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As much as a they don’t like one another, they like the money more. They’re not going to talk until the show is done, or they do the spin offs start.


None of them have steady jobs, and their businesses (especially the mlms) depend on the fandom. I think there is a general agreement to not intentionally hurt the family’s image.


Yes, its always been about the almighty dollar


I agree and agree with OP this shit needs to be spilled. If someone is abusing people it needs to come out. Gwen pulled that too claiming Kody was more abusive off camera than on camera and they are all acting. Then Kody gave her money and she was singing his praises and bashing Christine. They have no backbone when cash is involved. It's gross. Mykelti does that too. Anything for money and even misleads people for money with "insider info". I hate all of the money grubbing bs they are pulling and yes I get people need to make money but if they are lying or protecting abusive behavior that needs to be put over money to look out for others and help some heal if true. Not just Meri either- like Kody, Robyn etc...


Kody gave Gwendlyn money?


Gwen said in one of her YouTubes Kody gave her and another sister a big chunk for Christmas. Somewhere I heard the amount was like 8k and she used it for car repair (?)


They still getting that sweet sweet tlc money.


...and people still keep watching this stupid show


I know and I am one of them! 😂


It's bc of the money and depending on their contracts with TLC, they might be obligated to not deviate from certain narratives. It's tragic that this means protecting an abuser.


Because of the kids. Even if you’ve decided another parent to your kid is trash, you don’t shout it to the world because you don’t want to be the reason that kid doesn’t want or have a relationship with them. This is commonly accepted in monogamy but people expect them all to because we’ve all decided whatever we have about each person. But I promise you these kids have different relationships with the adults than we do and see them in a completely different way. Popping that bubble would make the entire real family mission of raising the kids to be one family — something they spent 16 years doing before the show, often suffering for it — all for nothing.


The og13 plus already know their truth - there might be value in revealing it rather than promulgating the lies.


I think there’s a difference between having some negative feelings and maybe knowing some disagreements and having your mom blast your other mom on TV.


I agree with that, im referring to children telling their truth. 


They don’t get paid to be on the show and wouldn’t say anything to mess with their parents continuing to get paid to make the show (hence the Meri allegations Paedon made and then walked back/disappeared). I’m guessing when the show ends, we’ll get more info from them.


I agree. At this point the facade that was represented to get on TLC has long since faded, spill the tea ! You are all separated, one of your children took their own life FFS please honestly admit that polygamy is an absolute farce and the AUB is f’ed up servitude


Every single bit of this!


I also find it bizarre how no one challenges Kody on his hypocrisy or lies. Janelle should open up the books and show how much more $$ K and R received than the other moms. Why don’t the other wives ask R why she needs a nanny for school aged kids when she doesn’t work and ask why the other wives pay the nanny. When Kody did his dramatic scene about the knife to the kidney, Christine should have told him all the crap he put her through. I could go on and on. It makes no sense to me.


Some of this, like the nanny question, I do think they know and have decided not to address as a unified front. There's clearly been a lot of discussion among the adults regarding what they will mention on camera--the one example we have seen of a mistake with that is letting the Meri ring story get out.


I agree with you about the unified front up to a point. When Kody started badmouthing the OG kids, blatantly showing favouritism, and financially fleecing the other wives, then the united front should have been obliterated and the OG wives gone scorched earth on K and R.


If it should or should not be in place is different - but that it exists is clear, I think.


Makes sense 😃


100% agree


It’s maddening, isn’t it? They never really completely spill the tea until this last season. They have the weirdest way of communicating with each other. It drives me bonkers!


The thing is the show literally CHANGED their lives and gave their kids such a better life. It took them all out of poverty and allowed the kids opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. I've been watching Gwen's videos recently and she says they had a great childhood when they could finally afford to do stuff. I get protecting the thing that is giving them a much better standard of living, and apart from Meri and maybe Christine and David I wouldn't say any of them are in a stable enough financial position for the show to end. Scorching the earth on one of the other adults would probably be the end of the show and it's not something any of them can afford or probably wants. Tbf in terms of polygamy the Browns probably had it pretty good and were relatively functional and stable. Meri had Mothers coming and going, Christine's mother left, Robyn's mother was basically the side chick, Kody's mother was probably forced into polygamy, Janelle's mother basically became Kody's father's mistress. Whereas the 13OG kids only had Robyn come in and then most were adults when everything fell apart, and let's face it Truely is having it much better because Christine left and Christine is still doing the show, same with Robyn's tenders they're having it better growing up with their Mum and Dad together with no other wives.


