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She should take a picture of all the kids and Janelle and title it “Nacho Family”


Nacho wife,nacho kids, nacho life


Nacho kidney knife


Nacho beer nacho skittles.nacho poo pond


Stealing this.


That should be a flair




She should caption it "My family. Nachos."


Hahaha that is the best idea. That’s so funny!


This is the way!!!


Haha Just commented that as well.


Christine, if you read this, ^^^ This is the way.






I follow her on IG and saw that yesterday. That was soooo hilarious haha too funny and good for her. I mean honestly, what woman could say that isn’t one of the most humiliating things that can be said about a woman. And coming from your own husband and for the entire world to know! I would have been heartbroken. He’s such a garbage person. Absolute freak


And he wasn't attracted to her. On national TV. What a pos.


I’m not following. What exactly happened?


Kotex wrote in the book how christine ate a bunch of nachos when he was courting her and he was super turned off and thought she was gross pig, effectively. Christine is enjoying shading him, and i love that for her


Then when Suki asks “So you were not physically attracted to Christine?” he digs the knife in deeper, “Thats an understatement” in front of her and all the wives. I physically felt mortified for her during that entire segment. And she still stayed. If I remember none of the other wives said anything. Just awful


A woman he had SIX kids with. Scenes like that are why I disagree with anyone claiming Kody isn’t NPD.


He said this on national television as well. He’s a POS


Ah! Thanks for the reply




Christine is reveling in her pettiness and I love her for it.  


If anything is disgusting it is Kody Brown


https://preview.redd.it/ntzswpz41t9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3292bc10403f01b86f4e51eee3d5c8b6372d450 But, he has these attractive six-pack abs… 😉






He straight up looks like a scrawny raw chicken all splayed out lol




The chicken dances better than he does


Teenage Mutant Poop Pond Turtle


I sang your comment, ngl.




Look at that sexy magic mormon underwear!


His abs look like they are full of parasites.


such a freak


Poopy Pond


He’s so yucky 🤮


I see a 6 pack of beer and skittles


I thought Mormon’s were supposed to be modest and have long underwear.


He’s a disgrace!




Those nachos look amazing.


Those are the best looking gas station nachos I've ever seen


Kody, have you met my friend, Kettle?


You know, I give her and janelle a little grace. In writing the book and on the show several times he talks about chubby Christine pigging out on those nachos and how he was grossed out by it. How horrible that would feel and if he called Christine chubby…what was his pet name for janelle.


I've wondered about that, too. If he was going to criticize Christine’s body, why not the others. So far, I haven't seen or read about him criticizing Janelle's body. But who knows.


Remembering Janelle talking about make-up sex with a twinkle in her eyes. I think Janelle was a hotsy totsy in the sack.


Seemed more like she was responding to Suki suggesting there was good make-up sex. Not sure Janelle was really telling the truth and pretty sure she got what the others got after Robyn showed up.


I believe Christine spoke her mind and as a result he weaponized his time with her and her kids, verbally abused her to hurt her and humiliate her, and withheld emotional, financial support for her and the kids.


Christine was also a happy and whole person on her own. She has such a light. I believe he married her purely for status and never felt good enough for her himself, which he then projected on to her. Jesus, the amount of typos in this comment. Edited.


I agree. I don't think Kody or Meri have the ability to be truly happy or in the light. Janelle has the ability and is getting there now but in the past, while she may have agreed with Christine, she was always silent because unlike Christine, she didn't want Kody getting pissed.


I think Kody was threatened by Christine because she had more status than he did in the church. She was also fun and bubbly good , speaking in public, beautiful in a not even trying sorta way. The type of person who draws others in. This, of course, threatened Kody since he wanted to be all those things. I also think that Kodys high-school friends had it right all along. I don't care how many wives and children the man has . He screams, trying too hard. He reminds me of my own father, who was a very religious man who tried very hard to prove that he was straight by having a wife and daughter.


I agree with you


Now I want a plate of nachos


Every time I hear about “the nachos” I want some …


It’s not easy to move on from an abusive marriage. It can take years, if even that, to work through all the emotional/mental abuse. I still think about abuse I went through 20 years ago, it’s on of the hardest things to work through; trauma and abuse. If she wants to make light of it and with the support of her husband, who is anyone to say otherwise? I’m sure still hurts, she’s healing in her own way ❤️‍🩹


I’m sure she still has times of feeling very angry about how he treated her and their children. Kody is like a tornado leaving vast amounts of damage and wreckage in his path.


