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I think what happened (that K and R have twisted beyond recognition) is that Kody was applying sooo much pressure on Christine for his one biggie house trophy house. He threatened to sway Meri to vote in his favor by drumming up a relationship with her again (which he would easily find a reason to discard once he got his way) and Christine saw this as disgusting and amoral. She called him on it, and it turned into “Christine melted down at the idea of Kody reconciling with Meri”. Kody even gave the context of talking about the biggie housie. He is foul and so is Rob.


I could see this. And yes, those two definitely twist things beyond recognition. They deserve each other. I’m so happy Christine found her one. And I hope both Janelle and Meri do too.


Yep. This is a flying monkey covering for her narc. He came up with his story, and she has to try and spin it so he's the innocent one, or there's hell to pay at home.


Kody had already said multiple times before this, that he was done with Meri.


He pretty much told Meri he was done with Meri. But, Meri just couldn’t hear it because this idiot keep her hanging on( so she could keep spending her money). Big Rob is just so compassionate sitting in her big house on the hill judging everyone and her kids telling her she’s the best communicator and will help anyone of the OG kids have a better relationship with their dad. Or not.


She’s so full of crap. She spouts all these platitudes but follows through on none of them. The way she kept Meri hanging on was so cruel. If she was a true friend to Meri she would have welcomed her into her home during the whole COVID debacle. But no. She gave a crap excuse about how it would be unfair to the other wives. I don’t know why Meri bought into sobyn’s lies.


And if she was a true friend, she would've made sure that Meri didn't get screwed out of her portion of CP. She didn't care at all that her and Kody got the majority of it, she just sat there silent when Meri told them that it's unfair that she gets so little. That woman's selfishness knows no bounds.


She’s been that way all along but kootie was too blind to see it. Ugh!


I know, I wonder if he will ever wake up and realize that he abandoned his entire family for a snake. It doesn't look like he ever will.


Very unlikely. I think it’s like Christine said, he found his soulmate in her. They belong together. It’s just too bad they made others miserable and cheated them out of a happy life and earnings.


Tbh people keep saying that they’ll break up eventually- and I doubt it. Spite will keep them together if nothing else does. They’re the exact same person, just different genders, and neither of them will ever have the emotional capacity to understand that they’ve caused people they claim to love a lot of harm. Blaming Christine and the kids hasn’t worked, but they’ll be damned if they take responsibility for something they actively did. It must piss them off to no end that Christine, the Arbiter of All Evil, found love again. They’ll celebrate their fiftieth anniversary even if they’re just glorified roommates at that point and can’t stand the sight of each other- for one very simple reason. They can’t admit they were wrong.


And at this point, it’s sunk cost. Kody’s ego is not going to allow him to admit he was wrong to give up everyone including his kids for this ridiculous do-nothing person


This. High key or low key, spite is their great unifier and motivator.


I agree, I always see people say she will leave him too but I don't think she will. She's dependent on him and where is she going to go, who would want to take on her and all her kids, especially seeing how she's destroyed two families. Whenever people see them on public together, they look happy. I don't believe that they were having problems like Robyn was trying to act like she was so unhappy with him. I believe she was just trying to get sympathy from viewers, but it didn't work because she's fake.


In a way, she reminds me of Wallis Simpson, who was said to have told a friend after Edward VII abdicated, “I can never leave him now. You have no idea how hard it is to live out a great romance.” Robyn is nowhere near as elegant or poised as the Duchess of Windsor, but I think she’d rather saw off her own nose than leave. As you said- where would she go?


Best comment/analysis ever! 100% on point!


I guess I need to rewatxh that scene. IIRC when Kody did start with some explanation, she told him not to speak about it. That he wasn't in the right head space. It felt like she didn't want his dumb@$$ on record until she could tell him what to say.