I hadn’t really thought about the adults own experiences with moms when they were young. That really explains a lot about how they all just seemed to lie to themselves for years to try to hold it together. Of course the money from the show was the primary motivation, but for the wives it was probably the equivalent of monogamous couples staying together for the kids. Which usually is not as beneficial to their kids as they want to convince themselves it is.


I think they all tried for the show and for the kids as well, and for some extent I’m mostly basing this off Christine but to prove a point that polygamy works. It must be hard, this thing that you’ve put your all into, that you’ve had to defend and protect and keep hidden, but it was worth it because you believed in it so much, for it then to all fall apart and coming to the realisation that it doesn’t work. That must take a while to sink in and accept


Exactly. Christine used to sing..thankfully not literally🙃..the praises of polygamy, she would celebrate Joesph Smiths bday her idea she loves doing it..she once was reassuring pregnant Robyn how amazing and supportive Kody is during labor. And I’m over here cringing thinking about how he acted when she had Truly. Meri wandering around blind as a bat for years, while chastising Christine for being unhappy and telling her it’s a her problem and not a Kody problem and gets pissed at Christine for not being happier and changing herself for Kody. How embarrassing can ya get 🥴


My guess has always been that they won't go scorched earth because it would reveal everyone's behavior...not just Robyn's. Like if Christine said "Well, Robyn said ABC to me," it would be very easy for Robyn to come back with "Yes, I did say that....because Christine XYZ." For example, last season there was a poster here who was always the voice of reason and they were like, Christine and Janelle probably don't want you to see those Christmas texts because it makes them and their kids look bad. If J&C and their kids were perfect angels and Robyn was the only one being an asshole, it would be very easy for them to "leak" those texts and let everyone see, but my guess is they didn't do that because they were probably being snarky too. And as far as Paedon, that's all talk so he can stay relevant and keep getting invited on podcasts. If Meri was truly abusive, the kids who are the voice of reason wouldn't want anything to do with her. But she has good relationships with the rest of them. Keep in mind Paedon also thinks his sibling "turned" trans for attention because they were jealous Paedon got attention from being a strip club bouncer.


It’s the same when people say that Janelle should hire a forensic accountant to get her money back. I’m not sure Janelle wants people going through their financials with a fine tooth comb. They all have a history or staggered bankruptcies. I don’t think any of the adults would look good.


none of them would test a morality test not even saint christine ![gif](giphy|B6FaLHRkGlleK1nqE1)




100 percent. “Truth” would make EVERYONE look bad


You are the voice of reason tonight. Thank you for your thoughtful response and I wish I would’ve thought of that before I ranted and raved 🙄


This is the comment I came looking for. Exactly what I was thinking, but was having trouble putting it into the right words.


They probably signed non disclosure agreements.


That’s what I think. If they can talk at all it won’t be until after the show is done for good. And sometimes those NDA can be for years so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think Meri abused the kids, I think she disciplined them, she didn't put off addressing issues when the kids behaved badly, the example of the kids bulying Dayton while out and she addressed it then and there, and not a single adult backed her up, they wanted to deal with it later, Christine was very vocal in the talking heads about dealing with it later, no, fucking do it when it happens not later. I think abuse from Kody is much worse than we have seen. I think Janelle's kids suffered from benign neglect. I think Christine was more interested in being her kids friend than actually parenting them. Robyn smothers her kids.


Yep. It's so obvious how little Janelle and Christine truly punished them, someone had to and that made Meri the bad guy (for being the only one to care more about teaching them right from wrong than being the favourate mom) and the ones who've insinuated that Meri was abusive are the least believable ones to do it, plus their own mother hadn't backed them up, and Christine fucking hates Meri lol. It's really gross that people repeat the Meri was abusive shit even though it's very clearly just a couple of overgrown spoilt bratts with little sense of reality. They hate that Meri makes good money and doesn't have to give it to them anymore, they judge her for the catfish thing, they blame her for Robyn destroying the family. It's honestly pathetic and dangerous. And Meri is a class act for not outright defending herself against the bullshit, she obviously still cares more about the children (not humiliating them) than she does herself.


I agree with you 100%. Someone had to do it!