That’s the infamous gas station?! Bravo Christine 👏


I am so happy she is so happy.


I like Christine and David but, this is cringe 😬


Yeah her happily moving on would look better if she stopped subtly and not-so-subtly throwing shade at Kotex on public forums. No matter how true and satisfying it may be.


Let's weigh this - humiliated on national TV or getting shade on a public forum? Kootie is the shittier person.


Nobody said he wasnt


Somewhat agree. But, she loves life. She's having fun, she's making light of it from my vantage point.


She’s really dragging the nacho thing out.


For some reason I got a sudden hankering for that deep dish nacho order 😫 what is this place called and where? I lost track where everyone moved to/dispersed after the divorces.


Christine lives in the Salt Lake City area of Utah.


Love Christine, but it’s weird to me to troll on your ex with your new husband. Move on.


I thought it was kind of funny the first time but “commemorating” it a year later is super weird. Fuck Kody though so I’ll allow it.


It's weird but they're also public figures who have dozens of forums (including this one) dedicated to picking through the details of like everything that's ever happened to them in their entire lives... so I sort of get it? But also like, move on.


It’s beyond that for these people, though. They are stars of a reality show viewed by millions of people, therefore millions of people are privy to the “nacho” story. I think it’s very honorable for her to take back one of the most mortifying things someone could ever say about you (let alone your husband) and twisting it to give you back your power. She’s not just trolling on Kody, but she’s trolling on the show, the other wives, and her past life. I say more power to her!


Hunnit percent.


Years of abuse vs a little trolling? Christine deserves to let loose.


And they share children together, one of whom the extended children fucking killed himself when? Just this year? These fucking people need to grow the fuck up this is bullshit.


I find it ridiculous she consistently has to bring up Kody or show herself eating nachos. Without the show none of these people would be relevant. It’s disrespectful to David to keep doing this to him and dragging him along the ride of her trauma. She needs to seek counseling and learn to move on. At this point I don’t care about what Kody said and apparently she didn’t either because she knew he didn’t find her attractive for their whole marriage. He embarrassed here by even telling the story about the nachos and how he found her unattractive and chubby. She chose to “marry” and stay with him for nearly 30 years. I am tired of people making her seem like some helpless victim when in all reality she had multiple choices. I understand her religion and growing up in the AUB but these women were not some oppressed FLDS whom were being beaten, sexually abused, or held against their will. Each woman had made a choice and they chose to stay for nearly 30 years with him. She needs to take accountability for her action’s and lack of action.


Agreed. It makes me think she’s not truly over Kody.




It’s funny but at some poni dragging her new husband to make fun of her ex is getting alittle old .. let’s more forward please


She remembers the ANNIVERSARY? JFCn Christine. Be like Elsa and LET IT GO.


It's not hard to remember your wedding date and honeymoon even if it is just a road trip. The original nacho incident occurred on her "honeymoon." It's normal to remember your wedding and honeymoon dates, right? They passed by this gas station & took a very short video in front of it saying "This is where I got those nachos that grossed out my new husband on my honeymoon. The nachos my husband humiliated me about on television and in a book." It was a really simple video saying, "This is the gas station where I got the infamous nachos." That was it.


Just a heads up, the nacho incident didn’t occur on her honeymoon with Kody. It happened on a church road trip before they were married. Kody said he put the brakes on courting her because of it. The first nacho post was awesome but this one? It’s gone a bit past the joke and does veer into “just let it go” territory 😅. I get that her life is public so she’s gotta find content but this wasn’t the correct direction imo. Now we have the anniversary of the nacho incident? Just cringey now.


Ohhhhhh....I didn't know that! Always thought it was the Honeymoon road trip where they listened to Phantom of the Opera. Thank you for kindly letting me know. I'm not on her ig page often at all so I didn't see the video of them eating the nachos until yesterday (a day later). I had only seen Christine talking about it while standing outside. So that's probably why all the rude downvotes 😂😭 I just spoke too soon, didn't know they'd post them eating them early in the morning lol My bad lol


The fact that she took the time to take any length of video with HER NEW HUSBAND about something that happened with her ex is weird.


Her new husband is helping her heal. The nachos "incident" were publicly broadcast by kody, she's just doing the same in a funny way with her loving new husband.


I wish she'd let it drop already but at least it looks like she's having more fun with David than she ever did with Kody. Kody is stuck in his own misery now, I can't see Robyn doing anything fun at all because she has no sense of humor.


