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She has never cared about anyone else but herself. Hard stop.


That was evident during Logan’s graduation 


I don't recall that. What happened?


She said she was purposely running late. Almost had Kody miss it since he was looking for her. Jerk


Unreal!! She's poison.


She didn't care and was so confident in how securely attached to her Kody was that she didn't even try to hide it.


They could have done so much but no one really tried, they could have gotten together at cp in the weekends , byo food , some music , quizes , obstacle courses ... At this point the family was over and everyone knew it


Thinking of that time Kody asked her if Meri (the obvious rule follower) could help with Ari & Sol during the family get together at CP because Big Robs didn’t want to be the bad guy with the littles about social distancing. All 4 families were there (my memory fails what event it was). Robbem hanging on to the truck door going, “No No No, something something something (translation BS BS BS) about how it would look to others if Meri could hang with the kids bc of course there were only 3 campfires, Let’s let loyal Meri look like a freaking fool in a camping chair, who followed the rules - waiting for others to give her food. Season 16 was the moment we saw the man behind the curtain, pretending to be the all knowing OZ. Seriously. Fuck Robbem and the horse she rode in on, the entire season was the glaring ostracism of everyone who didn’t live in her princess castle. The woman is hypocritical and as dishonest as Greedy is now - at least then, he tried to get them together thinking Robbem would reward Meri’s loyalty, but NO. She had to control every narrative and interaction. I never liked Robbem before, and this is when I began to despise her. Alice must be so proud of that little ho climbing to the top of Greedy Mountain… for real.


Close but when Robyn was hanging on the truck door saying no no no no no to Kody It was in response to him saying Meri should be able to come over and visit because she was following all the Covid rules. Robyn said the others wouldn’t understand. When Kody asked Robyn to ask Meeito help With the littles at the family get together with the four fire pits, that wenr over fine.


But she couldn’t help or hold her kids because no rules had been set and she felt everyone would be slighted that all of a sudden Meri could have access to her kids. I recently watched it - season 16 - but can’t recall the episode. Later Meri was cleared to visit right before and at Thanksgiving. So sad how painfully transparent Robbem really was. ETA Damn autocorrect Edit to add again - was it the following Christmas Eve Robbem, Greedy & Meri were out by the cars and nixed the OG Boys for Christmas Eve Dinner at Meri’s for being unsafe? They never said any of this in front of kids or in the house. Sadly the dislike of Kody & Janelle’s boys was progressive and deteriorated each year - you could tell Robs was behind every brainwashed thought of her husband’s. She really did control him while playing, “no woman can control your dad game” to the kids. Sneaky old lady, it’ll haunt her one day. Actually I hope it already does.


"Robyn's been Meri's advocate since day one." Yet she can't come over even though she is literally alone in her house with no contact with ANYONE for months. LIES


After the K&M breakup at the picnic table , Robyn sniffling loudly & tromping like one of her girls around the pond - probably checking that her mike was on high - but quickly returning bc Rob can’t trust Kody to say and behave like she wants him to, she leads the conversations and tweaks it the way she wants *HER* husband to think, especially if she’s off and finally giving Meri respectful privacy. It lasted a few minutes only because It’s all about her, she can’t trust the direction their words and emotions *might* take Then later we find Robyn initiated no phone calls or texts (maybe doesn’t even reply) in forever ago with Meri. Probably snuck under a rock after all of the new couples rings, cars and jewelry. So glad that Meri actually pointed this out to her on camera for all of us to witness - that in order to have a friendship or sister wife relationship, Robs needs to be one. I doubt she ever was much of one to any of the OGs, those little tiny feelings of a Brown Family Scapegoat who quite honestly didn’t care, except for in front of the cameras.


