very major spinal surgery, without them being there every minute. And then suggesting she go alone? Poor Ysabel was obviously upset about it. In my mind, that really crossed a line - he's a shit father and no one can convince me otherwise.


Your dad sounds like a sweetheart!! Kody could learn a lesson from him.


I love your dad and hope both of you recover! Ysabel should be loved that hard!


That is exactly what being a dad is! My daughter's father is an absolute idiot. Much like Kody only his Robyn is him mom and sister. As pos as he is he wants to be at our teenagers surgery coming up. She said absolutely not however he wanted to be there. I am assuming mommy and sister gave him permission lol


How he cried over not seeing Aurora vs his not caring about Ysabel sent me over the edge


Maybe if Ysabel asked Kody to perform her surgery he would have went?


Your story made me sob.  


Kody is the worst.


I am so sorry what you and your dad had to go through and I hope, you both are much better now. But, hey, let's not forget that Kody took it upon himself to accompany Aurora to her horrible, painful and traumatic ear piercing appointment. 🙄


I have always wondered if Ysabel’s quiet demeanor played a role in Kody’s not traveling for her surgery. Even if she was in considerable pain, she was amazingly quiet about her distress…lots of tears, not a lot of screaming (at least in front of the cameras), unless I am mis-remembering something. It seems like the old adage, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Most of the other kids were much more demonstrative. I wonder if Kody felt that her suffering was not that big of a deal and justified his decision using that reasoning.


I often wondered if it came down to money.


I am a mom of 2 and I totally understand how your dad feels. There is nothing that could keep me away from my children if they needed me. Kody is a horrible selfish father. I can only hope he wakes up and realizes that sooner rather than later. I hope both you and your father are doing better 🩷


For me? As a non parent, non doctor, not the person suffering that XRAY was so clear that she needed actual help. And that was when I lost my respect for both Christine and Kody. Cause wtf do you mean your having her stretch it out when it looks like a greater than symbol


What was slightly discussed and inferred in the porch scene when they were discussing her surgery is as you said, Kody saying Christine was also adding on a vacation to the surgery. People were incensed by him saying that. What he did imply though is that Christine made the choice to Go all the way to NJ for the surgery knowing how he was trying to protect the family from Covid and him having to consider his other kids needs too. Christine said it was because the procedure she wanted Ysabel to have was done by this doctor she “ liked”. In fact, there are 3 types of surgery for scoliosis. Not all surgery centers do all 3. There is however a world renowned center in California less than a days drive from their home that does all the procedures. I’d be willing to bet this info was edited out of the scene although they left in the part about her adding on a vacation, which in fact they did with having Maddie and the others come and stay in the Airbnb after the surgery. When they were splitting Kody made several comments how Christine didn’t involve him in any decision regarding her kids during Covid. It was one of his biggest beefs. So while I agree Kody should have gone even for one day, I do understand his anger at her and him letting his anger get the better of him as he likely felt if Christine really cared that he be there for Ysabels she could have chosen the closer hospital and he could have come easily without having to get on a plane.


I too would also want to see a surgeon I liked if they were going to be wiggling their fingers in my insides. I’m picky about my own healthcare and I don’t even need surgery.


Wow. No. You have it so wrong. It would have been the same if she’d gone to CA. The issue was not the distance, it was COVID and the fact that she had to stay near the doctor for follow-ups for about two weeks (you’re not supposed to travel for two weeks after spinal surgery—and a day’s drive is definitely counts as travel). They had to quarantine for two weeks prior to the surgery (the recommended quarantine time at that point in the pandemic). Then stay in the area for two weeks, then quarantine for Kody for two weeks. Since they had to be in the area for four weeks, why not stay with family? That decision makes perfect sense to me. Kody was just doing what he always does—make Christine look like she made a selfish decision to assuage his guilt over actually making a selfish decision. Christine DID NOT take a vacation. She was up every few hours helping her daughter who just had major surgery to go to the bathroom, and to get food and drinks, and to make sure she took her medications, and taking her to her follo-ups with the surgeon. And even when they came back and quarantined for two weeks (Ysabel now a month post op but still requiring a lot of help) Kody STILL didn’t do anything more than stop by for dinner. He couldn’t be bothered to lift a finger for his daughter—and that includes paying for her surgery. The whole reason he signed the house over to Christine was so she could get insurance and then she still had to crowd fund for what the insurance wouldn’t cover. Contrast that with Kody taking time out of his “busy” day (“he’s going!”) to shuttle Robyn’s kids back and forth to school (something he never did not once for the OG kids) and making sure they had snacks. He bought Robyn’s kids mini bikes for Christmas and didn’t even bother to call ANY OTHER KID. He said the fact that scoliosis was impacting Ysabel’s self esteem was “just rhetoric” and didn’t care about the pain she was in. Contrast that with when Dayton had his ATV accident—Kody was very concerned about HIS self esteem and went with him to every consult with the plastic surgeon, drove him to the surgery, and helped take care of him after. When Truley was in acute renal failure, where was Kody? Taking a nap at Robyn’s in the middle of the day (I thought he was so busy doing business, not just hanging around Robyn’s house?) not at Christine’s house worrying about his dying child. No way the OG kids didn’t see the disparity. It was just MOST obvious with Ysabel that Kody only cares about himself first (it’s totally okay for him to “break the rules” when he does something he wants to do like officiating a wedding maskless) and Robyn and her kids second. Even when one of the OG13 is undergoing major spinal surgery Kody can’t be bothered. Kody’s beefs about not being involved fall as flat as his insistence that Janelle and Christine should somehow create a good relationship between his children and him. He does what always does—he doesn’t do any of the heavy lifting in parenting and expects the wives to somehow create an idyllic father/child bond. He’s responsible for his relationship with his children. No one else. If he wasn’t involved with the decision making about Ysabel’s surgery, it’s because he called their concerns rhetoric and was adamantly opposed to her having the surgery. He didn’t care that his child was in severe pain every single day. Christine didn’t take a vacation. She was being a good parent.




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