Hot take: Girlfriend needs to let it go. Good god, woman. My exes have said shitty things to me too. I don't post about it on social media incessantly because that's weird for my boyfriend. And David being involved is weird and immature on his part.


Her former “husband” wrote about being disgusted with her in a joint book, then refused to apologise when challenged to in a televised interview. She tried to defend him through it and stayed with him for almost a decade after this.  Christine was programmed to be a joyful doormat since birth, because the alternative was hell and damnation. Anything she needs to do to remind herself and anyone following her that she didn’t just walk away but actually realises how effed-up her “marriage” was is alright in my book.  Ultimately, this isn’t about sticking it to Kody, this is about reminding yourself and others that nobody should be allowed to make you feel “less than”. Christine’s humiliation was incredibly public, with the clip being reshared even after the episode disappeared from reruns; it’s entirely fair for Christine to be public about (re)gaining her self-respect.  I prefer to think that Christine rarely thinks of Kody these days, but that some of the things connected to him have become symbolic of personal growth etc. I really think the nachos have become a fun little joke, rather than indicating an inability to move on. 


Completely agree! There are things I have absolutely and deliberately reclaimed from my ex. It's not about him. It's about me. So now I happily make popcorn and salmon whenever the fuck I want, wear my hair long as fuck, wear perfume etc... All things that made me happy that I gave up for him.


I have a different take on this, but in fact, it is the same. My husband died two years ago. It is amazing how many things I stopped doing or repressed or did not enjoy and I loved this man. But now I’m free and it took a minute to just shake off always thinking about what he wanted whenever I made a decision even after his death. Now I’ve met someone new when I get to be myself. It’s fucking amazing. You go on little wing. We got this.


Awww I've also met someone new who totally accepts me. It is amazing! Happy for you too!!


And having fun. More power to her. I mean, she was degraded by him, yet she laughs about it.




Well said. I 100% agree.


But why include David? Why not do a fun Nacho date with the girls and make a post describing what you are saying? That is a powerful message. It just comes off as less tasteful when she drags her current husband into it.


Maybe it's because David is her best friend.


I guess I just treat my best friend differently and I honor him by making special memories together. If we had to celebrate my husband’s divorce every year in various ways (he’s never been married before), I’d make different choices.


The nachos with David was last year. Today was just Christine standing in front of the gas station saying, "This is the gas station where we got those nachos he humiliated me about." That's it.


>Her former “husband” wrote about being disgusted with her in a joint book, then refused to apologise when challenged to in a televised interview.  I get that, and he's a dick for it, but lots of women have emotionally abusive ex-husbands and manage to not use their second husbands as "Omgggg see, I'm sooooo happy I told you guys I'm happy!" props. >this isn’t about sticking it to Kody, this is about reminding yourself and others that nobody should be allowed to make you feel “less than”. But Kody did make her feel less than. And it's obvious that he did, and it still makes her feel less than, or she wouldn't be bleating about it 30 years later.


I was looking for this opinion. Why drag your new husband to take weird digs at your ex? Especially when they’re the father (albeit a bad one) of your kids?


I’m with you. It was funny once. But at some point, David just doesn’t need the memories.


Came to say this


God bless you, I really don’t get why anyone is entertained by the nachos dig anymore. She is fully married to someone else 😭 when do we just let it go and be happy ???


I love and hate this for her for all the reasons you mentioned. Very weird for David to insert himself. Christine is very immature though. I never fully understood those fans of hers. Even though I feel for her and all she lived under polygamy, She seems very manipulative. This nacho post feels very manipulative.


The Nacho post is how she stays relevant without everyone talking about the suicidal child. Furthermore, their whole religion is very manipulative and all about how things look and all about being full of shit. Sorry Mormons. The fact is, and they all know it, they are some of the most boring people in the entire world and now that they’re divorce is done they have nothing left to say.


Yes it's weird to make something that happened in your previous relationship a focal point of your current relationship. It's not healthy.


The more publicity and interaction she gets the better for her brand. I wouldn’t advise a friend or myself to keep this going but FUCK IT. Get it Christine.


Completely agree. It’s super cringe.


Because she’s dated twice. Married both. Both were her soulmates. Christine is a 14 year old girl in her 50s. And she’s still trying to get back at her ex. One of their children took their own life. But she’s making a post about nachos because a 20 year old guy thought his girlfriend chowing down gas station nachos was gross. I don’t give a shit. This is a ridiculous, pathetic, and immature post by her.


