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The entire move to AZ made zero sense. They were settled in a cul de sac, the kids had been in school for years in the same district, Maddie was living with Janelle with her baby, everything seemed situated for their huge family needs. None of the move makes any sense without a motive that benefits only one person.


that really kind of pissed me off because Maddie and Caleb were trying to finish school, and Caleb had a major health scare so they asked Janelle to help them because they wanted the family support. They needed help with the baby while they were trying to work and do school. Then Kody was like- ok, bye. Now they are so kind and opening their home to siblings and giving that support they needed, Maddie and Caleb are better people than Kody.


Yeah I really think Janelle should’ve stood up for her family more. They all should have.


most definitely. Hunter struggled BAD in the move to Vegas and they kept yelling at him to "get over it" and then Gabe struggled with move to AZ at first and Kody berated him. Janelle really was NOT about her kids like she claims at those points and never stood up to Kody. She just sat there every time he was reckless or an asshole and backed him often. All the adults allowed Robyn & Kody's decisions to screw over their kids. I would have fought like crazy if those were my kids struggling.


I don't understand how both Christine and Janelle can claim Kody was a great father. The show uses that footage of him leading the kids at bedtime, but that's a brief snippet of playing before bed. Janelle went from "I'm not doing that to my kids" to "well your dad says we have to move." Why Janelle? Why? If they really were polygamists, and all the moms are moms to all the kids as they claimed, they could have sold 3 houses, retain one, and let the kids that were close to finishing in school stay in Vegas to finish with one mom remaining behind to be the local mom. They were responsible kids, and the rule could have been that if they dropped in their grades, they had to relocate to Flagstaff.


Yes, but this would make too much sense andKody dragged the family anywhere and everywhere he and filming want to go with ratings being a huge factor


that is a great idea. It took them MONTHS to sell those Vegas homes and they kept cutting their prices.


Wow this is such a great idea! I cant believe they didnt consider this,


Not to mention in their entirety the wives didn’t fully move out of their houses that were supposed to be such a hot commodity to move for months. The houses didn’t sell for even more months. They were paying for ‘rennals’ and mortgages for way too long.


Kody is probably one of the most arrogant yet stupid people I’ve ever seen I live in Vegas. They stayed in Vegas for two or three more years. The equity in their homes would’ve at least doubled. Those houses were huge. My husband and I just bought a house in Las Vegas for $437,000 and it’s only 2000 ft.².


I have a hard time watching the seasons after Jenelle gave in and moved again. She KNEW what she was doing this time around. The kids were older and at an age that they needed that stability. And Janelle once again choose Kody over the needs of her kids. It's disgusting and Aspen was right


What did Aspen say?


I kinda like how Kody loooved Caleb, but no more Caleb for him! Haha


Kody saw the other wives had lots of equity in their Vegas homes with the market going up. He wanted his hands on that money to build a dream home for Robbin’. So they concocted the move to Flagstaff which made no sense for the family otherwise. They got their hands on Janelle and Meri’s equity after the Vegas houses were sold and used that money to buy Robbin’ her mansion. Follow the money!


Yep money talks to selfish people


I feel like (and I haven't rewatched to confirm) her and Kody took a trip to AZ prior to even talking about the move to the family and seeking property. I could just be remembering wrong. But I think they went to move and probably thought most of the family would stay behind in Vegas because they were all set up and doing well there.


It was all because selfish sobbing couldn't be away from her baby boy who was an independent adult by then and going to college


It’s a little fishy that the house they found to buy was the exact size robyn wanted AND right near coyote pass. I have a theory that they saw the McMansion come up for sale and bought it. I don’t think their lease was up at all. They found a perfect house and bought it. The drama was alllllll fake. I don’t think they needed to move.


Ooh haven't heard this theory before but can 100% believe it.


there was also rumor that the producer (or someone related to the show) lived next door to Kody & Robyn now and talked them into the area and living close by.


Yeah I heard that too I heard it's a producer


I’ve always thought that too. I believe K&R rented in Flagstaff until the equity of the Vegas houses materialized, then made the offer in the McMansion. I think they knew they would purchase that home long before moving to Flagstaff. They didn’t care about the others - that was all BS.


Yeah I can’t remember who it was but two of the OG’s put all the extra income from selling their Vegas houses so that baldy and eyebrows used that to buy their McMansion


I love that baldy and eyebrows can I use it


Yes and yes have you seen some of those episodes where she talks about I need a rental. God’s going to get us a rental. I know he’s gonna provide us a rental, blah, blah blah knowing well her and Kody are about ready to purchase she is trying to cover her tracks






Yeah, because God’s going to take time away from the sick, hungry, homeless, wars, etc. to play realtor./s The woman is so delusional if she thought that.


And if I’m not mistaken, at that time in Flagstaff Robin claimed there were no rentals when in fact there were


yes and Robyn could have totally downsized her rental to save money instead of paying weekly vacation rentals for months on end.