Yep. It's so obvious how little Janelle and Christine truly punished them, someone had to and that made Meri the bad guy (for being the only one to care more about teaching them right from wrong than being the favourate mom) and the ones who've insinuated that Meri was abusive are the least believable ones to do it, plus their own mother hadn't backed them up, and Christine fucking hates Meri lol. It's really gross that people repeat the Meri was abusive shit even though it's very clearly just a couple of overgrown spoilt bratts with little sense of reality. They hate that Meri makes good money and doesn't have to give it to them anymore, they judge her for the catfish thing, they blame her for Robyn destroying the family. It's honestly pathetic and dangerous. And Meri is a class act for not outright defending herself against the bullshit, she obviously still cares more about the children (not humiliating them) than she does herself. Also when Paydon said that Meri was abusive his sister came out saying not only was it not true but that Paydon had been abusive to her and their other siblings, made their lives growing up hell. Which we did actually see glimpses of on the show, and that's what he was willing to do on camera. I believe that Paydon and Mykelti are both monsters tbh, money grabbing, manipulative, spoilt. I don't see them atall as credible witnesses. Christine is their mother who is the most passive aggressive person I've ever seen, and she spent years trying to portray Meri in a light that we've yet to actually witness in 18 seasons, if anyone comes in with 'heavy energy' it's Christine, let's be real. Meris like an abused dog desperate for affection, it's gross that they tried that and it's gross where still talking about it Asif there's any truth to it.


I agree except for your statement about Christine wanting to be friends with her children. She definitely wants that with the adult children but I didn’t see it with underage kids.


I see it, Christine is all about being popular, her and Janelle have put their kids loving them more than the other parents above teaching right from wrong this whole time. That's why Meri had to actually punish them, if it was left to Christine they'd be even more fucked up than they are already.




I see it, Christine is all about being popular, her and Janelle have put their kids loving them more than the other parents above teaching right from wrong this whole time. That's why Meri had to actually punish them, if it was left to Christine they'd be even more fucked up than they are already.


You said that already.


“ because they’re all culpable ( cupable) not loyal” ✌️🤘Kody Brown


Probably most of the NDAs are still in place. They will probably start talking after those run out?


Personally I just don't think the Meri being abusive thing is even real, the other kids have denied what he inferred and from what we watched Janelle and Christine where absolutely not disciplining the children properly, so Meri being the 'bad cop'/disciplinarian makes her an easy target for the kids she had to discipline (because their own mothers wouldn't) if there was real abuse going on with Meri she'd have been called out properly by more of the kids, by either Christine or Janelle or even Kody. Meri is the least protected, has been called out and often unfairly condemned for literally any and everything over the years. We would 100% have details if it was a real abuse situation, we'd know of atleast 1 real incident by now, most of them are adults and very active on social media and for the last 3 years Janelle and Christine and their children have been mostly against the rest of the family, which until recently Meri was loyal, overly loyal to the Brown family, shes such an easy target for blame, after all shes seen as being Robyns keeper at times and has even been credited with bringing her into the fold, which has irreparably destroyed that family. I guarantee alot of them hate her, not because she's abusive, it's because of her relationship with Robyn, she was the only one who punished them growing up, the catfish scandal and her poor relationships with their birth moms. Christine does not like Meri, and even she hasn't backed her kids up. Rewatching the show recently it really sticks out to me how little the male kids of Janelle and Christine get punished for anything, including violence towards each other and their practically infant younger siblings, Janelle just has a calm word, no consequences and they did all that on camera. Their family dynamic is so hard to judge because it's so different to anything most of us have ever experienced, something I think most people overlook when it comes to the competition between the wives (OG3) is that they're not only competing for Kodys affections but also the kids, Janelle is overly soft on her boys and I suspect spoils them behind the scenes (helps them financially as adults I suspect too) in my view because she was the mom that wasn't around the most, because Meri and Christine (both of which Janelle has issues with for years and years in the family) actually did more of the raising of the kids, Christine is in general is soft and gentle with her therapy voice, extremely passive aggressive and competitive with the other women, that's just her nature. It just seems obvious to me that Meri being the one who had to actually punish the kids and teach them right from wrong already puts her in a position to be the bad guy, which easily gives way for the least mature of the kids (Paydon and Mykelti) to misinterpret that discipline as abuse, if their was any violence going on we'd know of an incident by now. I grew up in a physically abusive household, this shit comes up, not vaguely either you explicitly say it because you want people to grasp the seriousness of it. Paydon and Mykelti saying vague things about Meri like they have doesn't ring true for me, one of them would have said what they're talking about by now. And the fact that when Paydon said what he said about Meri one of his sisters denied it and insinuated that Paydon himself was abusive to his siblings, which is something we have actually seen some of.... They're misguided, maybe they think discipline is abusive because they where so sheltered from the real world, maybe they want to win favour with their mother, who passively hates Meri, maybe they want to fit in with their dad who treats Meri like shit, who knows. But I don't actually believe Meri abused any of those kids, theyve been emotionally abused by Kody but Meri?! The woman who both worked and raised them consistently even though they weren't hers, who made them all new PJs every Xmas, that weak woman who everyone in the family shits on for recreation? No. Also I'm sorry but consider the source, Mykelti goes whatever way the wind blow that might work in her favour and Paydon has been vaguely accused of abusing his siblings, their mother is Christine, and although I feel for Christine and think she's admirable in some ways, she's pretty toxic, I'd say she's just behind Robyn in terms of being manipulative (she just isnt good at it) and is very very passive aggressive, she actually reminds me of my aunt who is a lovely woman but raised a couple of sadistic demons through using that style of parenting. On the surface Christine and Janelle seem like they got it together, they're the 'good mothers' but watching and rewatching the show I find their parenting at times to be very problematic, it's like watching a car crash in slow motion. They coddled the boys and let violent behaviour go unchecked , used all the children as pawns for years with Kody. There's honestly moments with Christine where it feels like she's exaggerating her kids different random sicknesses to get Kodys attention and you know those kids bought into that shit and it affected their sense of reality. I really think the kids are all extremely warped, those kids won't realise when they are being abused in this life and will think that people challenging them are abusive when they aren't, that's what happens when kids are brought up being used as pawns in their parents toxic marriages, it's hard to even imagine how fucked up this family situation has made them, let alone the fact they've done it on a TV show. There's no hero's here, only troubled, jaded people with alot of confusion about what family or parenting is all about.