>Christine is a 14 year old girl in her 50s.  Yeah, people get so mad at me when I say this and it's true, I don't like her, but I promise I'm not just saying she's a 14yo in her 50s to be an asshole. She just is, and for very good reason! She went through a lot of trauma in her teens and early 20s - parents had an acrimonious divorce and she basically was manipulated into shunning her mom, fell in love with Kody who was a dick to her from the beginning, etc. It makes complete sense that her emotional development was stunted in her late teens. But she's 50 now and responsible for shepherding her own teenage daughter through a divorce and so far she's not doing that much better than her parents.


you sound so angry at her!


Not her. I’m endlessly frustrated by childish adults. All childish adults. Playing with your kids, being a goofball, splashing around in the pool, all of that is fine. Don’t be uptight, don’t be boring, have fun. But if you have no “serious” gear, if you have no ability to be the adult you should be, if you have no tact, if you can’t read a room, I have no patience for you. This person trying to dunk on an ex while in her fifties after marrying someone else is just ridiculous. Adults not capable of adult behavior is why we’ve got the current presidential candidates we have as well. I’m tired of people not caring about things. Things matter. Garrison’s been gone for three months. But, “lol look I’m having nachos that’ll show Kody!” was still a post she felt worth making. Kody is awful. Robyn is awful. But it’s completely out of touch to make that post and its behavior I would expect of a teenager.


I think it’s incredibly unfair to the people who lost a child to say “they aren’t meeting my expectation of social engagement around a dead child.” You have no right to expect their grief to be public.


I agree. I think it’s absolutely fair to have some disdain for people that feel the need to publicly attack their ex after having been divorced and married to someone else in a “silly goofy kinda way” when that spouse and themselves have lost a child less than six months ago. I have an ex that I despise. It would be absolutely childish for me at 38 to make a Facebook post of my wife and I having dinner and say, “ha, screw you Lindsey! We bought steak!”


I think people are just reading into things too much, yknow? We don’t know how this whole nacho day thing happened. Did it pop up on Facebook memories that they had the nacho party a year ago and she was nearby that same gas station so she took a selfie? I just feel like we have no clue what goes on behind the scenes, how they view the nacho thing (is it now a fun inside joke between the two of them?), how they’re handling the loss of a child, etc. This woman was publicly abused and humiliated for over a decade on national television, I can’t hold it against her for taking some of her power back as she deconstructs from polygamy.


you have high expectations of people and that's fine. i'm a little less judgemental. it's all good.


You are judging them for having higher expectations than you.


where am i 'judging' them? i said it's all good. i'm not judging. just talking.


That’s fair. I see adults in my own life that act like this while their children are creating destructive habits that will last a lifetime, so it’s probably close to home for me.


She wasn't his girlfriend, she was his bride and they were on their quick road trip honeymoon when this originally occurred. Today they were passing by, saw the gas station and said, "This is the gas station where I got those nachos that grossed Kody out on our honeymoon." That was it.


They were courting at the time, they were not married yet.


But you're not famous. This is her job and David knew that when he married her.


That's just sad. She is married to another man and yet thinks that much of Kody that she has to brag publicly about doing something that would annoy him. She should just be glad she got rid of him and enjoy her current life. 


This is all I can think when I see these nacho photos. Shes don’t this like what, twice now? It’s giving high school.


I keep saying she’s living and acting how most of us do in our teens/early twenties in her fifties. I understand she was sheltered for much of her life, and I’m happy she left Kody and is seemingly happy, but there is a lot of cringe here.


Ready for the downvotes but fucking let it go, this is like the 3rd or 4th time they’ve posted about nachos


It's really fucking weird at this point, and for David to go along with it is so embarrassing. It's one thing to post jokingly about it once but to have a whole "anniversary" post is so bizarre.


It is embarrassing!


I agree. The first time was hilarious. The more she brings him up, the more it suggests that she hasn't moved on 100%. The opposite of love isn't hate; it's apathy.


Yep. It reminds me of friends who hate their exes but still check their social media every now and then


My thoughts exactly!! If you’re that happy in your new life be lIke Elsa and Let It Go.


Agree 💯%!! If she’s truly happy and over him why would she do this childish bullshit. 1 time is funny anything more than that is for show. He’s living rent free in her head and I don’t really think he gives a shit. The ultimate revenge is happiness and if he even sees it he’ll know what it’s about and possibly even think “she’s thinking about me”! Why even give him the satisfaction. She’s the winner, just move on already!! My ex was abusive and we divorced after almost 30 years and I don’t sit around thinking about all the mean things he said to me over the years and I certainly don’t go to places we went together and post on social media. My revenge is moving on and being with someone else. I don’t even give him a second thought.