This isnt the event I was thinking of


Hmmm, there were many when it came to K&R, so you’re probably correct on at least one or more occasions


These women secretly hated each other the whole time (except J&C later on) COVID just revealed it. They didn't speak to Meri EVER AGAIN the moment they weren't forced into it. None of them. Kody kept in contact with her the most and tried to get Robyn to allow her to visit- how sad is that? Janelle and Christine had no public/plot beef with her when COVID started, so the only explanation is that they hate her. In fact she'd recently supported Christine against 1 big house & fought Kody moving Christine to the shittier plot of land. So there's REALLY zero "canon' reason for them not to be talking. Except for the fact that it's all been a lie and the OG3 were never close and would never hang out except for the cameras. (Honestly I think J&C are kinda in a PR relationship lol. They don't seem to hang out except big events with the kids, and filming. I am sure they are cool with each other, but they realize they also need each other for publicity)


Omg, J&C live in separate states!!


And that was a choice they made before David entered the picture. Christine chose to move away and raise Truly with 1 mom.


Yes, christine needed someone to film with and janelle was it. You could see cracks in that whn janelle told Christine to lay off about her leaving kody too.


And I think a lot of Meri "hanging on" was just to keep filming with Robyn and Kody. Meri was staying more than half the time in Utah LONG before they address it on the show.


I think friends can disagree with each other and still be friends. Just because she was annoyed with christine about that doesn't mean the friendship is just for the cameras


Yeah, even my friends and I were watching movies together on stream platforms. There's interactive games to play remotely as well. But this is Robyn. The same one that ruined the kids group text message group with her nonsense. She'd just find a reason to fight with them and withdraw even if they had been keeping in touch! She's never wanted her kids to be around the other wives and think of them as mothers. Nor did she want them to be truly bonded with their step/half siblings either. She's too protective of only her brood to ever want any of that and has perhaps unknowingly sabotaged it at every turn.


She never wanted the wives to raise them. She had Mykelti as a nanny, then her niece in Vegas (she acted like she was giving her niece extra credit in college, because she was training in it, yet she stayed their nanny all the way through till they moved to FS. So, she never tried to go get a real teaching job.) Then she got a nanny in FS. Then Kody left the other wives early to get Sol and Ari to school. So what does Robyn do? She distanced herself from the beginning and it hurt Christine deeply.


I wonder if it really hurt Christine


I saw the interview when C said she was hurt by Robyn and, I believe her honesty. C is the care provider and, she probably felt like she wasn’t being trusted. Robyn kept herself isolated and, I don’t think she trusted the OG3 with her kids.


Yeah no. Christine was done raising kids by the time robyn came and only gave lip service to robyns


I don’t think that’s true. Solomon and Truely are pretty close in age, and Christine even told Robyn on camera how sad she was about Robyn getting a nanny because Christine wanted to help with Robyn’s kids. Christine was always very excited about Robyn’s pregnancies and there are plenty of Vegas episodes where Christine is holding Sol. 


Christine always wanted Robyn and, her fab 5 to be apart of the family. She was a cheerleader for the adoption. She tried really hard to be supportive, but R and K made it hard on everyone, because of their treatment of the OG3


Who wouldn't be excited for a new baby to hold and cuddle? I am so jealous of this family in that regard, I had 3 but I wanted to have a dozen. Christine knew her role in family, she preferred raising children to working.


Agree with you!! 😀


To be fair, if niece was a nanny to Robyn's children than so was Christine's mom who lived with her. It doesn't seem unusual for this family to have family members live with them periodically. Having said that, I have never believed that Robyn was a major caretaker of her children, old and tenders, she's always had someone else do so. And, I'd rather see Robyn have a nanny than Janelle and Christine give responsibility over to older children to raise younger ones.


I think the point was to have them take care of them. That’s apart of their culture. I think it hurt C and, J even said, “Robyn always seemed to keep herself separate.” That makes me believe she didn’t trust the wives. She made Kody separate from the other wives as well with her demands on him to always be there. She even admitted Kody is with her all day, which is why she has a nanny. Robyn does nothing for her children.


They had a whole much of acres they could have had BBQ's on and stuff and still maintained distance. The could have still stood 6 feet away but at least been able to have a meal or talk face to face.


I don’t know what kobyn would have done if the pandemic never happened. How would they have found a way to isolate themselves without it?