toxic christine absolutely everyone seems to overlook grilling the kids about kody and making it look he was such an evil dad with no time for his kids ok !! he was and is neglectful no denying in that, but feel that the table scene made matters worse for garrison !! just as much as kody professing on international tv he wants to punch anyone in his family talking bady about sobbin . she's as toxic as sobbin ![gif](giphy|3o6MbqwVaVfbxMJTTq)


She absolutely is, she's done alot of damage herself to those kids, all of them. It's wild that they've all spent years trying to villainize Meri of all people while being extremely toxic and damaging, low key emotionally abusive to their own children and allowing said children to bully other, younger kids in the family. Christine promoted sadistic qualities in those boys by defending them against Meri rightfully trying to teach them to not bully little children. She goaded them into that dinner conversation (as she does in her therapy voice) on camera, which likely destroyed their relationships with their father even more than they where already.




When did Christine exaggerate the kids sicknesses?


I'm not talking about any of the serious shit with Isabelle or Truly, just generally over the seasons ive noticed her making a big deal out of her kids having minor sickness like colds etc. and not in an overly attached parent way, more in an attention seeking way regarding Kody. Just a little subtle thing I noticed a couple times, nothing egregious.


Hmm okay. 🤔


Because none of them are innocent. If they go scorched earth on everyone else then it will come back to them and their horrible actions will get out. And the kids that don't have their own Skeltons are more than likely genuinely good people who 1. wouldn't do that to their family and 2. don't want the attention and publicity that would go along with saying anything.


I always thought the “someone” telling Robyn that everyone hates her was Kody and she’s not going to throw him under a bus because it would also confirm what we knew all along that Kody has been running back to Robyn and telling her things that the other wives had told him in confidence.


My take is different. I think sobyn’s perception is skewed and she interprets any slights as hatred. She had this ridiculous idea that she should have been included with the family in every way from day one. Remember her “argument” that she was entitled to equal kootie time before she was married to him because she was moving to be with the family? She wanted things to go her way and when she got pushback, (like with the refrigerator note of asking before taking food, when pre-sobyn, food was shared), she saw it as something against her. She has some kind of gall too. Like with that totally weirdo move in having an artist rendering of kootie with her 3 kids when they were all younger. She used a photo of kootie with Christine and a couple of their kids. I’m surprised Christine didn’t say “what the fuck?” to sobyn over it. Because sobyn effectively erased Christine and her kids from that photo.


That picture was the most blatant manipulation of Kody by Robyn. She cut out her kids bio dad just like kody accuses Janelle and Christine.


IKR? She lies, manipulates and is so incredibly self-centered. Ugh!


Oh I would have had words and actions on that beotch if I was Christine..I would have taken her moment and put Robyn's head thru that painting she had done in front of the whole fucking family..