David, this is embarrassing. (I'm sure let the downvotes begin 👋🏻)


Ok after a while.. this all seems so childish. When you’re really happy.. you just move on and let it go


I’m happy that Christine is happy for herself, but celebrating the divorce isn’t making the kids happy. Gabe and Garrison looked broken last season. Why not just move on and post about her great life?!? I know she has to keep up SM interactions, but this is not it. I just think it would be weird if every time I ate nachos, we had to commemorate it for my husband because his ex had issues with it, I’d think they had not moved on. People also say that Christine is just immature. That’s fine too, but what attracted David to an “immature” woman and married her within a year?


The only way this is acceptable is to keep interest in the show alive, otherwise, this is hella cringey. Move on already - you're happily married to your soul mate finally. Stop bringing the poopy past into your perfect present!


I thought Christine moved on.


She obviously doesn’t think of her minor daughter before posting this stuff. As someone who had an absentee father growing up, I know it hurts when someone close to you bashes your dad. My mom never said a bad word about him, but my grandfather and my aunt never missed an opportunity to badmouth him. I was horrified when they would do so during holidays when there were guests. If my stepfather joined in on bashing him, I would have hated him. Christine’s fans think she has come so far with therapy,but her therapist must suck if they haven’t told her to knock this shit off for her kid’s sake (especially Truly). Those kids have enough problems growing up in polygamy, they don’t need their mom and stepdad gleefully reminding the world of what an asshole their father is.


I agree. I think Kody is a narcissist and Christine is entitled to heal in whatever way she sees fit, BUT publicly shaming her ex husband and father of her children is not helping her children have the positive relationship with Kody that she says she wants for them. I think Kody is a piece of shit, but he has said that he wants Christine to stop bad mouthing him to his kids, and I agree that this is that type of toxic behavior. Every time she calls him out publicly, it makes me cringe just a little bit. I do understand her anger and need to rewrite a lot of her painful stories, especially this one having to do with him publicly humiliating her by essentially calling her gross and fat, however, it's basically just reactive abuse to publicly humiliate him as revenge. I agree she needs more therapy, it takes years to recover from narcissistic abuse and they were together for like 3 decades. Lots of trauma to sift through.


Truely has always been an afterthought for both of her parents, it's so sad.


Absolutely not. I once made a post about how fake Christine sounds when she claims she wants to “remain friends” with Kody while making passive aggressive digs at him like this. Everybody insisted it was bc “they share children” Actions like this show it’s a mf lie. Kody already showed his ass & you can share children without insisting you be friends with him someday. Understandably she’s not over Kody


David deserves better than being her prop in these cringe posts.


David posted the pictures of them with the nachos on his account.


I stand by my opinion. She will squander this new life by not letting this go of the old one. That includes fan support.


Yep. Kody lives rent free in her brain. Honestly I get downvoted a lot for saying it's obvious David is a rebound, but idk what else I'm supposed to think when she's literally using him as a background extra on the worldwide "Kody Sux" tour.


It’s not weird that the guy you were married to for 26 years and share 6 kids and a reality show with still has a big place in your brain though


I always felt she moved on too quickly even with all the excuses she gave for why she did. David is definitely a rebound. He doesn’t seem like a star chaser to me, but it is very concerning that he is willing to not only go along with her antics, but to actively participate in bashing Kody on his own IG profile? Maybe they’re both clout chasers. Christine seems to be doing pretty well with her online content and brand deals. This must be part of keeping people watching.


Yeah... I'd be more impressed if they just dated for a lot longer and she learned to live independently like Meri and Janelle for a while.


Christine seems like an awesome person but lacks accountability. She definitely needed some time away from men. Her fans have definitely enabled her.


Yeah, I don't understand why her fans are so quick to defend her rebound marriage. I don't even like Christine and I wanted better for her. Janelle and Meri are taking time to heal, discover themselves, and become the women they were meant to be before they start dating again. With Christine I'm just like, you literally couldn't even be alone for six months? Really?


Meri started dating prettt quickly didn’t she? It’s sad I think these women are just starved of attention.


if this were a 'normal' person i'd be like okay settle down, but she's a reality 'star' so she's gonna post stuff about the show, which is 90% about how shitty kody is so i dunno.