K and R were doing fine in Vegas, it was even easier in Flagstaff.


she couldn't even be bothered to point to a family photo and say "this is Gabe...and this is Savanah" etc so Ariella could remember who her siblings were. this sounds like way too much work for her


Yes. She whined that Ari couldn’t remember the names of her siblings and that was something she darn well could’ve avoided with such a small amount of effort. But that would require her caring.


She always whines and fake cries over situations but does nothing to change or improve them.




I’m sure it wasn’t “safe” for some reason or another


I think the only wife who made an effort to gather the family was Christine. The family game nights was her idea and Kody was a wet blanket.


Christine said they go hiking and that’s outdoor activities that the CDC said was safe. I tell you, I never walked so much in my life when we could go out again for walks. Kody went 3X’s and once he was babysitting Robyn’s kids. He said, Hiking isn’t really my thing. Couldn’t he just suck it up? He wants his kids and wives to just suck up his rules. Can’t he play nice? He said, The act is easy to be a husband, but he didn’t even try.


Omg, that line “the act is easy”! Props to Meri for her restraint and her comeback was awesome “the act was obvious”!


Then he tried to correct his stupidity by saying, “It was a performance.” Um, same thing, they are similes. (Open mouth, insert foot!) It made me want to say something mean, how she held it together is beyond me. The OG3 have way more self control than I do.


More proof that the covid rules were just an excuse.


Actually, this is a fucking fantastic question


Good question. For Kody. It was his job as their father to maintain contact. Instead he disowned his kids.


She has the same thought as Kody on this. “If you don’t prove that you’ll do anything I want, you’re not loyal and worth my time.”


This is my biggest issue but all that gets talked about is covid rules - whose were they? Millions of people safely spent time "together" no matter their risk level, quaranteeing, vaccine status etc. If they didn't figure out a way to do so safely it was because they didn't see the value in maintaining those relationships. Pure and simple.


I think you answered your own question. Sobyn never really cared enough to put forth the effort.


She would never actually answer this question she’d just get doe eyed, tear up and talk about how traumatic isolation was and never directly answer it.


Yesssss please these one on ones are pathetic, so light-handed when I want to see them squirm for their hypocrisy.


During covid, it was a huge excuse to divide and conquer. Joan Crawford reincarnated Robyn Queen of Crocodile Tears' dream come true. Better than her, almost two weeks honeymoon. Scrody all to herself. Selfish cold hearted Bitch!!!


I am so fortunate that my adult daughters and my retired mother live with me, because 3 years after Covid isolation, I am just finding out that "family zoom parties" and virtual game nights and date nights were a thing. Ugh. Sounds hellish. I'm sure Robyn didn't insist on planning such soul sucking activities for the same reason the other 3 wives didn't -it genuinely sounds AWFUL. What's wrong with a simple phone call? I swear this is a generational thing- and none of the 5 Gex X adult Browns want to do phone call shit live on camera.


My daughter was early 30ties at the time. I would have done ANYTHING to safely spend time with her and maintain contact. What we did wasn't as important, maintaining contact was. My fatherinlaw was in an assisted living facility and we sat outside in the Minnesota cold to see him and talk on the phone after driving for 2 hours. Nothing was too much or too boring to accomplish staying in touch,


Phone calls are great too!


It’s more likely they weren’t doing it because they don’t like each other. My friends and I are all Gen X and did a lot of zoom happy hours and game nights and had a hell of a good time. But then again we are all fun people and enjoy each other’s company. There was nothing AWFUL about it 🙄🤷🏻‍♀️


Did none of ya'll have back yards? My friends and I just met up outside.


Sure we did some of that too. Doesn’t mean the zoom calls weren’t fun. Especially in the summer months when we typically have up to 90 straight days of triple digit temperatures. Edit to add: the zoom HH was also great because we could include out of town/state friends. And we enjoyed it so much that I’ve kept up with regular zoom calls with my out of state friends ever since. It was a good thing for many people.


Video chatting is more natural than phone calls anyway. People would have been doing that ages ago if the technology was available