😂😂😂😂😂 Christine seemingly handled it better than you or I would have.


They probably can't spill anything because I'm certain TLC has them all locked up tight on a NDA.


This. I’m 100% sure they all have ironclad NDA’s. TLC needs to protect their investment. For all we know, they may even have to clear their social media posts with TLC.


While I think the money is a factor, and we don’t know what sort of contracts they’re under with TLC, I think there’s another factor to consider. They’re family. This is family drama. Maybe the kids don’t want to air it out in the public. Some of them have already exited the public eye. Logan is an excellent example of this and, being the oldest in a family where children raise children, his siblings likely take note of that. I don’t doubt that the consensus of “it’s for the money” relates especially for the adults but for the kids? Assuming they’re comfortable with it there’s a lot of potential in airing the dirty laundry. People will pay for drama! An autobiography, a web series, a TikTok account- assuming that they’re not tied up with TLC contracts these things could make the kids a lot more. Remember, the kids didn’t get paid for years of labor on the show. My understanding is that some have gotten paid as adults, but I’d be doubtful of TLC as a money maker if I worked for them for yearssss without payout. So I don’t think that money is the primary reason the kids don’t speak out. I think they don’t want to (and/or are locked in some sort of NDA). It’s personal, they’ve already had so much of their lives on the screen. Their faith that they were at least at one point raised in is extremely private, so even if they’re not part of that faith anymore I bet they still carry some of those principles. Those things don’t just disappear. They’re becoming adults and choosing what they want and keeping us filled in doesn’t seem to be high on their priority list. And I’m here for it, even though I too am eager for their true story. Children in media are often taken advantage of and I support their decisions, whatever they may be, to define their lives when they’re no longer forced on the show. TLDR; thinking of the kids turned adults, I think we’re not getting the hot gossip or a true tell all because they don’t want to give it to us. Which is their prerogative.




When I was in college, I told my mom, “When I’m 30 I’m going to tell you the truth about James.” James being my younger brother (and ultimate golden child). I absolutely could blow his entire life apart by spilling his skeletons. I’m currently 41, he’s 39, we don’t have a great relationship by any definition. When I turned 30, Mom asked me to spill the beans. It was then I realized I loved my parents enough not to do that to them. His past didn’t change, I did. I don’t blame any of the Brown kids for not “spilling the beans.” Things get said in anger for a million reasons, but it’s a sign of maturity when a person chooses silence over chaos. None of the kids owe anything to the public. Sometimes silence is easier.




I can’t figure out how to see comments! Dang I hate being old 😫


I think THEY NEED THE MONEY, and we'll never know the truth until the show is totally done. When the show is done the truth will pour out in books and interviews. Will we even care by then. I will not watch the show with K & R still in it.


I think that the OG kids that are living a mostly private life want to just live their lives and leave the drama behind them. Especially after losing a sibling way too young. Others are hoping to cash in on the show and don’t want to do anything that will upset TLC. I would like to think that most of the parents keep things to themselves to protect all of the children, adults and minors. But, the parents might want to keep TLC happy as well.


Maybe because they are decent human beings who are just going on with their lives the best way they can, like the rest of us? They didn't sign up for full disclosure, just a reality show that shows moments in their loves. The rest is none of our business


I think one or two of the kids eventually will but it won't be for another 10 years or so. It will also be from a very biased perspective but I bet we'll be horrified about how awful the parents really were.


Besides money, the whole polygamist community/lifestyle is one of secrecy. Not to mention the secrecy baked into Mormonism in general. It's ingrained in them so deeply, even after they have a whole damn TV show just to talk about their lives, that they are too ashamed and afraid to be totally honest. If anyone DOES eventually spill the beans about things they haven't mentioned before, I bet it will be one of the grandkids and it may only be hearsay at that point.


I think all the kids are over it. Not sure they feel any obligation to the viewers. They weren’t given a choice to be on the show.


Because it's all fake so they can earn money...😆 🤣 😂 Manufactured storylines to get a paycheck.


Honestly, what’s to lose at this point?


It is real. These are real people and they have had real life experiences. The editing may make these experiences seem more concentrated than what they actually are but that doesn’t make them “fake”. (Good lord I hate that word, especially because that imbecilic orange clown uses it all the time.) kootie and sobyn are disingenuous and hypocrites. I can see how that may be perceived as “not real” but it means they’re lying like any of us have done on a given day. They just lie a LOT.