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Just…just switch out the pea shooter instead of the M18? Am I missing a part of the explanation here?


You are not, I also had a friend who probably had 30 hours on the game until he noticed you could swap out the pistol


Yes... clearly my problem is user error. Thank you for your help.


Whatever weapon is in your hand when you buy a new weapon gets replaced.


You can replace the pistol with anything, you don't need to carry a pistol


Replace the pistol with the WW and just upgrade ur main gun


Swap the pistol instead


You know you can chose what weapon to keep, you drop the equipped weapon, has been the common practice with a lot of games for over a decade


Apparently, I do not. Doh!


As a gamer this is a canon event. Sometimes it's the simplest things we miss


Don’t but a weapon before round ten tbh, this works even on nightmare. Melee will one hit the zombies until around 7-8, so just save up points. Then grab the wonder weapon and swap out your pistol for something like the ak


What’s the wonder weapon and how do you get it




The starter gun is shit. Use the plague and the submachine gun in sewers until you can get the AK style gun or the Sie Rogotti.


Could be a new perk with the future maps but so far just switch out the starting pistol


Lmao you never played cod zombies before yet alone watched a vid????? Yea y’all all need help g 😂whoever tf had that shitty ass gun in they inventory needs Jesus nd the whole idea of more then one weapon is pointless if there’s 5 tiers for each weapon more then likely ur gonna use 1 gun the whole game unless ur fucking around and especially if y’all are all going to unlock the god killer there’s no need for more then one gun


I had a bug on ashes of sker hotel that allowed me to carry 7 different guns. I was spamming lucky on a fire sale to get it happen. It was incredibly janky thought cause sometimes upgrading a gun would either give a totally new gun while I still had the old one or just not work at all.