She's shut him up like this more than once, remember she's also put her hand over his mouth so he can't talk. I think it's ridiculous when some people actually think she's some meek, little, abused wife by him because if she was, there's no way in hell she would be covering his mouth like that and telling him when he can speak.


Exactly. On the talk back/watch and comment thing, R&K were watching some scene of Janelle. The video stops for their reaction, and her response was to look at Kody and say, "But, you didn't want to Christmas separate." Kody says, 'No, I didn't." Robyn says, "Why does she keep saying that?" Of course Kody says it's because of the narrative that she's (Janelle) has spun with the boys. Kody may be the only fool that can't see through Robyn's 🐎💩. No, Kody did not come out and say that he wanted Christmas to be separate. He said that Janelle's boys needed to come to heal. Grovel at the feet of he & R. Accept full responsibility for any and all mishaps within the family and say that Robyn is their victim. THEN, they could be invited to K&R's. The boys weren't willing to do that, and Kody wasn't willing to meet them halfway, nor hear that anything the boys felt was valid. Janelle wasn't willing to shove Christine off a cliff for Kody. So, no, Robyn, he didn't SAY he wanted Christmas to be separate. He IMPLIED that with his actions and speaking in riddles or circles. Robyn pretends not to have a single clue why Janelle would say that, and Kody pretends like he has to explain it to Robyn because she's so sweet she could never understand how Janelle could say that when it wasn't true. Those two are too stupid and transparent. It's sick.


I know, they're both compulsive liars.


Kody sounded like such a horse's \*ss when he demanded that Janelle's sons make apologies before they can come to Christmas at the McMansion. I can't even imagine what he says or does off-camera. All I can say is that the OGs seem to have established some new holiday traditions that don't include any of the McMansion residents. God bless 'em, everyone.


Kody keeps saying different things all the time and I can just imagine how confusing and frustrating it is for Janelle, Christine and their kids, dealing with him. He's constantly moving the goalposts according to what Robyn wants.


I hope Meri hires an independent forensic accountant and lawyer and gets what’s owed her.


Liar, liar, pants on fire 🤬


Right? And later on her bullshit about wanting the family. What a load of crap! Is that why she tried to hang on to kootie and try to prevent him from leaving when Christine was in labor with Truely? And her demands to have equal time with kootie before they were even married. The gall that woman has.


Exactly!! She says she wants the whole family, but yet she does everything in her power to sabotage the whole family and does everything you're NOT supposed to do when you're in a plural family. She's full of shit and anyone with a brain can see it.


Except kootie. Oh wait. https://www.reddit.com/r/SisterWives/s/1DcKgMR81z 😂😂😂


LOL!!! That look on his face is hilarious!!


IKR? I wish I could congratulate the creator of that meme!


He said he told the other three together, and Christine threw a fit. Robyn said she heard Christine having a fit, and she knew nothing about what caused it. Sounds like they didn’t keep their stories straight!


That's why she looks so much in pain! Lol


Projecting. It was either her who had the flip out. Or Christine objecting to some kind of talk about manipulating Meri more to further the show. And Christine to have this reaction at Robyn’s house?!!! 😆😆😆 unfuckingbelievable. She already knew Robyn’s personality test said drama! 😜


IKR? As if! sobyn must think the viewers are all fools to believe her.


I’ve wondered this so many times?! Does she honestly believe her performance is so incredible, she’s fooled the world?


People like her fool themselves first and foremost. They lack the self awareness to be genuine.


This is the part I find hardest to believe. Christine went to Robbem's house to complain about Kody? I wouldn't buy that story with free money.


It is so easy to "read" Robyn's lies and deception in her body language, with the closed eyes or looking up and away while speaking. Particularly in still shots like these, it is very easy to see how deceptive she really is, she is so unbelievable.


IKR? That’s what struck me with these images. She’s looking down almost all of the time! Definitely a sign of deception.


I know, how can anybody believe what she says!!


The sad thing is, her children believe all the lies.