It’s all about the almighty dollar. Greed pure and simple.


There definitely was because Meri found a rental at the same time.


She was saying that she needed 7 bedrooms, and there were no rennuhls with that many. Apparently, her tenders CANNOT share a room!


“God isn’t just sitten’there not going to find us a rennal “ : the ever scholarly Robyn Brown


Not to be extra, but I was always  low key offended on God’s behalf that she had the audacity to lay this burden on God 🤣.  I think He’s got bigger problems to solve than providing Robin with a 7 bedroom 5,000 sq foot rental 


Ever notice - she asks God to provide her with a lot of material things - not a house but a house with x number of bedrooms, located in ... near.... It wasn't about "Please Lord, help me find a house so that my kids and I don't have to live in my car or on the streets." It definitely was not, "Lord please help me to find a good job so that when we're not filming, I can help to carry the financial burden as well." Why not this prayer Robyn??


Yeah, let’s not bring God into this. This woman is incredulous.


Exactly. At one point it was revealed that there was a squabble between Robyn and Janelle about the purchase of the McMansion, I have a feeling that's why she went on and on and on about this.


Kody really screwed up. Janelle was not only compatible with him, she was the breadwinner, she was business oriented, etc., but Robyn used her power as legal wife in a way Meri never did. And they were stupid enough to trust their family to her as "legal" wife.


And Janelle called it from the moment they told her he was legally marrying Robyn. "That's all I'm going to say, is about the taxes." She had SOOO much more to say. I wish someone would ask her about that comment now.


the truth is just slowly leaking out... Janelle admitting tidbits, Christine doing it, some of the kids, etc... I don't know when we will get the full truth but it really needs to come out at this point.


Yes, Brianna and Aurora if able to speak freely, probably have enough to bring their entire ship down. This is why Robyn needed so many bedrooms. Those kids are not leaving until they have drank their entire glass of Kool-Aid.


These are godless people. I hate to say it, but when you are involving your faith with worldly matters and especially for storylines on your tv show? It's not right. How do they reconcile these things?


All these people are fake. Robyn's home is full of "idolatry" with pics of God/Jesus everywhere and signs and symbols. Then you have them super materialistic which is not good in any religion. Then they never ever seemingly doing charity work something I thought Mormons were known for. We have moving over and over, births over and over, stupid dances over and over, Robyn crying but we have never once seen any of them volunteering or even mentioning to volunteer. I am sure the school book fairs, read to students, help them with math problems and stuff would all have appreciated these moms volunteering their time. I understand not putting the outsider kids faces on tv but they could have shown them going in or even just talking about going to do it. I would much rather hear good things than how to manipulate more things for Kody's flashy ego and Robyns shopping addiction. Then they keep changing their core beliefs to make it work for them which is also not suppose to happen. IDK all these TLC shows claim religion or religious people but they are such frauds it's sick.


It’s blasphemy at its finest


Also the drama over switching schools. In AZ you don’t have to switch schools when you move. Lying liars who lie!


Meri found a large home to rent. Why couldn’t Robyn moved into that house. Meri could have found something else. But Robyn just had to buy the house right next to the property the family purchased. Whatever, they were probably buying the house the whole time.


*warning: this is my brain on drugs* it works out perfectly though for kody's compound. mom and dad live on the big house on the hill, solnari get the two larger lots as they are the blood of kody, while DAB gets the three smaller lots to live on with their kody approved mates. actually dayton isn't 'allowed' to get married, but a+b are courtin'.


This is the first time I heard about Dayton and not being allowed to marry, but it falls in line with Robyn and Kody’s MO Which is hide and suppress anything that doesn’t make you look good if Dayton were to marry, I’m sure his wife or whoever he marries would love him enough to take Kody to court for what happened to his face and at the least the outspoken tell the public what happened to his eye under Kodys care


solnari. Love it


That house was ridiculous. They moved into a mansion that was used as an Airbnb with furniture already in the house. A furnished mansion is what she bought well Janelle didn’t have a house in sight.


Or even a room at robems mansion, hell robem had a suite in the basement she could have offered Janelle (and savannah).  


For a “plural” marriage they didn’t give a hoot if Janelle was living in the cold with no water. These people hated each other (except K&R)


100% they were always buying that house. The rest of it was bad acting and a made up storyline for the show. Apparently the producer, who’s a good buddy of Kody’s, lives next-door.


Who would want to befriend Kody? He’s immature, odd and uninteresting.


I guess he gets along with him until the money train runs out.


So both are users. The producer just happens to be a little bit smarter. 🤷🏽‍♀️


She's both.


Her acting was enough to convince Kody, to the point that it seemed like they hit a pretty rough patch. I agree that you’re probably right, it was acting, but she must have sort of convinced herself of the lie enough to be ok creating strife in her marriage. People will say he was in on it, or he was acting, too, but I think that gives him way too much credit.


That was my feeling about this, too


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