I'd be happy if she stopped posting shots at Kody going forward. I personally don't take issue with this one if she just happened upon the location. But hopefully, it's the last time she criticizes him, especially over their marriage outside of interviews. I was just pointing out that David is a participant, not a prop.


Which honestly makes me a little worried for Christine that he's a star chaser and just likes the attention of being married to a semi-public figure.


One of the few ppl speaking sense in this thread. Christine is so childish


I cannot tell you all how much I absolutely LOVE this!


I love how much mileage she’s getting out of Kody’s rudeness. He deserves to never live it down.




Christine, this is nacho best look, queen 🤨


I think it's brilliant, no better way to piss off a bully than to laugh at them. It doesn't matter how long after, we know he's watching her. We know he's still blaming her for the family breakdown. That her new husband that she's happy with is taking part in laughing about something her previous bully husband humiliated her with just shows how much safer her new relationship is. I would have done that on purpose just to make the bully husband look foolish and piss him off. But then I can be a bit vindictive having been badly bullied as a child and teen.


I appreciated seeing the “gas station”. It gave context that it wasn’t some little exit ramp gas station with a warmer lamp and nachos. It was actually more of a rest stop with food. I already thought it was awful he told that story but with this context it is worse. I would have to think being there was even triggering for Christine. I’ve been divorced from my first husband 23 years but if I go somewhere we went I have pangs of nostalgia and sadness and I’ve been happily remarried for 20 years.


I think this is hilarious. Fuck Kody.


The fact she knows the anniversary date of that tells you how significantly it affected her. That’s so awful. 😢


She has the last laugh because she “nacho” wife anymore Kody!


She said something similar in her story "Nacos anymore!"


all hail queen petty! she deserves to be that petty to him!






Love this! Christine totally won in the end.


Love this! Christine totally won in the end.


She’s adorable and her attitude has always been inspiring. She really deserves all the happiness she is getting.


Damn I’m I really hungry or do those nachos look good?


I cackled when I saw this! 🤣


OK, I don’t wanna be a dick about it, but the eyebrows have got to go. They are super problematic and I think I’m gonna barf all this family capitalizes on the suicide of one of their miserable children. I can’t fucking believe they didn’t fucking shut the fucking showdown when he fucking killed himself, but here we are.


After all the years of putting up with Kody being an asshole and him humiliating her, so what if she's snarky! She's a saint compared to him. That SOB deserves everything that comes to him. He abandoned all his kids for a snake, used all of his other wives for financial gain to spend on the golden wife and the golden kids. I say snark on Christine!!


I really thought that nacho was hairy in pic 5 🤣🤣


Idk kinda over this.


That is hilarious. He lost it all when he lost you.!


Love this!!!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


The petty 🤌🏾


Love this so much for her💕


I love them


Sometimes when you were mentally abused by your spouse or companion, you might need some extensive counseling. Don’t be so quick to judge her. Walk her shoes.


Damn I’m I really hungry or do those nachos look good?


I’m digging the “If you don’t love me at my nachos, you don’t deserve me at my……” vibes


Our gal Christine seems to be living her best life and GLOWING !


The ex-husband, Kodster, indignantly said in S18/E9 of Chistine: I think she's got some terrible karma coming to her. Turnabout is fair play, you piece of shit. I love that Christine and her husband troll him. As he told his wives: just stew in that: Well, now is your time to stew and maybe get a haircut where you'll look less pathetic.


If K had an active IG, I would flood it with pics daily of me and my hubby eating nachos ![gif](giphy|DjhksnN3xT3lC)


Here's the clip  https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMrhgaQ6T/


I think the interviewer was as gross as Kody. WTF kind of torment is to prompt a husband to admit on national tv that he was grossed out by his newlywed bride bc she ate food? Acting like nachos and cheese is like eating a cadaver. What man who fathers children with a woman would so quickly tell this story, like it’s a proud moment. I fucking feel terrible for Christine, bc she has to sort of make light of it, and it’s not at all funny. It’s embarrassing and any man that could do that to you, irrespective of it being on tv, is a complete jerk. He knew it would hurt her and he did it anyways. I’ve been married 23 years as in 23 years you see a lot of gross things. A lot of it is because your spouse isn’t inhibited around you and can act normal, even gross at times. But you laugh at it bc you prob do gross things too. It’s being human. For Kody to act like that on day 1 of marriage should have sent Christine running for home.


Bam 💥💥