This whole story was such a clumsy manipulation on KR's part. They really thought that if they made this claim that people would forget what they saw with their own eyes and heard with their own ears. Even Meri pointed out the obvious that if Kody did feel like reconciling with her after the food she gave him, then it didn't last the night bc he kept hinting at her leaving and was visibly repulsed when she suggested kissing him. KR seem to think they're strategists but they keep forgetting they're being filmed and their lies are idiotic anyway.


Exactly. Who do they think they’re fooling? It’s like the little kid who has cookie crumbs all over his face and tries to tell you he didn’t have any cookies.


I think it was unplanned. Kody sputtered it out mid-rant while looking for more things to hold against Christine. Robyn wasn’t prepared with her side of the story. She hears there was an argument with Kody and Christine so she makes up vague support. Robyn doesn’t make a strong commitment to it because she isn’t aware of what Kody said. She didn’t want to inadvertently contradict him.


Manipulative, Yes.  She is trash.  It’s great, she and Kody no longer have access to the OG3 money.  That  standard of living must have went down a bit.  Good 


I wonder how that’s working for them. He’s going to find out really quickly why sobyn got a divorce in the first place when she won’t cut out her spending habits. I bet they are hanging onto Coyote Pass because they know they won’t get all of the money from it that a good chunk will have to go to Janelle and Meri if they do sell.


You are most likely, correct.  I am curious to see how this division of the property will play out.  Or, if we will ever find out 


We’ll find out. There are some amazing detectives on here. 😁


I wonder is that why they haven't had more kids!!!! Just a thought? I am surprise that he hasn't tried to add a new wife to make more money.. I can picture them late at night thinking of ways to make more money just like TLC.


He was never cut out for polygamy. He found his love and a devoted wife. He's not looking for more.


There's no way Robyn would ever allow him to add more wives, especially if they were younger than her and can have children. She said before that it would be "disrespectful" if he added more. I would love to see that happen though. She would deserve to get put out to pasture, it would be karma.


⬆️⬆️ THIS. ⬆️⬆️ You're a thousand percent right.🩵


It really upsets me how she butts in when one of the wives say how they tried in their marriage.. she had the nerve to say Christine wasn't struggling with her marriage in Vegas, after Christine said she was.. how are you going to tell the person struggling they weren't because you didn't see it. You don't live in her home Robyn, and whatever Kody comes back to tell you, should be taken with a grain of salt. That man twist and turns stories to be in his favor, this is something my mom does and it's sickening..


I was just thinking this for this specific situation. She may have seen Christine upset about something and asked Kody and he told her some bull. So she ran with that story instead of asking or talking with Christine herself. Why would Christine act like that in front of everyone, if she really was upset about Meri and Kody? She would talk to them alone if she felt that strongly, or stay out of it and leave herself. It didn't seem in character.


But I thought Kody isn't one to be run by one of his wives, Robyn? Hmmm... Suddenly, Christine of all people, has this much influence over him?


I know lol he's so full of shit!! Robyn has neutered him!!


Exactly!!! It’s just so laughable. Those two are such hypocrites.


18 seasons with Kody giving zero cares about anything Christine says or wants. But we’re all supposed to believe this is the one time in the history of ever that Kody let Christine tell him what to do?


Well said!


Exactly!!! How stupid do they think viewers are to believe that load of bull.


If that was true, why didn't Kody try to reconcile with Merri once Christine left? Liar, liar


Oh you know there will be some excuse. But yeah, it’s basically all lies.


“Lying manipulative cow”. I love it!




I’ve always felt this was a lie Kody cooked up before the tell nothing to try to discredit Christine, and Robyn agreed to go along with the lie. It was so obvious they both were lying they just looked so foolish. Of course Christine said it was a lie and Meri said she nothing of it and that Kody was cold to her and said he didn’t want to have a relationship with her. Robyn looks like she’s on something here, she can barely keep her eyes open.


Yeah Christine said this never happened. Kody talked about it as if he was talking to all three wives about Meri. Meri says she doesn’t think it happened, Christine says it did not happen, and crickets from Janelle.


“Tell nothing”… 😂😂😂 I would find it more realistic that she cooked up the idea with him rather than going along with it. But yeah.


Both K and R are full of it. I remember this episode and what stood out to me is that neither K/R could give specifics during this supposed meltdown Christine had that prevented K/Meri’s reconciliation. ![gif](giphy|3o85gdhlpxVz8TjsTC)


I was thinking of Pinocchio too! 😁 I wonder if these two even know what the truth is.


Robyn was so fucking wrong for this!


I finished the third tell-all earlier today. And this woman tells some ridiculous whoppers. It makes me so angry!


Come the F on! Kody was done with Meri long before this. He never would have even considered taking her back no matter how good her Rice Krispies are! What a load of shit!! Those two are incapable of telling the truth.


They try to spin their “reality”. It’s pathetic.


Why isn’t she pretending to cry here?


She saves that for when she’s playing victim.


She was dehydrated from all the earlier crying.


She’s a pathological liar; like, mental illness level. If she wasn’t so incredibly destructive, she’d be fascinating to watch. She lies so compulsively, on TV, in front of MILLIONS of viewers that have been watching her for over a decade and doesn’t think we know she’s lying.


She totally is!!


Her and Kody seem to forget that all of these things are on film. They insult the viewers intelligence. Just get rid of them already. They are so nauseating.


But this supposedly happened during the pandemic, so they’re both saying they had a get together at Robyn’s house with all the children and Janelle is when this altercation took place. Plus, Robyn claimed she wasn’t there and that she only caught the tail end of Christine’s rant. Like I believe that they had a get together during the pandemic at Robyn’s when she wouldn’t even let Meri come over even though she followed all the COVID protocols. And, why would Christine care if Meri and Kody reconciled when she and Janelle knew it was never a reality because Kody was treating the OG3 with the same paint brush by that time. This was just another excuse that was manufactured by K&R because they needed to justify why Kody was spending all his time at Robyn’s and why he kept pushing the goal post to everyone getting together.


and she wasn't at her own house to be with the people she invited over? Was she hiding in a bedroom? If you invite everyone to your home and the adults are hanging out in the kitchen or living room, you are usually there with them so why wouldn't she see the "rant" ?


Right? But we all know that Robyn created this scenario in head, rehearsed it but when she was talking about it out loud, it didn’t mesh.


The games people play.


😆 She consistently has her eyes shut and making weird faces. Makes me laugh.


Thank you!!!! My thoughts exactly 👍


☺️ 🤜


A little bit of a relationship. Who wants a little bit while she, the button, has it all


Can’t stand this lying cow


You and me both. And the vast majority of viewers of this show too.


I fucking despise this bitch


You are not alone in feeling that way.


WOW!! You HATE someone you’ve never met and only seen on TV? First… we all look at things through our own eyes of experience! You can imagine what polyamory may be like but… until you live it or come from it, you have NO idea!! It is NOT an easy life to live… not just for women but for men too. I remember my grandmother telling me when I was young “ There are more women buried in the Salt Lake Cemetery from broken hearts than anything else! She was the last child of polygamists. They were wonderful people who tried to do the right thing…. But it was HARD! They were trying to live a way God wanted them to. Now, the other side of my family also lived it! No… it was a hard cruel life! The difference was how the men lived it! My great grandfather just had wives to impregnate them! They never lived together nor did he love and cherish them, let alone support them! As the sons grew they were put to work to provide for their Mothers and siblings! Just like life… some were loving caring people, some only lived the principle for what it did FOR them!! So don’t judge the Browns… it’s HARD !😢


Blah, blah, blah. Didn’t read past the first couple of sentences. You’re *ass*uming a lot here. Have a nice day! 😁